Department of Computer Science and Technology

Technical reports

No Title Authors Date Notes Download
Abadi, Martín
138 Authentication: a practical study in belief and action Michael Burrows, Martín Abadi, Roger Needham 1988-06 19 p PDF (1.0 MB)
414 A calculus for cryptographic protocols : The SPI calculus Martín Abadi, Andrew D. Gordon 1997-01 105 p PS (0.3 MB)
Abramsky, Samson
259 Full abstraction in the Lazy Lambda Calculus Samson Abramsky, C.-H. Luke Ong (1992) 104 p
Adcock, Mark
757 Improving cache performance by runtime data movement Mark Adcock 2009-07 PhD
174 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Adeboye, David
952 Exploring the effect of spatial faithfulness on group decision-making David Adeboye 2020-10 MPhil
64 p
PDF (2.5 MB)
Ades, Stephen
114 An architecture for integrated services on the local area network Stephen Ades 1987-09 PhD
166 p
PDF (11.5 MB)
Adida, Ben
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Adly, Noha
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
310 HARP: a hierarchical asynchronous replication protocol for massively replicated systems Noha Adly 1993-08 34 p PS (0.1 MB)
331 HPP: a hierarchical propagation protocol for large scale replication in wide area networks Noha Adly, Akhil Kumar 1994-03 24 p PDF (1.7 MB)
378 Performance evaluation of HARP: a hierarchical asynchronous replication protocol for large scale system Noha Adly 1995-08 94 p PS (0.3 MB)
383 Management of replicated data in large scale systems Noha Adly 1995-11 PhD
182 p
PDF (18.2 MB)
Afshar, Mohamad
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
459 An open parallel architecture for data-intensive applications Mohamad Afshar 1999-07 PhD
225 p
PS (0.8 MB)
DVI (0.3 MB)
Afzal, Shazia
793 Affect inference in learning environments: a functional view of facial affect analysis using naturalistic data Shazia Afzal 2010-12 PhD
146 p
PDF (3.0 MB)
Agerholm, Sten
354 Formalising a model of the λ-calculus in HOL-ST Sten Agerholm 1994-11 31 p PDF (1.5 MB)
369 A comparison of HOL-ST and Isabelle/ZF Sten Agerholm 1995-07 23 p PDF (1.8 MB)
370 A package for non-primitive recursive function definitions in HOL Sten Agerholm 1995-07 36 p PDF (2.1 MB)
Agrawal, Sharan S.
985 Scalable agent-based models for optimized policy design: applications to the economics of biodiversity and carbon Sharan S. Agrawal 2023-08 MPhil
84 p
PDF (4.8 MB)
Ainsworth, Sam
923 Prefetching for complex memory access patterns Sam Ainsworth 2018-07 PhD
146 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
Akoush, Sherif
888 Recomputation-based data reliability for MapReduce using lineage Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, Andy Hopper 2016-05 19 p PDF (0.5 MB)
889 Evaluating the viability of remote renewable energy in datacentre computing Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, et al. 2016-05 26 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Akritidis, Periklis
798 Practical memory safety for C Periklis Akritidis 2011-06 PhD
136 p
PDF (2.1 MB)
Allen-Williams, Mair
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Almatary, Hesham
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
976 CHERI compartmentalisation for embedded systems Hesham Almatary 2022-11 PhD
142 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Almeida, Ricardo
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Alshawi, Hiyan
25 A clustering technique for semantic network processing Hiyan Alshawi 1982-05 9 p PDF (0.6 MB)
48 A mechanism for the accumulation and application of context in text processing Hiyan Alshawi 1983-11 17 p PDF (0.8 MB)
60 Memory and context mechanisms for automatic text processing Hiyan Alshawi (1984) PhD
192 p
PDF (11.9 MB)
Amin, Nada
919 Proceedings of the 2017 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop Nada Amin, François-René Rideau 2018-03 50 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Amjad, Hasan
601 Combining model checking and theorem proving Hasan Amjad 2004-09 PhD
131 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
602 Model checking the AMBA protocol in HOL Hasan Amjad 2004-09 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Andersen, Øistein E.
790 Automated assessment of ESOL free text examinations Ted Briscoe, Ben Medlock, Øistein Andersen 2010-11 31 p PDF (0.5 MB)
794 Grammatical error prediction Øistein E. Andersen 2011-01 PhD
163 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Anderson, Henrik Reif
260 Local computation of alternating fixed-points Henrik Reif Anderson 1992-06 21 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Anderson, Jonathan
825 Privacy engineering for social networks Jonathan Anderson 2012-12 PhD
255 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Anderson, Ross J.
471 Murphy’s law, the fitness of evolving species, and the limits of software reliability Robert M. Brady, Ross J. Anderson, Robin C. Ball 1999-09 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
500 The memorability and security of passwords – some empirical results Jianxin Yan, Alan Blackwell, et al. 2000-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
549 Two remarks on public key cryptology Ross Anderson 2002-12 7 p PDF (0.2 MB)
637 The topology of covert conflict Shishir Nagaraja, Ross Anderson 2005-07 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
640 Combining cryptography with biometrics effectively Feng Hao, Ross Anderson, John Daugman 2005-07 17 p PDF (0.2 MB)
641 Cryptographic processors – a survey Ross Anderson, Mike Bond, et al. 2005-08 19 p PDF (0.6 MB)
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
711 Thinking inside the box: system-level failures of tamper proofing Saar Drimer, Steven J. Murdoch, Ross Anderson 2008-02 37 p PDF (5.4 MB)
746 The snooping dragon: social-malware surveillance of the Tibetan movement Shishir Nagaraja, Ross Anderson 2009-03 12 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Arm Limited
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Armstrong, Alasdair
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Arrighi, Pablo J.
595 Representations of quantum operations, with applications to quantum cryptography Pablo J. Arrighi 2004-07 PhD
157 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Ashdown, Mark S. D.
538 The Escritoire: A personal projected display for interacting with documents Mark Ashdown, Peter Robinson 2002-06 12 p PDF (0.5 MB)
585 Personal projected displays Mark S. D. Ashdown 2004-03 PhD
150 p
PDF (3.4 MB)
Athar, Awais
856 Sentiment analysis of scientific citations Awais Athar 2014-06 PhD
114 p
PDF (4.4 MB)
Augsdörfer, Ursula H.
689 Removing polar rendering artifacts in subdivision surfaces Ursula H. Augsdörfer, Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin 2007-06 7 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Azevedo, Tiago M. L.
973 Data-driven representations in brain science: modelling approaches in gene expression and neuroimaging domains Tiago M. L. Azevedo 2022-07 PhD
136 p
PDF (5.9 MB)
Bacon, Jean
117 Distributed computing with RPC: the Cambridge approach J.M. Bacon, K.G. Hamilton 1987-10 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
166 Evolution of operating system structures Jean Bacon 1989-03 28 p PDF (1.6 MB)
168 Distributed computing with a processor bank J.M. Bacon, I.M. Leslie, R.M. Needham 1989-04 15 p PDF (0.6 MB)
293 Objects and transactions for modelling distributed applications: concurrency control and commitment Jean Bacon, Ken Moody 1993-04 39 p PDF (3.5 MB)
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
295 OPERA : Storage and presentation support for multimedia applications in a distributed, ATM network environment Jean Bacon, John Bates, et al. 1993-04 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
296 A persistent programming language for multimedia databases in the OPERA project Z. Wu, K. Moody, J. Bacon 1993-04 9 p PDF (1.0 MB)
301 The dual-level validation concurrency control method Zhixue Wu, Ken Moody, Jean Bacon 1993-06 24 p PDF (1.6 MB)
559 Pronto: MobileGateway with publish-subscribe paradigm over wireless network Eiko Yoneki, Jean Bacon 2003-02 22 p PDF (0.5 MB)
847 SBUS: a generic policy-enforcing middleware for open pervasive systems Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon 2014-02 20 p PDF (1.9 MB)
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Bada, Maria
983 An evaluation of police interventions for cybercrime prevention Maria Bada, Alice Hutchings, et al. 2023-07 80 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Bai, Zhen
874 Augmented Reality interfaces for symbolic play in early childhood Zhen Bai 2015-09 PhD
292 p
PDF (9.5 MB)
Baker, Siani L.
327 A new application for explanation-based generalisation within automated deduction Siani L. Baker 1994-02 18 p PDF (1.5 MB)
345 A proof environment for arithmetic with the Omega rule Siani L. Baker 1994-08 17 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Baldwin, John
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Ballarin, Clemens
473 Computer algebra and theorem proving Clemens Ballarin 1999-10 PhD
122 p
PDF (8.6 MB)
Ball, Robin C.
471 Murphy’s law, the fitness of evolving species, and the limits of software reliability Robert M. Brady, Ross J. Anderson, Robin C. Ball 1999-09 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Baltrusaitis, Tadas
861 Automatic facial expression analysis Tadas Baltrusaitis 2014-10 PhD
218 p
PDF (15.2 MB)
Banerjee, Arnab
786 Communication flows in power-efficient Networks-on-Chips Arnab Banerjee 2010-08 PhD
107 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Baqer, Khaled
929 Resilient payment systems Khaled Baqer 2018-11 PhD
115 p
PDF (4.6 MB)
Baranga, Silviu
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Barham, Paul Ronald
403 Devices in a multi-service operating system Paul Ronald Barham 1996-10 PhD
131 p
PS (1.6 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Barnes, Graeme
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Barrow-Williams, Nick
810 Proximity Coherence for chip-multiprocessors Nick Barrow-Williams 2011-11 PhD
164 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Barthe, Loïc
539 Towards a ternary interpolating subdivision scheme for the triangular mesh N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, et al. 2002-07 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
541 Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, et al. 2002-08 26 p PDF (1.9 MB)
583 Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces and conditions for tuning schemes Cédric Gérot, Loïc Barthe, et al. 2004-03 68 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Basalaj, Wojciech
509 Proximity visualisation of abstract data Wojciech Basalaj 2001-01 PhD
117 p
PDF (7.7 MB)
Batchelor, Henry
995 Fragment-template power-analysis attacks against microcontroller implementations of the 32-bit stream cipher ChaCha Henry Batchelor 2024-07 MEng
59 p
PDF (4.9 MB)
Bates, Daniel
846 Exploiting tightly-coupled cores Daniel Bates 2014-01 PhD
162 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
972 Muntjac multicore RV64 processor: introduction and microarchitectural guide Xuan Guo, Daniel Bates, et al. 2022-06 27 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Bates, John
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
295 OPERA : Storage and presentation support for multimedia applications in a distributed, ATM network environment Jean Bacon, John Bates, et al. 1993-04 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
341 Presentation support for distributed multimedia applications John Bates 1994-06 140 p PS (0.8 MB)
Bauereiss, Thomas
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Becker, Moritz Y.
628 A formal security policy for an NHS electronic health record service Moritz Y. Becker 2005-03 81 p PDF (0.6 MB)
648 Cassandra: flexible trust management and its application to electronic health records Moritz Y. Becker 2005-10 PhD
214 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Bella, Giampaolo
447 Are timestamps worth the effort? A formal treatment Giampaolo Bella, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-09 12 p PDF (0.7 MB)
460 Message reception in the inductive approach Giampaolo Bella 1999-03 16 p PDF (0.9 MB)
488 Formal verification of card-holder registration in SET Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, et al. 2000-03 15 p PDF (1.2 MB)
493 Inductive verification of cryptographic protocols Giampaolo Bella 2000-07 PhD
189 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
524 Verifying the SET purchase protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2001-11 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
531 Verifying the SET registration protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2002-03 24 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Beller, Reto
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
Bell-Thomas, Harri
962 Trusted reference monitors for Linux using Intel SGX enclaves Harri Bell-Thomas 2021-10 MEng
62 p
PDF (2.9 MB)
Belokosztolszki, András
586 Role-based access control policy administration András Belokosztolszki 2004-03 PhD
170 p
PDF (2.6 MB)
Bennett, Jeremy Peter
129 A methodology for automated design of computer instruction sets Jeremy Peter Bennett 1988-03 PhD
147 p
PDF (5.8 MB)
Bennett, J.P.
93 Automated design of an instruction set for BCPL J.P. Bennett 1986-06 56 p
Benton, Peter Nicholas
262 Term assignment for intuitionistic linear logic (preliminary report) Nick Benton, Gavin Bierman, Valeria de Paiva 1992-08 57 p PDF (1.9 MB)
305 Strong normalisation for the linear term calculus P.N. Benton 1993-07 13 p PDF (0.6 MB)
309 Strictness analysis of lazy functional programs Peter Nicholas Benton 1993-08 PhD
154 p
PDF (13.3 MB)
352 A mixed linear and non-linear logic: proofs, terms and models P.N. Benton 1994-10 65 p PDF (4.7 MB)
365 Computational types from a logical perspective I P.N. Benton, G.M. Bierman, V.C.V. de Paiva 1995-05 19 p PDF (1.1 MB)
388 A unified approach to strictness analysis and optimising transformations P.N. Benton 1996-02 21 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Berenguer, Inaki
695 Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of spherical lattice codes Karen Su, Inaki Berenguer, et al. 2007-07 29 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Beresford, Alastair R.
612 Location privacy in ubiquitous computing Alastair R. Beresford 2005-01 PhD
139 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
957 Rollercoaster: an efficient group-multicast scheme for mix networks Daniel Hugenroth, Martin Kleppmann, Alastair R. Beresford (2021) 27 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Beresnevichiene, Yolanta
558 A role and context based security model Yolanta Beresnevichiene 2003-01 PhD
89 p
PDF (0.5 MB)
Bergmair, Richard
663 Syntax-driven analysis of context-free languages with respect to fuzzy relational semantics Richard Bergmair 2006-03 49 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Bernhardt, Daniel
787 Emotion inference from human body motion Daniel Bernhardt 2010-10 PhD
227 p
PDF (8.7 MB)
Bertot, Yves
313 Proof by pointing Yves Bertot, Gilles Kahn, Laurent Théry 1993-10 27 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Bierman, Gavin M.
262 Term assignment for intuitionistic linear logic (preliminary report) Nick Benton, Gavin Bierman, Valeria de Paiva 1992-08 57 p PDF (1.9 MB)
333 What is a categorical model of intuitionistic linear logic? G.M. Bierman 1994-04 15 p PDF (0.9 MB)
346 On intuitionistic linear logic G.M. Bierman 1994-08 PhD
191 p
PDF (12.6 MB)
365 Computational types from a logical perspective I P.N. Benton, G.M. Bierman, V.C.V. de Paiva 1995-05 19 p PDF (1.1 MB)
401 A classical linear λ-calculus Gavin Bierman 1996-07 41 p PDF (1.9 MB)
412 Observations on a linear PCF (preliminary report) G.M. Bierman 1997-01 30 p PDF (1.6 MB)
448 A computational interpretation of the λμ calculus G.M. Bierman 1998-09 10 p PDF (1.6 MB)
455 Multiple modalities G.M. Bierman 1998-12 26 p PDF (1.3 MB)
497 Towards a formal type system for ODMG OQL G.M. Bierman, A. Trigoni 2000-09 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
557 Iota: A concurrent XML scripting language with applications to Home Area Networking G.M. Bierman, P. Sewell 2003-01 32 p PDF (0.3 MB)
563 MJ: An imperative core calculus for Java and Java with effects G.M. Bierman, M.J. Parkinson, A.M. Pitts 2003-04 53 p PDF (0.5 MB)
568 Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time λ Gavin Bierman, Michael Hicks, et al. 2004-02 85 p PDF (0.7 MB)
642 First-class relationships in an object-oriented language Gavin Bierman, Alisdair Wren 2005-08 53 p PDF (0.5 MB)
716 UpgradeJ: Incremental typechecking for class upgrades Gavin M. Bierman, Matthew J. Parkinson, James Noble 2008-04 35 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Billingsley, William H.
719 The Intelligent Book: technologies for intelligent and adaptive textbooks, focussing on Discrete Mathematics William H. Billingsley 2008-06 PhD
156 p
PDF (3.2 MB)
Billington, Jonathan
121 A high-level petri net specification of the Cambridge Fast Ring M-access service Jonathan Billington 1987-12 31 p PDF (1.5 MB)
148 Extending coloured petri nets Jonathan Billington 1988-09 82 p PDF (3.5 MB)
222 Extensions to coloured petri nets and their application to protocols Jonathan Billington (1991) PhD
190 p
PDF (16.1 MB)
Birrell, Andrew D.
6 System programming in a high level language Andrew D. Birrell 1977-12 PhD
125 p
PDF (7.0 MB)
Birtwistle, Graham
100 Proving a computer correct in higher order logic Jeff Joyce, Graham Birtwistle, Mike Gordon 1986-12 57 p PDF (3.5 MB)
Bishop, Christipher
464 Feature representation for the automatic analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 36 p PDF (1.6 MB)
466 Automatic signal classification in fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Bishop, Steve
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
Biswas, Subir Kumar
351 Handling realtime traffic in mobile networks Subir Kumar Biswas 1994-09 PhD
198 p
PS (0.5 MB)
Black, A.W.
155 Computational morphology of English S.G. Pulman, G.J. Russell, et al. 1989-01 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Black, Richard John
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
361 Explicit network scheduling Richard John Black 1995-04 PhD
121 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Blackwell, Alan F.
500 The memorability and security of passwords – some empirical results Jianxin Yan, Alan Blackwell, et al. 2000-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
664 Designing knowledge: An interdisciplinary experiment in research infrastructure for shared description Alan F. Blackwell 2006-04 18 p PDF (0.7 MB)
692 Toward an undergraduate programme in Interdisciplinary Design Alan F. Blackwell 2007-07 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
760 Radical innovation: crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, et al. 2009-11 124 p PDF (0.7 MB)
833 Practice-led design and evaluation of a live visual constraint language Alan F. Blackwell, Ignatios Charalampidis 2013-05 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
855 Mephistophone Patrick K.A. Wollner, Isak Herman, et al. 2014-06 8 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Boguraev, Branimir Konstatinov
11 Automatic resolution of linguistic ambiguities Branimir Konstatinov Boguraev (1979) PhD
222 p
PDF (10.9 MB)
17 Three papers on parsing B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones, J.I. Tait 1982 22 p PDF (1.3 MB)
24 Steps towards natural language to data language translation using general semantic information B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1982-03 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
32 How to drive a database front end using general semantic information B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1982-11 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
64 A framework for inference in natural language front ends to databases Branimir K. Boguraev, Karen Spärck Jones 1985-02 73 p
118 Material concerning a study of cases B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1987-05 31 p PDF (1.4 MB)
127 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Bran Boguraev, et al. 1988-02 44 p PDF (2.1 MB)
162 The Alvey natural language tools grammar (2nd Release) Claire Grover, Ted Briscoe, et al. 1989-04 90 p PDF (7.5 MB)
Bolingbroke, Maximilian C.
835 Call-by-need supercompilation Maximilian C. Bolingbroke 2013-05 PhD
230 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Bond, Mike
560 Decimalisation table attacks for PIN cracking Mike Bond, Piotr Zieliński 2003-02 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
592 Unwrapping the Chrysalis Mike Bond, Daniel Cvrček, Steven J. Murdoch 2004-06 15 p PDF (0.4 MB)
641 Cryptographic processors – a survey Ross Anderson, Mike Bond, et al. 2005-08 19 p PDF (0.6 MB)
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
666 A pact with the Devil Mike Bond, George Danezis 2006-06 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Bonneau, Joseph
817 The quest to replace passwords: a framework for comparative evaluation of Web authentication schemes Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, et al. 2012-03 32 p PDF (0.5 MB)
819 Guessing human-chosen secrets Joseph Bonneau 2012-05 PhD
161 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Bos, Hendrik Jaap
483 Elastic network control Hendrik Jaap Bos 2000-01 PhD
184 p
PDF (24.5 MB)
Botinčan, Matko
808 Resource-sensitive synchronisation inference by abduction Matko Botinčan, Mike Dodds, Suresh Jagannathan 2012-01 57 p PDF (0.6 MB)
917 Formal verification-driven parallelisation synthesis Matko Botinčan 2018-03 PhD
163 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Boucher, Nicholas
994 Deception and defense from machine learning to supply chains Nicholas Boucher 2024-05 PhD
161 p
PDF (9.1 MB)
Boulton, Charles
760 Radical innovation: crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, et al. 2009-11 124 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Boulton, Richard John
199 The HOL verification of ELLA designs Richard Boulton, Mike Gordon, et al. 1990-08 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
248 On efficiency in theorem provers which fully expand proofs into primitive inferences Richard J. Boulton 1992-02 23 p DVI (0.0 MB)
254 A HOL semantics for a subset of ELLA Richard J. Boulton 1992-04 104 p DVI (0.1 MB)
337 Efficiency in a fully-expansive theorem prover Richard John Boulton 1994-05 PhD
126 p
DVI (0.2 MB)
390 Syn: a single language for specifiying abstract syntax tress, lexical analysis, parsing and pretty-printing Richard J. Boulton 1996-03 25 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
405 A tool to support formal reasoning about computer languages Richard J. Boulton 1996-11 21 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
Bowen, Jonathan P.
350 Ten commandments of formal methods Jonathan P. Bowen, Michael G. Hinchey 1994-09 18 p PDF (1.7 MB)
357 Seven more myths of formal methods Jonathan P. Bowen, Michael G. Hinchey 1994-12 12 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Brace-Evans, Lucy G.
710 Event structures with persistence Lucy G. Brace-Evans 2008-02 PhD
113 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Bradbury, Alex
972 Muntjac multicore RV64 processor: introduction and microarchitectural guide Xuan Guo, Daniel Bates, et al. 2022-06 27 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Bradshaw, John Anthony
214 Integrating knowledge of purpose and knowledge of structure for design evaluation J.A. Bradshaw, R.M. Young 1991-02 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
236 Using knowledge of purpose and knowledge of structure as a basis for evaluating the behaviour of mechanical systems John Anthony Bradshaw (1991) PhD
153 p
Brady, Robert M.
471 Murphy’s law, the fitness of evolving species, and the limits of software reliability Robert M. Brady, Ross J. Anderson, Robin C. Ball 1999-09 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Brandão, Pedro
812 Abstracting information on body area networks Pedro Brandão 2012-01 PhD
144 p
PDF (4.8 MB)
Bräuner, Torben
395 Cut-elimination for full intuitionistic linear logic Torben Bräuner, Valeria de Paiva 1996-05 27 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Braun, Marcelo Bagnulo
849 SNA: Sourceless Network Architecture Marcelo Bagnulo Braun, Jon Crowcroft 2014-03 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Breu, Silvia
838 Mining and tracking in evolving software Silvia Breu 2013-06 PhD
104 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Bridge, Derek G.
237 Computing presuppositions in an incremantal language processing system Derek G. Bridge (1991) PhD
212 p
PDF (25.0 MB)
Bridge, James P.
792 Machine learning and automated theorem proving James P. Bridge 2010-11 PhD
180 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
Briscoe, Ted
127 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Bran Boguraev, et al. 1988-02 44 p PDF (2.1 MB)
162 The Alvey natural language tools grammar (2nd Release) Claire Grover, Ted Briscoe, et al. 1989-04 90 p PDF (7.5 MB)
224 Generalised probabilistic LR parsing of natural language (corpora) with unification-based grammars Ted Briscoe, John Carroll (1991) 45 p PDF (4.0 MB)
233 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Ted Briscoe, Claire Grover 1991-07 65 p
238 Proceedings of the ACQUILEX Workshop on Default Inheritance in the lexicon Ted Briscoe, Ann Copestake, Valeria de Paiva 1991-10 180 p PDF (18.9 MB)
284 The Alvey Natural Language Tools grammar (4th Release) Claire Grover, John Carroll, Ted Briscoe 1993-01 260 p
662 An introduction to tag sequence grammars and the RASP system parser Ted Briscoe 2006-03 30 p PDF (0.3 MB)
790 Automated assessment of ESOL free text examinations Ted Briscoe, Ben Medlock, Øistein Andersen 2010-11 31 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Brooks, Stephen
584 Concise texture editing Stephen Brooks 2004-03 PhD
164 p
PDF (20.0 MB)
Brown, David J.
229 Abstraction of image and pixel : The thistle display system David J. Brown 1991-08 PhD
197 p
Brown, Peter John Cameron
417 Selective mesh refinement for interactive terrain rendering Peter J.C. Brown 1997-02 18 p PDF (2.7 MB)
490 Selective mesh refinement for rendering Peter John Cameron Brown 2000-04 PhD
179 p
PDF (119.8 MB)
728 A robust efficient algorithm for point location in triangulations Peter J.C. Brown, Christopher T. Faigle 1997-02 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Brown, Silas S.
591 Conversion of notations Silas S. Brown 2004-06 PhD
159 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Bryant, Christopher
894 Issues in preprocessing current datasets for grammatical error correction Christopher Bryant, Mariano Felice 2016-09 15 p PDF (0.4 MB)
938 Automatic annotation of error types for grammatical error correction Christopher Bryant 2019-06 PhD
138 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Bulian, Jannis
903 Parameterized complexity of distances to sparse graph classes Jannis Bulian 2017-02 PhD
133 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Bulpin, James R.
619 Operating system support for simultaneous multithreaded processors James R. Bulpin 2005-02 PhD
130 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Burrows, Michael
138 Authentication: a practical study in belief and action Michael Burrows, Martín Abadi, Roger Needham 1988-06 19 p PDF (1.0 MB)
153 Efficient data sharing Michael Burrows 1988-12 PhD
99 p
PDF (6.0 MB)
Buttery, Paula J.
675 Computational models for first language acquisition Paula J. Buttery 2006-11 PhD
176 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
915 Annotating errors and disfluencies in transcriptions of speech Andrew Caines, Diane Nicholls, Paula Buttery 2017-12 10 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Caines, Andrew
915 Annotating errors and disfluencies in transcriptions of speech Andrew Caines, Diane Nicholls, Paula Buttery 2017-12 10 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Calvert, Peter R.
871 Architecture-neutral parallelism via the Join Calculus Peter R. Calvert 2015-07 PhD
150 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Camilleri, Albert John
91 Hardware verification using higher-order logic Albert Camilleri, Mike Gordon, Tom Melham 1986-09 25 p PDF (1.3 MB)
140 Executing behavioural definitions in higher order logic Albert John Camilleri 1988-07 PhD
183 p
PDF (8.1 MB)
150 Simulation as an aid to verification using the HOL theorem prover Albert John Camilleri 1988-10 23 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Camilleri, Juanito Albert
125 An operational semantics for Occam Juanito Camilleri 1988-02 24 p PDF (0.7 MB)
144 An operational semantics for occam Juanito Camilleri 1988-08 27 p PDF (0.7 MB)
157 Introducing a priority operator to CCS Juanito Camilleri 1989-01 19 p PDF (0.8 MB)
227 Priority in process calculi Juanito Albert Camilleri 1991-06 PhD
203 p
240 Symbolic compilation and execution of programs by proof: a case study in HOL Juanito Camilleri 1991-12 31 p PDF (1.9 MB)
264 CCS with environmental guards Juanito Camilleri 1992-08 19 p PDF (1.2 MB)
265 Reasoning with inductively defined relations in the HOL theorem prover Juanito Camilleri, Tom Melham 1992-08 49 p
Campbell, Brian
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Campbell, Brian
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Canini, Marco
748 GTVS: boosting the collection of application traffic ground truth Marco Canini, Wei Li, Andrew W. Moore 2009-04 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
750 AtoZ: an automatic traffic organizer using NetFPGA Marco Canini, Wei Li, et al. 2009-05 27 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Carata, Lucian
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
930 Provenance-based computing Lucian Carata 2018-12 PhD
132 p
PDF (5.5 MB)
Cardell-Oliver, Rachel Mary
183 The specification and verification of sliding window protocols in higher order logic Rachel Cardell-Oliver 1989-10 25 p PDF (1.6 MB)
206 Formal verification of real-time protocols using higher order logic Rachel Cardell-Oliver 1990-08 36 p PDF (1.8 MB)
255 The formal verification of hard real-time systems Rachel Mary Cardell-Oliver 1992 PhD
151 p
Carreño, Victor A.
279 The transition assertions specification method Victor A. Carreño 1992-12 18 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Carroll, John Andrew
33 An island parsing interpreter for Augmented Transition Networks John A. Carroll 1982-10 50 p PDF (1.9 MB)
127 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Bran Boguraev, et al. 1988-02 44 p PDF (2.1 MB)
162 The Alvey natural language tools grammar (2nd Release) Claire Grover, Ted Briscoe, et al. 1989-04 90 p PDF (7.5 MB)
224 Generalised probabilistic LR parsing of natural language (corpora) with unification-based grammars Ted Briscoe, John Carroll (1991) 45 p PDF (4.0 MB)
233 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Ted Briscoe, Claire Grover 1991-07 65 p
284 The Alvey Natural Language Tools grammar (4th Release) Claire Grover, John Carroll, Ted Briscoe 1993-01 260 p
314 Practical unification-based parsing of natural language John Andrew Carroll (1993) PhD
173 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Carter, David Maclean
88 A shallow processing approach to anaphor resolution David Maclean Carter 1986-05 PhD
233 p
PDF (16.8 MB)
Carter, Kathleen Anne
87 Computer-aided type face design Kathleen Anne Carter 1986-05 PhD
172 p
PDF (16.5 MB)
Cashman, Thomas J.
773 NURBS-compatible subdivision surfaces Thomas J. Cashman 2010-03 PhD
99 p
PDF (6.1 MB)
Castle, Oliver M.
382 Synthetic image generation for a multiple-view autostereo display Oliver M. Castle 1995-10 PhD
184 p
PDF (171.6 MB)
Cater, Arthur William Sebright
19 Analysis and inference for English Arthur William Sebright Cater 1981-09 PhD
223 p
PDF (17.7 MB)
Cattani, Gian Luca
477 Presheaf models for CCS-like languages Gian Luca Cattani, Glynn Winskel 1999-11 46 p PDF (2.8 MB)
496 Contexts and embeddings for closed shallow action graphs Gian Luca Cattani, James J. Leifer, Robin Milner 2000-07 56 p PS (0.2 MB)
505 Models for name-passing processes: interleaving and causal Gian Luca Cattani, Peter Sewell 2000-09 42 p PDF (0.5 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Caulfield, Ian
707 Complexity-effective superscalar embedded processors using instruction-level distributed processing Ian Caulfield 2007-12 PhD
130 p
PDF (0.7 MB)
Cawsey, Alison
243 Automating the librarian: a fundamental approach using belief revision Alison Cawsey, Julia Galliers, et al. 1992-01 39 p PDF (3.1 MB)
339 Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval Brian Logan, Steven Reece, et al. 1994-05 227 p PDF (13.3 MB)
Chadwick, Gregory A.
832 Communication centric, multi-core, fine-grained processor architecture Gregory A. Chadwick 2013-04 PhD
165 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Chaintreau, Augustin
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Challis, M.F.
1 The JACKDAW database package M.F. Challis 1974-10 15 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Chan, Shu-Yan
749 Identifying social communities in complex communications for network efficiency Pan Hui, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2009-05 14 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Charalampidis, Ignatios
833 Practice-led design and evaluation of a live visual constraint language Alan F. Blackwell, Ignatios Charalampidis 2013-05 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Chatterjee, Aritra
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Chau, Chi-Kin
708 IDRM: Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Chi-Kin Chau, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2008-01 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Chen, Tony
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Chesterfield, Julian
626 Landmark Guided Forwarding: A hybrid approach for Ad Hoc routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-03 28 p PDF (0.4 MB)
629 Hybrid routing: A pragmatic approach to mitigating position uncertainty in geo-routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Chick, Oliver
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Chisnall, David
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Choi, Hyun-Jin
657 Security protocol design by composition Hyun-Jin Choi 2006-01 PhD
155 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Choquette, Martin
519 Local evidence in document retrieval Martin Choquette 2001-08 PhD
177 p
Choudary, Marios O.
827 The smart card detective: a hand-held EMV interceptor Omar S. Choudary 2012-12 55 p PDF (2.8 MB)
878 Efficient multivariate statistical techniques for extracting secrets from electronic devices Marios O. Choudary 2015-09 PhD
164 p
PDF (14.5 MB)
Christianson, Bruce
445 Secure sessions from weak secrets Michael Roe, Bruce Christianson, David Wheeler 1998-07 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Chuang, Shaw-Cheng
384 Securing ATM networks Shaw-Cheng Chuang 1995-01 30 p PS (0.2 MB)
Clarke, James Thomas Woodchurch
174 General theory relating to the implementation of concurrent symbolic computation James Thomas Woodchurch Clarke 1989-08 PhD
113 p
PDF (8.7 MB)
Clarke, Jessica
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Clarke, Thomas
197 The semantics and implementation of aggregates : or : how to express concurrency without destroying determinism Thomas Clarke 1990-07 25 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Clarke, T.J.W.
176 Implementing aggregates in parallel functional languages T.J.W. Clarke 1989-08 13 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Clayton, Richard
653 Anonymity and traceability in cyberspace Richard Clayton 2005-11 PhD
189 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
983 An evaluation of police interventions for cybercrime prevention Maria Bada, Alice Hutchings, et al. 2023-07 80 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Clocksin, William
72 Logic programming and the specification of circuits W.F. Clocksin 1985-05 13 p PDF (0.6 MB)
360 On the calculation of explicit polymetres W.F. Clocksin 1995-03 12 p PDF (0.8 MB)
436 A new method for estimating optical flow W.F. Clocksin 1997-11 20 p PDF (1.5 MB)
464 Feature representation for the automatic analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 36 p PDF (1.6 MB)
466 Automatic signal classification in fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Clulow, Jolyon
641 Cryptographic processors – a survey Ross Anderson, Mike Bond, et al. 2005-08 19 p PDF (0.6 MB)
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Coble, Aaron R.
785 Anonymity, information, and machine-assisted proof Aaron R. Coble 2010-07 PhD
171 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Coen, Martin David
272 Interactive program derivation Martin David Coen 1992-11 PhD
100 p
PDF (0.6 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Cohn, A.
21 The correctness of a precedence parsing algorithm in LCF A. Cohn 1982-04 38 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Cohn, Avra
20 On using Edinburgh LCF to prove the correctness of a parsing algorithm Avra Cohn, Robin Milner 1982-02 23 p PDF (1.2 MB)
94 A mechanized proof of correctness of a simple counter Avra Cohn, Mike Gordon 1986-06 80 p
104 A proof of correctness of the Viper microprocessor: the first level Avra Cohn 1987-01 46 p PDF (2.3 MB)
134 Correctness properties of the Viper black model: the second level Avra Cohn 1988-05 114 p PDF (7.0 MB)
Contrastin, Mistral
911 Proofs for ‘Verifying Spatial Properties of Array Computations’ Dominic Orchard, Mistral Contrastin, et al. 2017-09 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Conway, Maxwell Jay
945 Machine learning methods for detecting structure in metabolic flow networks Maxwell Jay Conway 2020-03 PhD
132 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
Cook, Byron
788 Branching-time reasoning for programs (extended version) Byron Cook, Eric Koskinen, Moshe Vardi 2011-07 38 p PDF (0.9 MB)
789 Making prophecies with decision predicates Byron Cook, Eric Koskinen 2010-11 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Cook, Douglas John
9 Evaluation of a protection system Douglas John Cook (1978) PhD
181 p
PDF (7.1 MB)
Cooper, R.C.B.
76 Preserving abstraction in concurrent programming R.C.B. Cooper, K.G. Hamilton 1985-08 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Cooper, Robert
119 Pilgrim: a debugger for distributed systems Robert Cooper 1987-07 19 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Cooper, Robert Charles Beaumont
128 Debugging concurrent and distributed programs Robert Charles Beaumont Cooper 1988-02 PhD
111 p
PDF (5.9 MB)
Copestake, Ann
163 Inference in a natural language front end for databases Ann Copestake, Karen Spärck Jones 1989-02 87 p PDF (0.5 MB)
187 Natural language interfaces to databases Ann Copestake, Karen Spärck Jones 1989-09 36 p PS (0.1 MB)
190 Some notes on mass terms and plurals Ann Copestake 1990-01 65 p PS (0.1 MB)
238 Proceedings of the ACQUILEX Workshop on Default Inheritance in the lexicon Ted Briscoe, Ann Copestake, Valeria de Paiva 1991-10 180 p PDF (18.9 MB)
316 The Compleat LKB Ann Copestake 1993-08 126 p PS (0.3 MB)
Coquand, Thierry
107 DI-domains as a model of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-05 19 p PDF (0.8 MB)
116 Domain theoretic models of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-09 52 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Corella, Francisco
232 Mechanising set theory Francisco Corella 1991-07 PhD
217 p
PDF (9.6 MB)
Cottingham, David N.
741 Vehicular wireless communication David N. Cottingham 2009-01 PhD
264 p
PDF (3.6 MB)
Crabtree, I.B.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Craft, Daniel Hammond
73 Resource management in a distributed computing system Daniel Hammond Craft (1985) PhD
116 p
PDF (6.6 MB)
Crawley, Stephen Christopher
86 The Entity System: an object based filing system Stephen Christopher Crawley 1986-04 PhD
120 p
PDF (6.5 MB)
Crole, Roy Luis
204 New foundations for fixpoint computations: FIX-hyperdoctrines and the FIX-logic Roy L. Crole, Andrew M. Pitts 1990-08 37 p PS (0.1 MB)
247 Programming metalogics with a fixpoint type Roy Luis Crole 1992-02 PhD
164 p
PDF (7.5 MB)
Crosby, Simon Andrew
393 Performance management in ATM networks Simon Andrew Crosby 1996-04 PhD
215 p
PS (0.9 MB)
Crouch, Richard
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
325 The temporal properties of English conditionals and modals Richard Crouch 1994-01 PhD
248 p
PDF (16.2 MB)
Crowcroft, Jon A.
554 Towards a field theory for networks Jon Crowcroft 2003-01 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
555 BOURSE – Broadband Organisation of Unregulated Radio Systems through Economics Jon Crowcroft, Richard Gibbens, Stephen Hailes 2003-01 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
556 Turing Switches – Turing machines for all-optical Internet routing Jon Crowcroft 2003-01 7 p PDF (0.2 MB)
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
626 Landmark Guided Forwarding: A hybrid approach for Ad Hoc routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-03 28 p PDF (0.4 MB)
629 Hybrid routing: A pragmatic approach to mitigating position uncertainty in geo-routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
631 MIRRORS: An integrated framework for capturing real world behaviour for models of ad hoc networks Wenjun Hu, Jon Crowcroft 2005-04 16 p PDF (0.5 MB)
650 Parallel iterative solution method for large sparse linear equation systems Rashid Mehmood, Jon Crowcroft 2005-10 22 p PDF (1.9 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
684 Bubble Rap: Forwarding in small world DTNs in ever decreasing circles Pan Hui, Jon Crowcroft 2007-05 44 p PDF (1.0 MB)
703 Lazy Susan: dumb waiting as proof of work Jon Crowcroft, Tim Deegan, et al. 2007-11 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
708 IDRM: Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Chi-Kin Chau, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2008-01 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
747 An estimator of forward and backward delay for multipath transport Fei Song, Hongke Zhang, et al. 2009-03 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
749 Identifying social communities in complex communications for network efficiency Pan Hui, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2009-05 14 p PDF (0.7 MB)
753 Carbon: trusted auditing for P2P distributed virtual environments John L. Miller, Jon Crowcroft 2009-08 20 p PDF (0.8 MB)
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
814 The free Internet: a distant mirage or near reality? Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Jon Crowcroft 2012-02 10 p PDF (0.1 MB)
837 Human-data interaction Hamed Haddadi, Richard Mortier, et al. 2013-06 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
841 Information centric delay tolerant networking: an internet architecture for the challenged Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Dirk Trossen, et al. 2013-09 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
849 SNA: Sourceless Network Architecture Marcelo Bagnulo Braun, Jon Crowcroft 2014-03 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
965 Improving commercial LiFi network feasibility through rotation invariance, motion prediction, and bandwidth aggregation at the physical layer Daniel M. Fisher, Jon A. Crowcroft 2021-11 MPhil
79 p
PDF (2.8 MB)
Cunningham, Paul Alexander
587 Verification of asynchronous circuits Paul Alexander Cunningham 2004-04 PhD
174 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Curzon, Paul
215 A structured approach to the verification of low level microcode Paul Curzon (1991) PhD
265 p
PDF (12.0 MB)
274 Of what use is a verified compiler specification? Paul Curzon 1992-11 23 p PDF (1.8 MB)
311 A verified Vista implementation Paul Curzon 1993-09 56 p PDF (5.6 MB)
328 The formal verification of the Fairisle ATM switching element: an overview Paul Curzon 1994-03 46 p PDF (4.7 MB)
329 The formal verification of the Fairisle ATM switching element Paul Curzon 1994-03 105 p PDF (6.7 MB)
Cvrček, Daniel
592 Unwrapping the Chrysalis Mike Bond, Daniel Cvrček, Steven J. Murdoch 2004-06 15 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Dalibard, Valentin
823 Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based graph traversal Amitabha Roy, Karthik Nilakant, et al. 2012-11 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
900 A framework to build bespoke auto-tuners with structured Bayesian optimisation Valentin Dalibard 2017-02 PhD
182 p
PDF (2.6 MB)
Danezis, George
594 Designing and attacking anonymous communication systems George Danezis 2004-07 PhD
150 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
666 A pact with the Devil Mike Bond, George Danezis 2006-06 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Danish, Matthew
911 Proofs for ‘Verifying Spatial Properties of Array Computations’ Dominic Orchard, Mistral Contrastin, et al. 2017-09 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Danka, Miklos
768 Report on existing open-source electronic medical records Cecily Morrison, Adona Iosif, Miklos Danka 2010-02 12 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Daugman, John
482 Biometric decision landscapes John Daugman 2000-01 15 p PDF (0.3 MB)
635 Results from 200 billion iris cross-comparisons John Daugman 2005-06 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
640 Combining cryptography with biometrics effectively Feng Hao, Ross Anderson, John Daugman 2005-07 17 p PDF (0.2 MB)
685 Effect of severe image compression on iris recognition performance John Daugman, Cathryn Downing 2007-05 20 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Davies, Jonathan J.
761 Programming networks of vehicles Jonathan J. Davies 2009-11 PhD
292 p
PDF (4.7 MB)
Davis, Brooks
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Deegan, Tim
703 Lazy Susan: dumb waiting as proof of work Jon Crowcroft, Tim Deegan, et al. 2007-11 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
de Lara, Eyal
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Denman, William
910 Automated verification of continuous and hybrid dynamical systems William Denman 2017-07 PhD
178 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
de Paiva, Valeria Correa Vaz
203 Subtyping in Ponder (preliminary report) Valeria C.V. de Paiva 1990-08 35 p PDF (1.5 MB)
213 The Dialectica categories Valeria Correa Vaz de Paiva 1991-01 PhD
82 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
225 Categorical multirelations, linear logic and petri nets (draft) Valeria de Paiva 1991-05 29 p PDF (1.2 MB)
238 Proceedings of the ACQUILEX Workshop on Default Inheritance in the lexicon Ted Briscoe, Ann Copestake, Valeria de Paiva 1991-10 180 p PDF (18.9 MB)
262 Term assignment for intuitionistic linear logic (preliminary report) Nick Benton, Gavin Bierman, Valeria de Paiva 1992-08 57 p PDF (1.9 MB)
365 Computational types from a logical perspective I P.N. Benton, G.M. Bierman, V.C.V. de Paiva 1995-05 19 p PDF (1.1 MB)
395 Cut-elimination for full intuitionistic linear logic Torben Bräuner, Valeria de Paiva 1996-05 27 p PDF (1.4 MB)
De, Swades
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Dhanjal, Seema
464 Feature representation for the automatic analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 36 p PDF (1.6 MB)
465 Gelfish – graphical environment for labelling FISH images Boaz Lerner, Seema Dhanjal, Maj Hultén 1999-05 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
466 Automatic signal classification in fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Dhingra, Inderpreet-Singh
151 Formalising an integrated circuit design style in higher order logic Inderpreet-Singh Dhingra 1988-11 PhD
195 p
PDF (9.0 MB)
Dhingra, I.S.
115 Formal validation of an integrated circuit design style I.S. Dhingra 1987-08 29 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Dimmock, Nathan E.
643 Using trust and risk for access control in Global Computing Nathan E. Dimmock 2005-08 PhD
145 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Dinsdale-Young, Thomas
777 Concurrent Abstract Predicates Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Mike Dodds, et al. 2010-04 43 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Dion, Jeremy
16 Reliable storage in a local network Jeremy Dion 1981-02 PhD
142 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Diot, Christophe
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Dixon, Michael J.
245 System support for multi-service traffic Michael J. Dixon 1992-01 PhD
108 p
PDF (7.3 MB)
Doar, John Matthew Simon
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
298 Multicast in the asynchronous transfer mode environment John Matthew Simon Doar 1993-04 PhD
168 p
PS (0.5 MB)
Dodds, Mike
736 Deny-guarantee reasoning Mike Dodds, Xinyu Feng, et al. 2009-01 82 p PDF (0.6 MB)
774 Explicit stabilisation for modular rely-guarantee reasoning John Wickerson, Mike Dodds, Matthew Parkinson 2010-03 29 p PDF (0.9 MB)
777 Concurrent Abstract Predicates Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Mike Dodds, et al. 2010-04 43 p PDF (0.5 MB)
808 Resource-sensitive synchronisation inference by abduction Matko Botinčan, Mike Dodds, Suresh Jagannathan 2012-01 57 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Dodgson, Neil Anthony
261 Image resampling Neil Anthony Dodgson 1992-08 PhD
264 p
PDF (5.1 MB)
398 Design and implementation of an autostereoscopic camera system N.A. Dodgson, J.R. Moore 1996-06 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
520 Ternary and three-point univariate subdivision schemes Mohamed Hassan, Neil A. Dodgson 2001-09 8 p PDF (0.1 MB)
539 Towards a ternary interpolating subdivision scheme for the triangular mesh N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, et al. 2002-07 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
540 The use of computer graphics rendering software in the analysis of a novel autostereoscopic display design N.A. Dodgson, J.R. Moore 2002-08 6 p PDF (0.2 MB)
541 Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, et al. 2002-08 26 p PDF (1.9 MB)
542 A generative classification of mesh refinement rules with lattice transformations I.P. Ivrissimtzis, N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin 2002-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
544 On the support of recursive subdivision I.P. Ivrissimtzis, M.A. Sabin, N.A. Dodgson 2002-09 20 p PDF (4.0 MB)
562 Fast Marching farthest point sampling Carsten Moenning, Neil A. Dodgson 2003-04 16 p PDF (0.5 MB)
565 Fast Marching farthest point sampling for point clouds and implicit surfaces Carsten Moenning, Neil A. Dodgson 2003-05 15 p PDF (0.5 MB)
583 Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces and conditions for tuning schemes Cédric Gérot, Loïc Barthe, et al. 2004-03 68 p PDF (0.5 MB)
611 An heuristic analysis of the classification of bivariate subdivision schemes Neil A. Dodgson 2004-12 18 p PDF (0.3 MB)
649 The decolorize algorithm for contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion Mark Grundland, Neil A. Dodgson 2005-10 15 p
PDF (12.2 MB)
689 Removing polar rendering artifacts in subdivision surfaces Ursula H. Augsdörfer, Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin 2007-06 7 p PDF (0.5 MB)
691 Preconditions on geometrically sensitive subdivision schemes Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin, Richard Southern 2007-08 13 p PDF (0.5 MB)
699 A smooth manifold based construction of approximating lofted surfaces Richard Southern, Neil A. Dodgson 2007-10 17 p PDF (1.8 MB)
755 Skin-detached surface for interactive large mesh editing Yujian Gao, Aimin Hao, et al. 2009-09 18 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Dodson, Michael G.
963 Capability-based access control for cyber physical systems Michael G. Dodson 2021-10 PhD
127 p
PDF (3.2 MB)
Donnelly, Austin
534 Resource control in network elements Austin Donnelly 2002-04 PhD
183 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Downing, Cathryn
685 Effect of severe image compression on iris recognition performance John Daugman, Cathryn Downing 2007-05 20 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Dragovic, Boris
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Drimer, Saar
711 Thinking inside the box: system-level failures of tamper proofing Saar Drimer, Steven J. Murdoch, Ross Anderson 2008-02 37 p PDF (5.4 MB)
763 Security for volatile FPGAs Saar Drimer 2009-11 PhD
169 p
PDF (3.2 MB)
Dudziak, Łukasz
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Edge, Darren
733 Tangible user interfaces for peripheral interaction Darren Edge 2008-12 PhD
237 p
PDF (8.6 MB)
Eisen, Lee
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
el Kaliouby, Rana Ayman
636 Mind-reading machines: automated inference of complex mental states Rana Ayman el Kaliouby 2005-07 PhD
185 p
PDF (24.3 MB)
Elworthy, David Alan Howard
289 The semantics of noun phrase anaphora David Alan Howard Elworthy 1993-02 PhD
191 p
PDF (13.9 MB)
Ennals, Robert J.
578 Linear types for packet processing (extended version) Robert Ennals, Richard Sharp, Alan Mycroft 2004-01 31 p PDF (0.3 MB)
730 Adaptive evaluation of non-strict programs Robert J. Ennals 2008-08 PhD
243 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
Ernoult, Christine
267 Untyped strictness analysis Christine Ernoult, Alan Mycroft 1992-10 13 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Esswood, Lawrence G.
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
961 CheriOS: designing an untrusted single-address-space capability operating system utilising capability hardware and a minimal hypervisor Lawrence G. Esswood 2021-09 PhD
195 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Evers, David Martin
332 Distributed computing with objects David Martin Evers 1994-03 PhD
154 p
PDF (9.1 MB)
Eyers, David M.
669 Active privilege management for distributed access control systems David M. Eyers 2006-06 PhD
222 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
Eyole-Monono, Mbou
722 Energy-efficient sentient computing Mbou Eyole-Monono 2008-07 PhD
138 p
PDF (4.2 MB)
Fabiani, Primož
967 Gaussian Pixie Autoencoder: Introducing Functional Distributional Semantics to continuous latent spaces Primož Fabiani 2022-01 MPhil
50 p
PDF (0.7 MB)
Faggian, Claudia
535 Designs, disputes and strategies Claudia Faggian, Martin Hyland 2002-05 21 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Faigle, Christopher T.
728 A robust efficient algorithm for point location in triangulations Peter J.C. Brown, Christopher T. Faigle 1997-02 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Fairbairn, Jon
31 Ponder and its type system J. Fairbairn 1982-11 42 p PDF (1.4 MB)
53 A new type-checker for a functional language Jon Fairbairn 1984-07 16 p PDF (1.2 MB)
75 Design and implementation of a simple typed language based on the lambda-calculus Jon Fairbairn 1985-05 PhD
107 p
PDF (0.6 MB)
89 Making form follow function : An exercise in functional programming style Jon Fairbairn 1986-06 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
171 Some types with inclusion properties in ∀, →, μ Jon Fairbairn 1989-06 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Fairbairn, Matthew
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
Fairbanks, Scott
738 High precision timing using self-timed circuits Scott Fairbanks 2009-01 PhD
99 p
PDF (13.2 MB)
Fay, Damien
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
806 On joint diagonalisation for dynamic network analysis Damien Fay, Jérôme Kunegis, Eiko Yoneki 2011-10 12 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Fedder, Lee
182 The theory and implementation of a bidirectional question answering system John M. Levine, Lee Fedder 1989-10 27 p PDF (1.5 MB)
Feigin, Boris
797 Interpretational overhead in system software Boris Feigin 2011-04 PhD
116 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Felice, Mariano
894 Issues in preprocessing current datasets for grammatical error correction Christopher Bryant, Mariano Felice 2016-09 15 p PDF (0.4 MB)
895 Artificial error generation for translation-based grammatical error correction Mariano Felice 2016-10 PhD
155 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Feng, Huang
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Feng, Xinyu
736 Deny-guarantee reasoning Mike Dodds, Xinyu Feng, et al. 2009-01 82 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Ferguson, Innes A.
250 TouringMachines: autonomous agents with attitudes Innes A. Ferguson 1992-04 19 p PS (0.1 MB)
273 TouringMachines: an architecture for dynamic, rational, mobile agents Innes A. Ferguson 1992-11 PhD
206 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
PS (0.4 MB)
Filardo, Nathaniel Wesley
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Fisher, Daniel M.
965 Improving commercial LiFi network feasibility through rotation invariance, motion prediction, and bandwidth aggregation at the physical layer Daniel M. Fisher, Jon A. Crowcroft 2021-11 MPhil
79 p
PDF (2.8 MB)
Fleuriot, Jacques Désiré
442 A combination of nonstandard analysis and geometry theorem proving, with application to Newton’s Principia Jacques Fleuriot, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-01 13 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
469 A combination of geometry theorem proving and nonstandard analysis, with application to Newton’s Principia Jacques Désiré Fleuriot 1999-08 PhD
135 p
PDF (11.7 MB)
Foote, J.T.
335 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on keyword definition and data collection (deliverable report on VMR task No. 1) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1994-04 38 p PDF (1.7 MB)
366 Retrieving spoken documents: VMR Project experiments K. Spärck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, et al. 1995-05 28 p PDF (3.0 MB)
402 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on collection of naturalistic requests and relevance assessments G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1996-09 21 p PDF (1.2 MB)
430 Video mail retrieval using voice: Report on topic spotting (Deliverable report on VMR task no. 6) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1997-07 73 p PDF (5.0 MB)
Fournier, Jacques Jean-Alain
701 Vector microprocessors for cryptography Jacques Jean-Alain Fournier 2007-10 PhD
174 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Fox, Anthony
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Fox, Anthony C.J.
512 An algebraic framework for modelling and verifying microprocessors using HOL Anthony Fox 2001-03 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
545 A HOL specification of the ARM instruction set architecture Anthony C.J. Fox 2001-06 45 p PDF (0.4 MB)
548 Formal verification of the ARM6 micro-architecture Anthony Fox 2002-11 59 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Fox, Paul J.
830 Massively parallel neural computation Paul J. Fox 2013-03 PhD
105 p
PDF (2.3 MB)
Francis, Rosemary M.
828 Exploring networks-on-chip for FPGAs Rosemary M. Francis 2013-01 PhD
121 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Frankau, Simon
824 Hardware synthesis from a stream-processing functional language Simon Frankau 2012-11 PhD
202 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Fraser, Alexander G.
978 A Next Generation Internet Architecture Alexander G. Fraser 2023-02 118 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Fraser, Keir A.
510 Switchlets and resource-assured MPLS networks Richard Mortier, Rebecca Isaacs, Keir Fraser 2000-05 16 p PDF (0.1 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
552 The Xenoserver computing infrastructure Keir A. Fraser, Steven M. Hand, et al. 2003-01 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
579 Practical lock-freedom Keir Fraser 2004-02 PhD
116 p
PDF (0.7 MB)
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Freeman, Stephen Martin Guy
342 An architecture for distributed user interfaces Stephen Martin Guy Freeman 1994-07 PhD
127 p
PDF (8.1 MB)
French, Leslie J.
258 Two papers on ATM networks David J. Greaves, Derek McAuley, Leslie J. French 1992-05 22 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Frost, Jacob
308 A case study of co-induction in Isabelle HOL Jacob Frost 1993-08 27 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
359 A case study of co-induction in Isabelle Jacob Frost 1995-02 48 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Fuchs, Franz A.
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Gaildrat, V.
541 Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, et al. 2002-08 26 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Gain, James Edward
499 Enhancing spatial deformation for virtual sculpting James Edward Gain 2000-08 PhD
161 p
PDF (13.4 MB)
Galliers, J.
230 Proceedings of the Second Belief Representation and Agent Architectures Workshop (BRAA ’91) J. Galliers 1991-08 255 p
Galliers, J.R.
291 Evaluating natural language processing systems J.R. Galliers, K. Spärck Jones 1993-02 187 p PS (0.2 MB)
Galliers, Julia
243 Automating the librarian: a fundamental approach using belief revision Alison Cawsey, Julia Galliers, et al. 1992-01 39 p PDF (3.1 MB)
339 Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval Brian Logan, Steven Reece, et al. 1994-05 227 p PDF (13.3 MB)
Galliers, Julia Rose
172 A theoretical framework for computer models of cooperative dialogue, acknowledging multi-agent conflict Julia Rose Galliers 1989-07 226 p PDF (13.3 MB)
193 Belief revision and a theory of communication Julia Rose Galliers 1990-05 30 p PDF (2.2 MB)
194 Proceedings of the First Belief Representation and Agent Architectures Workshop Julia Rose Galliers 1990-03 199 p PDF (6.8 MB)
Gamback, Bjorn
299 Pragmatic reasoning in bridge Bjorn Gamback, Manny Rayner, Barney Pell 1993-04 23 p PS (0.1 MB)
Gao, Chao
901 Signal maps for smartphone localisation Chao Gao 2017-02 PhD
127 p
PDF (23.7 MB)
Gao, Yujian
755 Skin-detached surface for interactive large mesh editing Yujian Gao, Aimin Hao, et al. 2009-09 18 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Gardner, Philippa
777 Concurrent Abstract Predicates Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Mike Dodds, et al. 2010-04 43 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Garnett, Nicholas Henry
46 Intelligent network interfaces Nicholas Henry Garnett 1985-05 PhD
140 p
PDF (8.7 MB)
Gasperin, Caroline V.
764 Statistical anaphora resolution in biomedical texts Caroline V. Gasperin 2009-12 PhD
124 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Gass, Richard
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Geiß, Johanna
802 Latent semantic sentence clustering for multi-document summarization Johanna Geiß 2011-07 PhD
156 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Gérot, Cédric
583 Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces and conditions for tuning schemes Cédric Gérot, Loïc Barthe, et al. 2004-03 68 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Gibbens, Richard
555 BOURSE – Broadband Organisation of Unregulated Radio Systems through Economics Jon Crowcroft, Richard Gibbens, Stephen Hailes 2003-01 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
676 Road traffic analysis using MIDAS data: journey time prediction R.J. Gibbens, Y. Saacti 2006-12 35 p PDF (4.6 MB)
Giechaskiel, Ilias
866 PDTL: Parallel and distributed triangle listing for massive graphs Ilias Giechaskiel, George Panagopoulos, Eiko Yoneki 2015-04 14 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Gillies, Mark F.P.
522 Practical behavioural animation based on vision and attention Mark F.P. Gillies 2001-09 187 p PDF (11.7 MB)
PS (10.1 MB)
Girling, Christopher Gray
37 Representation and authentication on computer networks Christopher Gray Girling (1983) PhD
154 p
PDF (8.4 MB)
Gladwin, Philip
223 Shallow processing and automatic summarising: a first study Philip Gladwin, Stephen Pulman, Karen Spärck Jones 1991-05 65 p PDF (2.9 MB)
Goel, Ashvin
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Golubchik, Leana
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Gong, Li
164 A matrix key distribution system Li Gong, David J. Wheeler 1988-10 20 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Gordon, Andrew
160 PFL+: A Kernal Scheme for Functions I/O Andrew Gordon 1989-02 26 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Gordon, Andrew Donald
285 Functional programming and input/output Andrew Donald Gordon 1993-02 PhD
163 p
287 A mechanised definition of Silage in HOL Andrew D. Gordon 1993-02 28 p DVI (0.0 MB)
386 Bisimilarity for a first-order calculus of objects with subtyping Andrew D. Gordon, Gareth D. Rees 1996-01 78 p
414 A calculus for cryptographic protocols : The SPI calculus Martín Abadi, Andrew D. Gordon 1997-01 105 p PS (0.3 MB)
429 Compilation and equivalence of imperative objects Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin, Søren B. Lassen 1997-06 64 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
457 A concurrent object calculus: reduction and typing Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin 1999-02 63 p PDF (3.3 MB)
Gordon, Michael J.C.
41 LCF_LSM, A system for specifying and verifying hardware Mike Gordon 1983-09 53 p PDF (2.5 MB)
42 Proving a computer correct with the LCF_LSM hardware verification system Mike Gordon 1983-09 49 p PDF (2.1 MB)
66 A formal hardware verification methodology and its application to a network interface chip M.J.C. Gordon, J. Herbert 1985-05 39 p PDF (1.2 MB)
68 HOL : A machine oriented formulation of higher order logic Mike Gordon 1985-07 52 p PDF (1.6 MB)
74 Hardware verification by formal proof Mike Gordon 1985-08 6 p PDF (0.4 MB)
77 Why higher-order logic is a good formalisation for specifying and verifying hardware Mike Gordon 1985-09 28 p PDF (0.9 MB)
91 Hardware verification using higher-order logic Albert Camilleri, Mike Gordon, Tom Melham 1986-09 25 p PDF (1.3 MB)
94 A mechanized proof of correctness of a simple counter Avra Cohn, Mike Gordon 1986-06 80 p
100 Proving a computer correct in higher order logic Jeff Joyce, Graham Birtwistle, Mike Gordon 1986-12 57 p PDF (3.5 MB)
103 HOL : A proof generating system for higher-order logic Mike Gordon 1987-01 56 p PDF (3.2 MB)
145 Mechanizing programming logics in higher order logic Michael J.C. Gordon 1988-09 55 p PDF (0.5 MB)
199 The HOL verification of ELLA designs Richard Boulton, Mike Gordon, et al. 1990-08 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
353 Merging HOL with set theory Mike Gordon 1994-11 40 p PDF (1.5 MB)
480 Programming combinations of deduction and BDD-based symbolic calculation Mike Gordon 1999-12 24 p PDF (1.7 MB)
481 Combining the Hol98 proof assistant with the BuDDy BDD package Mike Gordon, Ken Friis Larsen 1999-12 71 p PDF (3.9 MB)
Gordon, Minor E.
781 Stage scheduling for CPU-intensive servers Minor E. Gordon 2010-06 PhD
119 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Goré, Rajeev Prakhakar
257 Cut-free sequent and tableau systems for propositional normal modal logics Rajeev Prakhakar Goré 1992-05 160 p PDF (9.7 MB)
288 Cut-free sequent and tableau systems for propositional Diodorean modal logics Rajeev Gore 1993-02 19 p PDF (1.3 MB)
Gorrell, Genevive
491 Is hypothesis testing useful for subcategorization acquisition? Anna Korhonen, Genevive Gorrell, Diana McCarthy 2000-05 9 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Gotsman, Alexey
758 Logics and analyses for concurrent heap-manipulating programs Alexey Gotsman 2009-10 PhD
160 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Grabczewski, Krzysztof
377 Mechanising set theory: cardinal arithmetic and the axiom of choice Larry Paulson, Krzysztof Grabczewski 1995-07 33 p PDF (0.3 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
Graham, Brian
349 A HOL interpretation of Noden Brian Graham 1994-09 78 p
Granger, Tim
575 Reconfigurable wavelength-switched optical networks for the Internet core Tim Granger 2003-11 PhD
184 p
PDF (2.5 MB)
Grant, Alasdair
500 The memorability and security of passwords – some empirical results Jianxin Yan, Alan Blackwell, et al. 2000-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Grant, Calum
511 Software visualization in Prolog Calum Grant 1999-12 PhD
193 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Gray, Kathryn E.
776 System tests from unit tests Kathryn E. Gray, Alan Mycroft 2010-03 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Gray, Mike
38 Views and imprecise information in databases Mike Gray 1982-11 PhD
119 p
PDF (5.0 MB)
Greaves, David J.
258 Two papers on ATM networks David J. Greaves, Derek McAuley, Leslie J. French 1992-05 22 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Greenhalgh, Adam
626 Landmark Guided Forwarding: A hybrid approach for Ad Hoc routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-03 28 p PDF (0.4 MB)
629 Hybrid routing: A pragmatic approach to mitigating position uncertainty in geo-routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Grisenthwaite, Richard
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Grosvenor, Mathew P.
943 Latency-First datacenter network scheduling Mathew P. Grosvenor 2020-01 PhD
310 p
PDF (10.3 MB)
Grover, Claire
127 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Bran Boguraev, et al. 1988-02 44 p PDF (2.1 MB)
162 The Alvey natural language tools grammar (2nd Release) Claire Grover, Ted Briscoe, et al. 1989-04 90 p PDF (7.5 MB)
233 A development environment for large natural language grammars John Carroll, Ted Briscoe, Claire Grover 1991-07 65 p
284 The Alvey Natural Language Tools grammar (4th Release) Claire Grover, John Carroll, Ted Briscoe 1993-01 260 p
Grundland, Mark
649 The decolorize algorithm for contrast enhancing, color to grayscale conversion Mark Grundland, Neil A. Dodgson 2005-10 15 p
PDF (12.2 MB)
Grundy, Jim
318 A method of program refinement Jim Grundy 1993-11 PhD
207 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Gudka, Khilan
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Gunter, Carl
107 DI-domains as a model of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-05 19 p PDF (0.8 MB)
116 Domain theoretic models of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-09 52 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Guo, Qiang
881 Web data knowledge extraction Juan M. Tirado, Ovidiu Serban, et al. 2016-03 60 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Guo, Xuan
972 Muntjac multicore RV64 processor: introduction and microarchitectural guide Xuan Guo, Daniel Bates, et al. 2022-06 27 p PDF (1.8 MB)
979 Efficient virtual cache coherency for multicore systems and accelerators Xuan Guo 2023-02 PhD
202 p
PDF (3.3 MB)
Gutstein, Brett
975 Memory safety with CHERI capabilities: security analysis, language interpreters, and heap temporal safety Brett Gutstein 2022-11 PhD
119 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Habouzit, Pierre
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Haddadi, Hamed
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
837 Human-data interaction Hamed Haddadi, Richard Mortier, et al. 2013-06 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Hague, Rob
651 End-user programming in multiple languages Rob Hague 2005-10 PhD
122 p
PDF (3.1 MB)
Hailes, Stephen
555 BOURSE – Broadband Organisation of Unregulated Radio Systems through Economics Jon Crowcroft, Richard Gibbens, Stephen Hailes 2003-01 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Hale, Roger William Stephen
173 Programming in temporal logic Roger William Stephen Hale 1989-07 PhD
182 p
PDF (10.2 MB)
Hall, A. Daniel
892 Pipelined image processing for pattern recognition A. Daniel Hall 2016-07 PhD
121 p
PDF (8.7 MB)
Hall, James
571 Multi-layer network monitoring and analysis James Hall 2003-07 PhD
230 p
PDF (2.8 MB)
Halls, David A.
439 Applying mobile code to distributed systems David A. Halls 1997-12 PhD
158 p
PDF (14.3 MB)
Hamilton, Kenneth Graham
70 A remote procedure call system Kenneth Graham Hamilton 1984-12 PhD
109 p
PDF (6.2 MB)
Hamilton, K.G.
76 Preserving abstraction in concurrent programming R.C.B. Cooper, K.G. Hamilton 1985-08 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
117 Distributed computing with RPC: the Cambridge approach J.M. Bacon, K.G. Hamilton 1987-10 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Hancke, Gerhard P.
752 Security of proximity identification systems Gerhard P. Hancke 2009-07 PhD
161 p
PDF (5.8 MB)
Hand, Steven M.
552 The Xenoserver computing infrastructure Keir A. Fraser, Steven M. Hand, et al. 2003-01 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
633 On deadlock, livelock, and forward progress Alex Ho, Steven Smith, Steven Hand 2005-05 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Hankin, Paul D.
429 Compilation and equivalence of imperative objects Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin, Søren B. Lassen 1997-06 64 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
457 A concurrent object calculus: reduction and typing Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin 1999-02 63 p PDF (3.3 MB)
Hao, Aimin
755 Skin-detached surface for interactive large mesh editing Yujian Gao, Aimin Hao, et al. 2009-09 18 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Hao, Feng
640 Combining cryptography with biometrics effectively Feng Hao, Ross Anderson, John Daugman 2005-07 17 p PDF (0.2 MB)
715 On using fuzzy data in security mechanisms Feng Hao 2008-04 PhD
69 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Harbison, William S.
437 Trusting in computer systems William S. Harbison 1997-12 PhD
95 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Harita, Bhaskar Ramanathan
217 Dynamic bandwidth management Bhaskar Ramanathan Harita (1991) PhD
160 p
PDF (14.9 MB)
Harrison, John Robert
408 Theorem proving with the real numbers John Robert Harrison 1996-11 PhD
147 p
PS (0.4 MB)
DVI (0.3 MB)
410 Proof style John Harrison 1997-01 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
428 Floating point verification in HOL Light: the exponential function John Harrison 1997-06 112 p PS (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Harris, Timothy L.
525 Extensible virtual machines Timothy L. Harris 2001-12 PhD
209 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
552 The Xenoserver computing infrastructure Keir A. Fraser, Steven M. Hand, et al. 2003-01 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
572 Design choices for language-based transactions Tim Harris 2003-08 7 p PDF (0.2 MB)
639 Non-blocking hashtables with open addressing Chris Purcell, Tim Harris 2005-09 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Harter, Andrew Charles
202 Three-dimensional integrated circuit layout Andrew Charles Harter 1990-08 PhD
179 p
PDF (11.7 MB)
Hasle, F.V.
137 Mass terms and plurals: from linguistic theory to natural language processing F.V. Hasle 1988-06 171 p PDF (5.7 MB)
Hassan, Mohamed F.
520 Ternary and three-point univariate subdivision schemes Mohamed Hassan, Neil A. Dodgson 2001-09 8 p PDF (0.1 MB)
539 Towards a ternary interpolating subdivision scheme for the triangular mesh N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, et al. 2002-07 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
599 Further analysis of ternary and 3-point univariate subdivision schemes Mohamed F. Hassan 2004-08 9 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Hawkins, Stuart Philip
207 Video replay in computer animation Stuart Philip Hawkins 1990-10 PhD
161 p
PDF (18.3 MB)
Hayman, Jonathan M.
782 Petri net semantics Jonathan M. Hayman 2010-06 PhD
252 p
PDF (2.1 MB)
Hay, Simon
805 A model personal energy meter Simon Hay 2011-09 PhD
207 p
PDF (24.6 MB)
Hayter, Mark David
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
228 The desk area network Mark Hayter, Derek McAuley 1991-05 11 p PS (0.0 MB)
319 A workstation architecture to support multimedia Mark David Hayter 1993-11 PhD
99 p
PS (0.7 MB)
Hayton, Richard
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
399 OASIS: An open architecture for secure interworking services Richard Hayton 1996-06 PhD
102 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Hazel, Philip
5 Parrot – A replacement for TCAM P. Hazel, A.J.M. Stoneley 1976-04 25 p PDF (1.2 MB)
12 HASP “IBM 1130” multileaving remote job entry protocol with extensions as used on the University of Cambridge IBM 370/165 M.R.A. Oakley, P. Hazel 1979-09 28 p PDF (1.6 MB)
13 Resource allocation and job scheduling Philip Hazel 1980 41 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Henderson, Eric K.
779 A text representation language for contextual and distributional processing Eric K. Henderson 2010-04 PhD
207 p
PDF (2.6 MB)
Herbelot, Aurelie
795 Underspecified quantification Aurelie Herbelot 2011-02 PhD
163 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Herbert, Andrew
387 Monitoring composite events in distributed systems Scarlet Schwiderski, Andrew Herbert, Ken Moody 1996-02 20 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Herbert, J.
66 A formal hardware verification methodology and its application to a network interface chip M.J.C. Gordon, J. Herbert 1985-05 39 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Herbert, John
122 Temporal abstraction of digital designs John Herbert 1988-02 34 p PDF (1.4 MB)
123 Case study of the Cambridge Fast Ring ECL chip using HOL John Herbert 1988-02 38 p PDF (1.4 MB)
124 Formal verification of basic memory devices John Herbert 1988-02 46 p PDF (1.6 MB)
199 The HOL verification of ELLA designs Richard Boulton, Mike Gordon, et al. 1990-08 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
Herley, Cormac
817 The quest to replace passwords: a framework for comparative evaluation of Web authentication schemes Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, et al. 2012-03 32 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Herlihy, Maurice
659 A safety proof of a lazy concurrent list-based set implementation Viktor Vafeiadis, Maurice Herlihy, et al. 2006-01 19 p PDF (0.2 MB)
759 Coarse-grained transactions (extended version) Eric Koskinen, Matthew Parkinson, Maurice Herlihy 2011-08 34 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Herman, Isak
855 Mephistophone Patrick K.A. Wollner, Isak Herman, et al. 2014-06 8 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Herzog, Jonathan
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Hicks, Michael
568 Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time λ Gavin Bierman, Michael Hicks, et al. 2004-02 85 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Hild, Stefan G.
372 A brief history of mobile telephony Stefan G. Hild 1995-01 19 p PDF (1.6 MB)
Hilken, Barnaby P.
336 Towards a proof theory of rewriting: the simply-typed 2-λ calculus Barnaby P. Hilken 1994-05 28 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Hinchey, Michael G.
350 Ten commandments of formal methods Jonathan P. Bowen, Michael G. Hinchey 1994-09 18 p PDF (1.7 MB)
357 Seven more myths of formal methods Jonathan P. Bowen, Michael G. Hinchey 1994-12 12 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Ho, Alex C.
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
633 On deadlock, livelock, and forward progress Alex Ho, Steven Smith, Steven Hand 2005-05 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Hoare, Tony
659 A safety proof of a lazy concurrent list-based set implementation Viktor Vafeiadis, Maurice Herlihy, et al. 2006-01 19 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Holden, Sean B.
804 The HasGP user manual Sean B. Holden 2011-09 18 p PDF (0.3 MB)
883 Survey propagation applied to weighted partial maximum satisfiability Richard Russell, Sean B. Holden 2016-03 15 p PDF (0.3 MB)
885 HasGP: A Haskell library for Gaussian process inference Sean B. Holden 2016-04 6 p PDF (0.1 MB)
Hollis, Simon J.
698 Pulse-based, on-chip interconnect Simon J. Hollis 2007-09 PhD
186 p
PDF (3.9 MB)
Hon, W. Kuan
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Hopper, Andrew
7 Local area computer communication networks Andrew Hopper 1978-04 PhD
192 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
90 The Cambridge Fast Ring networking system (CFR) Andy Hopper, Roger M. Needham 1986-06 25 p PDF (0.6 MB)
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
888 Recomputation-based data reliability for MapReduce using lineage Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, Andy Hopper 2016-05 19 p PDF (0.5 MB)
889 Evaluating the viability of remote renewable energy in datacentre computing Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, et al. 2016-05 26 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Horvat, Matic
913 Hierarchical statistical semantic translation and realization Matic Horvat 2017-10 PhD
215 p
PDF (5.8 MB)
Houghton, Michelle
922 Raising a new generation of cyber defenders Frank Stajano, Graham Rymer, Michelle Houghton 2018-06 307 p PDF (68.6 MB)
Howard, Heidi
857 ARC: Analysis of Raft Consensus Heidi Howard 2014-07 BA
69 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
935 Distributed consensus revised Heidi Howard 2019-04 PhD
151 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Huang, Feng
375 Restructuring virtual memory to support distributed computing environments Feng Huang 1995-07 PhD
145 p
PDF (13.0 MB)
Huang, Zongyan
884 Machine learning and computer algebra Zongyan Huang 2016-04 PhD
113 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Hugenroth, Daniel
957 Rollercoaster: an efficient group-multicast scheme for mix networks Daniel Hugenroth, Martin Kleppmann, Alastair R. Beresford (2021) 27 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Hui, Pan
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Hui, Pan
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
684 Bubble Rap: Forwarding in small world DTNs in ever decreasing circles Pan Hui, Jon Crowcroft 2007-05 44 p PDF (1.0 MB)
713 People are the network: experimental design and evaluation of social-based forwarding algorithms Pan Hui 2008-03 PhD
160 p
PDF (4.6 MB)
749 Identifying social communities in complex communications for network efficiency Pan Hui, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2009-05 14 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Hultén, Maj
464 Feature representation for the automatic analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 36 p PDF (1.6 MB)
465 Gelfish – graphical environment for labelling FISH images Boaz Lerner, Seema Dhanjal, Maj Hultén 1999-05 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
466 Automatic signal classification in fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Humphrys, Mark
362 W-learning: competition among selfish Q-learners Mark Humphrys 1995-04 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
426 Action selection methods using reinforcement learning Mark Humphrys 1997-06 PhD
195 p
PS (0.5 MB)
Hunter, Jane Louise
348 Integrated sound synchronisation for computer animation Jane Louise Hunter 1994-08 PhD
248 p
Hunter, Paul William
704 Complexity and infinite games on finite graphs Paul William Hunter 2007-11 PhD
170 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Hurd, Joe
461 Integrating Gandalf and HOL Joe Hurd 1999-03 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
566 Formal verification of probabilistic algorithms Joe Hurd 2003-05 PhD
154 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
567 Using inequalities as term ordering constraints Joe Hurd 2003-06 17 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Hutchings, Alice
983 An evaluation of police interventions for cybercrime prevention Maria Bada, Alice Hutchings, et al. 2023-07 80 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Hu, Wenjun
631 MIRRORS: An integrated framework for capturing real world behaviour for models of ad hoc networks Wenjun Hu, Jon Crowcroft 2005-04 16 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Hyden, Eoin Andrew
340 Operating system support for quality of service Eoin Andrew Hyden 1994-06 PhD
102 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Hyland, Martin
535 Designs, disputes and strategies Claudia Faggian, Martin Hyland 2002-05 21 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Impett, Leonardo
855 Mephistophone Patrick K.A. Wollner, Isak Herman, et al. 2014-06 8 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Ingram, David
501 Integrated quality of service management David Ingram 2000-09 PhD
90 p
PDF (8.3 MB)
Ingulfsen, Tommy
610 Influence of syntax on prosodic boundary prediction Tommy Ingulfsen 2004-12 MPhil
49 p
PDF (0.4 MB)
Iosif, Adona
768 Report on existing open-source electronic medical records Cecily Morrison, Adona Iosif, Miklos Danka 2010-02 12 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Isaacs, Rebecca
510 Switchlets and resource-assured MPLS networks Richard Mortier, Rebecca Isaacs, Keir Fraser 2000-05 16 p PDF (0.1 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
516 Dynamic provisioning of resource-assured and programmable virtual private networks Rebecca Isaacs 2001-09 PhD
145 p
PS (0.5 MB)
Ivrissimtzis, I.P.
542 A generative classification of mesh refinement rules with lattice transformations I.P. Ivrissimtzis, N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin 2002-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
544 On the support of recursive subdivision I.P. Ivrissimtzis, M.A. Sabin, N.A. Dodgson 2002-09 20 p PDF (4.0 MB)
Iyoda, Juliano
682 Translating HOL functions to hardware Juliano Iyoda 2007-04 PhD
89 p
PDF (0.7 MB)
Jadczak, Matthew
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Jagannathan, Suresh
808 Resource-sensitive synchronisation inference by abduction Matko Botinčan, Mike Dodds, Suresh Jagannathan 2012-01 57 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Jamakovic, Almerima
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Jardetzky, Paul W.
268 Network file server design for continuous media Paul W. Jardetzky 1992-10 PhD
101 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Jardine, James G.
848 Automatically generating reading lists James G. Jardine 2014-02 PhD
164 p
PDF (6.4 MB)
Jenkinson, Graeme
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Jensen, Ole Høgh
570 Bigraphs and mobile processes Ole Høgh Jensen, Robin Milner 2003-07 121 p PDF (0.9 MB)
580 Bigraphs and mobile processes (revised) Ole Høgh Jensen, Robin Milner 2004-02 131 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Jiang, Xiaofeng
251 Multipoint digital video communications Xiaofeng Jiang 1992-04 PhD
124 p
PDF (19.7 MB)
Jindal, Akshay
977 Motion quality models for real-time adaptive rendering Akshay Jindal 2023-01 PhD
132 p
PDF (14.4 MB)
Joannou, Alexandre J. P.
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
936 High-performance memory safety: optimizing the CHERI capability machine Alexandre J. P. Joannou 2019-05 PhD
132 p
PDF (3.4 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Johnson, Martyn Alan
27 Exception handling in domain based systems Martyn Alan Johnson 1981-09 PhD
129 p
PDF (6.5 MB)
Johnson, Matthew
731 A new approach to Internet banking Matthew Johnson 2008-09 PhD
113 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Johnson, Neil E.
529 The triVM intermediate language reference manual Neil Johnson 2002-02 83 p PDF (0.4 MB)
607 Code size optimization for embedded processors Neil E. Johnson 2004-11 PhD
159 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Johnson, S.E.
517 The Cambridge Multimedia Document Retrieval Project: summary of experiments Karen Spärck Jones, P. Jourlin, et al. 2001-07 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
Jones, G.J.F.
335 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on keyword definition and data collection (deliverable report on VMR task No. 1) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1994-04 38 p PDF (1.7 MB)
366 Retrieving spoken documents: VMR Project experiments K. Spärck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, et al. 1995-05 28 p PDF (3.0 MB)
402 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on collection of naturalistic requests and relevance assessments G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1996-09 21 p PDF (1.2 MB)
430 Video mail retrieval using voice: Report on topic spotting (Deliverable report on VMR task no. 6) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1997-07 73 p PDF (5.0 MB)
Jourlin, P.
517 The Cambridge Multimedia Document Retrieval Project: summary of experiments Karen Spärck Jones, P. Jourlin, et al. 2001-07 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
Joyce, Jeffrey J.
100 Proving a computer correct in higher order logic Jeff Joyce, Graham Birtwistle, Mike Gordon 1986-12 57 p PDF (3.5 MB)
109 Hardware verification of VLSI regular structures Jeffrey Joyce 1987-07 20 p PDF (0.9 MB)
136 Formal specification and verification of asynchronous processes in higher-order logic Jeffrey J. Joyce 1988-06 45 p PDF (2.3 MB)
147 Formal specification and verification of microprocessor systems Jeffrey Joyce 1988-09 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
167 A verified compiler for a verified microprocessor Jeffrey J. Joyce 1989-03 67 p
178 Totally verified systems: linking verified software to verified hardware Jeffrey J. Joyce 1989-09 25 p PDF (1.5 MB)
195 Multi-level verification of microprocessor-based systems Jeffrey J. Joyce 1990-05 PhD
163 p
PDF (11.3 MB)
Kahn, Gilles
313 Proof by pointing Yves Bertot, Gilles Kahn, Laurent Théry 1993-10 27 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Kalyvianaki, Evangelia
762 Resource provisioning for virtualized server applications Evangelia Kalyvianaki 2009-11 PhD
161 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Kammüller, Florian
449 Locales : A sectioning concept for Isabelle Florian Kammüller, Markus Wenzel 1998-10 16 p PDF (1.2 MB)
452 A formal proof of Sylow’s theorem : An experiment in abstract algebra with Isabelle Hol Florian Kammüller, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-11 30 p PDF (0.2 MB)
470 Modular reasoning in Isabelle Florian Kammüller 1999-08 PhD
128 p
PDF (11.3 MB)
Karger, Paul Ashley
149 Improving security and performance for capability systems Paul Ashley Karger 1988-10 PhD
273 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
PS (0.5 MB)
Katsiri, Eleftheria
620 Middleware support for context-awareness in distributed sensor-driven systems Eleftheria Katsiri 2005-02 PhD
176 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
Kell, Stephen
845 Black-box composition of mismatched software components Stephen Kell 2013-12 PhD
251 p
PDF (2.8 MB)
Kelly, Colin
839 Automatic extraction of property norm-like data from large text corpora Colin Kelly 2013-09 PhD
154 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Kelly, John
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Kennedy, Andrew
303 Drawing trees — a case study in functional programming Andrew Kennedy 1993-06 9 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Kennedy, Andrew John
391 Programming languages and dimensions Andrew John Kennedy 1996-04 PhD
149 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Kern, Christoph
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Khattak, Sheharbano
897 Characterization of Internet censorship from multiple perspectives Sheharbano Khattak 2017-01 PhD
170 p
PDF (3.6 MB)
Khoo, Wei Ming
844 Decompilation as search Wei Ming Khoo 2013-11 PhD
119 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Khorsheed, Mohammad S.M.
495 Automatic recognition of words in Arabic manuscripts Mohammad S.M. Khorsheed 2000-07 PhD
242 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Kidney, Brian
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Kiela, Douwe
899 Deep embodiment: grounding semantics in perceptual modalities Douwe Kiela 2017-02 PhD
128 p
PDF (5.8 MB)
Klein, Carole Susan
216 Exploiting OR-parallelism in Prolog using multiple sequential machines Carole Susan Klein (1991) PhD
250 p
PDF (20.6 MB)
266 Automatic exploitation of OR-parallelism in Prolog Carole Klein 1992-09 18 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Kleppmann, Martin
683 Simulation of colliding constrained rigid bodies Martin Kleppmann 2007-04 65 p PDF (6.9 MB)
957 Rollercoaster: an efficient group-multicast scheme for mix networks Daniel Hugenroth, Martin Kleppmann, Alastair R. Beresford (2021) 27 p PDF (2.0 MB)
969 Assessing the understandability of a distributed algorithm by tweeting buggy pseudocode Martin Kleppmann 2022-05 15 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Knell, John
760 Radical innovation: crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, et al. 2009-11 124 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Knight, Brian James
26 Portable system software for personal computers on a network Brian James Knight (1982) PhD
204 p
PDF (9.8 MB)
Kochmar, Ekaterina
886 Error detection in content word combinations Ekaterina Kochmar 2016-05 PhD
170 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Komnios, Ioannis
841 Information centric delay tolerant networking: an internet architecture for the challenged Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Dirk Trossen, et al. 2013-09 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Korhonen, Anna
491 Is hypothesis testing useful for subcategorization acquisition? Anna Korhonen, Genevive Gorrell, Diana McCarthy 2000-05 9 p PDF (0.8 MB)
530 Subcategorization acquisition Anna Korhonen 2002-02 PhD
189 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Koskinen, Eric
759 Coarse-grained transactions (extended version) Eric Koskinen, Matthew Parkinson, Maurice Herlihy 2011-08 34 p PDF (0.6 MB)
788 Branching-time reasoning for programs (extended version) Byron Cook, Eric Koskinen, Moshe Vardi 2011-07 38 p PDF (0.9 MB)
789 Making prophecies with decision predicates Byron Cook, Eric Koskinen 2010-11 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Koszek, Wojciech
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Kotsovinos, Evangelos
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
615 Global public computing Evangelos Kotsovinos 2005-01 PhD
229 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Kreibich, Christian
703 Lazy Susan: dumb waiting as proof of work Jon Crowcroft, Tim Deegan, et al. 2007-11 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Kuhnle, Alexander
942 Evaluating visually grounded language capabilities using microworlds Alexander Kuhnle 2020-01 PhD
142 p
PDF (4.1 MB)
Kuhn, Markus G.
577 Compromising emanations: eavesdropping risks of computer displays Markus G. Kuhn 2003-12 PhD
167 p
PDF (8.4 MB)
Kumar, Abhishek
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Kumar, Akhil
331 HPP: a hierarchical propagation protocol for large scale replication in wide area networks Noha Adly, Akhil Kumar 1994-03 24 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Kumar, Ramana
879 Self-compilation and self-verification Ramana Kumar 2016-02 PhD
148 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Kunegis, Jérôme
806 On joint diagonalisation for dynamic network analysis Damien Fay, Jérôme Kunegis, Eiko Yoneki 2011-10 12 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Kung, Jacky W. E.
991 Porting a mix network client to mobile Jacky W. E. Kung 2023-12 BA
57 p
PDF (5.0 MB)
Kwong, Oi Yee
504 Word sense selection in texts: an integrated model Oi Yee Kwong 2000-09 PhD
177 p
PS (0.6 MB)
Lakin, Matthew R.
772 An executable meta-language for inductive definitions with binders Matthew R. Lakin 2010-03 PhD
171 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Lam, Kwok-yan
226 A new approach for improving system availability Kwok-yan Lam 1991-06 PhD
108 p
Lamport, Leslie
425 Should your specification language be typed? Leslie Lamport, Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-05 30 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Lang, Ulrich
564 Access policies for middleware Ulrich Lang 2003-05 PhD
138 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Larmouth, J.
2 Scheduling for a share of the machine J. Larmouth 1974-10 29 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Larsen, Ken Friis
481 Combining the Hol98 proof assistant with the BuDDy BDD package Mike Gordon, Ken Friis Larsen 1999-12 71 p PDF (3.9 MB)
Larsen, Kim Guldstrand
51 Using information systems to solve recursive domain equations effectively Glynn Winskel, Kim Guldstrand Larsen 1984-07 41 p PDF (2.9 MB)
Lassen, Søren B.
429 Compilation and equivalence of imperative objects Andrew D. Gordon, Paul D. Hankin, Søren B. Lassen 1997-06 64 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Laurie, Ben
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Lawrence, Alan C.
705 Optimizing compilation with the Value State Dependence Graph Alan C. Lawrence 2007-12 PhD
183 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Lawrence, Neil D.
475 A comparison of state-of-the-art classification techniques with application to cytogenetics Boaz Lerner, Neil D. Lawrence 1999-10 34 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Lee, Jong-Hyeon
489 Designing a reliable publishing framework Jong-Hyeon Lee 2000-04 PhD
129 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Lee, Kang-Won
708 IDRM: Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Chi-Kin Chau, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2008-01 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Leeser, Miriam Ellen
126 Reasoning about the function and timing of integrated circuits with Prolog and temporal logic M.E. Leeser 1988-02 50 p PDF (2.6 MB)
132 Reasoning about the function and timing of integrated circuits with Prolog and temporal logic Miriam Ellen Leeser 1988-04 PhD
151 p
PDF (6.7 MB)
Leifer, James J.
496 Contexts and embeddings for closed shallow action graphs Gian Luca Cattani, James J. Leifer, Robin Milner 2000-07 56 p PS (0.2 MB)
508 Shallow linear action graphs and their embeddings James Leifer, Robin Milner 2000-10 16 p PS (0.1 MB)
521 Operational congruences for reactive systems James Leifer 2001-09 PhD
144 p
PS (0.9 MB)
569 Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types James J. Leifer, Gilles Peskine, et al. 2003-06 86 p PDF (0.8 MB)
598 Transition systems, link graphs and Petri nets James J. Leifer, Robin Milner 2004-08 64 p PDF (0.6 MB)
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Leonard, Timothy E.
188 Specification of computer architectures: a survey and annotated bibliography Timothy E. Leonard 1990-01 42 p PDF (2.9 MB)
Lepler, Jörg H.
622 Cooperation and deviation in market-based resource allocation Jörg H. Lepler 2005-03 PhD
173 p
PDF (2.3 MB)
Lerner, Boaz
464 Feature representation for the automatic analysis of fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 36 p PDF (1.6 MB)
465 Gelfish – graphical environment for labelling FISH images Boaz Lerner, Seema Dhanjal, Maj Hultén 1999-05 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
466 Automatic signal classification in fluorescence in-situ hybridization images Boaz Lerner, William Clocksin, et al. 1999-05 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
474 A Bayesian methodology and probability density estimation for fluorescence in-situ hybridization signal classification Boaz Lerner 1999-10 31 p PDF (1.3 MB)
475 A comparison of state-of-the-art classification techniques with application to cytogenetics Boaz Lerner, Neil D. Lawrence 1999-10 34 p PDF (1.4 MB)
Leslie, Ian Malcom
43 Extending the local area network Ian Malcom Leslie 1983-02 PhD
71 p
PDF (2.9 MB)
168 Distributed computing with a processor bank J.M. Bacon, I.M. Leslie, R.M. Needham 1989-04 15 p PDF (0.6 MB)
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
281 Pegasus project description Sape J. Mullender, Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley 1992-09 23 p
282 Pegasus – Operating system support for distributed multimedia systems Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley, Sape J. Mullender 1992-12 14 p
552 The Xenoserver computing infrastructure Keir A. Fraser, Steven M. Hand, et al. 2003-01 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Leung, Ian X. Y.
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
Levine, John M.
182 The theory and implementation of a bidirectional question answering system John M. Levine, Lee Fedder 1989-10 27 p PDF (1.5 MB)
Lewis, Andrew B.
813 Reconstructing compressed photo and video data Andrew B. Lewis 2012-02 PhD
148 p
PDF (3.5 MB)
Lewis, David D.
307 Natural language processing for information retrieval David D. Lewis, Karen Spärck Jones 1993-07 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
Lieng, Henrik
862 Surface modelling for 2D imagery Henrik Lieng 2014-10 PhD
177 p
PDF (22.3 MB)
Li, Guangxing
322 Supporting distributed realtime computing Guangxing Li 1993-12 PhD
113 p
PDF (10.7 MB)
Li, Huiyun
665 Security evaluation at design time for cryptographic hardware Huiyun Li 2006-04 PhD
81 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
Lim, Meng How
626 Landmark Guided Forwarding: A hybrid approach for Ad Hoc routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-03 28 p PDF (0.4 MB)
629 Hybrid routing: A pragmatic approach to mitigating position uncertainty in geo-routing Meng How Lim, Adam Greenhalgh, et al. 2005-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
674 Landmark Guided Forwarding Meng How Lim 2006-10 PhD
109 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Lin, Amerson
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Lió, Pietro
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
Liu, Ruoshui
727 A novel auto-calibration system for wireless sensor motes Ruoshui Liu, Ian J. Wassell 2008-09 65 p PDF (5.5 MB)
Li, Wei
748 GTVS: boosting the collection of application traffic ground truth Marco Canini, Wei Li, Andrew W. Moore 2009-04 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
750 AtoZ: an automatic traffic organizer using NetFPGA Marco Canini, Wei Li, et al. 2009-05 27 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Loesch, Steffen
860 Program equivalence in functional metaprogramming via nominal Scott domains Steffen Loesch 2014-10 PhD
164 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Logan, Brian
339 Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval Brian Logan, Steven Reece, et al. 1994-05 227 p PDF (13.3 MB)
Lo, Sai-Lai
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
295 OPERA : Storage and presentation support for multimedia applications in a distributed, ATM network environment Jean Bacon, John Bates, et al. 1993-04 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
326 A modular and extensible network storage architecture Sai-Lai Lo 1994-01 PhD
147 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Los, Dimitrios
989 Balanced allocations under incomplete information: New settings and techniques Dimitrios Los 2023-11 PhD
230 p
PDF (3.4 MB)
Luff, Meredydd
831 Communication for programmability and performance on multi-core processors Meredydd Luff 2013-04 PhD
89 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
MacDorman, Karl F.
423 Symbol grounding: Learning categorical and sensorimotor predictions for coordination in autonomous robots Karl F. MacDorman 1997-05 PhD
170 p
PDF (16.7 MB)
Ma, Chaoying
270 Designing a universal name service Chaoying Ma (1992) PhD
133 p
PDF (6.8 MB)
Macías, Benjamín
373 Natural-language processing and requirements specifications Benjamín Macías, Stephen G. Pulman 1995-07 73 p PDF (4.9 MB)
Madhavapeddy, Anil V.S.
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
775 Creating high-performance, statically type-safe network applications Anil Madhavapeddy 2010-03 PhD
169 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Maennel, Olaf
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Mahmoud, Ola
807 Second-order algebraic theories Ola Mahmoud 2011-10 PhD
133 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Mak, Jonathan
796 Facilitating program parallelisation: a profiling-based approach Jonathan Mak 2011-03 PhD
120 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Manousakas, Dionysis
960 Data summarizations for scalable, robust and privacy-aware learning in high dimensions Dionysis Manousakas 2021-09 PhD
130 p
PDF (16.0 MB)
Mansley, Kieran
784 Characterizing 10 Gbps network interface energy consumption Ripduman Sohan, Andrew Rice, et al. 2010-07 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Manson, Paul R.
139 Petri net theory: a survey Paul R. Manson 1988-06 77 p PDF (3.3 MB)
Mapp, Glenford Ezra
242 An object-oriented approach to virtual memory management Glenford Ezra Mapp 1992-01 PhD
150 p
PDF (6.6 MB)
Marinos, Ilias
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
Markettos, A. Theodore
811 Active electromagnetic attacks on secure hardware A. Theodore Markettos 2011-12 PhD
217 p
PDF (10.6 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Martina, Jean E.
816 Verification of security protocols based on multicast communication Jean E. Martina 2012-03 PhD
150 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Martin, Ursula
170 Ordered rewriting and confluence Ursula Martin, Tobias Nipkow 1989-05 18 p PDF (1.3 MB)
179 Automating Squiggol Ursula Martin, Tobias Nipkow 1989-09 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Massacci, Fabio
424 Simplification with renaming: a general proof technique for tableau and sequent-based provers Fabio Massacci 1997-05 26 p DVI (0.0 MB)
488 Formal verification of card-holder registration in SET Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, et al. 2000-03 15 p PDF (1.2 MB)
524 Verifying the SET purchase protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2001-11 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
531 Verifying the SET registration protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2002-03 24 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Maste, J. Edward
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Matooane, Mantsika
537 Parallel systems in symbolic and algebraic computation Mantsika Matooane 2002-06 PhD
139 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Matthews, David Charles James
49 Programming language design with polymorphism David Charles James Matthews (1983) PhD
143 p
PDF (6.6 MB)
Matthews, David C.J.
63 Poly manual David C.J. Matthews 1985-02 46 p PDF (1.4 MB)
99 An overview of the Poly programming language David C.J. Matthews 1986-08 11 p PDF (0.5 MB)
102 A persistent storage system for Poly and ML David C.J. Matthews 1987-01 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Matthews, D.C.J.
28 Poly report D.C.J. Matthews 1982-08 17 p PDF (0.8 MB)
29 Introduction to Poly D.C.J. Matthews 1982-05 24 p PDF (1.0 MB)
161 Papers on Poly/ML D.C.J. Matthews 1989-02 150 p PDF (11.5 MB)
Maybury, Mark Thomas
239 Planning multisentential English text using communicative acts Mark Thomas Maybury 1991-12 PhD
329 p
PDF (26.8 MB)
Mazzinghi, Alfredo
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
McAuley, Derek Robert
186 Protocol design for high speed networks Derek Robert McAuley 1990-01 PhD
100 p
PS (0.3 MB)
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
228 The desk area network Mark Hayter, Derek McAuley 1991-05 11 p PS (0.0 MB)
258 Two papers on ATM networks David J. Greaves, Derek McAuley, Leslie J. French 1992-05 22 p PDF (1.7 MB)
281 Pegasus project description Sape J. Mullender, Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley 1992-09 23 p
282 Pegasus – Operating system support for distributed multimedia systems Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley, Sape J. Mullender 1992-12 14 p
837 Human-data interaction Hamed Haddadi, Richard Mortier, et al. 2013-06 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
McCarthy, Diana
491 Is hypothesis testing useful for subcategorization acquisition? Anna Korhonen, Genevive Gorrell, Diana McCarthy 2000-05 9 p PDF (0.8 MB)
McDermott, Dylan
948 Reasoning about effectful programs and evaluation order Dylan McDermott 2020-06 PhD
150 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Medlock, Ben W.
721 Investigating classification for natural language processing tasks Ben W. Medlock 2008-06 PhD
138 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
790 Automated assessment of ESOL free text examinations Ted Briscoe, Ben Medlock, Øistein Andersen 2010-11 31 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Mehmood, Rashid
650 Parallel iterative solution method for large sparse linear equation systems Rashid Mehmood, Jon Crowcroft 2005-10 22 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Melham, Thomas Frederick
91 Hardware verification using higher-order logic Albert Camilleri, Mike Gordon, Tom Melham 1986-09 25 p PDF (1.3 MB)
106 Abstraction mechanisms for hardware verification Thomas F. Melham 1987-05 26 p PDF (1.3 MB)
135 Using recursive types to reason about hardware in higher order logic Thomas F. Melham 1988-05 30 p PDF (1.9 MB)
146 Automating recursive type definitions in higher order logic Thomas F. Melham 1988-09 64 p PDF (5.6 MB)
201 Formalizing abstraction mechanisms for hardware verification in higher order logic Thomas Frederick Melham 1990-08 PhD
233 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
244 A mechanized theory of the π-calculus in HOL T.F. Melham 1992-01 31 p PDF (2.0 MB)
265 Reasoning with inductively defined relations in the HOL theorem prover Juanito Camilleri, Tom Melham 1992-08 49 p
Memarian, Kayvan
981 The Cerberus C semantics Kayvan Memarian 2023-05 PhD
290 p
PDF (3.6 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Menage, Paul B.
561 Resource control of untrusted code in an open network environment Paul B. Menage 2003-03 PhD
185 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Mendes, Jose F. F.
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
Meng, Jia
872 The integration of higher order interactive proof with first order automatic theorem proving Jia Meng 2015-07 PhD
144 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Message, Robin
843 Programming for humans: a new paradigm for domain-specific languages Robin Message 2013-11 PhD
140 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Michael, Ang Kun Joo
912 Network traffic classification via neural networks Ang Kun Joo Michael, Emma Valla, et al. 2017-09 25 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Millard, Christopher
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Miller, John L.
753 Carbon: trusted auditing for P2P distributed virtual environments John L. Miller, Jon Crowcroft 2009-08 20 p PDF (0.8 MB)
809 Distributed virtual environment scalability and security John L. Miller 2011-10 PhD
98 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
Milne, Robert
221 Transforming axioms for data types into sequential programs Robert Milne (1991) 44 p PDF (2.2 MB)
Milner, Robin
20 On using Edinburgh LCF to prove the correctness of a parsing algorithm Avra Cohn, Robin Milner 1982-02 23 p PDF (1.2 MB)
496 Contexts and embeddings for closed shallow action graphs Gian Luca Cattani, James J. Leifer, Robin Milner 2000-07 56 p PS (0.2 MB)
508 Shallow linear action graphs and their embeddings James Leifer, Robin Milner 2000-10 16 p PS (0.1 MB)
523 Bigraphical reactive systems: basic theory Robin Milner 2001-09 87 p PDF (1.7 MB)
570 Bigraphs and mobile processes Ole Høgh Jensen, Robin Milner 2003-07 121 p PDF (0.9 MB)
580 Bigraphs and mobile processes (revised) Ole Høgh Jensen, Robin Milner 2004-02 131 p PDF (1.0 MB)
581 Axioms for bigraphical structure Robin Milner 2004-02 26 p PDF (0.3 MB)
598 Transition systems, link graphs and Petri nets James J. Leifer, Robin Milner 2004-08 64 p PDF (0.6 MB)
603 Bigraphs whose names have multiple locality Robin Milner 2004-09 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
614 Pure bigraphs Robin Milner 2005-01 66 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Milway, David Russel
101 Binary routing networks David Russel Milway 1986-12 PhD
131 p
PDF (7.9 MB)
Moenning, Carsten
562 Fast Marching farthest point sampling Carsten Moenning, Neil A. Dodgson 2003-04 16 p PDF (0.5 MB)
565 Fast Marching farthest point sampling for point clouds and implicit surfaces Carsten Moenning, Neil A. Dodgson 2003-05 15 p PDF (0.5 MB)
658 Intrinsic point-based surface processing Carsten Moenning 2006-01 PhD
166 p
PDF (8.1 MB)
Moffat, D.C.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Moncaster, Toby
921 Optimising data centre operation by removing the transport bottleneck Toby Moncaster 2018-06 PhD
130 p
PDF (8.0 MB)
Moody, Ken
293 Objects and transactions for modelling distributed applications: concurrency control and commitment Jean Bacon, Ken Moody 1993-04 39 p PDF (3.5 MB)
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
295 OPERA : Storage and presentation support for multimedia applications in a distributed, ATM network environment Jean Bacon, John Bates, et al. 1993-04 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
296 A persistent programming language for multimedia databases in the OPERA project Z. Wu, K. Moody, J. Bacon 1993-04 9 p PDF (1.0 MB)
301 The dual-level validation concurrency control method Zhixue Wu, Ken Moody, Jean Bacon 1993-06 24 p PDF (1.6 MB)
387 Monitoring composite events in distributed systems Scarlet Schwiderski, Andrew Herbert, Ken Moody 1996-02 20 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Moore, Andrew William
209 Efficient memory-based learning for robot control Andrew William Moore 1990-11 PhD
248 p
PDF (11.3 MB)
Moore, Andrew William
528 Measurement-based management of network resources Andrew William Moore 2002-04 PhD
273 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
748 GTVS: boosting the collection of application traffic ground truth Marco Canini, Wei Li, Andrew W. Moore 2009-04 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
750 AtoZ: an automatic traffic organizer using NetFPGA Marco Canini, Wei Li, et al. 2009-05 27 p PDF (0.8 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
784 Characterizing 10 Gbps network interface energy consumption Ripduman Sohan, Andrew Rice, et al. 2010-07 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
912 Network traffic classification via neural networks Ang Kun Joo Michael, Emma Valla, et al. 2017-09 25 p PDF (0.8 MB)
914 Characterizing the impact of network latency on cloud-based applications’ performance Diana Andreea Popescu, Noa Zilberman, Andrew W. Moore 2017-11 20 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Moore, J.R.
398 Design and implementation of an autostereoscopic camera system N.A. Dodgson, J.R. Moore 1996-06 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
540 The use of computer graphics rendering software in the analysis of a novel autostereoscopic display design N.A. Dodgson, J.R. Moore 2002-08 6 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Moore, Simon William
358 Multithreaded processor design Simon William Moore 1995-02 PhD
125 p
PDF (10.0 MB)
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
916 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2018-02 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
941 An Introduction to CHERI Robert N. M. Watson, Simon W. Moore, et al. 2019-09 43 p PDF (0.6 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Moore, Tyler
718 Cooperative attack and defense in distributed networks Tyler Moore 2008-06 PhD
172 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Moreton, Tim
714 A wide-area file system for migrating virtual machines Tim Moreton 2008-03 PhD
163 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Morrison, Cecily
768 Report on existing open-source electronic medical records Cecily Morrison, Adona Iosif, Miklos Danka 2010-02 12 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
771 Bodies-in-Space: investigating technology usage in co-present group interaction Cecily Morrison 2010-03 PhD
147 p
PDF (4.6 MB)
Mortier, Richard
510 Switchlets and resource-assured MPLS networks Richard Mortier, Rebecca Isaacs, Keir Fraser 2000-05 16 p PDF (0.1 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
532 Internet traffic engineering Richard Mortier 2002-04 PhD
129 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
703 Lazy Susan: dumb waiting as proof of work Jon Crowcroft, Tim Deegan, et al. 2007-11 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
837 Human-data interaction Hamed Haddadi, Richard Mortier, et al. 2013-06 9 p PDF (0.4 MB)
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Moszkowski, Ben
55 Executing temporal logic programs Ben Moszkowski 1984-08 27 p PDF (1.8 MB)
71 Executing temporal logic programs Ben Moszkowski 1985-08 96 p
Mullender, Sape J.
281 Pegasus project description Sape J. Mullender, Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley 1992-09 23 p
282 Pegasus – Operating system support for distributed multimedia systems Ian M. Leslie, Derek McAuley, Sape J. Mullender 1992-12 14 p
Mullins, Robert
972 Muntjac multicore RV64 processor: introduction and microarchitectural guide Xuan Guo, Daniel Bates, et al. 2022-06 27 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Murdoch, Steven J.
592 Unwrapping the Chrysalis Mike Bond, Daniel Cvrček, Steven J. Murdoch 2004-06 15 p PDF (0.4 MB)
706 Covert channel vulnerabilities in anonymity systems Steven J. Murdoch 2007-12 PhD
140 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
711 Thinking inside the box: system-level failures of tamper proofing Saar Drimer, Steven J. Murdoch, Ross Anderson 2008-02 37 p PDF (5.4 MB)
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Murphy, Niall
882 Discovering and exploiting parallelism in DOACROSS loops Niall Murphy 2016-03 PhD
129 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Mycroft, Alan
97 A study on abstract interpretation and “validating microcode algebraically” Alan Mycroft 1986-10 22 p PDF (1.2 MB)
267 Untyped strictness analysis Christine Ernoult, Alan Mycroft 1992-10 13 p PDF (0.9 MB)
269 Optimising compilation Alan Mycroft, Arthur Norman 1992-10 23 p PDF (2.2 MB)
503 Hardware/software co-design using functional languages Alan Mycroft, Richard Sharp 2000-09 8 p PDF (0.1 MB)
578 Linear types for packet processing (extended version) Robert Ennals, Richard Sharp, Alan Mycroft 2004-01 31 p PDF (0.3 MB)
776 System tests from unit tests Kathryn E. Gray, Alan Mycroft 2010-03 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
836 Aliasing contracts: a dynamic approach to alias protection Janina Voigt, Alan Mycroft 2013-06 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Myreen, Magnus O.
765 Formal verification of machine-code programs Magnus O. Myreen 2009-12 PhD
109 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Nagaraja, Shishir
637 The topology of covert conflict Shishir Nagaraja, Ross Anderson 2005-07 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
746 The snooping dragon: social-malware surveillance of the Tibetan movement Shishir Nagaraja, Ross Anderson 2009-03 12 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Nam, Myoung Jin
954 Inline and sideline approaches for low-cost memory safety in C Myoung Jin Nam 2021-02 PhD
124 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Napierala, Edward Tomasz
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Nardelli, Francesco Zappa
589 new-HOPLA — a higher-order process language with name generation Glynn Winskel, Francesco Zappa Nardelli 2004-05 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Naylor, Matthew
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Needham, Roger M.
90 The Cambridge Fast Ring networking system (CFR) Andy Hopper, Roger M. Needham 1986-06 25 p PDF (0.6 MB)
138 Authentication: a practical study in belief and action Michael Burrows, Martín Abadi, Roger Needham 1988-06 19 p PDF (1.0 MB)
168 Distributed computing with a processor bank J.M. Bacon, I.M. Leslie, R.M. Needham 1989-04 15 p PDF (0.6 MB)
355 Two cryptographic notes David Wheeler, Roger Needham 1994-11 6 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Neggatu, Natinael Solomon
912 Network traffic classification via neural networks Ang Kun Joo Michael, Emma Valla, et al. 2017-09 25 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Nesi, Monica
278 A formalization of the process algebra CCS in high order logic Monica Nesi (1992) 42 p PDF (2.1 MB)
411 Formalising process calculi in Higher Order Logic Monica Nesi 1997-01 PhD
182 p
PDF (16.7 MB)
Nestmann, Uwe
392 Decoding choice encodings Uwe Nestmann, Benjamin C. Pierce 1996-04 54 p PDF (3.7 MB)
Nethercote, Nicholas
606 Dynamic binary analysis and instrumentation Nicholas Nethercote 2004-11 PhD
177 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Neugebauer, Rolf
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Neumann, Peter G.
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
916 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2018-02 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
941 An Introduction to CHERI Robert N. M. Watson, Simon W. Moore, et al. 2019-09 43 p PDF (0.6 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Neville-Neil, George
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Newman, Peter
142 A fast packet switch for the integrated services backbone network Peter Newman 1988-07 24 p PDF (1.3 MB)
165 Fast packet switching for integrated services Peter Newman 1989-03 PhD
145 p
PDF (10.4 MB)
219 Fairisle project working documents : Snapshot 1 Ian M. Leslie, Derek M. McAuley, et al. 1991-03 56 p PDF (3.4 MB)
Ng, Irene
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Nic Gearailt, Donnla
616 Dictionary characteristics in cross-language information retrieval Donnla Nic Gearailt 2005-02 PhD
158 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Nicholls, Diane
915 Annotating errors and disfluencies in transcriptions of speech Andrew Caines, Diane Nicholls, Paula Buttery 2017-12 10 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Nicolaou, Cosmos Andrea
191 An architecture for real-time multimedia communications systems Cosmos Nicolaou 1990-02 30 p PDF (1.3 MB)
220 A distributed architecture for multimedia communication systems Cosmos Andrea Nicolaou (1991) PhD
192 p
PDF (19.2 MB)
Nienhuis, Kyndylan
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Nilakant, Karthik
823 Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based graph traversal Amitabha Roy, Karthik Nilakant, et al. 2012-11 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Nimscheck, Uwe Michael
381 Rendering for free form deformations Uwe Michael Nimscheck 1995-10 PhD
151 p
PDF (29.1 MB)
Nipkow, Tobias
170 Ordered rewriting and confluence Ursula Martin, Tobias Nipkow 1989-05 18 p PDF (1.3 MB)
179 Automating Squiggol Ursula Martin, Tobias Nipkow 1989-09 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
180 Formal verification of data type refinement: Theory and practice Tobias Nipkow 1989-09 31 p PDF (2.1 MB)
181 Proof transformations for equational theories Tobias Nipkow 1989-09 17 p PDF (1.1 MB)
189 Isabelle tutorial and user’s manual Lawrence C. Paulson, Tobias Nipkow 1990-01 142 p PDF (0.5 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
200 Type classes and overloading resolution via order-sorted unification Tobias Nipkow, Gregor Snelting 1990-08 16 p PDF (1.3 MB)
210 Higher-order unification, polymorphism, and subsorts Tobias Nipkow (1990) 15 p PDF (1.1 MB)
218 Higher-order critical pairs Tobias Nipkow 1991-04 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Noble, James
716 UpgradeJ: Incremental typechecking for class upgrades Gavin M. Bierman, Matthew J. Parkinson, James Noble 2008-04 35 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Noel, P.A.J.
177 Experimenting with Isabelle in ZF Set Theory P.A.J. Noel 1989-09 40 p PDF (2.2 MB)
Nopsuwanchai, Roongroj
652 Discriminative training methods and their applications to handwriting recognition Roongroj Nopsuwanchai 2005-11 PhD
186 p
PDF (2.1 MB)
Norman, Arthur
269 Optimising compilation Alan Mycroft, Arthur Norman 1992-10 23 p PDF (2.2 MB)
Norrish, Michael
421 An abstract dynamic semantics for C Michael Norrish 1997-05 31 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
453 C formalised in HOL Michael Norrish 1998-12 PhD
156 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
742 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: Volume 3: The Service-level Specification Thomas Ridge, Michael Norrish, Peter Sewell 2009-02 305 p PDF (2.6 MB)
Norton, Robert M.
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
887 Hardware support for compartmentalisation Robert M. Norton 2016-05 PhD
86 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Oakley, M.R.A.
12 HASP “IBM 1130” multileaving remote job entry protocol with extensions as used on the University of Cambridge IBM 370/165 M.R.A. Oakley, P. Hazel 1979-09 28 p PDF (1.6 MB)
O’Keeffe, Dan
783 Distributed complex event detection for pervasive computing Dan O’Keeffe 2010-07 PhD
170 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Okhravi, Hamed
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Oliver, Helen
966 Obstacles to wearable computing Helen Oliver 2021-12 PhD
318 p
PDF (14.3 MB)
Ong, C.-H. Luke
259 Full abstraction in the Lazy Lambda Calculus Samson Abramsky, C.-H. Luke Ong (1992) 104 p
263 The Lazy Lambda Calculus: an investigation into the foundations of functional programming C.-H. Luke Ong 1992-08 PhD
256 p
Ong, Euan
990 Probing the foundations of neural algorithmic reasoning Euan Ong 2023-12 BA
75 p
PDF (5.0 MB)
Oorschot, Paul C. van
817 The quest to replace passwords: a framework for comparative evaluation of Web authentication schemes Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, et al. 2012-03 32 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Orchard, Dominic
854 Programming contextual computations Dominic Orchard 2014-05 PhD
223 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
911 Proofs for ‘Verifying Spatial Properties of Array Computations’ Dominic Orchard, Mistral Contrastin, et al. 2017-09 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Orton, Indigo J. D.
974 Dynamic analysis for concurrency optimisation Indigo J. D. Orton 2022-08 PhD
166 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Ó Séaghdha, Diarmuid
735 Learning compound noun semantics Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha 2008-12 PhD
167 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Ostilli, Massimo
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
Ott, Joerg
841 Information centric delay tolerant networking: an internet architecture for the challenged Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Dirk Trossen, et al. 2013-09 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Owens, Scott
745 A better x86 memory model: x86-TSO (extended version) Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell 2009-03 52 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Pal, Ranjan
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Panagopoulos, George
866 PDTL: Parallel and distributed triangle listing for massive graphs Ilias Giechaskiel, George Panagopoulos, Eiko Yoneki 2015-04 14 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Papadodimitraki, Yanna
983 An evaluation of police interventions for cybercrime prevention Maria Bada, Alice Hutchings, et al. 2023-07 80 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Paquet, Hugo
950 Probabilistic concurrent game semantics Hugo Paquet 2020-08 PhD
156 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Paquet, Ulrich
724 Bayesian inference for latent variable models Ulrich Paquet 2008-07 PhD
137 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Parkinson, Matthew J.
563 MJ: An imperative core calculus for Java and Java with effects G.M. Bierman, M.J. Parkinson, A.M. Pitts 2003-04 53 p PDF (0.5 MB)
654 Local reasoning for Java Matthew J. Parkinson 2005-11 PhD
120 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
687 A marriage of rely/guarantee and separation logic Viktor Vafeiadis, Matthew Parkinson 2007-06 31 p PDF (0.4 MB)
716 UpgradeJ: Incremental typechecking for class upgrades Gavin M. Bierman, Matthew J. Parkinson, James Noble 2008-04 35 p PDF (0.5 MB)
736 Deny-guarantee reasoning Mike Dodds, Xinyu Feng, et al. 2009-01 82 p PDF (0.6 MB)
759 Coarse-grained transactions (extended version) Eric Koskinen, Matthew Parkinson, Maurice Herlihy 2011-08 34 p PDF (0.6 MB)
774 Explicit stabilisation for modular rely-guarantee reasoning John Wickerson, Mike Dodds, Matthew Parkinson 2010-03 29 p PDF (0.9 MB)
777 Concurrent Abstract Predicates Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Mike Dodds, et al. 2010-04 43 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Parks, Thomas
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Pasquier, Thomas F. J.-M.
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
893 Towards practical information flow control and audit Thomas F. J.-M. Pasquier 2016-07 PhD
153 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Paul, Philip Christopher
829 Microelectronic security measures Philip Christopher Paul 2013-02 PhD
177 p
PDF (12.6 MB)
Paulson, Lawrence C.
34 Recent developments in LCF: examples of structural induction Larry Paulson 1983-01 15 p PDF (0.7 MB)
35 Rewriting in Cambridge LCF Larry Paulson 1983-02 32 p DVI (0.0 MB)
36 The revised logic PPLAMBDA : A reference manual Lawrence Paulson 1983-03 28 p PDF (0.7 MB)
39 Tactics and tacticals in Cambridge LCF Lawrence Paulson 1983-07 26 p PDF (0.9 MB)
44 Structural induction in LCF Lawrence Paulson 1983-11 35 p PDF (1.8 MB)
50 Verifying the unification algorithm in LCF Lawrence Paulson 1984-03 28 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
54 Lessons learned from LCF Lawrence Paulson 1984-08 16 p PDF (1.3 MB)
57 Constructing recursion operators in intuitionistic type theory Lawrence C. Paulson 1984-10 46 p PDF (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
67 Natural deduction theorem proving via higher-order resolution Lawrence C. Paulson 1985-05 22 p PDF (0.9 MB)
69 Proving termination of normalization functions for conditional expressions Lawrence C. Paulson 1985-06 16 p PDF (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
80 Interactive theorem proving with Cambridge LCF : A user’s manual Lawrence C. Paulson 1985-11 140 p
82 Natural deduction proof as higher-order resolution Lawrence C. Paulson 1985-12 25 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
113 The representation of logics in higher-order logic Lawrence C. Paulson 1987-08 29 p PDF (1.3 MB)
130 The foundation of a generic theorem prover Lawrence C Paulson 1988-03 44 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
133 A preliminary users manual for Isabelle Lawrence C. Paulson 1988-05 81 p PDF (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
143 Experience with Isabelle : A generic theorem prover Lawrence C. Paulson 1988-08 20 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
175 A formulation of the simple theory of types (for Isabelle) Lawrence C. Paulson 1989-08 32 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
189 Isabelle tutorial and user’s manual Lawrence C. Paulson, Tobias Nipkow 1990-01 142 p PDF (0.5 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
192 Designing a theorem prover Lawrence C. Paulson 1990-05 57 p PDF (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
205 Logic programming, functional programming and inductive definitions Lawrence C. Paulson, Andrew W. Smith (1990) 29 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
271 Set theory as a computational logic: I. from foundations to functions Lawrence C. Paulson 1992-11 28 p PDF (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
280 Introduction to Isabelle Lawrence C. Paulson 1993-01 61 p DVI (0.1 MB)
283 The Isabelle reference manual Lawrence C. Paulson 1993-02 78 p DVI (0.2 MB)
286 Isabelle’s object-logics Lawrence C. Paulson 1993-02 161 p DVI (0.2 MB)
304 Co-induction and co-recursion in higher-order logic Lawrence C. Paulson 1993-07 35 p PDF (0.3 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
312 Set theory for verification: II : Induction and recursion Lawrence C. Paulson 1993-09 46 p PDF (0.3 MB)
320 A fixedpoint approach to implementing (co)inductive definitions (updated version) Lawrence C. Paulson 1995-07 29 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
334 A concrete final coalgebra theorem for ZF set theory Lawrence C. Paulson 1994-05 21 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
377 Mechanising set theory: cardinal arithmetic and the axiom of choice Larry Paulson, Krzysztof Grabczewski 1995-07 33 p PDF (0.3 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
379 Proceedings of the First Isabelle Users Workshop Lawrence Paulson 1995-09 265 p
394 A simple formalization and proof for the mutilated chess board Lawrence C. Paulson 1996-04 11 p PDF (0.1 MB)
PS (0.0 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
396 Generic automatic proof tools Lawrence C. Paulson 1996-05 28 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
406 Tool support for logics of programs Lawrence C. Paulson 1996-11 31 p PDF (0.3 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
409 Proving properties of security protocols by induction Lawrence C. Paulson 1996-12 24 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
413 Mechanized proofs of security protocols: Needham-Schroeder with public keys Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-01 20 p PDF (0.1 MB)
PS (0.0 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
418 Mechanized proofs for a recursive authentication protocol Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-03 30 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
425 Should your specification language be typed? Leslie Lamport, Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-05 30 p PDF (0.3 MB)
432 On two formal analyses of the Yahalom protocol Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-07 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
440 Inductive analysis of the internet protocol TLS Lawrence C. Paulson 1997-12 19 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
441 A generic tableau prover and its integration with Isabelle Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-01 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
442 A combination of nonstandard analysis and geometry theorem proving, with application to Newton’s Principia Jacques Fleuriot, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-01 13 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
443 The inductive approach to verifying cryptographic protocols Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-02 46 p PDF (0.3 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
447 Are timestamps worth the effort? A formal treatment Giampaolo Bella, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-09 12 p PDF (0.7 MB)
452 A formal proof of Sylow’s theorem : An experiment in abstract algebra with Isabelle Hol Florian Kammüller, Lawrence C. Paulson 1998-11 30 p PDF (0.2 MB)
458 Final coalgebras as greatest fixed points in ZF set theory Lawrence C. Paulson 1999-03 25 p PDF (0.1 MB)
467 Mechanizing UNITY in Isabelle Lawrence C. Paulson 1999-06 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
488 Formal verification of card-holder registration in SET Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, et al. 2000-03 15 p PDF (1.2 MB)
507 Mechanizing a theory of program composition for UNITY Lawrence Paulson 2000-11 28 p PDF (0.2 MB)
524 Verifying the SET purchase protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2001-11 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
531 Verifying the SET registration protocols Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, Lawrence C. Paulson 2002-03 24 p PDF (0.4 MB)
551 The relative consistency of the axiom of choice — mechanized using Isabelle/ZF Lawrence C. Paulson 2002-12 63 p PDF (0.4 MB)
573 Mechanizing compositional reasoning for concurrent systems: some lessons Lawrence C. Paulson 2003-08 20 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Pell, Barney Darryl
275 Exploratory learning in the game of GO Barney Pell (1992) 18 p PS (0.0 MB)
276 METAGAME: a new challenge for games and learning Barney Pell (1992) 15 p PS (0.0 MB)
277 METAGAME in symmetric chess-like games Barney Pell (1992) 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
299 Pragmatic reasoning in bridge Bjorn Gamback, Manny Rayner, Barney Pell 1993-04 23 p PS (0.1 MB)
302 Logic programming for general game-playing Barney Pell 1993-06 15 p PS (0.0 MB)
315 Strategy generation and evaluation for meta-game playing Barney Darryl Pell 1993-11 PhD
289 p
PS (0.4 MB)
Penrose, Andrew J.
526 Extending lossless image compression Andrew J. Penrose 2001-12 PhD
137 p
PDF (5.3 MB)
Peskine, Gilles
569 Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types James J. Leifer, Gilles Peskine, et al. 2003-06 86 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Pesonen, Lauri I.W.
720 A capability-based access control architecture for multi-domain publish/subscribe systems Lauri I.W. Pesonen 2008-06 PhD
175 p
PDF (2.5 MB)
Petricek, Tomas
906 Context-aware programming languages Tomas Petricek 2017-03 PhD
218 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Pezarro, Mark Theodore
10 Prediction oriented description of database systems Mark Theodore Pezarro (1978) PhD
190 p
PDF (8.8 MB)
Pfautz, Jonathan David
546 Depth perception in computer graphics Jonathan David Pfautz 2002-09 PhD
182 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Pierce, Benjamin C.
392 Decoding choice encodings Uwe Nestmann, Benjamin C. Pierce 1996-04 54 p PDF (3.7 MB)
462 Location-independent communication for mobile agents: a two-level architecture Peter Sewell, Paweł T. Wojciechowski, Benjamin C. Pierce 1999-04 31 p PS (0.1 MB)
Pietzuch, Peter R.
590 Hermes: A scalable event-based middleware Peter R. Pietzuch 2004-06 PhD
180 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Pirie, N.J.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Pitts, Andrew M.
159 Non-trivial power types can’t be subtypes of polymorphic types Andrew M. Pitts 1989-01 12 p PS (0.1 MB)
198 Evaluation Logic Andrew M. Pitts 1990-08 31 p PS (0.1 MB)
204 New foundations for fixpoint computations: FIX-hyperdoctrines and the FIX-logic Roy L. Crole, Andrew M. Pitts 1990-08 37 p PS (0.1 MB)
252 A co-induction principle for recursively defined domains Andrew M. Pitts (1992) 25 p PS (0.1 MB)
321 Relational properties of domains Andrew M. Pitts 1993-12 38 p PS (0.2 MB)
367 Categorical logic Andrew M. Pitts 1995-05 94 p PS (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
454 Parametric polymorphism and operational equivalence Andrew M. Pitts 1998-12 39 p PDF (2.3 MB)
563 MJ: An imperative core calculus for Java and Java with effects G.M. Bierman, M.J. Parkinson, A.M. Pitts 2003-04 53 p PDF (0.5 MB)
621 Fresh Objective Caml user manual Mark R. Shinwell, Andrew M. Pitts 2005-02 21 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Policroniades-Borraz, Calicrates
672 Decomposing file data into discernible items Calicrates Policroniades-Borraz 2006-08 PhD
230 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Popescu, Diana Andreea
914 Characterizing the impact of network latency on cloud-based applications’ performance Diana Andreea Popescu, Noa Zilberman, Andrew W. Moore 2017-11 20 p PDF (0.8 MB)
937 Latency-driven performance in data centres Diana Andreea Popescu 2019-06 PhD
190 p
PDF (21.5 MB)
Pope, Steven Leslie
415 Application support for mobile computing Steven Leslie Pope 1997-02 PhD
145 p
PDF (12.0 MB)
Powers, J.S.
14 Store to store swapping for TSO under OS/MVT J.S. Powers 1980-06 28 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Poznański, Victor
246 A relevance-based utterance processing system Victor Poznański 1992-02 PhD
295 p
PDF (18.5 MB)
Pratt, Ian A.
552 The Xenoserver computing infrastructure Keir A. Fraser, Steven M. Hand, et al. 2003-01 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Preiss, Judita
673 Probabilistic word sense disambiguation : Analysis and techniques for combining knowledge sources Judita Preiss 2006-08 PhD
108 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Pribadi, Haikal
855 Mephistophone Patrick K.A. Wollner, Isak Herman, et al. 2014-06 8 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Price, Geraint
479 The interaction between fault tolerance and security Geraint Price 1999-12 PhD
144 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Proust, Raphaël L.
908 ASAP: As Static As Possible memory management Raphaël L. Proust 2017-07 PhD
147 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Psounis, Konstantinos
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Pullen, Andrew Mark
152 Motion development for computer animation Andrew Mark Pullen 1988-11 PhD
163 p
PDF (11.5 MB)
Pulman, Stephen G.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
155 Computational morphology of English S.G. Pulman, G.J. Russell, et al. 1989-01 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
156 Events and VP modifiers Steve Pulman 1989-01 10 p PDF (0.6 MB)
223 Shallow processing and automatic summarising: a first study Philip Gladwin, Stephen Pulman, Karen Spärck Jones 1991-05 65 p PDF (2.9 MB)
373 Natural-language processing and requirements specifications Benjamín Macías, Stephen G. Pulman 1995-07 73 p PDF (4.9 MB)
Purcell, Chris J.
639 Non-blocking hashtables with open addressing Chris Purcell, Tim Harris 2005-09 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
697 Scaling Mount Concurrency: scalability and progress in concurrent algorithms Chris J. Purcell 2007-08 PhD
155 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Ramos, Fernando M. V.
747 An estimator of forward and backward delay for multipath transport Fei Song, Hongke Zhang, et al. 2009-03 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
826 GREEN IPTV: a resource and energy efficient network for IPTV Fernando M. V. Ramos 2012-12 PhD
152 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Randal, Allison
992 Transient execution vulnerabilities in the security context of server hardware Allison Randal 2023-12 PhD
145 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Rasmussen, Ole
364 The Church-Rosser theorem in Isabelle: a proof porting experiment Ole Rasmussen 1995-04 27 p PS (0.1 MB)
Rasmussen, Thomas Marthedal
502 Formalizing basic number theory Thomas Marthedal Rasmussen 2000-09 20 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Rayner, Manny
299 Pragmatic reasoning in bridge Bjorn Gamback, Manny Rayner, Barney Pell 1993-04 23 p PS (0.1 MB)
Reams, Charles
821 Modelling energy efficiency for computation Charles Reams 2012-10 PhD
135 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Rebert, Alex
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Reece, Steven
243 Automating the librarian: a fundamental approach using belief revision Alison Cawsey, Julia Galliers, et al. 1992-01 39 p PDF (3.1 MB)
339 Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval Brian Logan, Steven Reece, et al. 1994-05 227 p PDF (13.3 MB)
Rees, Gareth D.
386 Bisimilarity for a first-order calculus of objects with subtyping Andrew D. Gordon, Gareth D. Rees 1996-01 78 p
Rehman, Kasim
634 Visualisation, interpretation and use of location-aware interfaces Kasim Rehman 2005-05 PhD
159 p
PDF (2.8 MB)
Rei, Marek
840 Minimally supervised dependency-based methods for natural language processing Marek Rei 2013-09 PhD
169 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Reis, Ben Y.
472 Simulating music learning with autonomous listening agents: entropy, ambiguity and context Ben Y. Reis 1999-09 PhD
200 p
PDF (16.8 MB)
Rice, Andrew C.
686 Dependable systems for Sentient Computing Andrew C. Rice 2007-05 150 p PDF (1.9 MB)
784 Characterizing 10 Gbps network interface energy consumption Ripduman Sohan, Andrew Rice, et al. 2010-07 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
889 Evaluating the viability of remote renewable energy in datacentre computing Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, et al. 2016-05 26 p PDF (0.6 MB)
911 Proofs for ‘Verifying Spatial Properties of Array Computations’ Dominic Orchard, Mistral Contrastin, et al. 2017-09 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Richards, Martin
84 BSPL: a language for describing the behaviour of synchronous hardware Martin Richards 1986-04 56 p
256 MCPL programming manual Martin Richards 1992-05 32 p PDF (1.5 MB)
431 The MCPL programming manual and user guide Martin Richards 1997-07 70 p PDF (4.0 MB)
433 Backtracking algorithms in MCPL using bit patterns and recursion Martin Richards 1997-07 80 p PDF (3.8 MB)
434 Demonstration programs for CTL and μ-calculus symbolic model checking Martin Richards 1997-08 41 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Richardson, Alexander
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
949 Complete spatial safety for C and C++ using CHERI capabilities Alexander Richardson 2020-06 PhD
189 p
PDF (3.1 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Richardt, Christian
712 Flash-exposure high dynamic range imaging: virtual photography and depth-compensating flash Christian Richardt 2008-03 9 p PDF (2.6 MB)
815 Colour videos with depth: acquisition, processing and evaluation Christian Richardt 2012-03 PhD
132 p
PDF (68.7 MB)
Rideau, François-René
919 Proceedings of the 2017 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop Nada Amin, François-René Rideau 2018-03 50 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Ridge, Thomas
742 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: Volume 3: The Service-level Specification Thomas Ridge, Michael Norrish, Peter Sewell 2009-02 305 p PDF (2.6 MB)
Rietmann, Alessandro
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Rio, Miguel
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Ritchie, Anna
661 Compatible RMRS representations from RASP and the ERG Anna Ritchie 2006-03 41 p PDF (1.1 MB)
744 Citation context analysis for information retrieval Anna Ritchie 2009-03 PhD
119 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Ritchie, G.D.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
155 Computational morphology of English S.G. Pulman, G.J. Russell, et al. 1989-01 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Ritter, Eike
208 Categorical combinators for the calculus of constructions Eike Ritter 1990-10 43 p PDF (2.8 MB)
297 Categorical abstract machines for higher-order typed lambda calculi Eike Ritter 1993-04 PhD
149 p
PDF (11.5 MB)
Rivest, Ronald L.
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Robertson, S.E.
356 Simple, proven approaches to text retrieval S.E. Robertson, K. Spärck Jones 1994-12 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
446 A probabilistic model of information and retrieval: development and status K. Spärck Jones, S. Walker, S.E. Robertson 1998-08 74 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Robič, Borut
397 Optimal routing in 2-jump circulant networks Borut Robič 1996-06 7 p PS (0.1 MB)
Robinson, E.
98 Power-domains, modalities and the Vietoris monad E. Robinson 1986-10 16 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Robinson, Peter
538 The Escritoire: A personal projected display for interacting with documents Mark Ashdown, Peter Robinson 2002-06 12 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Robson, M.
22 Constraints in CODD M. Robson (1982) 18 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Robson, Michael
62 Constraint enforcement in a relational database management system Michael Robson (1984) PhD
106 p
PDF (6.2 MB)
Rodden, Kerry
543 Evaluating similarity-based visualisations as interfaces for image browsing Kerry Rodden 2002-09 PhD
248 p
PDF (8.3 MB)
Roe, Michael
445 Secure sessions from weak secrets Michael Roe, Bruce Christianson, David Wheeler 1998-07 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
780 Cryptography and evidence Michael Roe 2010-05 PhD
75 p
PDF (0.5 MB)
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
916 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2018-02 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Rooney, Sean
451 The structure of open ATM control architectures Sean Rooney 1998-11 PhD
183 p
PDF (17.2 MB)
Roscoe, Timothy
376 The structure of a multi-service operating system Timothy Roscoe 1995-08 PhD
113 p
PS (0.4 MB)
Ross, Joshua Robert Xavier
456 An evaluation based approach to process calculi Joshua Robert Xavier Ross 1999-01 PhD
206 p
PDF (13.5 MB)
Ross, Russell Glen
690 Cluster storage for commodity computation Russell Glen Ross 2007-06 PhD
178 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Rothwell, Colin L.
934 Exploitation from malicious PCI Express peripherals Colin L. Rothwell 2019-02 108 p PDF (4.9 MB)
Rowstron, Antony
422 Using the BONITA primitives: a case study Antony Rowstron 1997-05 19 p PDF (2.0 MB)
Roy, Amitabha
801 Software lock elision for x86 machine code Amitabha Roy 2011-07 PhD
154 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
820 A unified graph query layer for multiple databases Eiko Yoneki, Amitabha Roy 2012-08 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
823 Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based graph traversal Amitabha Roy, Karthik Nilakant, et al. 2012-11 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Rrustemi, Alban
732 Computing surfaces – a platform for scalable interactive displays Alban Rrustemi 2008-11 PhD
156 p
PDF (5.0 MB)
Rugg, Peter David
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
984 Efficient spatial and temporal safety for microcontrollers and application-class processors Peter David Rugg 2023-07 PhD
189 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Russell, G.J.
155 Computational morphology of English S.G. Pulman, G.J. Russell, et al. 1989-01 15 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Russell, Richard A.
822 Planning with preferences using maximum satisfiability Richard A. Russell 2012-10 PhD
160 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
883 Survey propagation applied to weighted partial maximum satisfiability Richard Russell, Sean B. Holden 2016-03 15 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Rymer, Graham
922 Raising a new generation of cyber defenders Frank Stajano, Graham Rymer, Michelle Houghton 2018-06 307 p PDF (68.6 MB)
Rymill, Stephen Julian
717 Psychologically-based simulation of human behaviour Stephen Julian Rymill 2008-06 PhD
250 p
PDF (25.5 MB)
Saacti, Y.
676 Road traffic analysis using MIDAS data: journey time prediction R.J. Gibbens, Y. Saacti 2006-12 35 p PDF (4.6 MB)
Sabin, Malcolm A.
539 Towards a ternary interpolating subdivision scheme for the triangular mesh N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin, et al. 2002-07 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
541 Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, et al. 2002-08 26 p PDF (1.9 MB)
542 A generative classification of mesh refinement rules with lattice transformations I.P. Ivrissimtzis, N.A. Dodgson, M.A. Sabin 2002-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
544 On the support of recursive subdivision I.P. Ivrissimtzis, M.A. Sabin, N.A. Dodgson 2002-09 20 p PDF (4.0 MB)
583 Subdivision as a sequence of sampled Cp surfaces and conditions for tuning schemes Cédric Gérot, Loïc Barthe, et al. 2004-03 68 p PDF (0.5 MB)
689 Removing polar rendering artifacts in subdivision surfaces Ursula H. Augsdörfer, Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin 2007-06 7 p PDF (0.5 MB)
691 Preconditions on geometrically sensitive subdivision schemes Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin, Richard Southern 2007-08 13 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Safronov, Vadim
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Saif, Umar
527 Architectures for ubiquitous systems Umar Saif 2002-01 PhD
271 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Sakai, Tetsuya
513 Generic summaries for indexing in information retrieval – Detailed test results Tetsuya Sakai, Karen Spärck Jones 2001-05 29 p PS (0.1 MB)
Sanfilippo, Antonio
253 The (other) Cambridge ACQUILEX papers Antonio Sanfilippo (1992) 141 p
Saraswat, Sanjay
385 Performance evaluation of the Delphi machine Sanjay Saraswat 1995-12 PhD
187 p
Saribekyan, Hayk
964 Information dissemination via random walks Hayk Saribekyan 2021-11 PhD
134 p
PDF (2.6 MB)
Sarkar, Advait
920 Interactive analytical modelling Advait Sarkar 2018-05 PhD
142 p
PDF (9.7 MB)
Sarkar, Susmit
745 A better x86 memory model: x86-TSO (extended version) Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell 2009-03 52 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Sathiaseelan, Arjuna
814 The free Internet: a distant mirage or near reality? Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Jon Crowcroft 2012-02 10 p PDF (0.1 MB)
841 Information centric delay tolerant networking: an internet architecture for the challenged Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Dirk Trossen, et al. 2013-09 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Schaarschmidt, Michael
946 End-to-end deep reinforcement learning in computer systems Michael Schaarschmidt 2020-04 PhD
166 p
PDF (3.2 MB)
Scherer, Paul M.
993 Distributional and relational inductive biases for graph representation learning in biomedicine Paul M. Scherer 2024-04 PhD
164 p
PDF (13.0 MB)
Schoenberg, Sebastian
407 The L4 microkernel on Alpha : Design and implementation Sebastian Schoenberg 1996-09 51 p PS (0.1 MB)
Schwiderski, Scarlet
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
387 Monitoring composite events in distributed systems Scarlet Schwiderski, Andrew Herbert, Ken Moody 1996-02 20 p PDF (1.7 MB)
400 Monitoring the behaviour of distributed systems Scarlet Schwiderski 1996-07 PhD
161 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Scott, David J.
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
613 Abstracting application-level security policy for ubiquitous computing David J. Scott 2005-01 PhD
186 p
PDF (2.2 MB)
Scott, James
617 Pocket Switched Networks: Real-world mobility and its consequences for opportunistic forwarding Augustin Chaintreau, Pan Hui, et al. 2005-02 26 p PDF (0.8 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Seaborne, Andrew Franklin
169 Filing in a heterogeneous network Andrew Franklin Seaborne 1989-04 PhD
131 p
PDF (7.7 MB)
Serban, Ovidiu
881 Web data knowledge extraction Juan M. Tirado, Ovidiu Serban, et al. 2016-03 60 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Serjantov, Andrei
515 The UDP calculus: rigorous semantics for real networking Andrei Serjantov, Peter Sewell, Keith Wansbrough 2001-07 70 p PS (0.3 MB)
604 On the anonymity of anonymity systems Andrei Serjantov 2004-10 PhD
162 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Sewell, Jonathan Mark
420 Managing complex models for computer graphics Jonathan Mark Sewell 1997-04 PhD
206 p
PDF (14.3 MB)
Sewell, Peter
435 Global/local subtyping for a distributed π-calculus Peter Sewell 1997-08 57 p PS (0.2 MB)
444 From rewrite rules to bisimulation congruences Peter Sewell 1998-05 72 p PS (0.3 MB)
462 Location-independent communication for mobile agents: a two-level architecture Peter Sewell, Paweł T. Wojciechowski, Benjamin C. Pierce 1999-04 31 p PS (0.1 MB)
463 Secure composition of insecure components Peter Sewell, Jan Vitek 1999-04 44 p PS (0.2 MB)
478 Secure composition of untrusted code: wrappers and causality types Peter Sewell, Jan Vitek 1999-11 36 p PS (0.2 MB)
498 Applied π – a brief tutorial Peter Sewell 2000-07 65 p PDF (0.4 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
505 Models for name-passing processes: interleaving and causal Gian Luca Cattani, Peter Sewell 2000-09 42 p PDF (0.5 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
506 Modules, abstract types, and distributed versioning Peter Sewell 2000-09 46 p PDF (0.4 MB)
PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
515 The UDP calculus: rigorous semantics for real networking Andrei Serjantov, Peter Sewell, Keith Wansbrough 2001-07 70 p PS (0.3 MB)
557 Iota: A concurrent XML scripting language with applications to Home Area Networking G.M. Bierman, P. Sewell 2003-01 32 p PDF (0.3 MB)
568 Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time λ Gavin Bierman, Michael Hicks, et al. 2004-02 85 p PDF (0.7 MB)
569 Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types James J. Leifer, Gilles Peskine, et al. 2003-06 86 p PDF (0.8 MB)
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
742 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: Volume 3: The Service-level Specification Thomas Ridge, Michael Norrish, Peter Sewell 2009-02 305 p PDF (2.6 MB)
745 A better x86 memory model: x86-TSO (extended version) Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewell 2009-03 52 p PDF (0.6 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
941 An Introduction to CHERI Robert N. M. Watson, Simon W. Moore, et al. 2019-09 43 p PDF (0.6 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Sewell, Thomas
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Shand, Brian Ninham
600 Trust for resource control: Self-enforcing automatic rational contracts between computers Brian Ninham Shand 2004-08 PhD
154 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Shapiro, Marc
659 A safety proof of a lazy concurrent list-based set implementation Viktor Vafeiadis, Maurice Herlihy, et al. 2006-01 19 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Sharad, Kumar
896 Learning to de-anonymize social networks Kumar Sharad 2016-12 PhD
158 p
PDF (6.9 MB)
Sharp, Richard
503 Hardware/software co-design using functional languages Alan Mycroft, Richard Sharp 2000-09 8 p PDF (0.1 MB)
578 Linear types for packet processing (extended version) Robert Ennals, Richard Sharp, Alan Mycroft 2004-01 31 p PDF (0.3 MB)
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Shi, Feng
438 An architecture for scalable and deterministic video servers Feng Shi 1997-11 PhD
148 p
PDF (11.3 MB)
Shinwell, Mark R.
618 The Fresh Approach: functional programming with names and binders Mark R. Shinwell 2005-02 PhD
111 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
621 Fresh Objective Caml user manual Mark R. Shinwell, Andrew M. Pitts 2005-02 21 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Shum, Kam Hong
404 Adaptive parallelism for computing on heterogeneous clusters Kam Hong Shum 1996-11 PhD
147 p
PDF (12.6 MB)
Shutova, Ekaterina V.
803 Computational approaches to figurative language Ekaterina V. Shutova 2011-08 PhD
219 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Siddharthan, Advaith
597 Syntactic simplification and text cohesion Advaith Siddharthan 2004-08 PhD
195 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Simon, Laurent
909 Exploring new attack vectors for the exploitation of smartphones Laurent Simon 2017-07 PhD
167 p
PDF (3.3 MB)
Singer, Jeremy
660 Static program analysis based on virtual register renaming Jeremy Singer 2006-02 PhD
183 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Singh, Jatinder
770 Controlling the dissemination and disclosure of healthcare events Jatinder Singh 2010-02 PhD
193 p
PDF (4.2 MB)
847 SBUS: a generic policy-enforcing middleware for open pervasive systems Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon 2014-02 20 p PDF (1.9 MB)
863 Regional clouds: technical considerations Jatinder Singh, Jean Bacon, et al. 2014-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Skorobogatov, Sergei P.
536 Low temperature data remanence in static RAM Sergei Skorobogatov 2002-06 9 p PDF (0.6 MB)
630 Semi-invasive attacks – A new approach to hardware security analysis Sergei P. Skorobogatov 2005-04 PhD
144 p
PDF (11.8 MB)
641 Cryptographic processors – a survey Ross Anderson, Mike Bond, et al. 2005-08 19 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Smith, Andrew W.
205 Logic programming, functional programming and inductive definitions Lawrence C. Paulson, Andrew W. Smith (1990) 29 p PDF (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
Smith, Julian M.
766 Towards robust inexact geometric computation Julian M. Smith 2009-12 PhD
186 p
PDF (1.9 MB)
Smith, Michael
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
Smith, Steven
633 On deadlock, livelock, and forward progress Alex Ho, Steven Smith, Steven Hand 2005-05 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Smowton, Christopher S.F.
865 I/O Optimisation and elimination via partial evaluation Christopher S.F. Smowton 2014-12 PhD
129 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Snee, James
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Snelting, Gregor
200 Type classes and overloading resolution via order-sorted unification Tobias Nipkow, Gregor Snelting 1990-08 16 p PDF (1.3 MB)
Sobol-Shikler, Tal
740 Analysis of affective expression in speech Tal Sobol-Shikler 2009-01 PhD
163 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
Sohan, Ripduman
784 Characterizing 10 Gbps network interface energy consumption Ripduman Sohan, Andrew Rice, et al. 2010-07 10 p PDF (0.2 MB)
859 Resourceful: fine-grained resource accounting for explaining service variability Lucian Carata, Oliver Chick, et al. 2014-09 12 p PDF (0.4 MB)
888 Recomputation-based data reliability for MapReduce using lineage Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, Andy Hopper 2016-05 19 p PDF (0.5 MB)
889 Evaluating the viability of remote renewable energy in datacentre computing Sherif Akoush, Ripduman Sohan, et al. 2016-05 26 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Soman, Jyothish
931 A Performance-efficient and practical processor error recovery framework Jyothish Soman 2019-01 PhD
91 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Song, Fei
747 An estimator of forward and backward delay for multipath transport Fei Song, Hongke Zhang, et al. 2009-03 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Sonnex, William
905 Fixed point promotion: taking the induction out of automated induction William Sonnex 2017-03 PhD
170 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
Son, Stacey
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Southern, Richard
691 Preconditions on geometrically sensitive subdivision schemes Neil A. Dodgson, Malcolm A. Sabin, Richard Southern 2007-08 13 p PDF (0.5 MB)
699 A smooth manifold based construction of approximating lofted surfaces Richard Southern, Neil A. Dodgson 2007-10 17 p PDF (1.8 MB)
723 Animation manifolds for representing topological alteration Richard Southern 2008-07 PhD
131 p
PDF (6.7 MB)
Spärck Jones, Karen
17 Three papers on parsing B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones, J.I. Tait 1982 22 p PDF (1.3 MB)
24 Steps towards natural language to data language translation using general semantic information B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1982-03 8 p PDF (0.5 MB)
32 How to drive a database front end using general semantic information B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1982-11 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
45 Compound noun interpretation problems Karen Spärck Jones 1983-07 16 p PDF (1.2 MB)
61 User models and expert systems Karen Spärck Jones 1984-12 44 p PDF (2.2 MB)
64 A framework for inference in natural language front ends to databases Branimir K. Boguraev, Karen Spärck Jones 1985-02 73 p
111 Realism about user modelling K. Spärck Jones 1987-06 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
118 Material concerning a study of cases B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones 1987-05 31 p PDF (1.4 MB)
131 Architecture problems in the construction of expert systems for document retrieval Karen Spärck Jones 1986-12 28 p PDF (1.3 MB)
158 Tailoring output to the user: What does user modelling in generation mean? Karen Spärck Jones 1988-08 21 p PDF (1.6 MB)
163 Inference in a natural language front end for databases Ann Copestake, Karen Spärck Jones 1989-02 87 p PDF (0.5 MB)
187 Natural language interfaces to databases Ann Copestake, Karen Spärck Jones 1989-09 36 p PS (0.1 MB)
211 The role of artificial intelligence in information retrieval Karen Spärck Jones 1990-11 13 p PDF (1.2 MB)
223 Shallow processing and automatic summarising: a first study Philip Gladwin, Stephen Pulman, Karen Spärck Jones 1991-05 65 p PDF (2.9 MB)
234 Two tutorial papers: Information retrieval & Thesaurus Karen Spärck Jones 1991-08 31 p PDF (2.3 MB)
243 Automating the librarian: a fundamental approach using belief revision Alison Cawsey, Julia Galliers, et al. 1992-01 39 p PDF (3.1 MB)
290 Discourse modelling for automatic summarising Karen Spärck Jones 1993-02 30 p PDF (1.9 MB)
291 Evaluating natural language processing systems J.R. Galliers, K. Spärck Jones 1993-02 187 p PS (0.2 MB)
307 Natural language processing for information retrieval David D. Lewis, Karen Spärck Jones 1993-07 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
335 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on keyword definition and data collection (deliverable report on VMR task No. 1) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1994-04 38 p PDF (1.7 MB)
339 Belief revision and dialogue management in information retrieval Brian Logan, Steven Reece, et al. 1994-05 227 p PDF (13.3 MB)
347 Reflections on TREC Karen Spärck Jones 1994-07 35 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
356 Simple, proven approaches to text retrieval S.E. Robertson, K. Spärck Jones 1994-12 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
366 Retrieving spoken documents: VMR Project experiments K. Spärck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, et al. 1995-05 28 p PDF (3.0 MB)
402 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on collection of naturalistic requests and relevance assessments G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1996-09 21 p PDF (1.2 MB)
430 Video mail retrieval using voice: Report on topic spotting (Deliverable report on VMR task no. 6) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1997-07 73 p PDF (5.0 MB)
446 A probabilistic model of information and retrieval: development and status K. Spärck Jones, S. Walker, S.E. Robertson 1998-08 74 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
513 Generic summaries for indexing in information retrieval – Detailed test results Tetsuya Sakai, Karen Spärck Jones 2001-05 29 p PS (0.1 MB)
517 The Cambridge Multimedia Document Retrieval Project: summary of experiments Karen Spärck Jones, P. Jourlin, et al. 2001-07 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
550 Computer security – a layperson’s guide, from the bottom up Karen Spärck Jones 2002-06 23 p PDF (0.2 MB)
632 Between shallow and deep: an experiment in automatic summarising R.I. Tucker, K. Spärck Jones 2005-04 34 p PDF (0.3 MB)
655 Wearing proper combinations Karen Spärck Jones 2005-11 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
679 Automatic summarising: a review and discussion of the state of the art Karen Spärck Jones 2007-01 67 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Spence, David R.
576 An implementation of a coordinate based location system David R. Spence 2003-11 12 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Spiteri, Mark David
494 An architecture for the notification, storage and retrieval of events Mark David Spiteri 2000-07 PhD
165 p
PDF (12.3 MB)
Sreenan, Cormac John
292 Synchronisation services for digital continuous media Cormac John Sreenan 1993-03 PhD
123 p
PS (0.3 MB)
Srinivasan, James R.
800 Improving cache utilisation James R. Srinivasan 2011-06 PhD
184 p
PDF (3.4 MB)
Srinivasan, Sriram
769 Kilim: A server framework with lightweight actors, isolation types and zero-copy messaging Sriram Srinivasan 2010-02 PhD
127 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Stacer, Kathryn
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Stafford-Fraser, James Quentin
419 Video-augmented environments James Quentin Stafford-Fraser 1997-04 PhD
91 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Stajano, Frank
645 RFID is X-ray vision Frank Stajano 2005-08 10 p PDF (0.1 MB)
754 Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security Frank Stajano, Paul Wilson 2009-08 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
817 The quest to replace passwords: a framework for comparative evaluation of Web authentication schemes Joseph Bonneau, Cormac Herley, et al. 2012-03 32 p PDF (0.5 MB)
922 Raising a new generation of cyber defenders Frank Stajano, Graham Rymer, Michelle Houghton 2018-06 307 p PDF (68.6 MB)
Staples, Mark
476 Linking ACL2 and HOL Mark Staples 1999-11 23 p PDF (1.5 MB)
Stark, Ian
363 Names and higher-order functions Ian Stark 1995-04 PhD
140 p
PS (0.3 MB)
DVI (0.2 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Staton, Sam
647 An agent architecture for simulation of end-users in programming-like tasks Sam Staton 2005-10 12 p PDF (0.2 MB)
688 Name-passing process calculi: operational models and structural operational semantics Sam Staton 2007-06 PhD
245 p
PDF (2.1 MB)
Stead, Alistair G.
890 Using multiple representations to develop notational expertise in programming Alistair G. Stead 2016-06 PhD
301 p
PDF (24.8 MB)
Stewart, Daryl
485 Three notes on the interpretation of Verilog Daryl Stewart, Myra VanInwegen 2000-01 47 p PDF (3.4 MB)
Stiller, Burkhard
368 CogPiT – configuration of protocols in TIP Burkhard Stiller 1995-06 73 p PS (0.2 MB)
374 A framework for QoS updates in a networking environment Burkhard Stiller 1995-07 PS (0.1 MB)
380 Quality-of-Service issues in networking environments Burkhard Stiller 1995-09 68 p PS (0.2 MB)
Stockdill, Aaron
971 Automating representation change across domains for reasoning Aaron Stockdill 2022-06 PhD
268 p
PDF (3.9 MB)
Stolfa, Domagoj
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Stoneley, A.J.M.
3 A replacement for the OS/360 disc space management routines A.J.M. Stoneley 1975-04 7 p PDF (0.6 MB)
4 The dynamic creation of I/O paths under OS/360-MVT A.J.M. Stoneley 1975-04 16 p PDF (0.9 MB)
5 Parrot – A replacement for TCAM P. Hazel, A.J.M. Stoneley 1976-04 25 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Stoye, W.
40 The SKIM microprogrammer’s guide W. Stoye 1983-10 33 p PDF (1.8 MB)
Stoye, William
56 A new scheme for writing functional operating systems William Stoye 1984-09 30 p PDF (2.5 MB)
Stoye, William Robert
81 The implementation of functional languages using custom hardware William Robert Stoye 1985-12 PhD
151 p
PDF (7.2 MB)
Stoyle, Gareth
568 Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time λ Gavin Bierman, Michael Hicks, et al. 2004-02 85 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Street, Alice
760 Radical innovation: crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, et al. 2009-11 124 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Su, Jing
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Su, Karen
695 Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of spherical lattice codes Karen Su, Inaki Berenguer, et al. 2007-07 29 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Sultana, Nikolai
867 Higher-order proof translation Nikolai Sultana 2015-04 PhD
158 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
Sultana, Robert
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Sutherland, Ivan Edward
574 Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system Ivan Edward Sutherland 2003-09 PhD
149 p
PDF (4.1 MB)
Swierstra, Doaitse
487 Sequential program composition in UNITY Tanja Vos, Doaitse Swierstra 2000-03 20 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Syme, Donald
416 DECLARE: a prototype declarative proof system for higher order logic Donald Syme 1997-02 25 p PDF (1.7 MB)
427 Proving Java type soundness Don Syme 1997-06 35 p PDF (2.4 MB)
Taherian, Salman
739 State-based Publish/Subscribe for sensor systems Salman Taherian 2009-01 PhD
240 p
PDF (4.1 MB)
Tait, John Irving
17 Three papers on parsing B.K. Boguraev, K. Spärck Jones, J.I. Tait 1982 22 p PDF (1.3 MB)
23 Two papers about the scrabble summarising system J.I. Tait (1982) 12 p PDF (0.7 MB)
47 Automatic summarising of English texts John Irving Tait (1982) PhD
137 p
PDF (8.0 MB)
Tarkoma, Sasu
925 Privacy markets in the Apps and IoT age Ranjan Pal, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2018-09 45 p PDF (1.7 MB)
926 Are cyber-blackouts in service networks likely?: implications for cyber risk management Ranjan Pal, Konstantinos Psounis, et al. 2018-10 32 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Tate, B.A.
154 A natural language interface to an intelligent planning system I.B. Crabtree, R.S. Crouch, et al. 1989-01 14 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Temple, Steven
52 The design of a ring communication network Steven Temple (1984) PhD
132 p
PDF (6.3 MB)
Tennenhouse, David Lawrence
184 Site interconnection and the exchange architecture David Lawrence Tennenhouse 1989-10 PhD
225 p
PDF (15.6 MB)
Théry, Laurent
313 Proof by pointing Yves Bertot, Gilles Kahn, Laurent Théry 1993-10 27 p PDF (1.7 MB)
Thomas, Arun
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Thomas, James Richard
486 Stretching a point: aspect and temporal discourse James Richard Thomas 2000-02 PhD
251 p
Thompson, Sarah
670 On the application of program analysis and transformation to high reliability hardware Sarah Thompson 2006-07 PhD
215 p
PDF (5.8 MB)
Thorne, James
968 Evidence-based verification and correction of textual claims James Thorne 2022-02 PhD
231 p
PDF (3.7 MB)
Tillotson, Mark
65 Introduction to the programming language “Ponder” Mark Tillotson 1985-05 57 p
Tirado, Juan M.
881 Web data knowledge extraction Juan M. Tirado, Ovidiu Serban, et al. 2016-03 60 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Togia, Theodosia
875 The language of collaborative tagging Theodosia Togia 2015-09 PhD
203 p
PDF (28.2 MB)
Toye, Eleanor
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Tramontano, Piero
488 Formal verification of card-holder registration in SET Giampaolo Bella, Fabio Massacci, et al. 2000-03 15 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Tratt, Laurence
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Trigoni, Agathoniki
497 Towards a formal type system for ODMG OQL G.M. Bierman, A. Trigoni 2000-09 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
547 Semantic optimization of OQL queries Agathoniki Trigoni 2002-10 PhD
171 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Trossen, Dirk
841 Information centric delay tolerant networking: an internet architecture for the challenged Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Dirk Trossen, et al. 2013-09 11 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Tsipenyuk, Gregory Y.
918 Evaluation of decentralized email architecture and social network analysis based on email attachment sharing Gregory Y. Tsipenyuk 2018-03 PhD
153 p
PDF (2.7 MB)
Tucker, Richard
484 Automatic summarising and the CLASP system Richard Tucker 2000-01 PhD
190 p
PDF (0.9 MB)
632 Between shallow and deep: an experiment in automatic summarising R.I. Tucker, K. Spärck Jones 2005-04 34 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Tuddenham, Philip
734 Tabletop interfaces for remote collaboration Philip Tuddenham 2008-12 PhD
243 p
PDF (23.5 MB)
Tuerk, Thomas
799 A separation logic framework for HOL Thomas Tuerk 2011-06 PhD
271 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
Turner, David C.
751 Nominal domain theory for concurrency David C. Turner 2009-07 PhD
185 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Turner, Martin John
344 The contour tree image encoding technique and file format Martin John Turner 1994-07 PhD
154 p
PDF (169.4 MB)
Twigg, Andrew D.
678 Compact forbidden-set routing Andrew D. Twigg 2006-12 PhD
115 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
Uhlig, Steve
725 Beyond node degree: evaluating AS topology models Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2008-07 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
729 Weighted spectral distribution Damien Fay, Hamed Haddadi, et al. 2008-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
756 Analysis of the Internet’s structural evolution Hamed Haddadi, Damien Fay, et al. 2009-09 13 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Unyapoth, Asis
514 Nomadic π-calculi: expressing and verifying communication infrastructure for mobile computation Asis Unyapoth 2001-06 PhD
316 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
PS (0.7 MB)
Upton, Eben
609 Using camera-phones to interact with context-aware mobile services Eleanor Toye, Anil Madhavapeddy, et al. 2004-12 23 p PDF (0.4 MB)
680 Haggle: Clean-slate networking for mobile devices Jing Su, James Scott, et al. 2007-01 30 p PDF (0.5 MB)
Urma, Raoul-Gabriel
902 Programming language evolution Raoul-Gabriel Urma 2017-02 PhD
129 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
Vafeiadis, Viktor
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
659 A safety proof of a lazy concurrent list-based set implementation Viktor Vafeiadis, Maurice Herlihy, et al. 2006-01 19 p PDF (0.2 MB)
687 A marriage of rely/guarantee and separation logic Viktor Vafeiadis, Matthew Parkinson 2007-06 31 p PDF (0.4 MB)
726 Modular fine-grained concurrency verification Viktor Vafeiadis 2008-07 PhD
148 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
736 Deny-guarantee reasoning Mike Dodds, Xinyu Feng, et al. 2009-01 82 p PDF (0.6 MB)
777 Concurrent Abstract Predicates Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Mike Dodds, et al. 2010-04 43 p PDF (0.5 MB)
778 Automatically proving linearizability Viktor Vafeiadis 2016-09 19 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Valla, Emma
912 Network traffic classification via neural networks Ang Kun Joo Michael, Emma Valla, et al. 2017-09 25 p PDF (0.8 MB)
van der Maas, Marno
980 Protecting enclaves from side-channel attacks through physical isolation Marno van der Maas 2023-03 PhD
120 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
van der Merwe, Jacobus Erasmus
450 Open service support for ATM Jacobus Erasmus van der Merwe 1998-11 PhD
164 p
PDF (15.0 MB)
VanInwegen, Myra
485 Three notes on the interpretation of Verilog Daryl Stewart, Myra VanInwegen 2000-01 47 p PDF (3.4 MB)
Van Tassell, John Peter
196 The semantics of VHDL with Val and Hol: towards practical verification tools John Peter Van Tassell 1990-06 77 p PDF (4.3 MB)
199 The HOL verification of ELLA designs Richard Boulton, Mike Gordon, et al. 1990-08 22 p PS (0.1 MB)
249 A formalisation of the VHDL simulation cycle John P. Van Tassel 1992-03 24 p PDF (1.2 MB)
317 Femto-VHDL: the semantics of a subset of VHDL and its embedding in the HOL proof assistant John Peter Van Tassel 1993-11 PhD
122 p
PDF (7.3 MB)
Vardi, Moshe
788 Branching-time reasoning for programs (extended version) Byron Cook, Eric Koskinen, Moshe Vardi 2011-07 38 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Vargas, Francisco
958 Machine-learning approaches for the empirical Schrödinger bridge problem Francisco Vargas 2021-06 MPhil
114 p
PDF (5.2 MB)
Verő, Anita L.
970 Transparent analysis of multi-modal embeddings Anita L. Verő 2022-05 PhD
202 p
PDF (61.6 MB)
Vertanen, Keith
627 Efficient computer interfaces using continuous gestures, language models, and speech Keith Vertanen 2005-03 MPhil
46 p
PDF (0.6 MB)
Vetterl, Alexander
944 Honeypots in the age of universal attacks and the Internet of Things Alexander Vetterl 2020-02 PhD
115 p
PDF (2.6 MB)
Vidales, Pablo
656 Seamless mobility in 4G systems Pablo Vidales 2005-11 PhD
141 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Vijayaraghavan, Murali
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Villavicencio, Aline
533 The acquisition of a unification-based generalised categorial grammar Aline Villavicencio 2002-04 PhD
223 p
PDF (2.2 MB)
Vincent, Hugo
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Vitek, Jan
463 Secure composition of insecure components Peter Sewell, Jan Vitek 1999-04 44 p PS (0.2 MB)
478 Secure composition of untrusted code: wrappers and causality types Peter Sewell, Jan Vitek 1999-11 36 p PS (0.2 MB)
Vlachos, Andreas
791 Semi-supervised learning for biomedical information extraction Andreas Vlachos 2010-11 PhD
113 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Vogel, Thomas Ulrich
241 Learning in large state spaces with an application to biped robot walking Thomas Ulrich Vogel 1991-12 PhD
204 p
PDF (13.9 MB)
Voigt, Janina
836 Aliasing contracts: a dynamic approach to alias protection Janina Voigt, Alan Mycroft 2013-06 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
880 Access contracts: a dynamic approach to object-oriented access protection Janina Voigt 2016-02 PhD
171 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
von Wright, J.
323 Representing higher-order logic proofs in HOL J. von Wright 1994-01 28 p PDF (1.5 MB)
324 Verifying modular programs in HOL J. von Wright 1994-01 25 p PDF (1.3 MB)
Vos, Tanja
487 Sequential program composition in UNITY Tanja Vos, Doaitse Swierstra 2000-03 20 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Vuković, Maja
700 Context aware service composition Maja Vuković 2007-10 PhD
225 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Wagner, Kim Ritter
371 LIMINF convergence in Ω-categories Kim Ritter Wagner 1995-06 28 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Walker, S.
446 A probabilistic model of information and retrieval: development and status K. Spärck Jones, S. Walker, S.E. Robertson 1998-08 74 p PS (0.2 MB)
DVI (0.1 MB)
Wang, Heng
235 Modelling and image generation Heng Wang (1991) PhD
145 p
PDF (10.6 MB)
Wang, Xiaodong
695 Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of spherical lattice codes Karen Su, Inaki Berenguer, et al. 2007-07 29 p PDF (0.4 MB)
Wansbrough, Keith
515 The UDP calculus: rigorous semantics for real networking Andrei Serjantov, Peter Sewell, Keith Wansbrough 2001-07 70 p PS (0.3 MB)
568 Dynamic rebinding for marshalling and update, with destruct-time λ Gavin Bierman, Michael Hicks, et al. 2004-02 85 p PDF (0.7 MB)
569 Global abstraction-safe marshalling with hash types James J. Leifer, Gilles Peskine, et al. 2003-06 86 p PDF (0.8 MB)
605 Acute: High-level programming language design for distributed computation : Design rationale and language definition Peter Sewell, James J. Leifer, et al. 2004-10 193 p PDF (1.2 MB)
623 Simple polymorphic usage analysis Keith Wansbrough 2005-03 PhD
364 p
PDF (3.1 MB)
624 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 1: Overview Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 88 p PDF (1.3 MB)
625 TCP, UDP, and Sockets: rigorous and experimentally-validated behavioural specification : Volume 2: The Specification Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, et al. 2005-03 386 p PDF (2.5 MB)
Want, Roy
141 Reliable management of voice in a distributed system Roy Want 1988-07 PhD
127 p
PDF (7.6 MB)
Warfield, Andrew K.
553 Xen 2002 Paul R. Barham, Boris Dragovic, et al. 2003-01 15 p PDF (0.2 MB)
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Wassell, Ian J.
695 Efficient maximum-likelihood decoding of spherical lattice codes Karen Su, Inaki Berenguer, et al. 2007-07 29 p PDF (0.4 MB)
727 A novel auto-calibration system for wireless sensor motes Ruoshui Liu, Ian J. Wassell 2008-09 65 p PDF (5.5 MB)
Watcharawitch, Panit
588 MulTEP: A MultiThreaded Embedded Processor Panit Watcharawitch 2004-05 PhD
190 p
PDF (3.6 MB)
Watson, Rebecca F.
743 Optimising the speed and accuracy of a Statistical GLR Parser Rebecca F. Watson 2009-03 PhD
145 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Watson, Robert N. M.
818 New approaches to operating system security extensibility Robert N. M. Watson 2012-04 PhD
184 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
873 Clean application compartmentalization with SOAAP (extended version) Khilan Gudka, Robert N.M. Watson, et al. 2015-08 35 p PDF (2.1 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
916 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2018-02 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
924 OpenDTrace Specification version 1.0 George Neville-Neil, Jonathan Anderson, et al. 2018-08 235 p PDF (0.9 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
940 Rigorous engineering for hardware security: formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, et al. 2019-09 38 p PDF (0.7 MB)
941 An Introduction to CHERI Robert N. M. Watson, Simon W. Moore, et al. 2019-09 43 p PDF (0.6 MB)
947 CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, et al. 2020-06 33 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
959 Verified security for the Morello capability-enhanced prototype Arm architecture Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, et al. 2021-09 24 p PDF (0.9 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Weaver, Nicholas
703 Lazy Susan: dumb waiting as proof of work Jon Crowcroft, Tim Deegan, et al. 2007-11 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Wellner, Pierre David
330 Interacting with paper on the DigitalDesk Pierre David Wellner 1994-03 PhD
96 p
PDF (3.8 MB)
Wenzel, Markus
449 Locales : A sectioning concept for Isabelle Florian Kammüller, Markus Wenzel 1998-10 16 p PDF (1.2 MB)
Wheeler, David J.
120 Block encryption D. Wheeler 1987-11 4 p PDF (0.4 MB)
164 A matrix key distribution system Li Gong, David J. Wheeler 1988-10 20 p PDF (1.0 MB)
355 Two cryptographic notes David Wheeler, Roger Needham 1994-11 6 p PDF (0.4 MB)
445 Secure sessions from weak secrets Michael Roe, Bruce Christianson, David Wheeler 1998-07 12 p PDF (1.0 MB)
Wickerson, John
774 Explicit stabilisation for modular rely-guarantee reasoning John Wickerson, Mike Dodds, Matthew Parkinson 2010-03 29 p PDF (0.9 MB)
834 Concurrent verification for sequential programs John Wickerson 2013-05 PhD
149 p
PDF (1.6 MB)
Wilcox, Stephen Paul
468 Synthesis of asynchronous circuits Stephen Paul Wilcox 1999-07 PhD
250 p
PDF (1.7 MB)
Wilkes, Andrew John
108 Workstation design for distributed computing Andrew John Wilkes 1987-06 PhD
179 p
PDF (7.2 MB)
Wilkes, John
30 A portable BCPL library John Wilkes 1982-10 31 p PDF (2.2 MB)
Williamson, Mark
596 Reconstructing I/O Keir Fraser, Steven Hand, et al. 2004-08 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Wilson, Ian David
15 The implementation of BCPL on a Z80 based microcomputer I.D. Wilson (1980) BA
68 p
PDF (2.4 MB)
83 Operating system design for large personal workstations Ian David Wilson (1985) PhD
203 p
PDF (13.8 MB)
Wilson, Lee
760 Radical innovation: crossing knowledge boundaries with interdisciplinary teams Alan F. Blackwell, Lee Wilson, et al. 2009-11 124 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Wilson, Paul
754 Understanding scam victims: seven principles for systems security Frank Stajano, Paul Wilson 2009-08 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Winskel, Glynn
51 Using information systems to solve recursive domain equations effectively Glynn Winskel, Kim Guldstrand Larsen 1984-07 41 p PDF (2.9 MB)
58 Categories of models for concurrency Glynn Winskel 1984-10 35 p PDF (1.3 MB)
59 On the composition and decomposition of assertions Glynn Winskel 1984-11 35 p PDF (1.1 MB)
78 A complete proof system for SCCS with model assertions Glynn Winskel 1985-09 23 p PDF (1.0 MB)
79 Petri nets, algebras and morphisms Glynn Winskel (1985) 38 p PDF (2.1 MB)
85 Category theory and models for parallel computation Glynn Winskel 1986-04 16 p PDF (1.0 MB)
95 Event structures : Lecture notes for the Advanced Course on Petri Nets Glynn Winskel 1986-07 69 p PDF (4.0 MB)
96 Models and logic of MOS circuits : Lectures for the Marktoberdorf Summerschool, August 1986 Glynn Winskel 1986-10 47 p PDF (1.8 MB)
105 A compositional model of MOS circuits Glynn Winskel 1987-04 25 p PDF (1.3 MB)
107 DI-domains as a model of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-05 19 p PDF (0.8 MB)
110 Relating two models of hardware Glynn Winskel 1987-07 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
116 Domain theoretic models of polymorphism Thierry Coquand, Carl Gunter, Glynn Winskel 1987-09 52 p PDF (2.8 MB)
477 Presheaf models for CCS-like languages Gian Luca Cattani, Glynn Winskel 1999-11 46 p PDF (2.8 MB)
589 new-HOPLA — a higher-order process language with name generation Glynn Winskel, Francesco Zappa Nardelli 2004-05 16 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Witaszczyk, Konrad
996 It is time to standardize principles and practices for software memory safety (extended version) Robert N. M. Watson, John Baldwin, et al. 2025-02 29 p PDF (0.6 MB)
Wojciechowski, Paweł Tomasz
462 Location-independent communication for mobile agents: a two-level architecture Peter Sewell, Paweł T. Wojciechowski, Benjamin C. Pierce 1999-04 31 p PS (0.1 MB)
492 Nomadic Pict: language and infrastructure design for mobile computation Paweł Tomasz Wojciechowski 2000-06 PhD
184 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
PS (0.4 MB)
Wolfram, D.A.
112 Reducing thrashing by adaptive backtracking D.A. Wolfram 1987-08 15 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Wollner, Patrick K.A.
855 Mephistophone Patrick K.A. Wollner, Isak Herman, et al. 2014-06 8 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Wong, Ford Long
709 Protocols and technologies for security in pervasive computing and communications Ford Long Wong 2008-01 PhD
167 p
PDF (1.8 MB)
Wong, Starsky H.Y.
708 IDRM: Inter-Domain Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Chi-Kin Chau, Jon Crowcroft, et al. 2008-01 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Wong, Wai
300 Formal verification of VIPER’s ALU Wai Wong 1993-04 78 p PDF (5.4 MB)
306 Recording HOL proofs Wai Wong 1993-07 57 p PDF (3.8 MB)
389 A proof checked for HOL Wai Wong 1996-03 165 p PDF (11.6 MB)
Woodland, P.C.
517 The Cambridge Multimedia Document Retrieval Project: summary of experiments Karen Spärck Jones, P. Jourlin, et al. 2001-07 30 p PS (0.1 MB)
DVI (0.0 MB)
Woodman, Oliver J.
696 An introduction to inertial navigation Oliver J. Woodman 2007-08 37 p PDF (0.9 MB)
Woodruff, Jonathan D.
850 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N.M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-04 131 p PDF (0.7 MB)
851 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI User’s guide Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 26 p PDF (0.4 MB)
852 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2014-04 76 p PDF (0.5 MB)
853 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N.M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2014-04 34 p PDF (0.9 MB)
858 CHERI: A RISC capability machine for practical memory safety Jonathan D. Woodruff 2014-07 PhD
112 p
PDF (1.1 MB)
864 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-set architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2014-12 142 p PDF (0.7 MB)
868 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Hardware reference Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2015-04 82 p PDF (0.5 MB)
869 Bluespec Extensible RISC Implementation: BERI Software reference Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-04 27 p PDF (0.9 MB)
876 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2015-09 198 p PDF (0.9 MB)
877 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer’s Guide Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, et al. 2015-09 58 p PDF (0.4 MB)
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
916 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2018-02 16 p PDF (0.2 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
932 CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, et al. 2019-04 40 p PDF (0.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
953 DSbD CHERI and Morello Capability Essential IP (Version 1) Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, et al. 2020-12 25 p PDF (0.4 MB)
982 Arm Morello Programme: Architectural security goals and known limitations Robert N. M. Watson, Graeme Barnes, et al. 2023-07 8 p PDF (0.2 MB)
986 Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture Robert N. M. Watson, Jessica Clarke, et al. 2023-09 19 p PDF (0.9 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Wördenweber, Burkard
18 Automatic mesh generation of 2 & 3 dimensional curvilinear manifolds Burkard Wördenweber 1981-11 PhD
128 p
Wray, Stuart Charles
92 Implementation and programming techniques for functional languages Stuart Charles Wray 1986-06 PhD
117 p
PDF (4.4 MB)
Wren, Alisdair
642 First-class relationships in an object-oriented language Gavin Bierman, Alisdair Wren 2005-08 53 p PDF (0.5 MB)
702 Relationships for object-oriented programming languages Alisdair Wren 2007-11 PhD
153 p
PDF (1.2 MB)
Wrench, K.L.
212 A distributed and-or parallel Prolog network K.L. Wrench 1990-12 82 p PDF (4.7 MB)
Wu, Yongdong
518 An attack on a traitor tracing scheme Jeff Jianxin Yan, Yongdong Wu 2001-07 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Wu, Zhixue
294 OPERA : Storage, programming and display of multimedia objects Ken Moody, Jean Bacon, et al. 1993-04 9 p PDF (0.9 MB)
296 A persistent programming language for multimedia databases in the OPERA project Z. Wu, K. Moody, J. Bacon 1993-04 9 p PDF (1.0 MB)
301 The dual-level validation concurrency control method Zhixue Wu, Ken Moody, Jean Bacon 1993-06 24 p PDF (1.6 MB)
338 A new approach to implementing atomic data types Zhixue Wu 1994-05 PhD
170 p
PDF (10.2 MB)
Wyvill, B.
541 Different applications of two-dimensional potential fields for volume modeling L. Barthe, N.A. Dodgson, et al. 2002-08 26 p PDF (1.9 MB)
Xia, Hongyan
891 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 5) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2016-06 242 p PDF (1.1 MB)
907 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2017-04 307 p PDF (9.4 MB)
927 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2019-06 496 p PDF (10.5 MB)
951 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 8) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2020-10 590 p PDF (3.3 MB)
955 Capability memory protection for embedded systems Hongyan Xia 2021-02 PhD
145 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
987 Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 9) Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, et al. 2023-09 523 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Xu, Na
737 Static contract checking for Haskell Na Xu 2008-12 PhD
175 p
PDF (1.0 MB)
Yahalom, Raphael
231 Managing the order of transactions in widely-distributed data systems Raphael Yahalom 1991-08 PhD
133 p
Yan, Jeff Jianxin
500 The memorability and security of passwords – some empirical results Jianxin Yan, Alan Blackwell, et al. 2000-09 13 p PDF (0.2 MB)
518 An attack on a traitor tracing scheme Jeff Jianxin Yan, Yongdong Wu 2001-07 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Yannakoudakis, Helen
842 Automated assessment of English-learner writing Helen Yannakoudakis 2013-10 PhD
151 p
PDF (1.3 MB)
Yao, Walt
608 Trust management for widely distributed systems Walt Yao 2004-11 PhD
191 p
PDF (1.5 MB)
Yoneki, Eiko
559 Pronto: MobileGateway with publish-subscribe paradigm over wireless network Eiko Yoneki, Jean Bacon 2003-02 22 p PDF (0.5 MB)
677 ECCO: Data centric asynchronous communication Eiko Yoneki 2006-12 PhD
210 p
PDF (6.6 MB)
749 Identifying social communities in complex communications for network efficiency Pan Hui, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2009-05 14 p PDF (0.7 MB)
767 Ising model of rumour spreading in interacting communities Massimo Ostilli, Eiko Yoneki, et al. 2010-01 24 p PDF (3.2 MB)
806 On joint diagonalisation for dynamic network analysis Damien Fay, Jérôme Kunegis, Eiko Yoneki 2011-10 12 p PDF (0.8 MB)
820 A unified graph query layer for multiple databases Eiko Yoneki, Amitabha Roy 2012-08 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
823 Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based graph traversal Amitabha Roy, Karthik Nilakant, et al. 2012-11 27 p PDF (0.3 MB)
866 PDTL: Parallel and distributed triangle listing for massive graphs Ilias Giechaskiel, George Panagopoulos, Eiko Yoneki 2015-04 14 p PDF (0.5 MB)
881 Web data knowledge extraction Juan M. Tirado, Ovidiu Serban, et al. 2016-03 60 p PDF (0.7 MB)
Young, R.M.
214 Integrating knowledge of purpose and knowledge of structure for design evaluation J.A. Bradshaw, R.M. Young 1991-02 20 p PDF (1.3 MB)
Young, S.J.
335 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on keyword definition and data collection (deliverable report on VMR task No. 1) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1994-04 38 p PDF (1.7 MB)
366 Retrieving spoken documents: VMR Project experiments K. Spärck Jones, G.J.F. Jones, et al. 1995-05 28 p PDF (3.0 MB)
402 Video mail retrieval using voice: report on collection of naturalistic requests and relevance assessments G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1996-09 21 p PDF (1.2 MB)
430 Video mail retrieval using voice: Report on topic spotting (Deliverable report on VMR task no. 6) G.J.F. Jones, J.T. Foote, et al. 1997-07 73 p PDF (5.0 MB)
Youn, Paul
644 Robbing the bank with a theorem prover Paul Youn, Ben Adida, et al. 2005-08 26 p PDF (0.2 MB)
Yuan, Zheng
904 Grammatical error correction in non-native English Zheng Yuan 2017-03 PhD
145 p
PDF (1.4 MB)
Yu, Christine Guo
939 Effects of timing on users’ perceived control when interacting with intelligent systems Christine Guo Yu 2019-08 PhD
284 p
PDF (6.3 MB)
Yu, Dongting
898 Access control for network management Dongting Yu 2017-01 PhD
108 p
PDF (0.8 MB)
Zadnik, Martin
750 AtoZ: an automatic traffic organizer using NetFPGA Marco Canini, Wei Li, et al. 2009-05 27 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Zaidi, Ali Mustafa
870 Accelerating control-flow intensive code in spatial hardware Ali Mustafa Zaidi 2015-05 PhD
170 p
PDF (6.3 MB)
Zaliva, Vadim
988 CHERI C semantics as an extension of the ISO C17 standard Vadim Zaliva, Kayvan Memarian, et al. 2023-10 11 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Zhang, Guo Qiang
185 Logics of domains Guo Qiang Zhang 1989-12 PhD
250 p
PDF (17.5 MB)
Zhang, Hongke
747 An estimator of forward and backward delay for multipath transport Fei Song, Hongke Zhang, et al. 2009-03 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Zhang, Sidong
747 An estimator of forward and backward delay for multipath transport Fei Song, Hongke Zhang, et al. 2009-03 16 p PDF (0.8 MB)
Zhao, Jianxin
956 Optimisation of a modern numerical library: a bottom-up approach Jianxin Zhao 2021-04 PhD
96 p
PDF (4.0 MB)
Zhao, Qinping
755 Skin-detached surface for interactive large mesh editing Yujian Gao, Aimin Hao, et al. 2009-09 18 p PDF (1.1 MB)
Zieliński, Piotr
560 Decimalisation table attacks for PIN cracking Mike Bond, Piotr Zieliński 2003-02 14 p PDF (0.2 MB)
582 Latency-optimal Uniform Atomic Broadcast algorithm Piotr Zieliński 2004-02 28 p PDF (0.3 MB)
593 Paxos at war Piotr Zieliński 2004-06 30 p PDF (0.3 MB)
638 Optimistic Generic Broadcast Piotr Zieliński 2005-07 22 p PDF (0.3 MB)
667 Minimizing latency of agreement protocols Piotr Zieliński 2006-06 PhD
239 p
PDF (2.0 MB)
668 Optimistically Terminating Consensus Piotr Zieliński 2006-06 35 p PDF (0.4 MB)
671 Low-latency Atomic Broadcast in the presence of contention Piotr Zieliński 2006-07 23 p PDF (0.3 MB)
681 Indirect channels: a bandwidth-saving technique for fault-tolerant protocols Piotr Zieliński 2007-04 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
693 Automatic classification of eventual failure detectors Piotr Zieliński 2007-07 21 p PDF (0.3 MB)
694 Anti-Ω: the weakest failure detector for set agreement Piotr Zieliński 2007-07 24 p PDF (0.3 MB)
Zilberman, Noa
914 Characterizing the impact of network latency on cloud-based applications’ performance Diana Andreea Popescu, Noa Zilberman, Andrew W. Moore 2017-11 20 p PDF (0.8 MB)
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)
933 An Evaluation of NDP performance Noa Zilberman 2019-01 19 p PDF (2.8 MB)
Zuo, Daniel
928 Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, et al. 2018-11 18 p PDF (0.6 MB)