Department of Computer Science and Technology

Technical reports

Deception and defense from machine learning to supply chains

Nicholas Boucher

May 2024, 161 pages

This technical report is based on a dissertation submitted December 2023 by the author for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of Cambridge, Clare College.



Broad classes of modern cyberattacks are dependent upon their ability to deceive human victims. Given the ubiquity of text across modern computational systems, we present and analyze a set of techniques that attack the encoding of text to produce deceptive inputs to critical systems. By targeting a core building block of modern systems, we can adversarially manipulate dependent applications ranging from natural language processing pipelines to search engines to code compilers. Left undefended, these vulnerabilities enable many ill effects including uncurtailed online hate speech, disinformation campaigns, and software supply chain attacks.

We begin by generating adversarial examples for text-based machine learning systems. Due to the discrete nature of text, adversarial examples for text pipelines have traditionally involved conspicuous perturbations compared to the subtle changes of the more continuous visual and auditory domains. Instead, we propose imperceptible perturbations: techniques that manipulate text encodings without affecting the text in its rendered form. We use these techniques to craft the first set of adversarial examples for text-based machine learning systems that are human-indistinguishable from their unperturbed form, and demonstrate their efficacy against systems ranging from machine translation to toxic content detection. We also describe a set of defenses against these techniques.

Next, we propose a new attack setting which we call adversarial search. In this setting, an adversary seeks to manipulate the results of search engines to surface certain results only and consistently when a hidden trigger is detected. We accomplish this by applying the encoding techniques of imperceptible perturbations to both indexed content and queries in major search engines. We demonstrate that imperceptibly encoded triggers can be used to manipulate the results of current commercial search engines, and then describe a social engineering attack exploiting this vulnerability that can be used to power disinformation campaigns. Again, we describe a set of defenses against these techniques.

We then look to compilers and propose a different set of text perturbations which can be used to craft deceptive source code. We exploit the bidirectional nature of modern text standards to embed directionality control characters into comments and string literals. These control characters allow attackers to shuffle the sequence of tokens rendered in source code, and in doing so to implement programs that appear to do one thing when rendered to human code reviewers, but to do something different from the perspective of the compiler. We dub this technique the Trojan Source attack, and demonstrate the vulnerability of C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Java, Rust, Go, Python, SQL, Bash, Assembly, and Solidity. We also explore the applicability of this attack technique to launching supply chain attacks, and propose defenses that can be used to mitigate this risk. We also describe and analyze a 99-day coordinated disclosure that yielded patches to dozens of market-leading compilers, code editors, and code repositories.

Finally, we propose a novel method of identifying software supply chain attacks that works not only for Trojan Source attacks, but for most forms of supply chain attacks. We describe an extension to compilers dubbed the Automated Bill of Materials, or ABOM, which embeds dependency metadata into compiled binaries. Specifically, hashes of each source code file consumed by a compiler are embedded into its emitted binary, and these hashes are included recursively into all downstream dependencies. They are stored in a highly space and time efficient probabilistic data structure that requires an expected value of just 2.1 bytes to represent each unique dependency source code file. With ABOMs, it becomes possible to detect all naturally occurring and most adversarially induced vulnerabilities used for supply chain attacks in downstream software by querying binaries for the presence of poisoned dependencies without the need to locate tangible indicators of compromise.

In this thesis, we therefore demonstrate how weaknesses in a core building block of modern systems – text encodings – can cause failures in a wide range of domains including machine learning, search engines, and source code. We propose defenses against each variant of our attack, including a new tool to identify most generic software supply chain attacks. We believe that these techniques will be useful in securing software ecosystems against the next generation of attacks.

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BibTeX record

  author =	 {Boucher, Nicholas},
  title = 	 {{Deception and defense from machine learning to supply
  year = 	 2024,
  month = 	 may,
  url = 	 {},
  institution =  {University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory},
  doi = 	 {10.48456/tr-994},
  number = 	 {UCAM-CL-TR-994}