Jianxin (Roger) Zhao
I am a 3rd year PhD student, supervised by Professor Jon Crowcroft and Dr. Richard Mortier. I finish my MSc in Beijing Institute of Technology under the supervision of Professor Harold Liu .
Outside work, I practice Kendo in Tsurugi Bashi, the Kendo dojo of Cambridge.
- Owl, an OCaml numerical library
- Databox Project , Funded by EPSRC
- "Towards Energy-Efficiency and Quality-of-Information for IoT Sensory Environments" Funded by NSF, China
- KIT–Horus Project
- J. Zhao, T. Tiplea, R. Mortier, J. Crowcroft, and L. Wang. "Data Analytics Service Composition and Deployment on Edge Devices." Big-DAMA workshop, SIGCOMM'18 [paper]
- J. Zhao, R. Mortier, J. Crowcroft, and L. Wang. "Privacy-preserving Machine Learning Based Personal Data Analytics System." AAAI/ACM conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES'18) [paper]
- J. Zhao, R. Mortier, J. Crowcroft, and L. Wang. "User-centric Composable Services for Personal Data Analytics." SOSP'17 [poster]
- J. Zhao. "Towards Security in Distributed Home System." EuroSys'17 Doctoral Workshop [paper][slides]
- S. S. Rodrıguez, L. Wang, J. R. Zhao, R. Mortier, and H. Haddadi. "Privacy-Preserving Personal Model Training." IoTDI 2018. [paper]
- Richard Moriter et. al. "Personal Data Management with the Databox: What’s Inside the Box?" CAN'16 [paper]
- Gao, H., Liu, C.H., Wang, W., Zhao, J., Song, Z., Su, X., Crowcroft, J. and Leung, K.K., 2015. A survey of incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 17(2), pp.918-943. [paper]
- Zhao, J., Liu, C. H., Chen, M., Liu, X., & Leung, K. K. (2015, June). Energy-efficient dynamic event detection by participatory sensing. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 3180-3185). IEEE.. [paper]
- C. H. Liu and Y. Zhang (Eds.). "Cyber-Physical Systems: Architectures, Protocols Applications." CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA.
- Data Analytics Service Composition and Deployment on IoT Devices, MobiSys 2018 ACM Open IoT Day
- EuroSys Trip Report, NetOS group talklet, Cambridge, UK, May 2017
- Towards Security in Distributed Home System, EuroDW’17, April 2017
- ICNP Trip Report, NetOS group talklet, Cambridge, UK, Jan 2017
- FairCache: Introducing Fairness to ICN Caching, IEEE ICNP’16
- Energy-efficient dynamic event detection by participatory sensing, IEEE ICC’15
- My contribution to Owl code base can be viewed at this page @jzstark
- Supervision, Computer Networking, Computer Lab, Michaelmas term 2016
- STIMULUS programme Volunteer, Cambridge, 2016-2017 academic year
Work address: University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK
Email: jianxin.zhao at cl.cam.ac.uk
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