I am a PhD student in the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group.
My research examines the security of cyber-physical systems, i.e., digital systems interacting with the physical environment. My current focus is networked automation and industrial control systems. Specifically, I am interested in using capability-based access control to address some of the unique challenges of this domain, such as limited compute and memory resources, mutually-suspicious but mutually-dependent device integrations, and the lack of trusted kernels.
I am supervised by Professor Alastair Beresford.
I am a member of Queens' College and am funded by the Gates Cambridge Trust.
- Michael Dodson, Alastair R. Beresford, and Daniel R. Thomas. When will my PLC support Mirai? The security economics of large-scale attacks against Internet-connected ICS devices. In 15th Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime 2020). [bibtex]
- Michael Dodson, Alastair R. Beresford, Alexander Richardson, Jessica Clarke, and Robert N. M. Watson. CHERI Macaroons: Efficient, host-based access control for cyber-physical systems. In 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW 2020). [bibtex]
- Michael Dodson, Alastair R. Beresford, and Mikael Vingaard. Using Global Honeypot Networks to Detect Targeted ICS Attacks. In 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon 2020). [bibtex]
- Michael Dodson and Geoffrey T. Parks. Robust aerodynamic design optimization using polynomial chaos. In Journal of Aircraft, volume 46, number 2, pages 635-646, 2009. [bibtex]
- Michael Dodson and David S. Miklosovic. An historical and applied aerodynamic study of the Wright Brothers’ wind tunnel test program and application to successful manned flight. In ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, volume 41987, pages 269-278, 2005. [bibtex]
- Michael Dodson, Alastair R. Beresford, and Daniel R. Thomas. When will my PLC support Mirai?. At CS3STHLM: Cyber Security Conference for ICS/SCADA and Critical Infrustructure, Stockholm, Sweden, October, 2019.
- Michael Dodson, Alastair R. Beresford, and Daniel R. Thomas. Industrial Control Systems: Quantifying Exposed Devices. At NCSC Workshop on Safety v Security: challenges and applications in the cyber security era, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, January, 2019.
Michael Dodson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
William Gates Building
15 JJ Thompson Avenue
Email: md403@cl.cam.ac.uk