Simon Moore
Simon Moore is a Professor of Computer Engineering
at the University of Cambridge
Department of Computer Science and Technology
(previously the Computer Laboratory) in England,
where he conducts research and teaching in the general area of computer
architecture with particular interests in secure and rigorously-engineered processors and subsystems. Professor Moore
is the senior member of the Computer
Architecture research group.
- June 2024 - We presented our CHERI-RISC-V core at the RISC-V Summit Europe 2024. YouTube Video
- June 2024 - Launch of the Computer Architecture Group Research Centre. Website
- June 2024 - I hosted lowRISC's Sunburst Hackathon - CHERIoT on a custom FPGA board. Article
- May 2024 - New DSIT report on our CHERI technology: CHERI adoption and diffusion research
- April 2024 - New paper: Cornucopia Reloaded: Load Barriers for CHERI Heap Temporal Safety
- April 2024 - CHERITech24 workshop in Cambridge. Great to see over 140 deligates from industry, academia and government exploring CHERI security technology. Slides and videos are now available.
- February 2024 - The White House press release on Future Software Should be Memory Safe recommend our work on the CHERI security model in the accompanying technical report: Back to Building Blocks: A Path Toward Secure and Measurable Software.
- November 2023 - I spoke at the UK-US Semiconductor Security Workshop: Security in the Era of Global Semiconductor Initiatives in Washington DC. Slides: PDF
- August 2023 - New PhD thesis released: Efficient spatial and temporal safety for microcontrollers and application-class processors
- June 2023 - ISCA@50 Retrospective recognises our work from 2004 on Low-Latency Virtual-Channel Routers for On-Chip Networks - see the Retrospective Article
- June 2023 - Speaking at the Leti Innovation Days event in the Cyber Security track.
- May 2023 - CHERI is part of the UK National Semiconductor Strategy.
- April 2023 - CHERI recommended as the secure hardware foundation in the intergovernmental report Shifting the Balance of Cybersecurity Risk: Principles and Approaches for Security-by Design and -Default
- March 2023 - CHERITech23 in Glasgow. I gave the keynote. Link to workshop details includeing slides.
- March 2023 - New Ph.D. thesis as a technical report: Protecting enclaves from side-channel attacks through physical isolation by Marno van der Maas
- February 2023 - Microsoft announces CHERIoT: Rethinking security for low-cost embedded systems that includes a reference hardware implementation and software stack including an RTOS.
- January 2023 - HotChips 2022 presentation on our work with Arm is released: Arm Morello Evaluation Platform - Validating CHERI-based Security in a High-performance System - YouTube and Slides in PDF
- October 2022 - Our CHERI work was one of the finalists for the Royal Academy of Engineering Bhattacharyya Award. See the YouTube video
- September 2022 - Microsoft announce a production-ready CHERI-enabled Ibex microcontroller
- September 2022 - CHERITech22 workshop at King's College London brings together academics and industrialists exploring and using our CHERI secure processor technology
- May 2022 - CHERI Session at RISC-V Week in Paris
- March 2022 - YouTube video about CHERI from Digital Security by Design event
- October 2020 - Microsoft Security Response Centre have released an analysis of our CHERI hardware/software stack showing the many benefits of our technology: PDF on GitHub
- October 2020 - CHERI-ARM prototype architecture (Morello) announced: https://developer.arm.com/architectures/cpu-architecture/a-profile/morello
- Sept 2020 - CHERI-RISC-V talk presented at Texas A&M. Video is here.
- May 2020 - More CHERI advances presented at Oakland (IEEE Security & Privacy Conference): Cornucopia: Temporal Safety for CHERI Heaps and Rigorous engineering for hardware security: Formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process
- October 2019 - ARM to build a prototype ARM SoC with our CHERI technology - press releases:
UK Gov,
The Register and
our CHERI project page.
Talk by Richard Grisenthwaite, Chief Architect at ARM
- October 2019 - MICRO paper: CHERIvoke: Characterising Pointer Revocation using CHERI Capabilities for Temporal Memory Safety PDF, YouTube lightning talk
- September 2019 - FPL paper: Tinsel: a manythread overlay for FPGA clusters. [Open Access]
- May 2019 - IEEE Transactions on Computers paper: CHERI Concentrate: Practical Compressed Capabilities. [IEEExplore]
- April 2019 - award winning ASPLOS'19 paper: CheriABI: Enforcing Valid Pointer Provenance and Minimizing Pointer Privilege in the POSIX C Run-time Environment.,
[Brief intro. on YouTube]
- February 2019 - NDSS'19 paper: Thunderclap: Exploring Vulnerabilities in Operating System IOMMU Protection via DMA from Untrustworthy Peripherals.
Press: The Register,
Tom's hardware and
The Verge,
Apple Insider,
MS Power User,
Beeping Computer,
Threat Post,
Economic Times (India),
Press release,
- February 2019 - ASPLOS'19 paper: CheriABI: Enforcing
Valid Pointer Provenance and Minimizing Pointer Privilege in the
POSIX C Run-time Environment.[PDF]
- January 2019 - Arm announce that that have been working with us to add CHERI protections to Arm processors.
- August 2018 - The New Scientist has published an article, Uncrackable computer chips stop malicious bugs attacking your computer, covering CHERI and other projects relating to security-focused computer architectures.
- April 2018 - Dr Colin Rothwell graduates for his PhD work on Protection from malicious peripherals (thesis to be released soon)
- March 2018 - Talk at the RISE (Research Institute for Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems) spring school at Trinity Hall - an update of Winning the War in Memory Programme and [YouTube Video]. There is also a follow-on talk from Dr Watson on CHERI - Architecture support for memory protection and compartmentalisation [YouTube Video]
- February 2018 - [Technical report] on Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI): Notes on the Meltdown and Spectre Attacks
- November 2017 - Paper on Efficient Tagged Memory at the IEEE ICCD conference [PDF]
- September 2017 - Talk at ARM Research Summit - Winning the War in Memory - [YouTube Video] and follow-on talk on CheriABI from Dr Robert Watson [YouTube Video]
- April 2017 - Paper at ASPLOS 2017 - CHERI JNI: Sinking the Java security model into the C: [Open Access Archive]
- October 2016 - IEEE Micro paper on Fast Protection-Domain Crossing in the CHERI Capability-System Architecture: [IEEE DOI: 10.1109/MM.2016.84,
Open Access Archive]
- October 2016 - FMCAD paper on A Consistency Checker for Memory Subsystem Traces [PDF]
- January 2016 - ten year retrospective award at ASP-DAC for the most influential paper, for work on low-latency on-chip networks see news article.
- May 2015 - paper on CHERI: A Hybrid Capability-System Architecture for Scalable Software Compartmentalization presented at IEEE Security and Privacy.
- March 2015 - paper on Beyond the PDP-11: Processor support for a memory-safe C abstract machine won best presentation prize at ASPLOS 2015. Won the audience picks: best presentation award (well done to David Chisnall who presented our paper)
- October 2014 - promoted to Professor of Computer Engineering.
- September 2014 - 21st Ph.D. student submits his thesis: Steven Marsh on Efficient programming models for neurocomputation.
- September 2014 - two papers presented at FPL on vector compute and FPGA-to-FPGA communication - see publications list
- July 2014 - Celebrating 24 years as a faculty member.
- July 2014 - 20th Ph.D. student graduates: Jonathan Woodruff's thesis on CHERI: A RISC capability machine for practical memory safety
- June 2014 - The CHERI capability model: Revisiting RISC in an age of risk presented at ISCA: Video and PDF paper
- December 2013 - Video of tadpole neural model on FPGA
- September 2013 - Paper presented at FPL comparing custom computing to vector processing
- June 2013 - FPGA prototype tablet design open sourced based around a DE4 board and multitouch screen
- May 2013 - PCIe-to-SATA breakout board open sourced
- March 2013 - Video of Nengo character recognition system on FPGA
- March 2013 - Paul Fox's thesis on Massively Parallel Neural Computation
- February 2013 - Philip Paul's thesis on Microelectronic Security Measures
- January 2013 - Rosemary Fancis' Ph.D. thesis on Exploring NoCs for FPGAs
- September 2012 - Paper on Mamba - A Scalable Communication Centric Multithreaded Processor Architecture appears at ICCD
- July 2012 - Advertising two RA/SRA positions (now closed)
- July 2012 - paper on Energy Implications of Photonic Networks With Speculative Transmission highlighted by OCN Journal
- July 2012 - keynote on Communication - the next resource war at ReCoSoC 2012.
- June 2012 - paper on Energy Implications of Photonic Networks With Speculative Transmission is spotlighted by OCN
- June 2012 - paper on Asynchronous Remote Stores for Inter-Processor Communication at FASPP2012
- April 2012 - Initial results from Bluehive (massively parallel FPGA platform) appear at FCCM 2012
- March 2012 - Our CHERI processor boots multiuser FreeBSD on FPGA
- March 2012 - paper CHERI: a research platform deconflating hardware virtualization and protection at RESoLVE 2012
- Feb 2012 - Designing a physical locality aware coherence protocol for CMPs accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers
- Nov 2011 - Dan Greenfield wins the 2011 distinguished dissertation award
- Oct 2011 - Large grant awarded under the DARPA Mission Oriented Resilient Clouds program
- June 2010 - awarded the Pilkington Teaching Prize
- © 2024 Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Information provided by Simon Moore