Dr. D J Greaves.
Contact details: D J Greaves, MA, PhD, MIET.
Short (auto-)biography: Sep 07 Further photos: A, B, C, D. |
David is a Senior Lecturer in Computing Science at the Computer Laboratory and a Fellow of Corpus Christi College .
Relevant research groups: Systems Research Group, Computer Architecture Group, Programming Research Group,
David Greaves, PhD, MIET, is a University Senior Lecturer interested in compiler and hardware design. He has considerable industrial experience at the CTO/Chief Scientist level and has led the design of many hardware systems, including semi-custom VLSI design.
Lecture Notes: System On Chip Design and Modelling (PDF). BIGGER PDF. Major Achievements From Past Decades:Please click: PROTO MEMOIRS. Current Activities:
Quote of the day: 'Although there is no accepted taxonomy of high versus low-level languages for hardware design, we can roughly relate a gate-level net list to machine code, RTL to assembly language, hardware construction languages such as Chisel and Lava as low-level languages and anything that makes automatic assignment of work to clock cycles as high-level languages.' --- DJ Greaves. New PhD StudentsI am expecting to take at most one new PhD student a year in the area of special-purpose or unusual compiler tools, especially those generating hardware or parallel implementations of a high-level work description. Future Activities:
Older Research Areas Conference Program Committees Recent Publications Unpublished Drafts Minor Research Notes Phd Students Undergraduate Teaching Miscellaneous Projects System Design Methodology
External Affiliations
DJG is a Subject Editor of IET Electronics Letters. DJG is external examiner at Imperial College, Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.