Department of Computer Science and Technology

Technical reports

Simple polymorphic usage analysis

Keith Wansbrough

March 2005, 364 pages

This technical report is based on a dissertation submitted March 2002 by the author for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of Cambridge, Clare Hall.

Subtract 20 from each page number in this report to obtain the corresponding page number in the dissertation.

DOI: 10.48456/tr-623


Implementations of lazy functional languages ensure that computations are performed only when they are needed, and save the results so that they are not repeated. This frees the programmer to describe solutions at a high level, leaving details of control flow to the compiler.

This freedom however places a heavy burden on the compiler; measurements show that over 70% of these saved results are never used again. A usage analysis that could statically detect values used at most once would enable these wasted updates to be avoided, and would be of great benefit. However, existing usage analyses either give poor results or have been applied only to prototype compilers or toy languages.

This thesis presents a sound, practical, type-based usage analysis that copes with all the language features of a modern functional language, including type polymorphism and user-defined algebraic data types, and addresses a range of problems that have caused difficulty for previous analyses, including poisoning, mutual recursion, separate compilation, and partial application and usage dependencies. In addition to well-typing rules, an inference algorithm is developed, with proofs of soundness and a complexity analysis.

In the process, the thesis develops simple polymorphism, a novel approach to polymorphism in the presence of subtyping that attempts to strike a balance between pragmatic concerns and expressive power. This thesis may be considered an extended experiment into this approach, worked out in some detail but not yet conclusive.

The analysis described was designed in parallel with a full implementation in the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, leading to informed design choices, thorough coverage of language features, and accurate measurements of its potential and effectiveness when used on real code. The latter demonstrate that the analysis yields moderate benefit in practice.

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BibTeX record

  author =	 {Wansbrough, Keith},
  title = 	 {{Simple polymorphic usage analysis}},
  year = 	 2005,
  month = 	 mar,
  url = 	 {},
  institution =  {University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory},
  doi = 	 {10.48456/tr-623},
  number = 	 {UCAM-CL-TR-623}