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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Courses 2024–25


Course pages 2024–25

Instructions for lecturers

Most lecturers now place material for their students onto the web. To support this, we create each year a new set of directories and page templates on the departmental filer and web server, to ensure that outdated material is not left in the main student access path.

Where are the files?

Each course has its own directory on the filer with a set of web-page templates.

These can be found this year

  • under Unix/Linux/macOS (via automounted NFS) at
  • under Windows (via SMB) at
  • under macOS (via SMB, not recommended, better use NFS) at
  • on “the Interwebs” at

Please consult the lecturer index to find your pages.

You can access the /anfs/www/... path above on the departmental file space directly on any lab-managed Linux computer. If you lack one, please use ssh to log into one of the Linux timesharing servers (e.g., There are also hints for Windows users.

You can also configure your own computers for automounted NFS access to the filer:

External lecturers: The instructions on this page are mainly aimed at lecturers who have already a login on a departmental Linux server. External lecturers may find it easiest to ask a member of the department, such as the teaching officer who sponsors their course, or the student administrators to place course materials for them onto our web server. Former members of the department, or technically keen external lecturers, may also ask a teaching officer to request for them a “discretionary Unix account” from [Javascript required], ideally sometimes in early July. (Note that remote access to Computer Laboratory servers is not entirely trivial, as password-based login from outside is disabled, and new users will have to set up VPN and Kerberos authentication first. See our sys-admin ssh pages for details.)

How to update the pages?

An easy to edit, undecorated, “bare-bones” HTML file, materials-b.html, has been placed into your directory, where you can add any information that you would like to make available to your students, such as links to lecture notes and exercise sheets. The actual “Course materials” page, materials.html, is automatically generated from that file after you type "make" under Linux. (If there is no materials-b.html file, you can edit index-b.html instead, but this applies only to a few pages where there is no syllabus.)

To recreate all the *.html files from the respective *-b.html files, run the UNIX command:

  /anfs/www/tools/bin/ucampas -r

Simply typing “make” will achieve the same, thanks to the also provided Makefile.

This year:

  • We have again added a “Recordings” tab by default, for those lecturers who continue to want to host their own lecture recordings there. There also are instructions below for how to remove it, or convert it into a link to some other video hosting site.
  • The video/ subfolder is now also public by default. (The meaning of the previous default “Require valid-user” is going to change soon, as we have to switch from Raven to the successor web-authentication service Microsoft Entra ID using OpenID Connect). See the comments in video/.htaccess, for how to restrict access.

Access rights

A principal lecturer has been assigned to each course. This person is the owner of the directory on the filer and has full access.

If a course has more than one lecturer, its course directory also gives write access to Unix group “teaching”, which comprises all the lecturers teaching any course at the department this year, plus teaching administrators (about 70 people). This makes collaboration easier in courses taught by several people, and also allows administrators to help with placing materials online or fixing typos. To preserve group write access, make sure the Linux command “umask” outputs “0002”.

If you prefer to disable group write access, you could do this with the Linux tools chgrp or chmod. However we do not recommend this: if user wwwupdate no longer has write access to auto-generated HTML files, the site navigation data on some of your pages may get out of date as we can no longer update it for you.

Access permissions for web users, such as requiring a University account login (formerly Raven) and restricting access to lists of certain users or pre-defined groups, can be controlled by adding or editing a Require line in an .htaccess file in the directory that you want to restrict. (This is the same mechanism available elsewhere on the CL web space, such as your personal ~/public_html/ directory. See below for how you can control, via such .htaccess files, access to your page for supervisors or your video recordings page).

Syllabus page

The first tab of the course pages (index.html) usually shows an HTML version of the syllabus. You are not supposed to edit that yourself directly: the syllabus is edited and frozen in August/September and substantial changes require teaching-committee approval.

To update your syllabus: You can fetch the current HTML source from either /anfs/www/html/teaching/2425/syllabus-html/ or you can click near the bottom of your syllabus page on “edit page” and there then on “download as HTML file”. Make your updates to that file, and send the result as an HTML attachment to Becky Straw and Helen Neal (for undergraduate courses) or Lise Gough and Joy Rook (for masters modules).

Materials for supervisors

Lecturers in Part IA/IB/II are expected to prepare a Supervision Guide for supervisors of the course, and this is what the page “Information for supervisors” in subdirectory supervisors/ is for.

Access to this page is restricted. You can edit the file supervisors/.htaccess in order to grant access to individual supervisors that contact you, as explained in the comments in that file. Supervisors can also ask the Director of Studies or Helen Neal (whoever hired them), to add them to the Lookup group cl-supervisors, to gain that access. (Comments in the .htaccess file also explain how you can grant access to your students after the end of lectures and supervisions.)

In our archive of past Tripos exam papers, students can now also access solution notes older than two years. As a result, supervisors can no longer rely on past exam questions as exercise material and need separate exercise sheets and solution notes.

Assessment page

Part II, Part III and MPhil ACS modules have an assessment-b.html page, where you need to explain in detail how you are going to assess the course. This might include information about deadlines for essays or the dates and details of exams, as well as how the final mark will be calculated from all the assessed student contributions.

If your Part II module is also available as a Part III and MPhil ACS module, please make sure you populate the assessment-tab page on both of your course pages.

Cloned course pages

Some courses (in particular many of the Part II modules) are offered to both Part II as well as Masters students. In these cases, we create two separate course directories for each group of students, using different course codes.

This is because while the lectures and most of the course materials may be the same, the form of assessment (and in some cases also the syllabus) will be different.

To avoid lecturers having to maintain two copies of their syllabus and course-materials pages, we have set up the syllabus and materials pages of these "cloned" Masters courses such that they automatically copy over the text from the respective Part II parent-course pages. This is done using a magic <div class="ucampas-include-html"> element, which extracts and copies the relevant HTML and also adjusts embedded URLs to work correctly. If you want, you can add additional text above or below that magic div element, or you can alternatively also delete it and replace it with your own manually maintained copy of your text, as you prefer. See the comments in the materials-b.html files for more details.

After each edit to the materials page of the parent course, make sure you also run ucampas on the corresponding cloned page to update it with the latest text. The default Makefile provided in your parent-course directory will do that automatically.

For the “Recordings” page, a different mechanism is used to update the clone. (The video/Makefile in the cloned page calls rsync to copy hardlinks of the files, and then calls ucampas to rebuild the page with adjusted navigation links.)

Video recordings

For those lecturers who want to provide video recordings of their lectures, we have added an additional “Recordings” tab at


If you do not want to offer recordings, you can remove that tab in three steps:

  • in uconfig.txt delete the line video
  • run "make"
  • delete the video/ subdirectory

If your recordings are hosted elsewhere, you can turn the recordings tab into a link to that URL:

  • in uconfig.txt replace the line video with *link("https://my.videos/", title="Recordings")
  • run "make"
  • delete the video/ subdirectory

If you do want to host your recordings under video/:

Record your lectures as *.mp4 files and copy them into the above video/ folder. You can then auto-generate an index page on Ely with

$ ssh -K
$ cd /anfs/www/html/teaching/2425/courseid/video/
$ make

The “make” command will run the “Makefile” in that folder. This will

  • extract one of the first frames of each *.mp4 file and save it as a *.jpg file (to be used as a preview image by the player)
  • call a script “/anfs/www/tools/bin/videopage *.mp4” that automatically builds an index.html file containing <video> player elements for all your *.mp4 videos in that folder, along with some metadata (length of your video).

This way, you get a make-generated video index page, without having to edit any HTML yourself. Each time you add another video file, simply call “make” again to update that index page. (If you instead want to edit your video index page manually, you may want to empty or change the Makefile such that it cannot accidentally overwrite your DIY index page if called.)

By default, the video/ folder is open to the public, but there is a file video/.htaccess where you can adjust access-control according to your preferences.

If you run “make” on your own computer, make sure it has the “ffmpeg” tool (used to extract the preview *.jpg image) and the “Image::ExifTool” Perl library (used to extract video metadata) installed:

  • Ubuntu Linux: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libimage-exiftool-perl
  • macOS with Homebrew: brew install ffmpeg exiftool

If you want to prefix your video index page with a few introductory remarks, then put these into a file intro.html in the video/ folder, which the videopage script will then include automatically.

Video file naming conventions

Your video files will appear on the auto-generated index page in alphabetical sorting order, so make sure each filename starts with a 2-digit number or yyyy-mm-dd date.

The videopage script understands several different file naming schemes, for example:

  • If you just want to have a sequence of videos, each with a part number and a title, use names such as

    (If you don’t get the above sorting order displayed with ls -l, you can set the environment variable LC_COLLATE=C to switch to a simpler sorting order.)

    The videopage script will automatically convert filenames of that format into a nicer <h2> heading for each video, by removing any leading zero digits (needed to maintain sorting order) in the part number, removing the .mp4 extension, and converting any underscore in the title text into a space. So the above will be displayed as

    1  Introduction and prerequisites
    2  Unix history and free software
    3  Terminals
    3.1  ASCII and Unicode
    3.2  ESC sequences
    4  Documentation

    (You can also always use a dot in the part number, to separate a lecture number from the number of the video within that lecture, e.g. 01.1-Introduction_and_prerequisites.mp4.)

    Example: 1920/UnixTools/video/

    Grouping recordings by lecture: Some students find it helpful to be told which recording they should watch on which day. If you add in a file sections.txt lines of the form recordings|heading, then the videopage script will automatically insert the given heading before the stated number of recordings. If you append the unit symbol min to recordings, the script will interpret that as a number of minutes rather than as a number of recordings, and will automatically split up the recordings into groups of (on average) that many minutes.

    Example: 2021/DSP/video/sections.txt for the 2021/DSP/video/ page at /anfs/www/html/teaching/2021/DSP/video/.

  • If you want to group your videos by lecture date, then prefix each video filename with the yyyy-mm-dd date of the lecture, optionally followed by more digits (e.g. an integer, or the hh:mm start time of the recording) for sorting, such as

    Example: 1920/DSP/video/

    (In this date-based format, there is currently not yet any provision for title text, as it was originally meant for automatically named recordings made in lecture theatres by just pressing a button.)

Reusing video recordings

Lecture recordings have a large file size compared to other course materials. If you reuse recordings (or other large files) from a previous year, please avoid simply copying them each year, in the interest of saving disk space. Instead, you can use either hard links (Unix command: ln or cp -l) or symbolic links (Unix command: ln -s or cp -s) to simply create each year another reference to an existing file on the filer. This makes an existing file reachable from the new folder without occupying additional disk space. Create either type of link from a Linux command line via NFS; neither the Windows Explorer nor the macOS Finder understand links, and they are not recognisable as links via SMB on our filer. Don’t use Windows “shortcuts” or Finder “aliases”, as Linux tools (including the web server) won’t understand these. Hard links have the advantage that adding a new hard link will cause the file to remain in place even after it gets deleted at its old location. Symbolic links instead have the advantage that you can explicitly see (with ls -l) from where the referenced file comes from originally. In either case: before overwriting a linked file, always consider if you don’t want to delete the link first, to avoid overwriting the original file.


$ cd /anfs/www/html/teaching/2425/UnixTools/video/
$ cp -l ../../../2122/UnixTools/video/*.mp4 .
$ make

Video recording tips

See the 2021/22 instructions for more hints on recording lectures.

More information