Department of Computer Science and Technology

Course pages 2019–20

Unix Tools

1  Introduction and prerequisites

2  Unix history and free software

3  Terminals

4  Documentation

5  Shell concepts

6  File-descriptor redirect

7  Command-line argument conventions

8  Command-line argument preprocessing

9  Job control

10  Shell and environment variables

11  Scripts and plain-text files

12  Compound commands

13  Typing shortcuts

14  Startup scripts

15  sed stream editor

16  grep, head, tail, sort, ispell

17  File and network tools

18  Diff and patch

19  RCS revision control system

20  Subversion introduction

21  Subversion commands

22  Subversion example

23  Subversion remote access

24  Git introduction

25  Git branching commands

25  Git first commit

25  Git tags and gitk

26  Git branching example

27  Git merge conflict

28  Git more commands

29  Git in teams

30  Git repo read access via HTTP

31  Compiling and debugging C

32  Make

33  Perl introduction

34  Perl data types

35  Perl syntax

36  Perl standard function examples

37  Perl bits and bobs

38  Perl examples

39  Conclusions

Total duration: 8:21:27