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Operating systems
- Debian administrator’s handbook
- The full text of this book by Raphaël Hertzog and Roland Mas, is available online under a Creative Commons licence. You are encouraged to make a contribution to the project if you find the book useful. The printed copy is available to borrow in the library.
- Distributed systems
- The third edition of the book by Marten van Steen and Andrew S. Tanenbaum. You can obtain and download a personalised copy of the book from this site, although you cannot read it online.
- Modern operating systems
- By the same authors and in the same series as the above title, but considering operating systems in general. This is a copy in PDF format of a recent, but the latest, edition.
- Operating systems: design and implementation
- The third edition of Operating systems: design and implementation by Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Albert S. Woodhull. Otherwise known as the Minix book, this title concentrates on the details of the implementation of a small operating system.