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Department of Computer Science and Technology

Resource lists


Library resources

Markup languages


  • LaTeX 2e help

    A simple 'quick reference' to the major LaTeX commands from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network).

  • LaTeX Documentation

    The official list of documentation for the LaTeX system which includes a number of useful documents available online. Users specifically looking for the [Short] introduction to LaTeX, a good tutorial, can reach it directly from here.

  • AMS-LaTeX

    Documentation for the AMS-LaTeX package, produced by the American Mathematical Society, which offers considerable extensions for typesetting complex mathematical documents. The second part of the documentation dealing exclusively with the document classes can be found here.

Page description languages

  • Postscript

    The latest (3rd) edition of the Postscript programming manual. If you specifically need to refer to the second edition, possibly for the description of Display Postscript, then it may be found here. Also availabe is the specification for Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files and how they differ from regular PS files.

  • Adobe PDF

    A reference for the widely used PDF file format. Please be aware that this relates to a rather old version 1.4 of the format, but is, apparently, the most recent documentation easily available online.


  • Unicode character codes

    The printed Unicode manual is available in the library, but most of the information is also freely available online. A list of the various scripts covered by the standard is available from the above link together with charts in PDF format.