Frequently asked question about ucampas
Can I call ucampas from Windows?
Yes, see the Ucampas on Windows page.
Can I use ucampas with "make"?
The dependency relationship between ucampas input files is far more complex than what a simple Makefile can express. Therefore, "make" is not able to identify the minimal set of pages that needs to be recompiled after a source file was edited. A web page may have to be recompiled by ucampas if any of the following files have changed:
- the *-b.html source file of the web page,
- any uconfig.txt file in the same or any higher-up directory,
- any other *-b.html source file whose title is listed in the breadcrumbs, navigation bar, sitemap, or similar automatically generated navigation content on the page, if its title has changed.
What we, therefore, do currently on the main website is to call ucampas immediately on any *-b.html file after that has changed, to make changes to the body of that web page immediately visible. We then start a "ucampas -r" background process that rebuilds the entire site from its root directory. This may not be quite as elegant as what "make" users are accustomed to. However, automatically extracting titles from source files substantially reduces duplication of information and the risk of inconsistency compared to many alternatives.
Some people found the following Makefile useful if they do not have ucampas in their path, however it does not automatically ensure that all web pages are updated only when necessary:
%.html: %-b.html /anfs/www/tools/bin/ucampas $* all: /anfs/www/tools/bin/ucampas -r clean: /anfs/www/tools/bin/ucampas-clean
Call "make file.html" after you have edited file-b.html, and call "make" whenever you have edited a uconfig.txt file or a page title. (Do not routinely call "make clean", because ucampas decides whether to use relative or absolute URLs in navigation links depending on whether the target exists in your working directory.)
A more elegant solution is on the long-term wishlist.
Note: There are in fact another ways of using ucampas that simplify the dependency relationship. If you specified all page titles in uconfig.txt files, using the title or navtitle attribute, then the third point above no longer applies. Each output file would depend only on its own *-b.html input file and any uconfig.txt file along the path to the root. The title attribute allows you to leave the title element in each *-b.html file empty. The dependency relationship can further be simplified by defining the entire navigation tree in a single root uconfig.txt file. Any other uconfig.txt file can then remain empty. (Other uconfig.txt files might still be needed to maintain the path to the root, unless you flatten the file tree compared to the navigation tree using nosub.)