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Graduate Education Committee

The Graduate Education Committee provides support on matters pertinent to graduate education and graduate admissions within the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology. The Committee reports to the Degree Committee and receives the minutes of the meetings of the Graduate School Committee, the Graduate Students' Forum and the Adanced Taught Courses Management Committee.

Recent decisions and developments – summary

17 June 2013

  1. The Committee considered the final statement on the results of the PTES 2012.
  2. The Committee approved changes to dates for submission of MPhil and CST Part III project reports, and corresponding meetings of the Examiners, in 2013-2014 subject to Degree Committee and Faculty Board approval. [Approved]
  3. Induction Day for new research students agreed to be 18 October 2013.
  4. The Researcher Development Coordinator reported on recent activity by the Graduate Students forum, the 75th Anniversary poster competition, and uptake of various courses and training offered under the RD program.

1 October 2013

  1. Prof. Gordon replaced Prof. Dodgson as Chairman.
  2. Vacancies on the PhD Applications Panel are filled.
  3. Updates to the guidance to students on first and second-year reports, and third year progress statements at
  4. Degree Committee approval for changes to the dates of MPhil and CST Part III projects and essays.
  5. Approval of the final response to the Code of Practice consultation paper.

18 November 2013

  1. The Committee noted the results of the University-wide CRES 2013 report.
  2. The Secretary explained that there were changes proposed to the GRADSAF (graduate application form) and to CamSIS reporting mechanisms.
  3. Copies of the Code of Practice will be reformatted and printed as A5 booklets to be distributed to members of staff as well as new research students.
  4. The Committee noted that careers advice sessions had been arranged for PhD students in November and a further session for MPhil students in February 2014.
  5. The new guide to Examiners for the PhD, MSc and MLitt Degrees was noted.
  6. The Committee considered a different format for the 'Doing a PhD' information session.

18 February 2014

  1. Suggestions to change the format for the 'Doing a PhD' session: to be combined with a series of Research Group seminars to encourage MPhil and Part III students to think about their research projects. Research groups will be invited to submit posters and to nominate representatives, a senior staff member and a current research student, to man stalls in the Street. The event may be combined with a Social Tea preceded by a more generalist talk in Lecture Theatre 1. Early November was agreed to be best to align with the multiple needs of MPhil/Part III project selections and the various funding deadlines.
  2. Reminders to supervisors to submit Graduate Supervision reports termly.
  3. Postgraduate Research Experience Survey 2013: The results of the PRES 2013 were welcomed. The Committee noted that the Computer Laboratory had an overall satisfaction rate of 92%. There were few areas of concern with all but one question scoring high or very high satisfaction levels.
  4. Researcher Development:
    1. It was noted that Researcher Development funds may be used for post-doc development as well as activities among research students. ACR proposes a Post-Doc Forum similar in format to the current Graduate Students Forum. It was agreed that this is an excellent idea and agreed that the Chairman and Researcher Development Coordinator would approach the Head of Department for approval and support.
    2. Research Students’ lecture series: there will be a series of lectures on topics of interest to Part II, III and MPhil students given by research students during Easter Term. Research students who intend presenting a lecture will receive training from ACR at the end of Lent Term. A timetable of the lectures will be published before the beginning of Easter Term.

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