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Since the author has left the department, these pages have not been maintained. They have yet to be fully reviewed and updated.

Subversion for beginners

In these pages you will find information about the file management system, Subversion.

Subversion – the theory

The following pages describe the theory behind how Subversion works, and how it works for you as the user:

Accessing the repository

Before you can start using Subversion, you need to be able to access its repository:

Subversion – using it

The following pages are the general usage instructions for using Subversion.
They should be easy to follow and work as a tutorial for learning Subversion.

If you would like personal tutoring on using Subversion or have any major problems or questions, please contact pagemaster.

Ucampas – Linux only

As a Linux user, you can use the facility ucampas to format your page with the house-style and view the final result before committing your page to the repository.

(Windows users do not, as yet, have this facility).

Once you have edited the *-b.html page, run ucampas <filename>.html.
If you are happy with the results, you can run svn commit on the page to send it to the repository.

Ucampas -r

When you give ucampas a directory on the command line, it will normally only process the index.html file for that directory. With option -r (recursive mode), ucampas will also process all the files listed in the uconfig.txt of a directory, and repeat the same for any directory it finds there.
For example, the following will create *.html files from the *-b.html files in the directories misc/localarea and local arrivals:

ucampas -r misc/localarea local/arrivals

SVN Ignore

Ucampas generated *.html files are placed alongside the *-b.html source files in your working directory. Since they are generated automatically, we do not keep them in the Subversion repository. As a result, when you type svn status, they show up marked with a '?', because Subversion knows nothing about them.

Since there are usually many such files, they can be quite difficult to spot when you run svn status – a command often used to spot files that really should be in the repository (but have not yet been added with svn add, possibly because they were forgotten).

Fortunately, there is a way to tell Subversion to ignore certain files when producing the svn status list. svn status, by default, already ignores certain files, for example anything ending in '~' (Emacs backup files), and this list of files can be configured (svn:ignore property).

To add all *.html files (that correspond to the *-b.html files) to the list of files that svn status will ignore, simply call this script:


This will cause svn status to ignore all *.html files from the current working directory downwards.

Frequently asked questions

Should you experience problems:

Uconfig.txt and .htaccess files

Once you have mastered Subversion you will want to know how to do the following: