Department of Computer Science and Technology

Natural Language and Information Processing Research Group


ID: aac10
Room: GS20
Compositional and lexical semantics, formalisms for language representation, multiword expressions, generation, grammar development environments.
ID: sht25
Room: GS14
Text summarisation, text generation and regeneneration, information retrieval.
ID: pjb48
Room: GS16
Language and cognition, language acquisition, language processing, natural language processing and machine learning for intelligent tutoring.
ID: av308
Room: GS17
Machine learning, natural language understanding and generation, imitation learning, computational journalism.
ID: ws390
Room: GS12
syntactic and semantic parsing, surface realisation, computational historical linguistics, second language acquisition

Post-doctoral Researchers

ID: lb990
Room: GS04
Machine Learning for NLP, automated language teaching and assessment, automated generation and calibration of learning content
ID: apc38
Room: GS04
NLP for spoken and low resource language, education technology, dialogue and interaction
ID: zd302
Room: GS19
Automated fact-checking, Question Answering, Interpretable NLP
ID: gete2
Distributional semantics, formal semantics, concept learning, probabilistic machine learning
ID: yf273
Room: GS06
Dialogue systems, language generation, discourse coherence
ID: zg283
Room: GS19
Automated Fact Checking, Structured Prediction, Information Extraction
ID: rjm49
Room: GS22
Modelling human skill proficiency and learning, developing augmented human learning using ML techniques, segmentation of spoken learner language
ID: nhbn2
Room: GS22
Codeswitching, multilingualism, heritage language, sociolinguistics, language variation and change
ID: ndo24
Room: FS09
Automated fact-checking, toxic language detection and evaluation, computational social science
ID: mss84
Room: GS19
Automated fact-checking, natural language understanding, graph neural networks
ID: ds858
Word sense disambiguation, lexical semantics
ID: st797
Room: GS24
Machine Learning for NLP, Sequence Tagging, Multiword Expressions, Distributional Semantics

PhD Students

ID: ga384
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Teufel
Common sense reasoning, knowledge graphs, explainability
Rami Aly
ID: rmya2
Room: GS06
Supervisor: Vlachos
Automated fact checking, Machine learning for NLP
ID: ec806
Room: GS24
Supervisor: Vlachos
Machine learning for NLP, Automated fact-checking
Yiwen Chen
ID: yc429
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Teufel
Mandarin lyrics geneartion with linguistic and melody constraints
Julius Cheng
ID: jncc3
Room: GS37
Supervisor: Vlachos
Machine learning for NLP, structured prediction, machine translation
ID: pjc211
Room: GS02
Supervisor: Copestake
cross-lingual learning, morphologically rich languages, interpretability
ID: ccd38
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Buttery
Language acquisition, language and cognition, adaptive learning, multimodal semantics
Mark Elliott
ID: mwe24
Room: GS22
Supervisor: Buttery
Evaluation of Automated Essay Scoring Models
ID: shg36
Room: GS06
Supervisor: Briscoe
Personalised text simplification, eye tracking, text complexity, readability
ID: zg258
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Buttery
NLP, computational linguistics, language acquisition, language and cognition, language evolution
ID: gmk34
Room: GS37
Supervisor: Vlachos
Dialogue systems and conversation augmentation.
Christine de Kock
ID: cd700
Room: GS37
Supervisor: Vlachos
Hate speech detection and mitigation
Michalis Korakakis
ID: mk2008
Room: GS37
Supervisor: Vlachos
Imitation learning for structured prediction
ID: pl487
Room: FS09
Supervisor: Vlachos
Compute- and Data-efficient approaches to NLP (Active Learning, Data Subset Selection, Meta-Learning)
ID: mmm67
Room: GS22
Supervisor: Sun
Computational modelling of bilingual language acquisition
ID: rd654
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Buttery
Computational neuro-linguistics, meta-learning, language and cognition
Hope McGovern
ID: hem52
Room: GS04
Supervisor: Caines
NLP, computational linguistics, digital humanities,
ID: tp472
Room: GS10
Supervisor: Cotterell and Teufel
Information-theoretic linguistics, representation learning and how language models encode information
ID: irs38
Room: GS24
Supervisor: Vlachos
Disagreement and ambiguity in fact checking
ID: ms2518
Room: FS09
Supervisor: Vlachos
Machine Learning for NLP, Temporal Fact-Checking, NLI
ID: whgt2
Room: GS06
Supervisor: Buttery
Dialogue systems for teaching and assessing second language
ID: jv406
Room: GS10
Supervisor: Teufel, Cotterell
Legal AI, information-theoretic jurisprudence and learning by precedent.
Huiyuan Xie
ID: hx255
Room: GS06
Supervisor: Copestake
Diagnostic evaluation of NLG models
ID: yy477
Room: GS08
Supervisor: Teufel
Real-world Reasoning for Large-scale Argument Mining
ID: zy317
Room: FS09
Supervisor: Vlachos
Fact-checking, knowledge graphs, natural language inference, question generation
Ran Zmigrod
ID: rz279
Room: GS10
Supervisor: Cotterell
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, Parsing algorithms

Visitors and Local Collaborators

Dr. Oeistein Andersen
ID: oa223
Room: GS24
ID: ejb
Room: GS18
Robust parsing technology, constraint-based processing, automated tutoring of second language learners, language acquisition and language evolution.
Daniel Bruder
ID: dmb77
Room: GS10
ID: cjb255
Room: GS24
Grammatical error detection and correction, automatic annotation, code-switching
ID: mf501
Room: GS24
Cloze test generation, automated language teaching and assessment, grammatical error detection and correction, evaluation methods.
ID: ek358
Room: GS37
Compositional distributional semantics, non-native writers' error detection and correction, readability for non-native speakers, author profiling
ID: alk23
Room: GN06
Computational lexical semantics, lexical and knowledge acquisition, computational discourse, multilingual NLP, biomedical informatics, language in the brain, real-life applications of NLP
ID: tp366
Room: GS37
NLP and machine learning in production applied to various domains including science and finance
ID: mr472
Room: GS19
Machine learning, natural language understanding, neural networks, representation learning, compositional semantics, educational and healthcare applications
ID: rr439
Machine learning for NLP, out-of-distribution learning, scientific applicaiton of NLP, causality in NLP
ID: do242
Room: GN06
Computational lexical semantics, semantic relations, multiword expressions, combining lexical and structural semantic models, Bayesian modelling for NLP, kernel methods for NLP, biomedical IE
ID: ev296
Room: GS37
Distributional Semantics; Formal Semantics; Compositionality; Meaning Representation; Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge
ID: hy260
Room: GS19
Machine learning for NLP, representation learning, automated language teaching and assessment, speech, visualisation
ID: zy249
Room: GS24
Grammatical error correction, automated assessment, human-centered NLP in educational contexts, code-switching, creative AI.

The group mailing list is local-nlip. For individual contact details, see also the Laboratory's list of all members. A list of former members is available.