Eiko Yoneki

I am an Affiliated Lecturer and Senior Researcher leading Data Centric Systems Group in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group. I received my Ph.D. degree from the University of Cambridger, 2007 (Data Centric Asynchronous Communication) and a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge in 2003. Previously, I have spent several years with IBM (US, Japan, Italy and UK).



I am looking for highly motivated PhD students.

I am also looking for a Postdoc, who has strong computer systems background on computer system's optimisation using Machine Learning.


MPhil(ACS), Part II, and Part III project suggestions for 2023-2024 is here!

BUGALERT project is featured in the article on the Life of Pi: Ten years of Raspberry Pi! See project No.4.


COVID-19 Mobile Application Writers: See our FluPhone Project back in 2011 (post SARS time)! 

Read Fluphone Summary!  FluPhone Talk in 2011 here.


I am part of Cambridge ELLIS unit (European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems)!



Research Interests:

My general research interests span distributed systems, networking and databases, including complex networks and data-flow programing. My recent focus is computer system's optimisation and auto-tuning using extended machine learning (e.g. Structured Bayesian Optimisation) in complex and large parameter space. Recent work focuses on Reinforcement Learning.


Current and Recent Research Projects:


Computer System's Optimisation in Complex Parameter Space:


RLgraph: Modular Computation Graphs for Deep Reinforcement Learning (github).

Blog and Documentation.  

ML Compiler Optimisation: Computation Graph Transformation (github).  


TensorForce: TensorFlow library for applied Reinforcement Learning (github).  

BOAT: Building Auto-Tuners with Structured Bayesian Optimisation (github).


Scalable Data Processing for Big Data from Laptop, Multi-core, to Cluster Computing (Cambridge Big Data Collaborative Workshop).


Large-Scale Graph Processing Project:


GraphE: Fast, Flexible, and Programmable Graph Processing

Dagstuhl Seminar 14462 in November, 2014: Systems and Algorithms for Large Scale Graph Analytics (Report)


EU Projects:

Global Challenges Research Projects:

I also work on the collaborataive projects with African and South American countries:

  • AirborNet: Data-Driven Modelling for TB and Other Airborne Diseases (with Tanzania)

  • BUGALERT: Pest and Disease Monitoring in Greenhouses with Raspberry-Pi Network (with Kenya) dashboard: http://africafarmsense.com

  • eMule: Delay tolerant data communication between remote villages and Cloud


Past Research Projects:

DDDN: Data Driven Declarative Networking (MSR Joint Project) 2011-2015.

DDEPI: Data Driven Network Modelling for Epidemiology (EPSRC) 2010 - 

RECOGNITION: Cognition for Self-awareness in a Content-Centric Networks (EU FP7) 2010-2013

Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation (EU FP7) 2008-2011

SFE (Social-based Forwarding Evaluation): Impact of Social Network Structures in Opportunistic Networks


FluPhone Project: Understanding Spread of Infectious Disease and Behavioural Responses

      Media coverage 2011 May: University of Cambridge Research Page  BBC  The Engineer


Haggle: Autonomic Opportunistic Communications (EU FP6) 2006-2010

Haggle Open Source Code@Google
Understanding Behavioural Responses to Infectious Disease Outbreaks (ESRC) 2009-2010

Associated: Horizon - Digital Economy Hub : the Horizon Project (EPSRC) 2009-2014






Teaching MPhil ACS: Large-Scale Data Processing and Optimisation (2023-2024) in Michaelmas Term.

MPhil(ACS), Part II, and Part III project suggestions for 2023-2024!


Research Skill Course: OU20: Buzzwords surrounding Data Science  (slides).



Large-Scale Data Processing (BIG DATA): Tutorial at Network of Excellence in Internet Science Summer School at University of Oxford (Slides).

Professional Activities:       Chair and TPC Activities.

My recent publications can be grouped into 5 related topics: 1) Computer System's Optimisation, 2) Large-Scale Graph Processing, 3) Digital Epidemiology, 4) Delay Tolerant Networking and 5) Event-based Systems. See also Google Scholar. 

           - 2024 -

  • J. Hartmann, G. He and E. Yoneki: Optimizing Tensor Computation Graphs with Equality Saturation and Monte Carlo Tree Search. International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2024 (pdf).
  • G. Barbulescu, T. Wang, Z. Singh, and E. Yoneki: Learned Graph Rewriting with Equality Saturation: A New Paradigm in Relational Query Rewrite and Beyond. 2024 (arXiv reprint).
  • T. Wang and E. Yoneki: IA2: Leveraging Instance-Aware Index Advisor with Reinforcement Learning for Diverse Workloads. EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2024 (arXiv reprint).
  • G. He and E. Yoneki: SIP: Autotuning GPU Native Schedules via Stochastic Instruction Perturbation. EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2024 (arXiv reprint).

           - 2023 -

  • G. He, S. Parker, and E. Yoneki: X-RLflow: Graph Reinforcement Learning for Neural Network Subgraph Transformation. MLSys, 2023 (arXiv reprint).
  • G. He, Z. Singh, and E. Yoneki: MCTS-GEB: Monte Carlo Tree Search is a Good E-graph Builder. EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2023 (arXiv reprint).
  • J. Kunegis, J. Sun, and E. Yoneki: Guided Graph Generation: Evaluation of Graph Generators in Terms of Network Statistics, and a New Algorithm. 2023 (arXiv reprint).

           - 2022 -

  • S. Parker, S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: RLFlow: Optimising Neural Network Subgraph Transformation with World Models. 2022 (arXiv reprint).
  • S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: BoGraph: Structured Bayesian Optimization From Logs for Systems with High-dimensional Parameter Space. EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2022 (arXiv reprintp).

           - 2021 -

  • S. Sakr, A. Bonifati, H. Voigt, A. Iosup.....E. Yoneki, et al.: The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems. Communication of the ACM (CACM) Volume 64, Issue 9, September, 2021 (pdf).
  • S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization with Multi-Task Learning for RocksDB. EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2021 (arXiv preprint).
  • O. Hope and E. Yoneki: GDDR: GNN-based Data-Driven Routing. ICDCS, 2021 (arXiv preprint).

           - 2020 -

  • H. Brown, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki: World-Models for Bitrate Streaming. MDPI Journal of Applied Science: Special Issue on AI in Mobile Networks, 2020. (preprint)
  • A. Guazzini, E. Guidi, C. Cecchini and E. Yoneki: Collaborative Facilitation and Collaborative Inhibition in Virtual Environments. Future Internet, MDPI, 2020 ( pdf).
  • A. Martn-Campilloa and E. Yoneki: Improving close contact measurements and enabling them in challenging scenarios. 2020 ( preprint).

           - 2019 -

  • M. Schaarschmidt, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki: Wield: Systematic Reinforcement Learning with Progressive Randomization. 2019 (arXiv preprint).
  • J. Welborn, M. Schaarschmidt and E. Yoneki: Learning Index Selection with Structured Action Spaces. 2019 (arXiv preprint).
  • M. Schaarschmidt, S. Mika, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki: RLgraph: Modular Computation Graphs for Deep Reinforcement Learning. SysML, 2019 (arXiv preprint).
  • B. Varghese, et al.: Cloud Futurology. IEEE Computer, 2019 (pdf).
  • P. Basford, S. Johnston, C. Perkins, T. Garnock-Jonesb, F. Po Tso, D. Pezaros, R. Mullins, E. Yoneki, J. Singer, and S. Cox: Performance analysis of single board computer clusters. Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2019  (PDF).

           - 2018 -

  • M. Schaarschmidt, A. Kuhnle, B. Ellis, K. Fricke, F. Gessert, and E. Yoneki: LIFT: Reinforcement Learning in Computer Systems by Learning From Demonstrations. (arXiv preprint).
  • K. Collister and E. Yoneki: RaDiCS: Distributed Computing Service over Raspberry Pis with Unikernels. MobiSys Abstract, 2018 (PDF).
  • M. Schaarschmidtm and E. Yoneki: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Computer Systems: Learning from Traces. EuroSys Abstract, 2018 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki: Digital Epidemiology and Beyond. PODC - TOPIC, 2018 (PDF).
  • S. Johnston, F. Po Tso, H. Herry, S. Cox, D. Pezaros, R. Mullins, E. Yoneki, J. Singer, P. Basford, and C. Perkins: Commodity Single Board Computer Clusters and their Applications. Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2018  (PDF).

           - 2017 -

  • F. Gessert,  M. Schaarschmidtm, W. Wingerath, E. Witt, E. Yoneki and N. Ritter: Quaestor: Query Web Caching for Database-as-a-Service Provider. International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2017 (PDF).
  • V. Dalibard, M. Schaarschmidt, and E. Yoneki: BOAT: Building Auto-Tuners with Structured Bayesian Optimization. World Wide Web Conference, Systems and Infrastructure Track (WWW), Perth, Australia, April, 2017 (PDF). Featured by the Morning Paper

        Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-900: A framework to build bespoke auto-tuners with structured Bayesian optimisation.

  • S. Saad, N.D. Nguyen E. Yoneki, and  A. Crimi: Connectome of Autistic Brains, Global versus Local Characterization. BACON (Brain Analysis using Connectivity Networks at MICCAI Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention), 2017 (PDF).

           - 2016 -

  • V. Dalibard, M. Schaarschmidt, and E. Yoneki: Tuning the Scheduling of Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with Bayesian Optimization. NIPS: workshop on Bayesian Optimization: Black-box Optimization and Beyond, 2016 (PDF) [arXiv Link].  

  • M. Schaarschmidt, F. Gessert, V. Dalibard, and E. Yoneki: Learning Runtime Parameters in Computer Systems with Delayed Experience Injection. NIPS: Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop, 2016 (PDF) [arXiv Link].

  • Dalibard, V., Yoneki, E.: Tuning Computer Systems with Structured Bayesian Optimization. EuroSys abstract, 2016 (PDF).
  • J. Tirado, O. Serban, Q. Guo, E. Yoneki: Web Data Knowledge Extraction. Technical Report, University of Cambridge (UCAM-CL-TR-881).

       See Project MAKI: Tools for web Data Knowledge Extraction

  • A. Socievole, A. Zivianib, F. De Rangoa, A.V. Vasilakosd, E. Yoneki: Cyber-physical systems for Mobile Opportunistic Networking in Proximity (MNP) (Editorial) Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 111, 24, 2016 (PDF).

            - 2015 -

  • W. Rao, E. Yoneki, and L. Chen: L-Graph: A General Graph Analytic System on Continuous Computation Model.  HotPlanet, September, 2015 (PDF).
  • I. Giechaskiel, G. Panagopoulos and E. Yoneki: PDTL: Parallel and Distributed Triangle Listing for Massive Graphs.  44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), September, 2015 (PDF). See full experiment results in the appendix of Technical Report version (UCAM-CL-TR-866).

           - 2014 -

  • E. Yoneki: RasPiNET: Decentralised Communication and Sensing Platform with Satellite Connectivity.  ACM CHANTS, September, 2014 (PDF).
  • K. Nilakant, V. Dalibard, A. Roy, and E. Yoneki: PrefEdge: SSD Prefetcher for Large-Scale Graph Traversal.  ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR), June, 2014 (PDF).
  • K. Nilakant and E. Yoneki: On the Efficacy of APUs for Heterogeneous Graph Computation.  EuroSys - SMFA, Amsterdam, April, 2014 (PDF).

  • H. Kim, K. Beznosov and E. Yoneki: Finding Influential Neighbors to Maximize Information Diffusion in Twitter.  WWW - SIMPLEX, Seoul, April, 2014 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft: EpiMap: Towards Quantifying Contact Networks for Understanding Epidemiology in Developing Countries.  Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal: Special Issue on Wireless Technology for Humanitarian Relief, Vol. 13, pp. 83-93, 2014 (online version 2012) (PDF).
  • A. Guazzini,  E. Yoneki and G. Gronchi: Cognitive dissonance and social influence effects on preference judgments: An eyetracking based system for their automatic assessment. Elsevier International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (PDF), 2014.

         - 2013 -

  • P. Basu, R. Gibbens, T. La Porta, C. Lin, A. Swami, and E. Yoneki "JSAC Guest Editorial Network Science".  IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.Vol. 31, No. 6, June, 2013 (PDF).
  • A. Socievole, E. Yoneki, F. De Rango and J. Crowcroft "Opportunistic Message Routing using Multi-layer Social
    ACM HP-MOSys, Barcelona, November, 2013 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki and A. Roy "Scale-up Graph Processing: A Storage-centric View".  ACM SIGMOD - GRADES, New York, USA, June, 2013 (PDF). (+GraphLab workshop, San Francisco, USA, July, 2013)
  • A. Boutet, H. Kim, and E. Yoneki "What's in Twitter I Know What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now!" Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, July, Springer, ISSN: 1869-5450, 2013  (PDF).  
  • D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and E. Yoneki "Centrality and Mode Detection in Dynamic Contact Graphs; a Joint Diagonalisation Approach".  IEEE/ACM ASONAM, Niagara Falls, Canada, Canada, August, 2013 (PDF).

         - 2012 -

  • A. Roy, K. Nilakant, V. Dalibard, and Eiko Yoneki  "Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based Graph Traversal ".  Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2012 (UCAM-CL-TR-823).
  • A. Martin-Campillo, J. Crowcroft, E. Yoneki, and Ramon Marti  "Evaluating Opportunistic Networks in Disaster Scenarios ".  Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, 2012 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki and Amitabha Roy  "A Unified Graph Query Layer for Multiple Databases ".  Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2012 (UCAM-CL-TR-820).
  • K. Nilakant, J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki  "Mistify: Augmenting Cloud Storage With Delay-Tolerant Cooperative Backup".  IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Barcelona, Spain, October, 2012 (PDF).
  • K. Nilakant and E. Yoneki  "Pocket Backup Storage System with Cloud Integration". ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012 (Demo) (PDF).
  • H. Kim and E. Yoneki  "Influential Neighbours Selection for Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks".  IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN), Munich, Germany, July 2012 (PDF).
  • A. Boutet, H. Kim and E. Yoneki  "What’s in Your Tweets? I Know What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now! ".  IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (Full Paper), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012 (PDF).

    A. Boutet, H. Kim and E. Yoneki  "What’s in Your Tweets? I Know Who You Supported in the UK 2010 General Election".  International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) (short paper), Dublin, Ireland, June 2012 (PDF).
  • D. Murray, K. Nilakant, J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki  "Task Farming in Crowd Computing".  Social Opportunistic Networking, Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano and Ivan Stojmenovic eds. (Book Chapter), Wiley, 2012.
  • H. Haddadi, R. Mortier, S. Hand, I. Brown, E. Yoneki, D. McAuley, and Jon Crowcroft  "Privacy Analytics". ACM Computer Communication Review, 42(2), April 2012 (PDF).

         - 2011 -

  • E. Yoneki, and J. Crowcroft  "EpiMap: Towards Quantifying Contact Networks and Modelling the Spread of Infections in Developing Countries ".  International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR), December, 2011(PDF).
  • A. Martin-Campillo, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft, and Ramon Marti  "Electronic Triage Tag and Opportunistic Networks in Disasters ".  CoNext Special Workshop on the Internet and Disasters, December, 2011 (PDF).
  • D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and E. Yoneki  "On Joint Diagonalization for Dynamic Network Analysis ".  Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2011 (UCAM-CL-TR-806 ).
  • N. Wang and E. Yoneki  "Impact of Social Structure on Forwarding Algorithms in Opportunistic Networks ".  IEEE Int'l Conf. on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking, 2011 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki  "FluPhone Study: Virtual Disease Spread using Haggle ".  ACM CHANTS, 2011 (PDF).
  • P. Hui, J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki  "BUBBLE Rap: Social-based Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks ".  IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10 no. 11, pp. 1576-1589, 2011 (PDF).
  • E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft, P. Lio, N. Walton, M. Vojnovic and R. Whitaker  "Message from the Workshop on the Future of Social Networking". ACM Computer Communication Review, 41(3), July 2011 (PDF).
  • D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and E. Yoneki  "Uncovering Multi-Modal Spread Modes using Joint Diagonalization in Dynamic Human Contact Networks".  Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks (Poster), MIT, May 2011 (PDF).

         - 2010 -

  • E. Yoneki and D. Greenfield  " Inferring Significance of Meeting Groups in Human Contact Networks ".  European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2010. (PDF).

  • D. Murray, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft and S. Hand  " The Case for Crowd Computing".  ACM MOBIHELD at SIGCOMM, New Delhi, India, August, 2010 (PDF).

  • M. Freeman, N. Watkins, E. Yoneki, and J. Crowcroft  " Rhythm and Randomness in Human Contact".  International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Odense, Denmark, August, 2010 (PDF).

  • M. Kryczka, R. Cuevas, C. Guerrero, E. Yoneki and A. Azcorra  " A First Step Towards User Assisted Online Social Networks".  EuroSys workshop on Social Network Systems, Paris, France, April, 2010 (PDF).

  • J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki  " European routes to reinventing Internet technology".  Nature 464, 486 (25 March 2010) (PDF).

  • M. Ostilli, E. Yoneki, I. Leung, J. Mendes, P. Lio, and J. Crowcroft  " Statistical Mechanics of Rumour Spreading in Network Communities".  International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) - Engineered & Social Networks: Theory and Applications , Amsterdam, Netherland, May, 2010 (PDF).

    Longer Version:  "Ising Model of Rumour Spreading in Interacting Communities"
    . UCAM-CL-TR-767, University of Cambridge, 2010 (Technical Report ).

  • A. Martin-Campillo, J. Crowcroft, E. Yoneki, R. Marti and C. Martinez-Garcia  " Using Haggle to create an Electronic Triage Tag".  ACM MobiOpp (Short Paper), Pisa, Italy, February, 2010 ( PDF).
    - 2009 -

  • E. Yoneki, I. Baltopoulos and J. Crowcroft  " D^3N: Programming Distributed Computation in Pocket Switched Networks".  ACM MOBIHELD at SIGCOMM, Barcelona, Spain, August, 2009 ( PDF).

    D^3N introduced in MIT Technilogy Review.

  • E. Yoneki  " The Importance of Data Collection for Modelling Contact Networks".  IEEE SCMPS at Social Computing - Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2009 ( PDF).

  • E. Yoneki and Fehmi Ben Abdesslem  " Finding a Data Blackhole in Bluetooth Scanning".  ExtremeCom, Sweden, August, 2009 ( PDF).

  • E. Yoneki, D. Greenfield and J. Crowcroft  " Dynamics of Inter-Meeting Time in Human Contact Networks".  International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Athens, Greece, July, 2009 ( PDF).

  • E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft  "GIS: Geographical Information Cascade in Online Social Networks".   International Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Venice, Italy, June, 2009. ( PDF).

  • E. Yoneki "Time/Space Aware Event Correlation".  Principles and Applications of Distributed Event-based Systems, A. Hinze and A. Buchmann eds. (Book Chapter), Information Science Reference, 2009.

  • N. Sastry, E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft  " Buzztraq: Predicting geographical access patterns of social cascades using social networks".  EuroSys workshop on Social Network Systems, Nuremberg, Germany, March, 2009 ( PDF).

  • A. Peddemors and E. Yoneki  " Probabilistic World Modeling with Cooperative Sensing".  KiVS workshop on Global Sensor Networks, Kassel, Germany, March, 2009 ( PDF) ( Slides).

  • P. Hui, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft, and Shu-yan Chan  "Identifying Social Communities in Complex Communications for Network Efficiency".  Complex 2009 (Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications), Shanhai, China, February, 2009.
    - 2008 -

  • J. Crowcroft, E. Yoneki, P. Hui, and T. Henderson  "Promoting Tolerance for Delay Tolerant Network Research". ACM Computer Communication Review, 38(5):63-68, October 2008 (PDF).

  • E. Yoneki, P. Hui, and J. Crowcroft "Wireless Epidemic Spread in Dynamic Human Networks". Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication, LNCS 5151, Springer, 2008 (PDF).

  • P. Lio, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft and D. Verma "Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication". Editing Book, LNCS 5151, Springer, 2008(Link).

  • E. Yoneki  "Data Centric Asynchronous Communication ".  ISBN: 978-3-639-07382-9, VDM Verlag, September, 2008.

  • E. Yoneki  "Visualizing Communities and Centralities from Encounter Traces". ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), San Francisco, USA, September, 2008 (PDF).

  • E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft "Towards Data Driven Declarative Networking in Delay Tolerant Networks". 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems (DEBS), Rome, Italy, July, 2008 (PDF).

  • E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft "Study of Wireless Epidemic Spread in Dynamic Human Connectivity Traces".  International Conference on Network Science (NetSci), UK, June, 2008 (PDF).

  • P. Hui, J. Crowcroft, and E. Yoneki "BUBBLE Rap: Social Based Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks". 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), HongKong, May, 2008 ( PDF).

  • E. Yoneki, P. Hui, and J. Crowcroft "Distinct Types of Hubs in Human Dynamic Networks". EuroSys Workshop on Social Network Systems, Glasgow UK, April, 2008 ( PDF).

  • V. Kostakos, E. Yoneki, E. O’Neill, H. Kenn and J. Crowcroft: "Understanding and Measuring the Urban Pervasive Infrastructure". Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, ISSN 1617-4909, Springer, March, 2008 ( PDF).
    - 2007 -
  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "eCube: Hypercube Event for Efficient Filtering in Content-Based Routing".  International Conference on Grid computing, High-performance and Distributed Applications (GADA - OTM) , Algarve, Portugal, November, 2007 (PDF) .
  • E. Yoneki, P. Hui,  S. Chan and J. Crowcroft "A Socio-Aware Overlay for Publish/Subscribe Communication in Delay Tolerant Networks".  10th ACM/IEEE International  Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), Crete, Greece, October, 2007. (PDF)
  • E. Yoneki, P. Hui and J. Crowcroft "Visualizing Community Detection in Opportunistic Networks".  ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), Montreal, Canada, September, 2007. (PDF, Flier)
  • P. Hui, E. Yoneki, S. Chan and J. Crowcroft  "Distributed Community Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks".  ACM SIGCOMM Workshop (MOBIARCH), Kyoto, Japan, August, 2007. (PDF)

    - Ph.D. Thesis -

  • Eiko Yoneki "ECCO: Data Centric Asynchronous Communication".  Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR677, University of Cambridge, 2007. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports.

    - 2006 -

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Openness and Interoperability in Mobile Middleware".  Mobile Middleware, A. Corradi and P. Bellavista eds. (invited book chapter), CRC Press, 2006.
  • E. Yoneki "Wireless Rope: An Experiment in Social Proximity Sensing with Bluetooth".  IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) - Demo, Pisa, Italy, March 2006. (PDF1, PDF2 )

    Wireless Rope PerCom Demo

  • E. Yoneki "Ambient Intelligence by Collaborative Eye Tracking".  European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) - finalist in Sentient Future Competition (http://www.embedded-wisents.org/competition/competition_ann.htm), Zurich, Switzerland, February 2006. (PDF,  Poster )

    - 2005 -
  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network Technologies: Research Trends and Middleware's Role".  (Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR646, University of Cambridge, 2005. )

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Ubiquitous Computing: Challenges in Flexible Data Aggregation".  IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), Japan, December 2005.  (PDF

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Object Tracking using Durative Events".  IFIP International Symposium on Network-Centric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS), Japan, December 2005.  (PDF

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Unified Semantics for Event Correlation over Time and Space in Hybrid Network Environments".  IFIP International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'05), Cyprus, November 2005.  (PDF

  • E. Yoneki "Event Broker Grids with Filtering, Aggregation, and Correlation for Wireless Sensor Data".  IFIP International Workshop on Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05), Cyprus, November 2005.  (PDF

  • E. Yoneki "Evolution of Ubiquitous Computing with Sensor Networks in Urban Environments".  Ubicomp - Workshop on Metapolis and Urban Life, Tokyo, Japan, September 2005.  (PDF

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon  "Determination of Time and Order for Event-Based Middleware in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environments". 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) - Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing, Kauai, USA, March 2005 . (PDF

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Distributed Multicast Grouping for Publish/Subscribe over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks".  IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'2005), New Orleans, USA, March 2005. (PDF

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Dynamic Group Communication in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environments".  20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'05), Santa Fe, USA, March 2005. (PDF

    - 2004 -
  • A. Beugnard, L. Fiege, R. Filman, E. Jul, S. Sadou and Eiko Yoneki "Communication Abstractions for Distributed Systems ".   Journal of Object-Oriented Technology, Workshop Reader ECOOP'2004, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2004. 

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Towards a Peer-to-Peer Event Broker Grid in a Hybrid Network Environment".  On The Move Federated Conferences (OTM'04 - CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE) - Workshop on Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis, Cyprus, October 2004.  (PDF)

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Event Order with Interval Timestamp in Event Correlation Service over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks".  5th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware'04 - Poster Session), Toronto, Canada, October 2004.  (PDF,  Poster )

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "An Adaptive Approach to Content-Based Subscription in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks".  2nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications - Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing, Orlando, USA, March 2004. (PDF)

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Content-Based Routing with On-Demand Multicast".  24th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Networking (ICDCS WWAN 2004), Tokyo, Japan, March 2004. (PDF)

    - 2003 -
  • E. Yoneki  "Many Aspects of Reliabilities in a Distributed Mobile Messaging Middleware over JMS". International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications - Workshop on Reliable and Secure Middleware, Catania, Italy, November 2003. (PDF)

The following publications are from my Diploma project, which received "Best Dissertation Award".

  • E. Yoneki  "Mobile Applications with a Middleware System in Publish-Subscribe Paradigm".  3rd Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN'03), Bern, Switzerland, July 2003. (PDF)

  • E. Yoneki  "Pronto: Mobile Gateway with Publish-Subscribe Paradigm over Wireless Networks".  4th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Conference on Middleware (Middleware'03 - Work in Progress), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2003, IEEE Distributed Systems Online Vol.4 No.5, May 2003. ( PDF )  
    (Full version:Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR559, University of Cambridge, 2003. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/TechReports.)

  • E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Gateway: a Message Hub with Store-and-forward Messaging in Mobile Networks".  23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - Workshop on Mobile Computing Middleware (ICDCS MCM03), Rhode Island, USA, May, 2003. (PDF )
Supervisions: I am supervising the following courses: Distributed Systems, Concurrent Systems, Digital Communication, Foundations of Programming, and Part II Projects. 

My scuba diving map .
Special interests: Genome Regulation.

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Contact Details: Office FE02, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
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email:  eiko.yoneki(at)cl.cam.ac.uk