My recent publications can be grouped into 5 related topics: 1)
Computer System's Optimisation, 2)
Large-Scale Graph Processing, 3) Digital Epidemiology, 4) Delay
Tolerant Networking and 5) Event-based Systems. See also
Google Scholar.
- 2025 -
- T. Wang, L. Liang, G. Yang, T. Heinis and E. Yoneki: A New Paradigm in Tuning Learned Indexes: A Reinforcement Learning-Enhanced Approach.
SIGMOD (to appear), 2025
- G. He and E. Yoneki: CuAsmRL: Optimizing GPU SASS Schedules via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (to appear in CGO), 2025
(arXiv reprint)
- 2024 -
- J. Hartmann, G. He and E. Yoneki: Optimizing Tensor Computation Graphs with Equality Saturation and Monte Carlo Tree Search.
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2024
- G. Barbulescu, T. Wang, Z. Singh, and E. Yoneki: Learned Graph Rewriting with Equality Saturation: A New Paradigm in Relational Query Rewrite and Beyond.
(arXiv reprint).
- T. Wang and E. Yoneki: IA2: Leveraging Instance-Aware Index Advisor with Reinforcement Learning for Diverse Workloads.
EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2024
(arXiv reprint).
- G. He and E. Yoneki: SIP: Autotuning GPU Native Schedules via Stochastic Instruction Perturbation.
EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2024
(arXiv reprint).
- 2023 -
- G. He, S. Parker, and E. Yoneki: X-RLflow: Graph Reinforcement Learning for Neural Network Subgraph Transformation.
MLSys, 2023
(arXiv reprint).
- G. He, Z. Singh, and E. Yoneki: MCTS-GEB: Monte Carlo Tree Search is a Good E-graph Builder.
EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2023
(arXiv reprint).
- J. Kunegis, J. Sun, and E. Yoneki: Guided Graph Generation: Evaluation of Graph Generators in Terms of Network Statistics, and a New Algorithm.
(arXiv reprint).
- 2022 -
- S. Parker, S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: RLFlow: Optimising Neural Network Subgraph Transformation with World Models.
(arXiv reprint).
- S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: BoGraph: Structured Bayesian Optimization From Logs for Systems with High-dimensional Parameter Space.
EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2022
(arXiv reprintp).
- 2021 -
- S. Sakr, A. Bonifati, H. Voigt, A. Iosup.....E. Yoneki, et al.: The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on
Graph Processing Systems.
Communication of the ACM (CACM) Volume 64, Issue 9, September, 2021
- S. Alabed and E. Yoneki: High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization with Multi-Task Learning for RocksDB.
EuroMLSys @EuroSys, 2021 (arXiv
- O. Hope and E. Yoneki: GDDR: GNN-based Data-Driven Routing.
ICDCS, 2021 (arXiv
- 2020 -
- H. Brown, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki: World-Models for Bitrate Streaming.
MDPI Journal of Applied Science: Special Issue on AI in Mobile Networks, 2020.
- A. Guazzini, E. Guidi, C. Cecchini and E. Yoneki: Collaborative Facilitation and Collaborative
Inhibition in Virtual Environments.
Future Internet, MDPI, 2020 (
- A. Martn-Campilloa and E. Yoneki: Improving close contact measurements and enabling them in challenging scenarios.
2020 (
- 2019 -
- M. Schaarschmidt, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki: Wield:
Systematic Reinforcement Learning with Progressive
Randomization. 2019 (arXiv
- J. Welborn, M. Schaarschmidt and E. Yoneki:
Learning Index Selection with Structured Action Spaces. 2019
- M. Schaarschmidt, S. Mika, K. Fricke and E. Yoneki:
RLgraph: Modular Computation Graphs for Deep Reinforcement
SysML, 2019 (arXiv
- B. Varghese, et al.:
Cloud Futurology. IEEE Computer, 2019 (pdf).
- P.
Basford, S. Johnston,
C. Perkins, T. Garnock-Jonesb, F. Po Tso, D. Pezaros, R.
Mullins, E. Yoneki, J. Singer, and S. Cox: Performance
analysis of single board computer clusters. Journal of
Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier, 2019 (PDF).
- 2018 -
M. Schaarschmidt, A. Kuhnle, B. Ellis, K. Fricke, F.
Gessert, and E. Yoneki: LIFT: Reinforcement Learning in
Computer Systems by Learning From Demonstrations. (arXiv
- K. Collister
and E. Yoneki:
RaDiCS: Distributed Computing Service over Raspberry Pis with
MobiSys Abstract, 2018
- M. Schaarschmidtm
and E. Yoneki:
Deep Reinforcement Learning in Computer Systems: Learning from
EuroSys Abstract, 2018
- E. Yoneki:
Digital Epidemiology and Beyond.
PODC - TOPIC, 2018
- S.
Johnston, F. Po Tso, H. Herry, S. Cox, D. Pezaros, R. Mullins,
E. Yoneki, J. Singer, P. Basford, and C. Perkins:
Commodity Single Board Computer Clusters and their
Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems,
Elsevier, 2018
J. Singer, H. Herry, P. Basford, W. Hajji, C. Perkins,
F. Po Tso, D. Pezaros, R. Mullins,
E. Yoneki,
S. Cox,
S. Johnston:
Next Generation Single Board Clusters.
NOMS - IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2018
- 2017 -
- F.
Gessert, M. Schaarschmidtm, W. Wingerath, E.
Witt, E. Yoneki and N. Ritter:
Quaestor: Query Web Caching for Database-as-a-Service Provider.
International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), 2017
- V. Dalibard, M. Schaarschmidt, and E. Yoneki: BOAT:
Building Auto-Tuners with Structured Bayesian Optimization.
World Wide Web Conference,
Systems and Infrastructure Track
(WWW), Perth, Australia, April, 2017
Featured by
the Morning Paper.
Report UCAM-CL-TR-900:
A framework to build bespoke auto-tuners with structured
Bayesian optimisation.
- S. Saad, N.D. Nguyen E. Yoneki, and A. Crimi:
Connectome of Autistic Brains, Global versus Local
BACON (Brain Analysis using Connectivity
Networks at MICCAI Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention), 2017
- 2016 -
- V. Dalibard,
and E. Yoneki: Tuning
the Scheduling of Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent with
Bayesian Optimization.
NIPS: workshop on Bayesian Optimization: Black-box
Optimization and Beyond, 2016 (PDF)
M. Schaarschmidt, F. Gessert,
V. Dalibard, and E. Yoneki: Learning Runtime
Parameters in Computer Systems with Delayed Experience
Injection. NIPS: Deep Reinforcement Learning Workshop,
2016 (PDF)
Dalibard, V., Yoneki, E.: Tuning Computer Systems with Structured Bayesian Optimization.
EuroSys abstract, 2016 (PDF).
- J. Tirado, O. Serban, Q. Guo, E.
Yoneki: Web Data Knowledge Extraction.
Technical Report,
University of Cambridge
Project MAKI: Tools
for web Data Knowledge Extraction.
- A. Socievole, A. Zivianib, F. De Rangoa, A.V. Vasilakosd,
E. Yoneki: Cyber-physical systems for Mobile
Opportunistic Networking in Proximity (MNP)
(Editorial) Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 111, 24, 2016
- 2015 -
E. Yoneki, A. Roy, and D. Murray:
Systems and Algorithms for Large-scale Graph Analytics (Dagstuhl Seminar
Dagstuhl Reports, Vol. 4, Issue 11 ISSN 2192-5283, 2015 (PDF).
W. Rao, E. Yoneki, and L. Chen:
L-Graph: A General Graph Analytic System on Continuous Computation
HotPlanet, September, 2015 (PDF).
I. Giechaskiel, G. Panagopoulos and
E. Yoneki: PDTL: Parallel and Distributed Triangle Listing for
Massive Graphs.
44th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP),
September, 2015
See full experiment results in the appendix of Technical Report version
- 2014 -
A. Ribeiro and E. Yoneki: Spatial
Coordination Games for Large-Scale Visualization.
European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, 2014
- E. Yoneki: RasPiNET:
Decentralised Communication and Sensing Platform with Satellite
September, 2014
K. Nilakant, V. Dalibard, A. Roy, and
E. Yoneki: PrefEdge: SSD Prefetcher for Large-Scale Graph
ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR),
June, 2014
K. Nilakant and
E. Yoneki:
On the Efficacy of APUs for Heterogeneous Graph Computation.
EuroSys - SMFA, Amsterdam, April, 2014
- H. Kim, K. Beznosov and
E. Yoneki:
Finding Influential Neighbors to Maximize Information Diffusion in
WWW - SIMPLEX, Seoul, April, 2014
E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft:
EpiMap: Towards Quantifying Contact Networks for Understanding Epidemiology in Developing Countries.
Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks Journal: Special Issue on Wireless Technology for Humanitarian Relief,
Vol. 13, pp. 83-93, 2014 (online version 2012)
- A.
Guazzini, E. Yoneki and G. Gronchi: Cognitive
dissonance and social influence effects on preference
judgments: An eyetracking based system for their automatic
assessment. Elsevier International Journal of
Human-Computer Studies (PDF), 2014.
- 2013 -
P. Basu, R. Gibbens, T. La Porta, C. Lin, A. Swami, and E. Yoneki "JSAC
Guest Editorial Network Science".
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.Vol. 31, No.
6, June, 2013
A. Socievole,
E. Yoneki, F. De Rango and J. Crowcroft "Opportunistic
Message Routing using Multi-layer Social
ACM HP-MOSys, Barcelona, November, 2013
E. Yoneki and A. Roy "Scale-up Graph Processing: A
Storage-centric View".
New York, USA, June, 2013
(+GraphLab workshop, San Francisco, USA, July, 2013)
- A. Boutet, H. Kim, and E. Yoneki "What's in Twitter I Know
What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now!" Journal of Social Network Analysis and Mining, July, Springer, ISSN:
1869-5450, 2013
D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and
E. Yoneki "Centrality and Mode Detection in Dynamic Contact
Graphs; a Joint Diagonalisation Approach".
Niagara Falls, Canada, Canada, August, 2013
- 2012 -
A. Roy, K. Nilakant, V. Dalibard, and Eiko Yoneki
"Mitigating I/O latency in SSD-based Graph Traversal
Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2012
A. Martin-Campillo, J. Crowcroft, E. Yoneki, and Ramon Marti
"Evaluating Opportunistic Networks in Disaster Scenarios
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier, 2012
E. Yoneki and Amitabha Roy
"A Unified Graph Query Layer for Multiple Databases
Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2012
K. Nilakant, J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki "Mistify: Augmenting Cloud
Storage With Delay-Tolerant Cooperative Backup". IEEE
International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob),
Barcelona, Spain, October, 2012
K. Nilakant and E. Yoneki "Pocket Backup Storage System with Cloud
Integration". ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS),
Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012 (Demo)
H. Kim and E. Yoneki "Influential Neighbours Selection for
Information Diffusion in Online Social Networks". IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN),
Munich, Germany, July 2012
- A. Boutet, H. Kim and E. Yoneki
"What’s in Your Tweets? I Know What Parties are Popular and Who You are Supporting Now! ".
IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (Full Paper), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012
A. Boutet, H. Kim and E. Yoneki
"What’s in Your Tweets? I Know Who You Supported in the UK 2010 General Election".
International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) (short paper), Dublin, Ireland, June 2012
D. Murray, K. Nilakant,
J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki
"Task Farming in Crowd Computing".
Social Opportunistic Networking, Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia
Giordano and Ivan Stojmenovic eds. (Book Chapter), Wiley, 2012.
H. Haddadi, R. Mortier, S. Hand, I. Brown, E. Yoneki, D. McAuley, and Jon Crowcroft
"Privacy Analytics". ACM
Computer Communication Review, 42(2), April 2012 (PDF).
- 2011 -
E. Yoneki, and J. Crowcroft
"EpiMap: Towards Quantifying Contact Networks and Modelling the Spread of Infections in Developing Countries
International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief (ACWR), December, 2011(PDF).
A. Martin-Campillo, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft, and Ramon Marti
"Electronic Triage Tag and Opportunistic Networks in Disasters
CoNext Special Workshop on the Internet and Disasters, December, 2011
D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and E. Yoneki
"On Joint Diagonalization for Dynamic Network Analysis
Technical Report, University of Cambridge, 2011
N. Wang and E. Yoneki
"Impact of Social Structure on Forwarding Algorithms in Opportunistic Networks
IEEE Int'l Conf. on Selected Topics in Mobile & Wireless Networking, 2011
E. Yoneki
"FluPhone Study: Virtual Disease Spread using Haggle
P. Hui, J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki
"BUBBLE Rap: Social-based Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10 no. 11, pp. 1576-1589, 2011
Yoneki, J. Crowcroft, P. Lio, N. Walton, M. Vojnovic and R. Whitaker
"Message from the Workshop on the Future of Social
Networking". ACM
Computer Communication Review, 41(3), July 2011 (PDF).
D. Fay, J. Kunegis, and E. Yoneki
"Uncovering Multi-Modal Spread Modes using Joint Diagonalization in Dynamic Human Contact Networks".
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Decision in Social Networks (Poster), MIT, May 2011 (PDF).
- 2010 -
E. Yoneki and D. Greenfield
Inferring Significance of Meeting Groups in Human Contact Networks
European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2010.
D. Murray, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft and S. Hand
The Case for Crowd Computing".
ACM MOBIHELD at SIGCOMM, New Delhi, India,
August, 2010
M. Freeman, N. Watkins, E. Yoneki, and J. Crowcroft
Rhythm and Randomness in Human Contact".
International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Odense, Denmark,
August, 2010
M. Kryczka, R. Cuevas, C. Guerrero, E. Yoneki and A. Azcorra
A First Step Towards User Assisted Online Social Networks".
EuroSys workshop on Social Network Systems, Paris, France,
April, 2010
J. Crowcroft and E. Yoneki
European routes to reinventing Internet technology".
Nature 464, 486 (25 March 2010)
M. Ostilli, E. Yoneki, I. Leung, J. Mendes, P. Lio, and J. Crowcroft
Statistical Mechanics of Rumour Spreading in Network Communities
International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS) - Engineered & Social Networks:
Theory and Applications , Amsterdam, Netherland, May, 2010
Longer Version:
"Ising Model of Rumour Spreading in Interacting Communities".
UCAM-CL-TR-767, University of Cambridge, 2010
(Technical Report
A. Martin-Campillo, J. Crowcroft, E. Yoneki, R. Marti and C. Martinez-Garcia
Using Haggle to create an Electronic Triage Tag".
ACM MobiOpp (Short Paper), Pisa, Italy, February, 2010
E. Yoneki, I. Baltopoulos and J. Crowcroft
D^3N: Programming Distributed Computation in Pocket Switched Networks".
ACM MOBIHELD at SIGCOMM, Barcelona, Spain, August, 2009
D^3N introduced in
MIT Technilogy Review.
E. Yoneki
The Importance of Data Collection for Modelling Contact Networks".
IEEE SCMPS at Social Computing - Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, August, 2009
E. Yoneki and Fehmi Ben Abdesslem
Finding a Data Blackhole in Bluetooth Scanning".
ExtremeCom, Sweden, August, 2009
E. Yoneki, D. Greenfield and J. Crowcroft
Dynamics of Inter-Meeting Time in Human Contact Networks".
International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Athens, Greece, July, 2009
E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft
"GIS: Geographical Information Cascade in Online Social Networks".
International Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Venice, Italy, June, 2009.
E. Yoneki "Time/Space Aware Event Correlation".
Principles and Applications of Distributed Event-based Systems, A. Hinze and A. Buchmann eds. (Book Chapter), Information Science Reference, 2009.
N. Sastry, E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft
Buzztraq: Predicting geographical access patterns of social cascades using social networks".
EuroSys workshop on Social Network Systems, Nuremberg, Germany,
March, 2009
A. Peddemors and E. Yoneki
Probabilistic World Modeling with Cooperative Sensing".
KiVS workshop on Global Sensor Networks, Kassel, Germany,
March, 2009
P. Hui, E. Yoneki, J.
Crowcroft, and Shu-yan Chan "Identifying Social Communities in Complex
Communications for Network Efficiency".
2009 (Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications), Shanhai, China,
February, 2009.
J. Crowcroft, E.
Yoneki, P. Hui, and T. Henderson
"Promoting Tolerance
for Delay Tolerant Network Research". ACM
Computer Communication Review, 38(5):63-68, October 2008 (PDF).
E. Yoneki, P. Hui, and J. Crowcroft "Wireless Epidemic
Spread in Dynamic Human Networks". Bio-Inspired Computing and Communication, LNCS 5151, Springer, 2008
P. Lio, E. Yoneki, J. Crowcroft and D. Verma
Computing and Communication".
Editing Book, LNCS 5151, Springer, 2008(Link).
E. Yoneki "Data Centric Asynchronous Communication
ISBN: 978-3-639-07382-9, VDM Verlag, September, 2008.
E. Yoneki "Visualizing Communities and Centralities
from Encounter Traces". ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), San Francisco,
USA, September, 2008
E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft "Towards Data Driven Declarative Networking in Delay Tolerant Networks". 2nd
International Conference on Distributed Event Based Systems (DEBS),
Rome, Italy, July, 2008
E. Yoneki and J. Crowcroft "Study of Wireless Epidemic Spread in Dynamic Human Connectivity Traces". International Conference on Network Science (NetSci), UK, June, 2008 (PDF).
P. Hui, J. Crowcroft, and E. Yoneki "BUBBLE
Rap: Social Based Forwarding in Delay Tolerant Networks". 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
and Computing (MobiHoc), HongKong, May, 2008 (
E. Yoneki, P. Hui, and J. Crowcroft "Distinct Types of Hubs
in Human Dynamic Networks". EuroSys Workshop on Social Network Systems, Glasgow UK, April,
2008 (
V. Kostakos, E. Yoneki, E. O’Neill, H. Kenn and J. Crowcroft:
"Understanding and Measuring the Urban Pervasive Infrastructure".
Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, ISSN 1617-4909, Springer,
March, 2008
- 2007 -
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "eCube: Hypercube Event for Efficient Filtering
in Content-Based Routing".
International Conference on Grid computing, High-performance and
Distributed Applications (GADA - OTM) , Algarve, Portugal, November, 2007
(PDF) .
E. Yoneki, P. Hui, S. Chan and J. Crowcroft "A
Socio-Aware Overlay for Publish/Subscribe Communication in Delay
Tolerant Networks". 10th ACM/IEEE
International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of
Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM),
Crete, Greece, October, 2007. (PDF)
E. Yoneki, P. Hui and J. Crowcroft "Visualizing Community
Detection in Opportunistic Networks".
ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS), Montreal,
Canada, September, 2007.
P. Hui, E. Yoneki, S. Chan and J. Crowcroft
"Distributed Community Detection in Delay Tolerant Networks".
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop (MOBIARCH), Kyoto, Japan, August, 2007.
- Ph.D. Thesis -
Eiko Yoneki "ECCO: Data Centric Asynchronous Communication".
Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR677,
University of Cambridge, 2007.
- 2006 -
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Openness and Interoperability in Mobile Middleware". Mobile Middleware, A. Corradi and P. Bellavista eds. (invited book chapter), CRC Press, 2006.
E. Yoneki "Wireless Rope: An Experiment in Social Proximity Sensing with Bluetooth".
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) - Demo, Pisa, Italy, March 2006.
Wireless Rope PerCom Demo
E. Yoneki "Ambient Intelligence by Collaborative Eye Tracking".
European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN) - finalist in Sentient Future Competition (, Zurich, Switzerland, February 2006.
Poster )
- 2005 -
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network Technologies: Research Trends and Middleware's Role". (Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR646,
University of Cambridge, 2005. )
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Ubiquitous Computing: Challenges in Flexible Data Aggregation".
IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), Japan, December 2005.
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Object Tracking using Durative Events".
IFIP International Symposium on Network-Centric Ubiquitous Systems (NCUS), Japan, December 2005.
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Unified Semantics for Event Correlation over Time and Space in Hybrid Network Environments".
IFIP International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'05), Cyprus, November 2005.
E. Yoneki "Event Broker Grids with Filtering, Aggregation, and Correlation for Wireless Sensor Data".
IFIP International Workshop on Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA'05), Cyprus, November 2005.
E. Yoneki "Evolution of Ubiquitous Computing with Sensor Networks in Urban Environments".
Ubicomp - Workshop on Metapolis and Urban Life, Tokyo, Japan, September 2005.
- E. Yoneki and J. Bacon
"Determination of Time and Order for
Event-Based Middleware in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environments". 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) -
Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer Computing, Kauai, USA, March 2005
. (PDF)
- E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Distributed Multicast Grouping for Publish/Subscribe over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks".
IEEE Wireless Communications
and Networking Conference (WCNC'2005), New Orleans, USA, March 2005. (PDF
- E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Dynamic Group Communication in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Environments".
20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'05), Santa Fe, USA, March 2005. (PDF)
- 2004 -
- A. Beugnard, L. Fiege, R. Filman, E. Jul, S. Sadou and Eiko Yoneki "Communication Abstractions for Distributed Systems
Journal of Object-Oriented Technology, Workshop Reader ECOOP'2004, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 2004.
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Towards a Peer-to-Peer Event Broker Grid in a Hybrid Network Environment".
On The Move Federated Conferences (OTM'04 - CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE) - Workshop on Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis, Cyprus, October 2004.
- E. Yoneki and J. Bacon "Event Order with Interval Timestamp in Event Correlation Service over Wireless Ad Hoc Networks".
International Conference on Middleware (Middleware'04 - Poster Session), Toronto, Canada, October 2004.
Poster )
- E. Yoneki and J.
Bacon "An Adaptive Approach to Content-Based
Subscription in Mobile Ad Hoc
2nd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications - Workshop on Mobile Peer-to-Peer
Computing, Orlando, USA, March 2004. (PDF)
- E. Yoneki and J.
Bacon "Content-Based Routing with On-Demand
24th International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems - Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc Networking (ICDCS WWAN
2004), Tokyo, Japan, March 2004. (PDF)
- 2003 -
- E. Yoneki "Many Aspects
of Reliabilities in a Distributed Mobile Messaging Middleware over
JMS". International Symposium on Distributed Objects and
Applications - Workshop on Reliable and Secure Middleware, Catania, Italy, November 2003. (PDF)
The following publications are from my
Diploma project, which received "Best Dissertation Award".
E. Yoneki "Mobile
Applications with a Middleware System in Publish-Subscribe
3rd Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (ASWN'03), Bern,
Switzerland, July 2003. (PDF)
- E. Yoneki "Pronto: Mobile
Gateway with Publish-Subscribe Paradigm over Wireless
Networks". 4th ACM/IFIP/USENIX
International Conference on Middleware (Middleware'03 - Work in
Progress), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2003, IEEE Distributed Systems
Online Vol.4 No.5, May 2003.
(Full version:Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR559,
University of Cambridge, 2003.
E. Yoneki and J. Bacon
"Gateway: a Message Hub with Store-and-forward Messaging in Mobile
Networks". 23rd International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - Workshop on Mobile
Computing Middleware (ICDCS MCM03), Rhode Island, USA, May, 2003.