Associate Professor, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Fellow & Director of Studies, Robinson College
Room: FS17
Staged Compilation with Module Functors (pdf)
ICFP 2024
Tsung-Ju Chiang, Jeremy Yallop, Leo White, and Ningning Xie
Safe Pattern Generation for Multi-Stage Programming (extended abstract) (pdf)
ML 2024
Ethan Range and Jeremy Yallop
Towards Quantitative Inductive Families (extended abstract) (pdf)
TYPES 2024
Yulong Huang and Jeremy Yallop
Unboxed Data Constructors: Or, How cpp Decides a Halting Problem (pdf)
POPL 2024
Nicolas Chataing, Stephen Dolan, Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop
MacoCaml: Staging Composable and Compilable Macros (pdf)
ICFP 2023
Ningning Xie, Leo White, Olivier Nicole and Jeremy Yallop
Safe and efficient generic functions with MacoCaml (extended abstract) (pdf) (code)
OCaml 2023
Dmitrij Szamozvancev, Leo White, Ningning Xie and Jeremy Yallop
flap: A Deterministic Parser with Fused Lexing (pdf, code)
PLDI 2023
Jeremy Yallop, Ningning Xie and Neel Krishnaswami
Defunctionalization with Dependent Types (pdf)
PLDI 2023
Yulong Huang and Jeremy Yallop
Modular construction of multi-sorted free extensions (short paper) (pdf)
PEPM 2023
Guillaume Allais, Nathan Corbyn, Ohad Kammar, Nachiappan Valliappan, Sam Lindley and Jeremy Yallop
Normalization by Evaluation with free extensions (extended abstract) (pdf)
TyDe 2022
Nathan Corbyn, Ohad Kammar, Sam Lindley, Nachiappan Valliappan and Jeremy Yallop
Staging with Class: A Specification for Typed Template Haskell (pdf)
POPL 2022
Ningning Xie, Matthew Pickering, Andres Löh, Nicolas Wu, Jeremy Yallop and Meng Wang
let (rec) insertion without Effects, Lights or Magic (short paper) (pdf)
PEPM 2022
Oleg Kiselyov and Jeremy Yallop
A Practical Mode System for Recursive Definitions (pdf, pull request)
POPL 2021
Alban Reynaud, Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop
Frex: indexing modulo equations with free extensions (extended abstract) (pdf)
TyDe 2020
Guillaume Allais, Edwin Brady, Ohad Kammar and Jeremy Yallop
Certified optimisation of stream operations using heterogeneous staging (extended abstract) (pdf)
accepted to VPT 2020
James Lowenthal and Jeremy Yallop
A typed, algebraic approach to parsing (pdf, code)
PLDI 2019
(Distinguished Paper Award and Distinguished Artifact Award)
Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami and Jeremy Yallop
Lambda: the Ultimate Sublanguage (Experience Report) (pdf)
ICFP 2019
Jeremy Yallop and Leo White
A right-to-left type system for value recursion (extended abstract) (pdf)
ML 2019
Alban Reynaud, Gabriel Scherer and Jeremy Yallop
) insertion without effects, lights or magic (extended abstract) (pdf)
ML 2019
Oleg Kiselyov and Jeremy Yallop
First-class subtypes (pdf)
ML & OCaml 2017 post-proceedings (2019)
Jeremy Yallop and Stephen Dolan
Extending OCaml’s open
(pdf, pull request)
ML & OCaml 2017 post-proceedings (2019)
Runhang Li and Jeremy Yallop
Generating mutually recursive definitions (short paper) (pdf, code)
PEPM 2019
Jeremy Yallop and Oleg Kiselyov
Generating mutually recursive definitions (extended abstract) (pdf, code)
ML 2018
Jeremy Yallop and Oleg Kiselyov
Partially static data as free extension of algebras (pdf, Haskell code, MetaOCaml code)
ICFP 2018
Jeremy Yallop, Tamara von Glehn and Ohad Kammar
Partially static data as free extension of algebras (short paper) (pdf)
presented at PEPM 2018
Jeremy Yallop, Tamara von Glehn and Ohad Kammar
A modular foreign function interface (pdf, code)
Science of Computer Programming, 2018
Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets and Anil Madhavapeddy
Staged generic programming (pdf, code)
ICFP 2017
Jeremy Yallop
First-class subtypes (extended abstract) (pdf)
ML 2017
Jeremy Yallop and Stephen Dolan
Extending OCaml’s open
(extended abstract) (pdf, interactive notebook)
OCaml 2017
Runhang Li and Jeremy Yallop
Post-proceedings of the 2015 ML Family / OCaml Users and Developers workshops (EPTCS)
(Published February 2017)
Jeremy Yallop and Damien Doligez (eds.)
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (ACM)
PEPM 2017
Ulrik Pagh Schultz and Jeremy Yallop (eds.)
Generic partially-static data (extended abstract) (pdf)
TyDe 2016
David Kaloper-Meršinjak and Jeremy Yallop
Causal commutative arrows revisited (pdf, code)
Haskell 2016
Jeremy Yallop and Hai Liu
OCaml inside: a drop-in replacement for libtls
(extended abstract) (pdf, code)
OCaml 2016
Enguerrand Decorne, Jeremy Yallop and David Kaloper-Meršinjak
From Theory to Practice of Algebraic Effects and Handlers (pdf)
Dagstuhl Seminar 16112 2016
Andrej Bauer, Martin Hofmann, Matija Pretnar and Jeremy Yallop (eds.)
Staging generic programming (pdf, code)
PEPM 2016
(Best Paper Award)
Jeremy Yallop
Declarative foreign function binding through generic programming (pdf, code)
FLOPS 2016
Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets and Anil Madhavapeddy
Modular implicits (pdf, code)
ML 2014 post-proceedings (2015)
Leo White, Frédéric Bour and Jeremy Yallop
Modular macros (extended abstract) (pdf, code)
OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2015
Jeremy Yallop and Leo White
Effective Concurrency through Algebraic Effects (extended abstract) (pdf)
OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2015
Stephen Dolan, Leo White, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Jeremy Yallop and Anil Madhavapeddy
Lightweight Higher-Kinded Polymorphism (pdf, code)
FLOPS 2014
Jeremy Yallop and Leo White
Ctypes: foreign calls in your native language (extended abstract) (pdf, code)
OUD 2013
Jeremy Yallop
The arrow calculus (pdf)
JFP (2010)
Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promises (extended abstract) (pdf)
ML 2010
Jeremy Yallop and Oleg Kiselyov
Abstraction for web programming (pdf)
PhD dissertation, University of Edinburgh (2010)
Jeremy Yallop
Unembedding domain-specific languages (pdf)
Haskell 2009
Robert Atkey, Sam Lindley and Jeremy Yallop
Idioms are oblivious, arrows are meticulous, monads are promiscuous (pdf)
MSFP 2008
Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
The essence of form abstraction (pdf)
APLAS 2008
Ezra Cooper, Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
An idiom’s guide to formlets (pdf)
Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-1263, University of Edinburgh (2008)
Ezra Cooper, Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
The Arrow Calculus
Technical Report, University of Edinburgh (2008)
Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
Links: Web programming without tiers (pdf)
FMCO (2007)
Ezra Cooper, Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler and Jeremy Yallop
Practical generic programming in OCaml (pdf, code)
ML 2007
Jeremy Yallop
Automatic acquisition of adjectival subcategorization from corpora (pdf)
ACL 2005
Jeremy Yallop, Anna Korhonen and Edward Briscoe
Adjectival subcategorization acquisition using grammatical relations
MPhil dissertation, University of Cambridge (2004)
Jeremy Yallop