Disclaimer: All content has been generated automatically by a program running on the titles of publications extracted from people's webpages. Click here for details. ©2007 Advaith Siddharthan
Ross Anderson


(Analysis last run in January 2008)

2005--2007: 'theorem prover'; 'covert conflict'; 'cryptographic processors &ndash';

2000--2004: 'self-timed circuits'; 'smart card applications'; 'self-checking asynchronous logic'; 'empirical results'; 'crypto transaction sets'; 'security policy'; 'optical fault induction attacks'; 'grenade timer'; 'malicious mobile code'; 'password memorability'; 'protocol analysis'; 'microprocessor resistant'; 'new framework'; 'health information'; 'data privacy'; 'electronic commerce'; 'unsettling parallels'; 'digital signature';

1995--1999: 'ad-hoc wireless networks'; 'security issues'; 'tamper resistant devices'; 'soft tempest'; 'power of anonymous broadcast'; 'cocaine auction protocol'; 'low cost attacks'; 'hidden data transmission'; 'tamper resistance'; 'electromagnetic emanations'; 'cautionary note';

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