Disclaimer: All content has been generated automatically by a program running on the titles of publications extracted from people's webpages. Click here for details. ©2007 Advaith Siddharthan
Peter Sewell


(Analysis last run in January 2008)

2005--2007: 'mobile agents'; 'mutatis mutandis'; 'dynamic software updating'; 'network protocols'; 'acute} systems'; 'source release'; 'core design'; '\textitmutatis mutandis}'; 'effective tool support'; 'hashcaml} release'; 'conformance testing techniques';

2000--2004: 'mobile agents'; 'distributed computation'; 'programming language design'; 'bisimulation congruences'; 'connection-based anonymity systems'; 'rewrite rules'; 'hash types'; 'global abstraction-safe'; 'dynamic rebinding'; 'destruct-time lambda'; 'udp} calculus'; 'distributed versioning'; 'hol} models'; 'dynamic software updating'; 'abstract types'; 'n}omadic p}ict'; 'applications to home area networking'; 'mobile computation'; 'tunable expressiveness'; 'mechanised semantics'; 'passive attack analysis'; 'formal treatments of {c}'; '{udp} sockets'; 'quick introduction'; 'flexible trust management'; 'applied semantics'; 'correct communication infrastructure'; 'grand challenge discussion paper'; 'concurrent {xml} scripting language'; 'j}ohn d}errick'; 'tcp} specification'; 'timing {udp}'; 'distributed access control policies'; 'udp} sockets';

1995--1999: 'mobile agents'; 'distributed computation'; 'secure composition'; 'untrusted code'; 'causality types'; 'insecure components'; 'two-level architecture'; 'location-independent communication'; 'distributed'; 'global/local subtyping'; 'infrastructure design'; 'applied \pi'; 'equivalences over finite state processes'; 'capability inference'; 'brief tutorial'; 'location independence';

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