Disclaimer: All content has been generated automatically by a program running on the titles of publications extracted from people's webpages. Click here for details. ©2007 Advaith Siddharthan
Marcelo Fiore


(Analysis last run in January 2008)

2005--2007: 'name-passing process calculuses'; 'process calculus'; 'operational models'; 'category of eilenberg-moore algebras for factorisation monads'; 'reflective kleisluses subcategories'; 'operational semantics'; 'complex numbers'; 'congruence rule format'; 'simple description';

2000--2004: 'typed lambda calculus'; 'fully-abstract models'; 'linearly-controlled processes'; 'typed lambda calculus with sums. '; 'cryptographic protocols'; 'hybrid systems'; 'unique factorisation'; 'fibred models'; 'semantic analysis'; 'typed-directed partial evaluation'; 'extensional normalisation'; 'generic recursive polynomial types'; 'gaussian integers'; 'objective representation'; 'computing symbolic models';

1995--1999: 'axiomatic domain theory'; 'recursive domains with applications to concurrency'; 'continuous functions'; 'recursive types'; 'weak bisimulation'; 'abstract syntax'; 'logical relations'; 'representation theorems'; 'variable binding'; 'enrichment theorem'; 'synthetic viewpoint'; 'lambda definability'; 'process representation'; 'coinduction principle'; 'complete cuboidal sets'; 'categories of partial maps'; 'syntactic considerations';

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