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Computer Laboratory
Computer Laboratory
Course material 2010–11
Programming Logics and Software Verification
Advanced Category Theory in Computer Science
Advanced Computer Design
Advanced Data Flow Analysis
Advanced Graphics
Advanced Speech Technology
Advanced Topics in Computer Systems
Advanced Topics in Concurrency
Algorithms I
Algorithms II
An Algebraic Approach to Internet Routing
Artificial Intelligence I
Artificial Intelligence II
Building an Internet Router
Business Studies
Categorical Logic
Category Theory for Computer Science
Chip Multiprocessors
Comparative Architectures
Compiler Construction
Complexity Theory
Computation Theory
Computer Design
Computer Fundamentals
Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Computer Networking
Computer Systems Modelling
Computer Vision
Concepts in Programming Languages
Concurrent and Distributed Systems I
Concurrent and Distributed Systems II
Data Centric Networking
Deep Language Modelling
Denotational Semantics
Denotational Semantics
Digital Electronics
Digital Signal Processing
Discrete Mathematics I
Discrete Mathematics II
Economics and Law
Floating-Point Computation
Flows in Networks
Foundations of Computer Science
Further Java
Further Java Briefing
Hardware Practical Classes
Hoare Logic
Human-Computer Interaction
Information Retrieval
Innovative user interfaces
Interactive Formal Verification
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Introductory Logic
Lexical Semantics and Discourse Processing
Logic and Proof
Low Power Embedded Systems Programming
Machine Learning for Language Processing
Mathematical Methods for Computer Science
Mobile and Sensor Systems
Multicore Programming
Natural Language Processing
Network Architecture
Object-Oriented Programming
Operating Systems
Optimising Compilers
Principles of Communication
Programming Logics and Software Verification
Programming for Mobiles
Programming in C and C++
Programming in Java
Regular Languages and Finite Automata
Research Methods
Current Research Topics
Security I
Security II
Semantics of Programming Languages
Set Theory for Computer Science
Social and Technological Network Analysis
Software Design
Software Engineering
Spoken Language Processing
Statistical Machine Translation
Syntax and Semantics of Natural Language
System on Chip Design and Modelling
System-on-Chip Design
Temporal Logic and Model Checking
Topical Issues
Topics in Concurrency
Topics in Logic and Complexity
Topics in Security: Forensic Signal Analysis
Unix Tools
Usability of Programming Languages
Course material 2010–11
Programming Logics and Software Verification
Prof Mike Gordon
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© 2011 Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Information provided by
Prof Mike Gordon