Computer Laboratory > Teaching > Course material 2008–09 > Advanced Graphics


Advanced Graphics

Principal lecturer: Dr Alex Benton
Taken by: Part II
Past exam questions are in two different places: 98,99, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 00, 01

Lecture notes and source code

Note about the demos: Several of the PowerPoint slideshows above use Microsoft's ActiveX Web Control to embed local web pages into the slideshow. Each such demo is linked separately above but if you would like to download all of the HTML files for the demos and see them in the context of the PowerPoint slides, then you should download this .zip file and place its contents in a folder named 'demos' at the same level as where you've locally saved the PowerPoint slides.

I recommend viewing the javascript demos in Chrome or Firefox 3 for best performance.


Useful web sites

Really good books



  •, the central site for OpenGL including ample documentation
  • Neon Helium Productions, hosting an excellent set of GL tutorials

Ray tracing

  • Geoff Wyvill, Practical Ray Tracing - Part One, University of Otago (1995)
  • Geoff Wyvill, Practical Ray Tracing - Part Two, University of Otago (1995)
  • A gallery of ray traced images at ART.
  • Software to play with:
    • A simple javascript ray tracer, compiled from Java with the Google Web Toolkit.
    • An applet which demonstrates how the ray tracing algorithm works.
    • POV-Ray, an oft-used shareware package
    • Rayshade at Stanford

Beziers, B-splines and NURBS


  • The website is a good compliment to the book "Subdivision Methods For Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach" by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer. It has a short tutorial on subdivision and Java applets illustrating both curve and surface subdivision.

Implicits and CSG

Global Illumination Schemes

  • The colour images from Buss chapter XI are available as a PDF. (327kB)
  • Henrik Jensen's homepage has many references to photon mapping, including his early paper on the topic (1996).