Computer Laboratory

Alice Hutchings


Please note: As an interdisciplinary researcher, I publish in both computer science and social science, which have very different ways of publishing. However, both disciplines go through rigorous peer review procedures, whether it be for journals or conference proceedings.


Hutchings, A. (2025). Police behaving badly. IEEE Security and Privacy, 23(1), 80-82. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Turk, K. I. & Hutchings, A. (2024). Stop Following Me! Evaluating the malicious uses of personal item tracking devices and their anti-stalking features. Proceedings of the ACM European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC), Karlstad. [open access]

Ordekian, M., Atondo-Siu, G., Hutchings, A., & Vasek, M. (2024). Investigating wrench attacks: Physical attacks targeting cryptocurrency users. Proceedings of Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT), Vienna. [open access]

Gibbon, J., Marjanov, T., Hutchings, A., & Aston, J. (2024). Measuring the Unmeasurable: Estimating true population of hidden online communities. Proceedings of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Vienna. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Vu, A. V., Hutchings, A., & Anderson, R. (2024). No Easy Way Out: The effectiveness of deplatforming an extremist forum to suppress hate and harassment. Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P), San Francisco. [open access]

Vu, A. V., Thomas, D. R., Collier, B., Hutchings, A., Clayton, R., & Anderson, R. (2024). Getting Bored of Cyberwar: Exploring the role of low-level cybercrime actors in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference, Singapore. [open access]

Hutchings, A. (2024). Position Paper: The amplification of online deviancy through the language of violent crime, war, and aggression. IEEE Security and Privacy, 22(2), 81-84. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Marjanov, T., Ioannidis, K., Hyndman, T., Seyedzadeh, N, & Hutchings, A. (2024). Breaking the ice: Using transparency to overcome the cold start problem in an underground market. Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS) 2024, Dallas. [open access]

Hughes, J., Pastrana, S, Hutchings, A., Afroz, S., Samtani, S., Li, W., & Santana Marin, E. (2024). The Science Art of Cybercrime Community Research. ACM Computing Surveys, 56(6), 1-26. [open access]

Man, J., Atondo-Siu, G., & Hutchings, A. (2023). Autism disclosures and cybercrime discourse on a large underground forum. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Barcelona. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Talas, A. & Hutchings, A. (2023). Hacker’s Paradise: Analysing music in a cybercrime forum. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Barcelona. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Georgoulias, D., Pedersen, J. M., Hutchings, A., Falch, M., & Vasilomanolakis, E. (2023). In the market for a Botnet? An in-depth analysis of botnet-related listings on Darkweb marketplaces. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Barcelona. [accepted manuscript] [payall version]

Collier, B. & Hutchings A. (2023). Cybercrime: A social ecology. In A. Liebling, S. Maruna, & L. McAra (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Criminology 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [accepted manuscript] [e-book version]

Di Tizio, G., Atondo Siu, G., Hutchings, A., & Massacci, F. (2023). A graph-based stratified sampling methodology for the analysis of (underground) forums. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 18, 5473-5483. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Hughes, J. & Hutchings, A. (2023). Digital drift and the evolution of a large cybercrime forum. Proceedings of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Delft. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Atondo Siu, G. & Hutchings, A. (2023). “Get a higher return on your savings!”: Comparing adverts for cryptocurrency investment scams across platforms. Proceedings of the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Delft. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Hughes, J., Caines, A., & Hutchings, A. (2023). Argot as a trust signal: Slang, jargon & reputation on a large cybercrime forum. Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Geneva. [open access]

Turk, K. I., Hutchings, A., & Beresford, A. R. (2023). Can't Keep Them Away: The failures of anti-stalking protocols in personal item tracking devices. Proceedings of the Security Protocols Workshop, Cambridge. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Turk, K. I. & Huchings, A. (2023). Click here to exit: An evaluation of quick exit buttons. Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2023, Hamburg. [open access]

Agarwal, S., Atondo Siu, G., Ordekian, M., Hutchings, A., Mariconti, E., & Vasek, M. (2023). Short Paper: DeFi Deception - Uncovering the prevalence of rugpulls in cryptocurrency projects. Proceedings of the International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Bol. [open access]

Zhou, L., Caines, A., Pete, I., & Hutchings, A. (2023). Automated hate speech detection and span extraction in underground hacking and extremist forums. Natural Language Engineering, 29(5), 1247-1274. [open access]

Atondo Siu, G., Hutchings, A., Vasek, M., & Moore, T. (2022). "Invest in crypto!": An analysis of investment scam advertisements found in Bitcointalk. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), online. [accepted manuscript]

Pete, I., Hughes, J., Caines, A., Vu, A.V., Gupta, H., Hutchings, A., Anderson, R., & Buttery, P. (2022). POSTCOG: A tool for interdisciplinary research into underground forums at scale. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Genoa. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Collier, B., Thomas, D. R., Clayton, R., Hutchings, A., & Chua, Y. T. (2022). Influence, infrastructure, and recentering cybercrime policing: evaluating emerging approaches to online law enforcement through a market for cybercrime services. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Research and Policy, 32(1), 103-124. [open access]

Hughes, J, Chua, Y. T., & Hutchings, A. (2021). Too much data? Opportunities and challenges of large datasets and cybercrime. In A. Lavorgna & T. J. Holt (eds.), Researching Cybercrimes: Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches. Oxon: Palgrave Macmillan. [accepted manuscript] [e-book version]

Atondo Siu, G., Collier, B., & Hutchings, A. (2021). Follow the money: The relationship between currency exchange and illicit behaviour in an underground forum. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations, virtual event. [accepted manuscript] [paywall version]

Hutchings, A. (2021). Flying in cyberspace: Policing global travel fraud. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(1), 103-118. [open access]

Collier, B., Clayton, R., Hutchings, A., & Thomas, D. R. (2021). Cybercrime is (often) boring: Infrastructure and alienation in a deviant subculture. British Journal of Criminology, 61(5), 1407-1423. [open access]

Hughes, J., Aycock, S., Caines, A., Buttery, P., & Hutchings, A. (2020). Detecting trending terms in cybersecurity forum discussions. Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT), virtual event. [open access]

Vu, A. V., Hughes, J., Pete, I., Collier, B., Chua, Y. T., Shumailov, I., & Hutchings, A. (2020). Turning up the dial: The evolution of a cybercrime market through set-up, stable, and COVID-19 eras. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Pittsburgh. [open access]

Collier, B., Clayton, R., Hutchings, A., & Thomas, D. R. (2020). Cybercrime is (often) boring: maintaining the infrastructure of cybercrime economies. Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Brussels. [open access]

Chua, Y. T., Parkin, S., Edwards, M., Oliveira, D., Schiffner, S., Tyson, G., & Hutchings, A. (2019). Identifying unintended harms of cybersecurity countermeasures. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Pittsburgh. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hughes, J., Collier, B., & Hutchings, A. (2019). From playing games to committing crimes: A multi-technique approach to predicting key actors on an online gaming forum. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Pittsburgh. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Collier, B., Thomas, D. R., Clayton, R., & Hutchings, A. (2019). Booting the Booters: Evaluating the effects of police interventions in the market for denial-of-service attacks. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Amsterdam. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Pastrana, S., Hutchings, A., Thomas, D. R., & Tapiador, J. (2019). Measuring eWhoring. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, Amsterdam. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A., Pastrana, S., & Clayton, R. (2019). Displacing big data. In R. Leukfeldt & T. J. Holt (eds.), The Human Factor of Cybercrime. Oxon: Routledge. [draft version] [e-book version]

Hutchings, A. & Pastrana, S. (2019). Understanding eWhoring. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, Stockholm. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A. & Collier, B. (2019). Inside out: Characterising cybercrimes committed inside and outside the workplace. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshop on Attackers and Cyber-Crime Operations, Stockholm. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Caines, A., Pastrana, S., Hutchings, A. & Buttery, P. (2018). Automatically identifying the function and intent of posts in underground forums. Crime Science, 7(19), 1-14. [open access]

Hutchings, A. & Holt, T. J. (2018). Interviewing cybercrime offenders. Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, 7(1), 75-94. [open access]

Caines, A., Pastrana, S., Hutchings, A. & Buttery, P. (2018). Aggressive language in an online hacking forum. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online, Brussels. [open access]

Pastrana, S., Hutchings, A., Caines, A., & Buttery, P. (2018). Characterizing Eve: Analysing cybercrime actors in a large underground forum. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), Heraklion. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A. (2018). Leaving on a Jet Plane: The trade in fraudulently obtained airline tickets. Crime, Law and Social Change, 70(4), 461-487. [open access]

Pastrana, S., Thomas, D. R., Hutchings, A., & Clayton, R. (2018). CrimeBB: Enabling cybercrime research on underground forums at scale. Proceedings of the ACM International World Wide Web (WWW) Conference, Lyon. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Becker, I., Hutchings, A., Abu-Salma, R., Anderson, R., Bohm, N., Murdoch, S. J., Sasse, M. A., & Stringhini, G. (2017). International comparison of bank fraud reimbursement: Customer perceptions and contractual terms. Journal of Cybersecurity, 3(2), 109-125. [open access]

Thomas, D. R., Pastrana, S., Hutchings, A., Clayton, R., & Beresford, A. R. (2017). Ethical issues in research using datasets of illicit origin. Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, London. [open access]

Hutchings, A. & Clayton, R. (2017). Configuring Zeus: A case study of online crime target selection and knowledge transmission. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Arizona. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A. & Chua, Y. T. (2017). Gendering cybercrime. In T. J. Holt (ed), Cybercrime through an Interdisciplinary Lens (pp. 167-188). Oxon: Routledge. [draft version] [e-book version]

Hutchings, A. & Holt, T. J. (2017). The online stolen data market: Disruption and intervention approaches. Global Crime, 18(1), 11-30. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Holt, T. J., Smirnova, O., & Hutchings, A. (2016). Examining signals of trust in criminal markets online. Journal of Cybersecurity, 2(2), 137-145. [open access]

Hutchings, A. & Clayton, R. (2016). Exploring the provision of online booter services. Deviant Behavior, 37(10), 1163-1178. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A. (2016). Cybercrime trajectories: An integrated theory of initiation, maintenance, and desistance. In T. J. Holt (ed), Crime Online: Correlates, Causes, and Context (pp. 117-140). Durham: Carolina Academic Press. [draft version]

Hutchings, A., Clayton, R., & Anderson, R. (2016). Taking down websites to prevent crime. Proceedings of the IEEE APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), Toronto. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Becker, I., Hutchings, A., Abu-Salma, R., Anderson, R., Bohm, N., Murdoch, S. J., Sasse, M. A., & Stringhini, G. (2016). International comparison of bank fraud reimbursement: Customer perceptions and contractual terms. Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Berkeley. [open access]

Murdoch, S. J., Becker, I., Abu-Salma, R., Anderson, R., Bohm, N., Hutchings, A., Sasse, M. A., & Stringhini, G. (2016). Are payment card contracts unfair? Proceedings of the International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Barbados. [open access]

Leontiadis, N. & Hutchings, A. (2015). Scripting the crime commission process in the illicit online prescription drug trade. Journal of Cybersecurity, 1(1), 81-92. [open access]

Hutchings, A. & Holt, T. J. (2015). A crime script analysis of the online stolen data market. British Journal of Criminology, 55(3), 596-614. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A., Smith, R. G. & James, L. (2015). Criminals in the cloud: An overview of criminal and security threats and prevention measures. In R. G. Smith, R. Cheung & L. Lau (eds), Cybercrime Risks and Responses: Eastern and Western Perspectives (pp. 146-162). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [draft version]

Hutchings, A. & Jorna, P. (2015). Misuse of information and communications technology within the public sector. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice Series No. 470. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. [open access]

Hutchings, A. (2014). Crime from the keyboard: Organised crime, co-offending, initiation and knowledge transmission. Crime, Law and Social Change, 62(1), 1-20. [paywall version] [accepted manuscript]

Hutchings, A. (2013). Hacking and fraud: Qualitative analysis of online offending and victimization. In K. Jaishankar & N. Ronel (eds), Global Criminology: Crime and Victimization in the Globalized Era (pp. 93-114). Boca Raton: CRC Press. [draft version]

Hutchings, A., Smith, R. G. & James, L. (2013). Cloud computing for small business: Criminal and security threats and prevention measures. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice Series No. 456. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. [open access]

Hutchings, A. (2012). Computer security threats faced by small businesses in Australia. Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice Series No. 433. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. [open access]

Hutchings, A. (2010). Review of computer chip identification systems. Brisbane: Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security. [open access]

Hutchings, A. & Hayes, H. (2009). Routine activity theory and phishing victimisation: Who gets caught in the ‘net’? Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 20(3), 433–451. [paywall version]


Brewer, R., de Vel-Palumbo, M., Hutchings, A., Holt, T., Goldsmith, A., & Maimon, D. (2019). Cybercrime Prevention: Theory and Applications. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Policy reports

Bada, M, Hutchings, A., Papadodimitraki, Y., & Clayton, R. (2023). An evaluation of police interventions for cybercrime prevention. Technical Report No. 983. Cambridge: Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.

Krone, T., Smith, R. G., Cartwright, J., Hutchings, A., Tomison, A. & Napier, S. (2017). Online child sexual exploitation offenders: A study of Australian law enforcement data. Report to the Criminology Research Advisory Council CRG 58/12-13. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Smith, R. G. & Hutchings, A. (2014). Identity crime and misuse in Australia: Results of the 2013 online survey. Research and Public Policy Series No. 128. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

Jorna, P. & Hutchings, A. (2013). Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce: Results of the 2012 consumer fraud survey. Technical and Background Paper Series No. 56. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.

James, L., Hutchings, A. & Smith R. G. (2012). Final report - Cloud Computing Threat Assessment for Small Business. Brisbane: Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security and the Australian Institute of Criminology.

Hutchings, A. & Lindley, J. (2012). Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce: Results of the 2010 and 2011 consumer fraud surveys. Technical and Background Paper Series No. 50. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology.