
Transport to and from the conference venue

  • The conference venue is: William Gates BuildingComputer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, United Kingdom
  • Here you can find a general overview on how to reach the conference venue

Transport to and from the proposed accomodation at Churchill College

  • The Churchill College accommodation is within walking distance of the conference venue
  • Here you can find general information about getting to Churchill College

General information on transport within Cambridge

  • Walking (depending on the location of your accommodation)
  • Renting a bicycle (3 days for £17 or 3 days for £20)
  • Bus (Uni 4 and Citi 4 stop close to the conference venue)
  • Taxi (Camcab +44 (0)1223 704704 or Panther Taxi +44 (0)1223 715715)

General information on transport to and from Cambridge

  • Flying, London airports (for example, Stansted Airport has a direct train connection with Cambridge which takes 30 minutes)
  • By train, within the UK (also useful when flying and taking the train from the airport to Cambridge) 
  • By train, across countries (can be combined with trains within the UK)
  • By bus, within the UK (also useful when flying and taking the bus from the airport to Cambridge)
  • Car rental

Visa information

If you are from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, please check if you need a visa for your visit to the UK. The recommended visa for such a trip is the Standard Visitor Visa, and applying for this visa can take up to 3 months. Therefore, we recommend to apply as soon as possible (i.e., before the 20th of May). More information can be found here.

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