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Decepticon: International Conference on Deceptive Behavior


University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

24-26 August 2015


Decepticon brings together researchers and practitioners in the detection and prevention of deception. Previously, deception research has been fragmented across conferences in many different disciplines, sub-disciplines and countries. To cover the great diversity of approaches to deception research, our scientific committee has members covering domains such as:

  • Psychology (e.g., forensic, social, cognitive, neuro, evolutionary, developmental, marketing/consumer) 
  • Behavioral economics (e.g., preventing and deterring deception, deception in companies)
  • Law (e.g., police interviewing, polygraph use, malingering, deception in court)
  • Computing (e.g., using technology to detect deceit, machine learning)
  • Security (e.g., fraud, cybercrime, border control, lying about intentions)
  • Communication (e.g., interactional dynamics, verbal and nonverbal cues to deceit) 
  • Anthropology (e.g. cultural differences in both the acceptability of deceit and the display of cues)
  • Philosophy (e.g., self-deception, what is and is not deception) 


Knowledge of the detection and prevention of deceptive behavior is widely applicable to both theory and practice in a range of different fields. So we encourage both academics and practitioners to attend; submit an abstract if you want to give a talk or present a poster, or just come along and join in!



  • Missed it? Or just want to enjoy the event again? The recordings of some Decepticon talks are now online! (30 September)
  • The final conference program and abstract booklet are now online! (21 August)
  • Dan Ariely will replace Pär-Anders Granhag at the special panel session "future directions in deception research", and he will present his view on promising developments in the field. (18 August)
  • Check out our final special practical session where magician Martin S Taylor will discuss whether it counts as deception when we know - or even want to - be deceived? He'll use his magic and suggestion skills for illustration, so watch closely! (4 August)
  • Please remember that the presenting author of each oral, panel and poster presentation will need to be registered for the conference by 1 July 2015. You can register here. (26 June)
  • The accommodation in Churchill College is booking up fast, so if you'd like to stay there during the conference, make sure to make your booking soon. Don't forget to use the code CLAB30798 for a 10% discount when booking. (25 June)
  • The poster formatting guidelines are: A1, vertical, and include your name, contact details and affiliation. See our new presenting page for more details. (16 June)
  • Last day to register with the discounted early bird registration rates. So register now and save £50! (15 June)
  • Speaker of special practical session announced: Pickpocketing expert Bob Arno will demonstrate how to deceive and be deceived. Interested? You can watch the National Geographic documentary about Bob Arno the "Pickpocketing King" here. (4 June 2015)
  • All abstracts have been reviewed by at least 2 reviewers, and authors have been informed about the decisions. (1 June 2015)
  • The Decepticon website now also features other deception related events, so you never have to miss out again! (26 May 2015)
  • The conference banquet on Tuesday the 25th of August will be held in style at one of the oldest and most beautiful colleges of Cambridge, King's College. (28 April 2015)
  • All abstracts are now under review. Authors will receive feedback on the first of June 2015. (16 April 2015)
  • Abstract submission is now closed, and we received the impressive amount of 106 submissions! (9 April 2015)


Special sessions

We have organized four special sessions for you, two panels in which prominent deception researchers will discuss their view on future directions in the field and on the role technology should play in such directions. These sessions will be followed by a discussion during which the audience can actively engage, ask questions and stir up discussions with the speakers. This is the perfect opportunity to ask those questions you never dared to ask, and to get inspired! The other two special sessions are more practical and provide an intriguing insight into the world of deception in the streets, from pickpocketers and other con artists to the use of magic and suggestion to openly mislead people.

Future directions in lie detection research

           Aldert Vrij                 Dan Ariely                 Steve Porter             Timothy R.Levine

Hosted by: Nicholas Humphrey


Technology assisted lie detection

        Jeff Hancock            Judee Burgoon        Bruno Verschuere           Giorgio Ganis   

Hosted by: Ross Anderson


Thiefspotting with Bob Arno

We are proud to present this special practical session, portraying deception from a more practical perspective. Although emerging technologies can help us detect deceit, they also open new doorways to commit crimes such as credit card fraud. Pickpocketing expert Bob Arno talks about the latest tools and techniques to spot sophisticated diversion thieves before they steal your pin code or password.


Where magic lies by Martin S. Taylor

In our second special practical session we introduce another fascinating practical implication of deception: magic and the role of suggestion. Martin S Taylor will be discussing whether it counts as deception when we know - or even want to - be deceived? Magicians make an honest living from deception, but sometimes their lies aren't quite as honest as you'd think. Martin, a professional magician and lecturer in the psychology of suggestion will offer an insight into how magicians often entertain by using deception in sneaky, dishonest ways which we may not be expecting. And he'll be illustrating it with some magic during dinner, too. Honestly.


Abstract Submission & Conference Registration

Unfortunately it is no longer possible to register for Decepticon 2015. If you are interested in the event but not able to attend we have good news for you. We will live blog the conference at our blog. You can also follow our updates on Twitter and Facebook. That way you don't have a miss a thing!


Social Media

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