[1] Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, Brooks Davis, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, Jessica Clarke, Nathaniel Filardo, Simon W. Moore, Edward Napierala, Peter Sewell, and Peter G. Neumann. CHERI C/C++ Programming Guide. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-947, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, June 2020. [ bib | .pdf ]
This document is a brief introduction to the CHERI C/C++ programming languages. We explain the principles underlying these language variants, and their grounding in CHERI’s multiple architectural instantiations: CHERI-MIPS, CHERI-RISC-V, and Arm’s Morello. We describe the most commonly encountered differences between these dialects and C/C++ on conventional architectures, and where existing software may require minor changes. We document new compiler warnings and errors that may be experienced compiling code with the CHERI Clang/LLVM compiler, and suggest how they may be addressed through typically minor source-code changes. We explain how modest language extensions allow selected software, such as memory allocators, to further refine permissions and bounds on pointers. This guidance is based on our experience adapting the FreeBSD operating-system userspace, and applications such as PostgreSQL and WebKit, to run in a CHERI C/C++ capability-based programming environment. We conclude by recommending further reading.
[2] Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, Brett F. Gutstein, Jonathan Woodruff, Sam Ainsworth, Lucian Paul-Trifu, Brooks Davis, Hongyan Xia, Edward Tomasz Napierala, Alexander Richardson, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, Jessica Clarke, Khilan Gudka, Alexandre Joannou, A. Theodore Markettos, Alfredo Mazzinghi, Robert M. Norton, Michael Roe, Peter Sewell, Stacey Son, Timothy M. Jones, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, , and Robert N. M. Watson. Cornucopia: Temporal safety for CHERI heaps. In Security and Privacy 2020: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), pages 1507--1524, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, may 2020. IEEE Computer Society. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Use-after-free violations of temporal memory safety continue to plague software systems, underpinning many high-impact exploits. The CHERI capability system shows great promise in achieving C and C++language spatial memory safety, preventing out-of-bounds accesses. Enforcing language-level temporal safety on CHERI requires capability revocation, traditionally achieved either via table lookups (avoided for performance in the CHERI design) or by identifying capabilities in memory to revoke them (similar to a garbage-collector sweep). CHERIvoke,a prior feasibility study, suggested that CHERI’s tagged capabilities could make this latter strategy viable, but modeled only architectural limits and did not consider the full implementation or evaluation of the approach.

Cornucopia is a lightweight capability revocation system for CHERI that implements non-probabilistic C/C++temporal memory safety for standard heap allocations. It extends the CheriBSD virtual-memory subsystem to track capability flow through memory and provides a concurrent kernel-resident revocation service that is amenable to multi-processor and hardware acceleration. We demonstrate an average overhead of less than 2% and a worst-case of 8.9% for concurrent revocation on compatible SPECCPU2006 benchmarks on a multi-core CHERI CPU on FPGA, and we validate Cornucopia against the Juliet test suite’s corpus of temporally unsafe programs. We test its compatibility with a large corpus of C programs by using a revoking allocator as the system allocator while booting multi-user CheriBSD. Cornucopia is a viable strategy for always-on temporal heap memory safety, suitable for production environments.

[3] Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, Thomas Bauereiss, Anthony Fox, Michael Roe, Brian Campbell, Matthew Naylor, Robert M. Norton, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Ian Stark, Robert N. M. Watson, and Peter Sewell. Rigorous engineering for hardware security: Formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process. In Security and Privacy 2020: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), May 2020. [ bib | .pdf ]
The root causes of many security vulnerabilities include a pernicious combination of two problems, often regarded as inescapable aspects of computing. First, the protection mechanisms provided by the mainstream processor architecture and C/C++ language abstractions, dating back to the 1970s and before, provide only coarse-grain virtual-memory-based protection. Second, mainstream system engineering relies almost exclusively on test-and-debug methods, with (at best) prose specifications. These methods have historically sufficed commercially for much of the computer industry, but they fail to prevent large numbers of exploitable bugs, and the security problems that this causes are becoming ever more acute.

In this paper we show how more rigorous engineering methods can be applied to the development of a new security-enhanced processor architecture, with its accompanying hardware implementation and software stack. We use formal models of the complete instruction-set architecture (ISA) at the heart of the design and engineering process, both in lightweight ways that support and improve normal engineering practice -- as documentation, in emulators used as a test oracle for hardware and for running software, and for test generation -- and for formal verification. We formalise key intended security properties of the design, and establish that these hold with mechanised proof. This is for the same complete ISA models (complete enough to boot operating systems), without idealisation.

We do this for CHERI, an architecture with hardware capabilities that supports fine-grained memory protection and scalable secure compartmentalisation, while offering a smooth adoption path for existing software. CHERI is a maturing research architecture, developed since 2010, with work now underway on an Arm industrial prototype to explore its possible adoption in mass-market commercial processors. The rigorous engineering work described here has been an integral part of its development to date, enabling more rapid and confident experimentation, and boosting confidence in the design.

[4] Ben Simner, Shaked Flur, Christopher Pulte, Alasdair Armstrong, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Luc Maranget, and Peter Sewell. ARMv8-A system semantics: instruction fetch in relaxed architectures (extended version). In ESOP 2020: Proceedings of the 29th European Symposium on Programming, April 2020. This is an extended version of the ESOP 2020 paper, with appendices giving additional details. [ bib | .pdf ]
Computing relies on architecture specifications to decouple hardware and software development. Historically these have been prose documents, with all the problems that entails, but research over the last ten years has developed rigorous and executable-as-test-oracle specifications of mainstream architecture instruction sets and “user-mode” concurrency, clarifying architectures and bringing them into the scope of programming-language semantics and verification. However, the system semantics, of instruction-fetch and cache maintenance, exceptions and interrupts, and address translation, remains obscure, leaving us without a solid foundation for verification of security-critical systems software.

In this paper we establish a robust model for one aspect of system semantics: instruction fetch and cache maintenance for ARMv8-A. Systems code relies on executing instructions that were written by data writes, e.g. in program loading, dynamic linking, JIT compilation, debugging, and OS configuration, but hardware implementations are often highly optimised, e.g. with instruction caches, linefill buffers, out-of-order fetching, branch prediction, and instruction prefetching, which can affect programmer-observable behaviour. It is essential, both for programming and verification, to abstract from such microarchitectural details as much as possible, but no more. We explore the key architecture design questions with a series of examples, discussed in detail with senior Arm staff; capture the architectural intent in operational and axiomatic semantic models, extending previous work on “user-mode” concurrency; make these models executable as test oracles for small examples; and experimentally validate them against hardware behaviour (finding a bug in one hardware device). We thereby bring these subtle issues into the mathematical domain, clarifying the architecture and enabling future work on system software verification.

[5] Shale Xiong. Parametric Operational Semantics for Consistency Models. PhD thesis, Imperial College London, 2020. [ bib ]
The cloud has become popular for its low cost, high availability and high fault-tolerance-queue or de-queue, for example Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP. Those cloud infrastructures provide fixed interface, to hide the complex internal implementation that consists of hundreds of thousands of machines globally that work together as a whole system, known as a distributed system. Clients of those systems only need to work with the abstract interfaces. Transactions are the de facto interfaces in modern distributed databases. Because of the CAP theorem, a distributed system must sacrifice strong consistency to achieve high availability and high fault-tolerance. Engineers and researchers have proposed many reference implementations in specific setting for various weak consistency models. However, there have been little work on formalising the interfaces. We introduce an interleaving operational semantics for describing such interfaces, with the focus on the client-observable behaviour of atomic transactions on distributed key-value stores. Our semantics builds on abstract states comprising centralised, global key-value stores and partial client views. We provide operational definitions of consistency models for our key-value stores which are shown to be equivalent to the well-known declarative definitions of consistency models for execution graphs. We explore two immediate applications of our semantics: specific protocols of databases for a specific consistency can be verified in our centralised semantics; programs can be directly shown to have invariant properties such as robustness results against a weak consistency model.
[6] Gabriela Sampaio, José Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimovic, and Philippa Gardner. A trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of event-driven web applications. In ECOOP 2020: 34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2020. [ bib ]
We introduce a trusted infrastructure for symbolic analysis of modern event-driven Web applications. This infrastructure consists of reference implementations of the DOM Core Level 1 and UI Events, JavaScript Promises, and the JavaScript async/await APIs, all underpinned by a simple Core Event Semantics that is sufficiently expressive to describe the event models underlying all these APIs. Our reference implementations are trustworthy in that they follow the API respective standards line-by-line and they are thoroughly tested against the appropriate official test-suites, passing all the applicable tests. Using the Core Events Semantics and the reference implementations, we develop JaVerT.Click, a symbolic execution tool for JavaScript that, for the first time, supports reasoning about JavaScript programs that use some (possibly all) these APIs. Using JaVerT.Click, we perform comprehensive symbolic testing of the events module of Cash, a widely-used jQuery alternative, creating a symbolic test suite with 100 per cent line coverage, establishing bounded correctness of several essential properties of the module, and discovering two subtle, previously unknown bugs.
[7] José Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimovic, Sacha-Élie Ayoun, and Philippa Gardner. Gillian, part i: A multi-language platform for symbolic execution. In PLDI 2020: Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, 2020. [ bib | DOI ]
We introduce Gillian, a platform for developing symbolic analysis tools for programming languages. Here, we focus on the symbolic execution engine at the heart of Gillian, which is parametric on the memory model of the target language. We give a formal description of the symbolic analysis and a modular implementation that closely follows this description. We prove a parametric soundness result, introducing restriction on abstract states, which generalises path conditions used in classical symbolic execution. We instantiate Gillian to obtain trusted symbolic testing tools for JavaScript and C, and use these tools to find bugs in real-world code, thus demonstrating the viability of our parametric approach.
[8] Shale Xiong, Andrea Cerone, Azalea Raad, and Philippa Gardner. Data consistency in transactional storage systems: a centralised approach. In ECOOP 2020: 34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, 2020. [ bib ]
We introduce an interleaving operational semantics for describing the client-observable behaviour of atomic transactions on distributed key-value stores. Our semantics builds on abstract states comprising centralised, global key-value stores and partial client views. We provide operational definitions of consistency models for our abstract states which we show to be equivalent to the well known declarative definitions of consistency model on abstract executions. We explore two applications, verifying that the COPS replicated database and the Clock-SI partitioned database satisfy their consistency models using trace refinement, and proving invariant properties of client programs.
[9] Conrad Watt, Andreas Rossberg, and Jean Pichon-Pharabod. Weakening WebAssembly. In OOPSLA 2019: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 2019. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, OOPSLA, Article 133. [ bib | DOI | http ]
WebAssembly (Wasm) is a safe, portable virtual instruction set that can be hosted in a wide range of environments, such as a Web browser. It is a low-level language whose instructions are intended to compile directly to bare hardware. While the initial version of Wasm focussed on single-threaded computation, a recent proposal extends it with low-level support for multiple threads and atomic instructions for synchronised access to shared memory. To support the correct compilation of concurrent programs, it is necessary to give a suitable specification of its memory model.

Wasm's language definition is based on a fully formalised specification that carefully avoids undefined behaviour. We present a substantial extension to this semantics, incorporating a relaxed memory model, along with a few proposed extensions. Wasm's memory model is unique in that its linear address space can be dynamically grown during execution, while all accesses are bounds-checked. This leads to the novel problem of specifying how observations about the size of the memory can propagate between threads. We argue that, considering desirable compilation schemes, we cannot give a sequentially consistent semantics to memory growth.

We show that our model provides sequential consistency for data-race-free executions (SC-DRF). However, because Wasm is to run on the Web, we must also consider interoperability of its model with that of JavaScript. We show, by counter-example, that JavaScript's memory model is not SC-DRF, in contrast to what is claimed in its specification. We propose two axiomatic conditions that should be added to the JavaScript model to correct this difference.

We also describe a prototype SMT-based litmus tool which acts as an oracle for our axiomatic model, visualising its behaviours, including memory resizing.

[10] J. Woodruff, A. Joannou, H. Xia, A. Fox, R. M. Norton, D. Chisnall, B. Davis, K. Gudka, N. W. Filardo, A. T. Markettos, M. Roe, P. G. Neumann, R. N. M. Watson, and S. W. Moore. Cheri concentrate: Practical compressed capabilities. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 68(10):1455--1469, October 2019. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
We present CHERI Concentrate, a new fat-pointer compression scheme applied to CHERI, the most developed capability-pointer system at present. Capability fat pointers are a primary candidate to enforce fine-grained and non-bypassable security properties in future computer systems, although increased pointer size can severely affect performance. Thus, several proposals for capability compression have been suggested elsewhere that do not support legacy instruction sets, ignore features critical to the existing software base, and also introduce design inefficiencies to RISC-style processor pipelines. CHERI Concentrate improves on the state-of-the-art region-encoding efficiency, solves important pipeline problems, and eases semantic restrictions of compressed encoding, allowing it to protect a full legacy software stack. We present the first quantitative analysis of compiled capability code, which we use to guide the design of the encoding format. We analyze and extend logic from the open-source CHERI prototype processor design on FPGA to demonstrate encoding efficiency, minimize delay of pointer arithmetic, and eliminate additional load-to-use delay. To verify correctness of our proposed high-performance logic, we present a HOL4 machine-checked proof of the decode and pointer-modify operations. Finally, we measure a 50 to 75 percent reduction in L2 misses for many compiled C-language benchmarks running under a commodity operating system using compressed 128-bit and 64-bit formats, demonstrating both compatibility with and increased performance over the uncompressed, 256-bit format.
Keywords: data compression;decoding;encoding;field programmable gate arrays;microprocessor chips;pipeline processing;program compilers;reduced instruction set computing;storage management;theorem proving;tree data structures;practical compressed capabilities;fat-pointer compression scheme;developed capability-pointer system;capability fat pointers;nonbypassable security properties;future computer systems;increased pointer size;capability compression;legacy instruction sets;existing software base;design inefficiencies;RISC-style processor pipelines;state-of-the-art region-encoding efficiency;compressed encoding;legacy software stack;compiled capability code;encoding format;open-source CHERI prototype processor design;pointer arithmetic;decode;pointer-modify operations;commodity operating system;CHERI concentrate;pipeline problems;efficiency 75.0 percent;Encoding;Pipelines;Delays;Safety;Software;Semantics;Registers;Capabilities;fat pointers;compression;memory safety;computer architecture
[11] Robert N. M. Watson, Simon W. Moore, Peter Sewell, and Peter Neumann. An introduction to CHERI. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-941, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, September 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
[12] Kyndylan Nienhuis, Alexandre Joannou, Anthony Fox, Michael Roe, Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, Matthew Naylor, Robert M. Norton, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Ian Stark, Robert N. M. Watson, and Peter Sewell. Rigorous engineering for hardware security: Formal modelling and proof in the CHERI design and implementation process. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-940, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, September 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
The root causes of many security vulnerabilities include a pernicious combination of two problems, often regarded as inescapable aspects of computing. First, the protection mechanisms provided by the mainstream processor architecture and C/C++ language abstractions, dating back to the 1970s and before, provide only coarse-grain virtual-memory-based protection. Second, mainstream system engineering relies almost exclusively on test-and-debug methods, with (at best) prose specifications. These methods have historically sufficed commercially for much of the computer industry, but they fail to prevent large numbers of exploitable bugs, and the security problems that this causes are becoming ever more acute.

In this paper we show how more rigorous engineering methods can be applied to the development of a new security-enhanced processor architecture, with its accompanying hardware implementation and software stack. We use formal models of the complete instruction-set architecture (ISA) at the heart of the design and engineering process, both in lightweight ways that support and improve normal engineering practice -- as documentation, in emulators used as a test oracle for hardware and for running software, and for test generation -- and for formal verification. We formalise key intended security properties of the design, and establish that these hold with mechanised proof. This is for the same complete ISA models (complete enough to boot operating systems), without idealisation.

We do this for CHERI, an architecture with hardware capabilities that supports fine-grained memory protection and scalable secure compartmentalisation, while offering a smooth adoption path for existing software. CHERI is a maturing research architecture, developed since 2010, with work now underway to explore its possible adoption in mass-market commercial processors. The rigorous engineering work described here has been an integral part of its development to date, enabling more rapid and confident experimentation, and boosting confidence in the design.

[13] Conrad Watt, Petar Maksimovic, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, and Philippa Gardner. A program logic for first-order encapsulated WebAssembly. In ECOOP 2019: Proceedings of the 33 rd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming)., page 10:1–10:30, July 2019. [ bib | DOI ]
We introduce Wasm Logic, a sound program logic for first-order, encapsulated WebAssembly. We design a novel assertion syntax, tailored to WebAssembly’s stack-based semantics and the strong guarantees given by WebAssembly’s type system, and show how to adapt the standard separation logic triple and proof rules in a principled way to capture WebAssembly’s uncommon structured control flow. Using Wasm Logic, we specify and verify a simple WebAssembly B-tree library, giving abstract specifications independent of the underlying implementation. We mechanise Wasm Logic and its soundness proof in full in Isabelle/HOL. As part of the soundness proof, we formalise and fully mechanise a novel, big-step semantics of WebAssembly, which we prove equivalent, up to transitive closure, to the original WebAssembly small-step semantics. Wasm Logic is the first program logic for WebAssembly, and represents a first step towards the creation of static analysis tools for WebAssembly.
[14] Stella Lau, Victor B. F. Gomes, Kayvan Memarian, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, and Peter Sewell. Cerberus-BMC: a principled reference semantics and exploration tool for concurrent and sequential C. In CAV 2019: Proc. 31st International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification, July 2019. (tool paper). [ bib | .pdf ]
C remains central to our infrastructure, making verification of C code an essential and much-researched topic, but the semantics of C is remarkably complex, and important aspects of it are still unsettled, leaving programmers and verification tool builders on shaky ground.

This paper describes a tool, Cerberus-BMC, that for the first time provides a principled reference semantics that simultaneously supports (1) a choice of concurrency memory model (including substantial fragments of the C11, RC11, and Linux kernel memory models), (2) a modern memory object model, and (3) a well-validated thread-local semantics for a large fragment of the language. The tool should be useful for C programmers, compiler writers, verification tool builders, and members of the C/C++ standards committees.

[15] Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, Jonathan Woodruff, Michael Roe, Hesham Almatary, Jonathan Anderson, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, Alexandre Joannou, Ben Laurie, A. Theodore Markettos, Simon W. Moore, Steven J. Murdoch, Kyndylan Nienhuis, Robert Norton, Alex Richardson, Peter Rugg, Peter Sewell, Stacey Son, and Hongyan Xia. Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 7). Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-927, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, June 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
This technical report describes CHERI ISAv7, the seventh version of the Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA) being developed by SRI International and the University of Cambridge. This design captures nine years of research, development, experimentation, refinement, formal analysis, and validation through hardware and software implementation. CHERI ISAv7 is a substantial enhancement to prior ISA versions. We differentiate an architecture-neutral protection model vs. architecture-specific instantiations in 64-bit MIPS, 64-bit RISC-V, and x86-64. We have defined a new CHERI Concentrate compression model. CHERI-RISC-V is more substantially elaborated. A new compartment-ID register assists in resisting microarchitectural side-channel attacks. Experimental features include linear capabilities, capability coloring, temporal memory safety, and 64-bit capabilities for 32-bit architectures.

CHERI is a hybrid capability-system architecture that adds new capability-system primitives to commodity 64-bit RISC ISAs, enabling software to efficiently implement fine-grained memory protection and scalable software compartmentalization. Design goals include incremental adoptability within current ISAs and software stacks, low performance overhead for memory protection, significant performance improvements for software compartmentalization, formal grounding, and programmer-friendly underpinnings. We have focused on providing strong, non-probabilistic, efficient architectural foundations for the principles of least privilege and intentional use in the execution of software at multiple levels of abstraction, preventing and mitigating vulnerabilities.

The CHERI system architecture purposefully addresses known performance and robustness gaps in commodity ISAs that hinder the adoption of more secure programming models centered around the principle of least privilege. To this end, CHERI blends traditional paged virtual memory with an in-address-space capability model that includes capability registers, capability instructions, and tagged memory. CHERI builds on the C-language fat-pointer literature: its capabilities can describe fine-grained regions of memory, and can be substituted for data or code pointers in generated code, protecting data and also improving control-flow robustness. Strong capability integrity and monotonicity properties allow the CHERI model to express a variety of protection properties, from enforcing valid C-language pointer provenance and bounds checking to implementing the isolation and controlled communication structures required for software compartmentalization.

CHERI's hybrid capability-system approach, inspired by the Capsicum security model, allows incremental adoption of capability-oriented design: software implementations that are more robust and resilient can be deployed where they are most needed, while leaving less critical software largely unmodified, but nevertheless suitably constrained to be incapable of having adverse effects. Potential deployment scenarios include low-level software Trusted Computing Bases (TCBs) such as separation kernels, hypervisors, and operating-system kernels, as well as userspace TCBs such as language runtimes and web browsers. We also see potential early-use scenarios around particularly high-risk software libraries (such as data compression, protocol parsing, and image processing), which are concentrations of both complex and historically vulnerability-prone code exposed to untrustworthy data sources, while leaving containing applications unchanged.

[16] Christopher Pulte, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Jeehoon Kang, Sung-Hwan Lee, and Chung-Kil Hur. Promising-ARM/RISC-V: A simpler and faster operational concurrency model. In PLDI 2019: Proceedings of the 40th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 2019. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
For ARMv8 and RISC-V, there are concurrency models in two styles, extensionally equivalent: axiomatic models, expressing the concurrency semantics in terms of global properties of complete executions; and operational models, that compute incrementally. The latter are in an abstract microarchitectural style: they execute each instruction in multiple steps, out-of-order and with explicit branch speculation. This similarity to hardware implementations has been important in developing the models and in establishing confidence, but involves complexity that, for programming and model-checking, one would prefer to avoid.

We present new more abstract operational models for ARMv8 and RISC-V, and an exploration tool based on them. The models compute the allowed concurrency behaviours incrementally based on thread-local conditions and are significantly simpler than the existing operational models: executing instructions in a single step and (with the exception of early writes) in program order, and without branch speculation. We prove the models equivalent to the existing ARMv8 and RISC-V axiomatic models in Coq. The exploration tool is the first such tool for ARMv8 and RISC-V fast enough for exhaustively checking the concurrency behaviour of a number of interesting examples. We demonstrate using the tool for checking several standard concurrent datastructure and lock implementations, and for interactively stepping through model-allowed executions for debugging.

[17] Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, Peter G. Neumann, Simon W. Moore, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, James Clarke, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, Khilan Gudka, Alexandre Joannou, Ben Laurie, A. Theodore Markettos, J. Edward Maste, Alfredo Mazzinghi, Edward Tomasz Napierala, Robert M. Norton, Michael Roe, Peter Sewell, Stacey Son, and Jonathan Woodruff. CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment. In ASPLOS 2019: the 24th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems. ACM, April 2019. Best paper award. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
The CHERI architecture allows pointers to be implemented as capabilities (rather than integer virtual addresses) in a manner that is compatible with, and strengthens, the semantics of the C language. In addition to the spatial protections offered by conventional fat pointers, CHERI capabilities offer strong integrity, enforced provenance validity, and access monotonicity. The stronger guarantees of these architectural capabilities must be reconciled with the real-world behavior of operating systems, run-time environments, and applications. When the process model, user-kernel interactions, dynamic linking, and memory management are all considered, we observe that simple derivation of architectural capabilities is insufficient to describe appropriate access to memory. We bridge this conceptual gap with a notional abstract capability that describes the accesses that should be allowed at a given point in execution, whether in the kernel or userspace. To investigate this notion at scale, we describe the first adaptation of a full C-language operating system (FreeBSD) with an enterprise database (PostgreSQL) for complete spatial and referential memory safety. We show that awareness of abstract capabilities, coupled with CHERI architectural capabilities, can provide more complete protection, strong compatibility, and acceptable performance overhead compared with the pre-CHERI baseline and software-only approaches. Our observations also have potentially significant implications for other mitigation techniques.
[18] José Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimović, Gabriela Sampaio, and Philippa Gardner. JaVerT 2.0: Compositional symbolic execution for JavaScript. In POPL 2019: Proc. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
We propose a novel, unified approach to the development of compositional symbolic execution tools, bridging the gap between classical symbolic execution and compositional program reasoning based on separation logic. Using this approach, we build a new analysis tool for JavaScript that follows the semantics of the language without any simplifications, with support for whole-program symbolic testing, verification, and, for the first time, automatic compositional testing based on bi-abduction. The meta-theory underpinning the tool is developed in a modular way, streamlining the proofs and informing the implementation. Our explicit treatment of symbolic execution errors allows us to give meaningful feedback to the developer during whole-program symbolic testing and guides the inference of resource of the bi-abductive execution. We evaluate the performance of our tool on a number of JavaScript data-structure libraries, demonstrating the scalability of whole-program symbolic testing, an improvement over our previous work on JavaScript verification, and automatic creation of useful specifications using bi-abduction.
[19] Conrad Watt, John Renner, Natalie Popescu, Sunjay Cauligi, and Deian Stefan. CT-Wasm: Type-driven secure cryptography for the web ecosystem. In POPL 2019: Proc. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
A significant amount of both client and server-side cryptography is implemented in JavaScript. Despite widespread concerns about its security, no other language has been able to match the convenience that comes from its ubiquitous support on the “web ecosystem” - the wide variety of technologies that collectively underpins the modern World Wide Web. With the introduction of the new WebAssembly bytecode language (Wasm) into the web ecosystem, we have a unique opportunity to advance a principled alternative to existing JavaScript cryptography use cases which does not compromise this convenience.

We present Constant-Time WebAssembly (CT-Wasm), a type-driven, strict extension to WebAssembly which facilitates the verifiably secure implementation of cryptographic algorithms. CT-Wasm’s type system ensures that code written in CT-Wasm is both information flow secure and resistant to timing side channel attacks; like base Wasm, these guarantees are verifiable in linear time. Building on an existing Wasm mechanization, we mechanize the full CT-Wasm specification, prove soundness of the extended type system, implement a verified type checker, and give several proofs of the language’s security properties.

We provide two implementations of CT-Wasm: an OCaml reference interpreter and a native implementation for Node.js and Chromium that extends Google’s V8 engine. We also implement a CT-Wasm to Wasm rewrite tool that allows developers to reap the benefits of CT-Wasm’s type system today, while developing cryptographic algorithms for base Wasm environments. We evaluate the language, our implementations, and supporting tools by porting several cryptographic primitives - Salsa20, SHA-256, and TEA - and the full TweetNaCl library. We find that CT-Wasm is fast, expressive, and generates code that we experimentally measure to be constant-time.

[20] Kayvan Memarian, Victor B. F. Gomes, Brooks Davis, Stephen Kell, Alexander Richardson, Robert N. M. Watson, and Peter Sewell. Exploring C semantics and pointer provenance. In POPL 2019: Proc. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2019. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, POPL, Article 67. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
The semantics of pointers and memory objects in C has been a vexed question for many years. C values cannot be treated as either purely abstract or purely concrete entities: the language exposes their representations, but compiler optimisations rely on analyses that reason about provenance and initialisation status, not just runtime representations. The ISO WG14 standard leaves much of this unclear, and in some respects differs with de facto standard usage --- which itself is difficult to investigate.

In this paper we explore the possible source-language semantics for memory objects and pointers, in ISO C and in C as it is used and implemented in practice, focussing especially on pointer provenance. We aim to, as far as possible, reconcile the ISO C standard, mainstream compiler behaviour, and the semantics relied on by the corpus of existing C code. We present two coherent proposals, tracking provenance via integers and not; both address many design questions. We highlight some pros and cons and open questions, and illustrate the discussion with a library of test cases. We make our semantics executable as a test oracle, integrating it with the Cerberus semantics for much of the rest of C, which we have made substantially more complete and robust, and equipped with a web-interface GUI. This allows us to experimentally assess our proposals on those test cases. To assess their viability with respect to larger bodies of C code, we analyse the changes required and the resulting behaviour for a port of FreeBSD to CHERI, a research architecture supporting hardware capabilities, which (roughly speaking) traps on the memory safety violations which our proposals deem undefined behaviour. We also develop a new runtime instrumentation tool to detect possible provenance violations in normal C code, and apply it to some of the SPEC benchmarks. We compare our proposal with a source-language variant of the twin-allocation LLVM semantics proposal of Lee et al. Finally, we describe ongoing interactions with WG14, exploring how our proposals could be incorporated into the ISO standard.

[21] Brooks Davis, Robert N. M. Watson, Alexander Richardson, Peter G. Neumann, Simon W. Moore, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, James Clarke, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, Khilan Gudka, Alexandre Joannou, Ben Laurie, A. Theodore Markettos, J. Edward Maste, Alfredo Mazzinghi, Edward Tomasz Napierala, Robert M. Norton, Michael Roe, Peter Sewell, Stacey Son, and Jonathan Woodruff. CheriABI: Enforcing valid pointer provenance and minimizing pointer privilege in the POSIX C run-time environment. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-932, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, January 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
The CHERI architecture allows pointers to be implemented as capabilities (rather than integer virtual addresses) in a manner that is compatible with, and strengthens, the semantics of the C language. In addition to the spatial protections offered by conventional fat pointers, CHERI capabilities offer strong integrity, enforced provenance validity, and access monotonicity.

The stronger guarantees of these architectural capabilities must be reconciled with the real-world behavior of operating systems, run-time environments, and applications. When the process model, user-kernel interactions, dynamic linking, and memory management are all considered, we observe that simple derivation of architectural capabilities is insufficient to describe appropriate access to memory. We bridge this conceptual gap with a notional abstract capability that describes the accesses that should be allowed at a given point in execution, whether in the kernel or userspace.

To investigate this notion at scale, we describe the first adaptation of a full C-language operating system (FreeBSD) with an enterprise database (PostgreSQL) for complete spatial and referential memory safety. We show that awareness of abstract capabilities, coupled with CHERI architectural capabilities, can provide more complete protection, strong compatibility, and acceptable performance overhead compared with the pre-CHERI baseline and software-only approaches. Our observations also have potentially significant implications for other mitigation techniques.

[22] Alasdair Armstrong, Thomas Bauereiss, Brian Campbell, Alastair Reid, Kathryn E. Gray, Robert M. Norton, Prashanth Mundkur, Mark Wassell, Jon French, Christopher Pulte, Shaked Flur, Ian Stark, Neel Krishnaswami, and Peter Sewell. ISA semantics for ARMv8-A, RISC-V, and CHERI-MIPS. In POPL 2019: Proc. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2019. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 3, POPL, Article 71. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Architecture specifications notionally define the fundamental interface between hardware and software: the envelope of allowed behaviour for processor implementations, and the basic assumptions for software development and verification. But in practice, they are typically prose and pseudocode documents, not rigorous or executable artifacts, leaving software and verification on shaky ground.

In this paper, we present rigorous semantic models for the sequential behaviour of large parts of the mainstream ARMv8-A, RISC-V, and MIPS architectures, and the research CHERI-MIPS architecture, that are complete enough to boot operating systems, variously Linux, FreeBSD, or seL4. Our ARMv8-A models are automatically translated from authoritative ARM-internal definitions, and (in one variant) tested against the ARM Architecture Validation Suite.

We do this using a custom language for ISA semantics, Sail, with a lightweight dependent type system, that supports automatic generation of emulator code in C and OCaml, and automatic generation of proof-assistant definitions for Isabelle, HOL4, and (currently only for MIPS) Coq. We use the former for validation, and to assess specification coverage. To demonstrate the usability of the latter, we prove (in Isabelle) correctness of a purely functional characterisation of ARMv8-A address translation. We moreover integrate the RISC-V model into the RMEM tool for (user-mode) relaxed-memory concurrency exploration. We prove (on paper) the soundness of the core Sail type system.

We thereby take a big step towards making the architectural abstraction actually well-defined, establishing foundations for verification and reasoning.

[23] Martin Bodin, Philippa Gardner, Thomas Jensen, and Alan Schmitt. Skeletal semantics and their interpretations. In POPL 2019: Proc. 46th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, January 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
Many meta-languages have been proposed for writing rule-based operational semantics, in order to provide general interpreters and analysis tools. We take a different approach. We develop a meta-language for a skeletal semantics of a language, where each skeleton describes the complete semantic behaviour of a language construct. We define a general notion of interpretation, which provides a systematic and language-independent way of deriving semantic judgements from the skeletal semantics. We provide four generic interpretations of our skeletal semantics to yield: a simple well-formedness interpretation; a concrete interpretation; an abstract interpretation; and a constraint generator for flow-sensitive analysis. We prove general consistency results, establishing that the concrete and abstract interpretations are consistent and that any solution to the constraints generated by the constraint generator must be a correct abstract semantics.
[24] Peter Sewell. REMS: Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems. Summary 2013-03 -- 2019-01, January 2019. [ bib | .pdf ]
REMS, Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems, is an EPSRC-funded Programme Grant (2013--2020, 5.6M, Cambridge, Imperial, and Edinburgh) to explore how we can use rigorous mathematics to improve engineering practice for mainstream computer systems, to make them more robust and secure: broadly, to “create the intellectual and software tools to apply semantics and verification at the heart of mainstream system engineering”. REMS brings together an unusual combination of researchers to achieve this: in architecture, operating systems, security, and networks, and in semantics, programming languages, and mechanised reasoning. Our work is in close collaboration with a range of industrial partners, including ARM, IBM, and the standards committees for C, JavaScript, WebAssembly, and TLS.

We are building accurate full-scale mathematical models of some of the key computational abstractions (processor architectures, programming languages, concurrent OS interfaces, and network protocols), studying how this can best be done, and investigating how such models can be used for new verification research and in new systems and programming language research. For many of these abstractions, our work has exposed and clarified fundamental questions about what the abstractions are, and provided tools to let them be explored. Supporting all this, we are also developing new specification tools. Most of our models and tools are publicly available under permissive open-source licences.

This note summarises REMS progress to date. Highlights include models and tools for the production ARMv8-A architecture (including user-mode concurrency and the full ISA), the RISC-V and research CHERI-MIPS architectures, the C, JavaScript, and WebAssembly programming languages, ELF linking, POSIX filesystems, the TLS and TCP protocols, and extensive work on concurrency verification.

[25] Steve Bishop, Matthew Fairbairn, Hannes Mehnert, Michael Norrish, Tom Ridge, Peter Sewell, Michael Smith, and Keith Wansbrough. Engineering with logic: Rigorous test-oracle specification and validation for TCP/IP and the Sockets API. J. ACM, 66(1):1:1--1:77, December 2018. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Conventional computer engineering relies on test-and-debug development processes, with the behaviour of common interfaces described (at best) with prose specification documents. But prose specifications cannot be used in test-and-debug development in any automated way, and prose is a poor medium for expressing complex (and loose) specifications.

The TCP/IP protocols and Sockets API are a good example of this: they play a vital role in modern communication and computation, and interoperability between implementations is essential. But what exactly they are is surprisingly obscure: their original development focussed on “rough consensus and running code”, augmented by prose RFC specifications that do not precisely define what it means for an implementation to be correct. Ultimately, the actual standard is the de facto one of the common implementations, including, for example, the 15000--20000 lines of the BSD implementation --- optimised and multithreaded C code, time-dependent, with asynchronous event handlers, intertwined with the operating system, and security-critical.

This paper reports on work done in the Netsem project to develop lightweight mathematically rigorous techniques that can be applied to such systems: to specify their behaviour precisely (but loosely enough to permit the required implementation variation) and to test whether these specifications and the implementations correspond, with specifications that are executable as test oracles. We developed post-hoc specifications of TCP, UDP, and the Sockets API, both of the service that they provide to applications (in terms of TCP bidirectional stream connections), and of the internal operation of the protocol (in terms of TCP segments and UDP datagrams), together with a testable abstraction function relating the two. These specifications are rigorous, detailed, readable, with broad coverage, and are rather accurate. Working within a general-purpose proof assistant (HOL4), we developed language idioms (within higher-order logic) in which to write the specifications: operational semantics with nondeterminism, time, system calls, monadic relational programming, etc. We followed an experimental semantics approach, validating the specifications against several thousand traces captured from three implementations (FreeBSD, Linux, and WinXP). Many differences between these were identified, and a number of bugs. Validation was done using a special-purpose symbolic model checker programmed above HOL4.

Having demonstrated that our logic-based engineering techniques suffice for handling real-world protocols, we argue that similar techniques could be applied to future critical software infrastructure at design time, leading to cleaner designs and (via specification-based testing) more robust and predictable implementations. In cases where specification looseness can be controlled, this should be possible with lightweight techniques, without the need for a general-purpose proof assistant, at relatively little cost.

[26] Andrew Waterman and Krste Asanović, editors. The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume I: Unprivileged ISA. December 2018. Document Version 20181221-Public-Review-draft. Contributors: Arvind, Krste Asanović, Rimas Avižienis, Jacob Bachmeyer, Christopher F. Batten, Allen J. Baum, Alex Bradbury, Scott Beamer, Preston Briggs, Christopher Celio, Chuanhua Chang, David Chisnall, Paul Clayton, Palmer Dabbelt, Roger Espasa, Shaked Flur, Stefan Freudenberger, Jan Gray, Michael Hamburg, John Hauser, David Horner, Bruce Hoult, Alexandre Joannou, Olof Johansson, Ben Keller, Yunsup Lee, Paul Loewenstein, Daniel Lustig, Yatin Manerkar, Luc Maranget, Margaret Martonosi, Joseph Myers, Vijayanand Nagarajan, Rishiyur Nikhil, Jonas Oberhauser, Stefan O'Rear, Albert Ou, John Ousterhout, David Patterson, Christopher Pulte, Jose Renau, Colin Schmidt, Peter Sewell, Susmit Sarkar, Michael Taylor, Wesley Terpstra, Matt Thomas, Tommy Thorn, Caroline Trippel, Ray VanDeWalker, Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan, Megan Wachs, Andrew Waterman, Robert Watson, Derek Williams, Andrew Wright, Reinoud Zandijk, and Sizhuo Zhang. [ bib | .pdf ]
[27] José Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimovic, Théotime Grohens, Julian Dolby, and Philippa Gardner. Symbolic execution for JavaScript. In PPDP 2018: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, pages 11:1--11:14, September 2018. [ bib | DOI | http | www: ]
We present a framework for trustworthy symbolic execution of JavaScripts programs, whose aim is to assist developers in the testing of their code: the developer writes symbolic tests for which the framework provides concrete counter-models. We create the framework following a new, general methodology for designing compositional program analyses for dynamic languages. We prove that the underlying symbolic execution is sound and does not generate false positives. We establish additional trust by using the theory to precisely guide the implementation and by thorough testing. We apply our framework to whole-program symbolic testing of real-world JavaScript libraries and compositional debugging of separation logic specifications of JavaScript programs.
[28] Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Pedro da Rocha Pinto, and Philippa Gardner. A perspective on specifying and verifying concurrent modules. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 98:1--25, August 2018. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
The specification of a concurrent program module, and the verification of implementations and clients with respect to such a specification, are difficult problems. A specification should be general enough that any reasonable implementation satisfies it, yet precise enough that it can be used by any reasonable client. We survey a range of techniques for specifying concurrent modules, using the example of a counter module to illustrate the benefits and limitations of each. In particular, we highlight four key concepts underpinning these techniques: auxiliary state, interference abstraction, resource ownership and atomicity. We demonstrate how these concepts can be combined to achieve two powerful approaches for specifying concurrent modules and verifying implementations and clients, which remove the limitations highlighted by the counter example.
Keywords: Concurrency, Specification, Program verification
[29] Gian Ntzik, Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Julian Sutherland, and Philippa Gardner. A concurrent specification of POSIX file systems. In ECOOP 2018: 32nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, July 2018. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
POSIX is a standard for operating systems, with a substantial part devoted to specifying file-system operations. File-system operations exhibit complex concurrent behaviour, comprising multiple actions affecting different parts of the state: typically, multiple atomic reads followed by an atomic update. However, the standard’s description of concurrent behaviour is unsatisfactory: it is fragmented; contains ambiguities; and is generally under-specified. We provide a formal concurrent specification of POSIX file systems and demonstrate scalable reasoning for clients. Our specification is based on a concurrent specification language, which uses a modern concurrent separation logic for reasoning about abstract atomic operations, and an associated refinement calculus. Our reasoning about clients highlights an important difference between reasoning about modules built over a heap, where the interference on the shared state is restricted to the operations of the module, and modules built over a file system, where the interference cannot be restricted as the file system is a public namespace. We introduce specifications conditional on context invariants used to restrict the interference, and apply our reasoning to the example of lock files.
[30] Stephen Dolan, KC Sivaramakrishnan, and Anil Madhavapeddy. Bounding data races in space and time. In PLDI 2018: Proceedings of the 39th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI 2018, pages 242--255, New York, NY, USA, June 2018. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
We propose a new semantics for shared-memory parallel programs that gives strong guarantees even in the presence of data races. Our local data race freedom property guarantees that all data-race-free portions of programs exhibit sequential semantics. We provide a straightforward operational semantics and an equivalent axiomatic model, and evaluate an implementation for the OCaml programming language. Our evaluation demonstrates that it is possible to balance a comprehensible memory model with a reasonable (no overhead on x86, ~0.6% on ARM) sequential performance trade-off in a mainstream programming language.
Keywords: operational semantics, weak memory models
[31] Arthur Charguéraud, Alan Schmitt, and Thomas Wood. JSExplain: a double debugger for JavaScript. In WWW '18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion, April 23--27, 2018, Lyon, France. ACM, April 2018. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
We present JSExplain, a reference interpreter for JavaScript that closely follows the specification and that produces execution traces. These traces may be interactively investigated in a browser, with an interface that displays not only the code and the state of the interpreter, but also the code and the state of the interpreted program. Conditional breakpoints may be expressed with respect to both the interpreter and the interpreted program. In that respect, JSExplain is a double-debugger for the specification of JavaScript.
[32] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2263 sewell,clarifying pointer provenance (q1-q20) v4. ISO SC22 WG14 N2263, March 2018. [ bib ]
[33] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2223: Clarifying the c memory object model: Introduction to n2219 -- n2222. ISO SC22 WG14 N2223, March 2018. [ bib ]
[34] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2222: Further pointer issues (q21-q46). ISO SC22 WG14 N2222, March 2018. [ bib ]
[35] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2221: Clarifying unspecified values (q48-q59) v3. ISO SC22 WG14 N2221, March 2018. [ bib ]
[36] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2220: Clarifying trap representations (q47) v3. ISO SC22 WG14 N2220, March 2018. [ bib ]
[37] Kayvan Memarian, Victor Gomes, and Peter Sewell. N2219: Clarifying pointer provenance (q1-q20) v3. ISO SC22 WG14 N2219, March 2018. [ bib ]
[38] Brijesh Dongol, Radha Jagadeesan, James Riely, and Alasdair Armstrong. On abstraction and compositionality for weak-memory linearisability. In Isil Dillig and Jens Palsberg, editors, VMCAI 2018: Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation - 19th International Conference, LNCS, pages 183--204. Springer, January 2018. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Linearisability is the de facto standard correctness condition for concurrent objects. Classical linearisability assumes that the effect of a method is captured entirely by the allowed sequences of calls and returns. This assumption is inadequate in the presence of relaxed memory models, where happens-before relations are also of importance. In this paper, we develop hb-linearisability for relaxed memory models by extending the classical notion with happens-before information. We con- sider two variants: Real time hb-linearisability, which adopts the classical view that time runs on a single global clock, and causal hb-linearisability, which eschews real-time and is appropriate for systems without a global clock. For both variants, we prove abstraction (so that programmers can reason about a client program using the sequential speci cation of an object rather than its more complex concurrent implementation) and composition (so that reasoning about independent objects can be conducted in isolation).
[39] Kasper Svendsen, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Marko Doko, Ori Lahav, and Viktor Vafeiadis. A separation logic for a promising semantics. In ESOP 2018, 2018. [ bib | .pdf ]
We present SLR, the first expressive program logic for reasoning about concurrent programs under a weak memory model addressing the out-of-thin-air problem. Our logic includes the standard features from existing logics, such as RSL and GPS, that were previously known to be sound only under stronger memory models: (1) separation, (2) per-location invariants, and (3) ownership transfer via release-acquire synchronisation—as well as novel features for reasoning about (4) the absence of out-of-thin-air behaviours and (5) coherence. The logic is proved sound over the recent “promising” memory model of Kang et al., using a substantially different argument to soundness proofs of logics for simpler memory models.
[40] Jean Pichon-Pharabod. A no-thin-air memory model for programming languages. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 2018. [ bib ]
Many hardware and compiler optimisations introduced to speed up single-threaded programs also introduce additional, sometimes surprising, behaviours for concurrent programs with shared mutable state. How many of these extra behaviours occur in practice depends on the combination of the hardware, compiler, runtime, etc. that make up the platform. A memory model, which prescribes what values each read of a concurrent program can read, allows programmers to determine whether a program behaves as expected without having to worry about the details of the platform. However, capturing these behaviours in a memory model without also including undesirable “out-of-thin-air” behaviours that do not occur in practice has proved elusive. The memory model of C and C++ allows out-of-thin-air behaviour, while the Java memory model fails to capture some behaviours that are introduced in practice by compiler optimisations. In this thesis, we propose a memory model that forbids out-of-thin-air behaviour, yet allows the behaviours that do occur. Our memory model follows operational intuitions of how the hardware and compilers operate. We illustrate that it behaves as desired on a series of litmus tests. We show that it captures at least some of the expected behaviours, that it forms an envelope around some common compiler optimisations, and that it is implementable on common hardware using the expected compilation schemes. We also show that it supports some established programming idioms.
[41] José Fragoso Santos, Petar Maksimović, Daiva Naudžiunienė, Thomas Wood, and Philippa Gardner. JaVerT: JavaScript verification toolchain. In POPL 2018, January 2018. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
The dynamic nature of JavaScript and its complex semantics make it a difficult target for logic-based verification. We introduce JaVerT, a semi-automatic JavaScript Verification Toolchain, based on separation logic and aimed at the specialist developer wanting rich, mechanically verified specifications of critical JavaScript code. To specify JavaScript programs, we design abstractions that capture its key heap structures (for example, prototype chains and function closures), allowing the developer to write clear and succinct specifications with minimal knowledge of the JavaScript internals. To verify JavaScript programs, we develop JaVerT, a verification pipeline consisting of: JS-2-JSIL, a well-tested compiler from JavaScript to JSIL, an intermediate goto language capturing the fundamental dynamic features of JavaScript; JSIL Verify, a semi-automatic verification tool based on a sound JSIL separation logic; and verified axiomatic specifications of the JavaScript internal functions. Using JaVerT, we verify functional correctness properties of: data-structure libraries (key-value map, priority queue) written in an object-oriented style; operations on data structures such as binary search trees (BSTs) and lists; examples illustrating function closures; and test cases from the official ECMAScript test suite. The verification times suggest that reasoning about larger, more complex code using JaVerT is feasible.
[42] Conrad Watt. Mechanising and verifying the WebAssembly specification. In CPP 2018: Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs, CPP 2018, pages 53--65, New York, NY, USA, 2018. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
WebAssembly is a new low-level language currently being implemented in all major web browsers. It is designed to become the universal compilation target for the web, obsoleting existing solutions in this area, such as asm.js and Native Client. The WebAssembly working group has incorporated formal techniques into the development of the language, but their efforts so far have focussed on pen and paper formal specification.

We present a mechanised Isabelle specification for the WebAssembly language, together with a verified executable interpreter and type checker. Moreover, we present a fully mechanised proof of the soundness of the WebAssembly type system, and detail how our work on this proof has exposed several issues with the official WebAssembly specification, influencing its development. Finally, we give a brief account of our efforts in performing differential fuzzing of our interpreter against industry implementations.

Keywords: bytecode, reduction, soundness, stack machine
[43] Christopher Pulte, Shaked Flur, Will Deacon, Jon French, Susmit Sarkar, and Peter Sewell. Simplifying ARM Concurrency: Multicopy-atomic Axiomatic and Operational Models for ARMv8. In POPL 2018, pages 19:1--19:29, January 2018. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
ARM has a relaxed memory model, previously specified in informal prose for ARMv7 and ARMv8. Over time, and partly due to work building formal semantics for ARM concurrency, it has become clear that some of the complexity of the model is not justified by the potential benefits. In particular, the model was originally non-multicopy-atomic: writes could become visible to some other threads before becoming visible to all --- but this has not been exploited in production implementations, the corresponding potential hardware optimisations are thought to have insufficient benefits in the ARM context, and it gives rise to subtle complications when combined with other ARMv8 features. The ARMv8 architecture has therefore been revised: it now has a multicopy-atomic model. It has also been simplified in other respects, including more straightforward notions of dependency, and the architecture now includes a formal concurrency model.

In this paper we detail these changes and discuss their motivation. We define two formal concurrency models: an operational one, simplifying the Flowing model of Flur et al., and the axiomatic model of the revised ARMv8 specification. The models were developed by an academic group and by ARM staff, respectively, and this extended collaboration partly motivated the above changes. We prove the equivalence of the two models. The operational model is integrated into an executable exploration tool with new web interface, demonstrated by exhaustively checking the possible behaviours of a loop-unrolled version of a Linux kernel lock implementation, a previously known bug due to unprevented speculation, and a fixed version.

[44] Thomas Bauereiß, Armando Pesenti Gritti, Andrei Popescu, and Franco Raimondi. Cosmed: A confidentiality-verified social media platform. J. Automated Reasoning, December 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ]
This paper describes progress with our agenda of formal verification of information flow security for realistic systems. We present CoSMed, a social media platform with verified document confidentiality. The system's kernel is implemented and verified in the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. For verification, we employ the framework of Bounded-Deducibility (BD) Security, previously introduced for the conference system CoCon. CoSMed is a second major case study in this framework. For CoSMed, the static topology of declassification bounds and triggers that characterized previous instances of BD Security has to give way to a dynamic integration of the triggers as part of the bounds. We also show that, from a theoretical viewpoint, the removal of triggers from the notion of BD Security does not restrict its expressiveness.
[45] Cristina Matache, Victor B. F. Gomes, and Dominic P. Mulligan. Programming and proving with classical types. In APLAS 2017: Proceedings of the 15th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, November 2017. [ bib | DOI | http ]
The propositions-as-types correspondence is ordinarily presented as linking the metatheory of typed λ-calculi and the proof theory of intuitionistic logic. Griffin observed that this correspondence could be extended to classical logic through the use of control operators. This observation set off a flurry of further research, leading to the development of Parigot's λμ-calculus. In this work, we use the λμ-calculus as the foundation for a system of proof terms for classical first-order logic. In particular, we define an extended call-by-value λμ-calculus with a type system in correspondence with full classical logic. We extend the language with polymorphic types, add a host of data types in `direct style', and prove several metatheoretical properties. All of our proofs and definitions are mechanised in Isabelle/HOL, and we automatically obtain an interpreter for a system of proof terms cum programming language---called μML---using Isabelle's code generation mechanism. Atop our proof terms, we build a prototype LCF-style interactive theorem prover---called μTP---for classical first-order logic, capable of synthesising μML programs from completed tactic-driven proofs. We present example closed μML programs with classical tautologies for types, including some inexpressible as closed programs in the original λμ-calculus, and some example tactic-driven μTP proofs of classical tautologies.
[46] Alexandre Joannou, Jonathan Woodruff, Robert Kovacsics, Simon W. Moore, Alex Bradbury, Hongyan Xia, Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, Michael Roe, Brooks Davis, Edward Napierala, John Baldwin, Khilan Gudka, Peter G. Neumann, Alfredo Mazzinghi, Alex Richardson, Stacey Son, and A. Theodore Markettos. Efficient tagged memory. In ICCD 2017: IEEE 35th International Conference on Computer Design, November 2017. [ bib | DOI | www: | .pdf ]
We characterize the cache behavior of an in-memory tag table and demonstrate that an optimized implementation can typically achieve a near-zero memory traffic overhead. Both industry and academia have repeatedly demonstrated tagged memory as a key mechanism to enable enforcement of power- ful security invariants, including capabilities, pointer integrity, watchpoints, and information-flow tracking. A single-bit tag shadowspace is the most commonly proposed requirement, as one bit is the minimum metadata needed to distinguish between an untyped data word and any number of new hardware- enforced types. We survey various tag shadowspace approaches and identify their common requirements and positive features of their implementations. To avoid non-standard memory widths, we identify the most practical implementation for tag storage to be an in-memory table managed next to the DRAM controller. We characterize the caching performance of such a tag table and demonstrate a DRAM traffic overhead below 5% for the vast majority of applications. We identify spatial locality on a page scale as the primary factor that enables surprisingly high table cache-ability. We then demonstrate tag-table compression for a set of common applications. A hierarchical structure with elegantly simple optimizations reduces DRAM traffic overhead to below 1% for most applications. These insights and optimizations pave the way for commercial applications making use of single-bit tags stored in commodity memory.
[47] Victor B. F. Gomes, Martin Kleppmann, Dominic P. Mulligan, and Alastair R. Beresford. Verifying strong eventual consistency in distributed systems. In OOPSLA 2017: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 109:1--109:28, October 2017. Distinguished Paper award. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Data replication is used in distributed systems to maintain up-to-date copies of shared data across multiple computers in a network. However, despite decades of research, algorithms for achieving consistency in replicated systems are still poorly understood. Indeed, many published algorithms have later been shown to be incorrect, even some that were accompanied by supposed mechanised proofs of correctness. In this work, we focus on the correctness of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs), a class of algorithm that provides strong eventual consistency guarantees for replicated data. We develop a modular and reusable framework in the Isabelle/HOL interactive proof assistant for verifying the correctness of CRDT algorithms. We avoid correctness issues that have dogged previous mechanised proofs in this area by including a network model in our formalisation, and proving that our theorems hold in all possible network behaviours. Our axiomatic network model is a standard abstraction that accurately reflects the behaviour of real-world computer networks. Moreover, we identify an abstract convergence theorem, a property of order relations, which provides a formal definition of strong eventual consistency. We then obtain the first machine-checked correctness theorems for three concrete CRDTs: the Replicated Growable Array, the Observed-Remove Set, and an Increment-Decrement Counter. We find that our framework is highly reusable, developing proofs of correctness for the latter two CRDTs in a few hours and with relatively little CRDT-specific code.
[48] Stephen Kell. Some were meant for C: the endurance of an unmanageable language. In Onward! 2017: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming & Software, Onward! 2017, New York, NY, USA, October 2017. ACM. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
The C language leads a double life: as an application programming language of yesteryear, perpetuated by circumstance, and as a systems programming language which remains a weapon of choice decades after its creation. This essay is a C programmer's reaction to the call to abandon ship. It questions several properties commonly held to define the experience of using C; these include unsafety, undefined behaviour, and the motivation of performance. It argues all these are in fact inessential; rather, it traces C's ultimate strength to a communicative design which does not fit easily within the usual conception of “a programming language”, but can be seen as a counterpoint to so-called “managed languages”. This communicativity is what facilitates the essential aspect of system-building: creating parts which interact with other, remote parts---being “alongside” not “within”.
Keywords: systems programming, virtual machine, managed languages, safety, undefined behavior
[49] Philippa Gardner. Verified trustworthy software systems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 375(2104), September 2017. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Modern society is faced with a fundamental problem: the reliability of complex, evolving software systems on which society critically depends cannot be guaranteed by the established, non-mathematical computer engineering techniques such as informal prose specification and ad hoc testing. The situation is worsening: modern companies are moving fast, leaving little time for code analysis and testing; the behaviour of concurrent and distributed programs cannot be adequately assessed using traditional testing methods; users of mobile applications often neglect to apply software fixes; and malicious users increasingly exploit even simple programming errors, causing major security disruptions. Building trustworthy, reliable software is becoming harder and harder to achieve, while new business and cybersecurity challenges make it of escalating critical importance
[50] Andrea Cerone, Alexey Gotsman, and Hongseok Yang. Algebraic laws for weak consistency. In CONCUR 2017: Proceedings of 28th International Conference on Concurrency Theory, September 2017. [ bib | DOI | .html ]
Modern distributed systems often rely on so called weakly-consistent databases, which achieve scalability by sacrificing the consistency guarantee of distributed transaction processing. Such databases have been formalised in two different styles, one based on abstract executions and the other based on dependency graphs. The choice between these styles has been made according to intended applications. The former has been used for specifying and verifying the implementation of these databases, while the latter for proving properties of client programs of the databases. In this paper, we present a set of novel algebraic laws (i.e. inequations) that connect these two styles of specifications. The laws relate binary relations used in a specification based on abstract executions, to those used in a specification based on dependency graphs. We then show that this algebraic connection gives rise to so called robustness criteria, conditions which ensure that a client program of a weakly-consistent database does not exhibit anomalous behaviours due to weak consistency. These criteria make it easy to reason about these client programs, and may become a basis for dynamic or static program analyses. For a certain class of consistency models specifications, we prove a full abstraction result that connects the two styles of specifications.
[51] José Fragoso Santos, Philippa Gardner, Petar Maksimovic, and Daiva Naudziuniene. Towards logic-based verification of JavaScript programs. In Leonardo de Moura, editor, CADE 2017: 26th International Conference on Automated Deduction, volume 10395 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 8--25. Springer, August 2017. [ bib | DOI | .html ]
In this position paper, we argue for what we believe is a correct pathway to achieving scalable symbolic verification of JavaScript based on separation logic. We highlight the difficulties imposed by the language, the current state-of-the-art in the literature, and the sequence of steps that needs to be taken. We briefly describe Open image in new window , our semi-automatic toolchain for JavaScript verification.
[52] Shale Xiong, Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Gian Ntzik, and Philippa Gardner. Abstract Specifications for Concurrent Maps. In Proc. ESOP 2017: 26th European Symposium on Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, April 2017. [ bib | .pdf ]
Despite recent advances in reasoning about concurrent data structure libraries, the largest implementations in java.util.concurrent have yet to be verified. The key issue lies in the development of modular specifications, which provide clear logical boundaries between clients and implementations. A solution is to use recent advances in fine-grained concurrency reasoning, in particular the introduction of abstract atomicity to concurrent separation logic reasoning. We present two specifications of concurrent maps, both providing the clear boundaries we seek. We show that these specifications are equivalent, in that they can be built from each other. We show how we can verify client programs, such as a concurrent set and a producer-consumer client. We also give a substantial first proof that the main operations of ConcurrentSkipListMap in java.util.concurrent satisfy the map specification. This work demonstrates that we now have the technology to verify the largest implementations in java.util.concurrent.
[53] Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Kristoffer Just Andersen, and Lars Birkedal. Caper: Automatic Verification for Fine-grained Concurrency. In Proc. ESOP 2017: 26th European Symposium on Programming, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, April 2017. [ bib | .pdf ]
Recent program logics based on separation logic emphasise a modular approach to proving functional correctness for fine-grained concurrent programs. However, these logics have no automation support. In this paper, we present Caper, a prototype tool for automated reasoning in such a logic. Caper is based on symbolic execution, integrating reasoning about interference on shared data and about ghost resources that are used to mediate this interference. This enables Caper to verify the functional correctness of fine-grained concurrent algorithms.
[54] Jeremy Yallop, David Sheets, and Anil Madhavapeddy. A modular foreign function interface. Science of Computer Programming, April 2017. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Abstract foreign function interfaces are typically organised monolithically, tying together the specification of each foreign function with the mechanism used to make the function available in the host language. This leads to inflexible systems, where switching from one binding mechanism to another (say from dynamic binding to static code generation) often requires changing tools and rewriting large portions of code. We show that ML-style module systems support exactly the kind of abstraction needed to separate these two aspects of a foreign function binding, leading to declarative foreign function bindings that support switching between a wide variety of binding mechanisms -- static and dynamic, synchronous and asynchronous, etc. -- with no changes to the function specifications. Note. This is a revised and expanded version of an earlier paper, Declarative Foreign Function Binding Through Generic Programming. This paper brings a greater focus on modularity, and adds new sections on error handling, and on the practicality of the approach we describe.
Keywords: Foreign functions
[55] David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Khilan Gudka, David Brazdil, Alexandre Joannou, Jonathan Woodruff, A. Theodore Markettos, J. Edward Maste, Robert Norton, Stacey Son, Michael Roe, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Ben Laurie, and Robert N.M. Watson. CHERI JNI: Sinking the Java Security Model into the C. In ASPLOS 2017: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS '17, pages 569--583, New York, NY, USA, April 2017. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Java provides security and robustness by building a high-level security model atop the foundation of memory protection. Unfortunately, any native code linked into a Java program -- including the million lines used to implement the standard library -- is able to bypass both the memory protection and the higher-level policies. We present a hardware-assisted implementation of the Java native code interface, which extends the guarantees required for Java's security model to native code.

Our design supports safe direct access to buffers owned by the JVM, including hardware-enforced read-only access where appropriate. We also present Java language syntax to declaratively describe isolated compartments for native code.

We show that it is possible to preserve the memory safety and isolation requirements of the Java security model in C code, allowing native code to run in the same process as Java code with the same impact on security as running equivalent Java code. Our approach has a negligible impact on performance, compared with the existing unsafe native code interface. We demonstrate a prototype implementation running on the CHERI microprocessor synthesized in FPGA.

Keywords: architecture, capability systems, cheri, compartmentalization, compilers, hardware security, java, jni, language security, memory protection, sandboxing
[56] Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, Jonathan Woodruff, Michael Roe, Jonathan Anderson, John Baldwin, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Alexandre Joannou, Ben Laurie, Simon W. Moore, Steven J. Murdoch, Robert Norton, Stacey Son, and Hongyan Xia. Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (Version 6). Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-907, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, April 2017. [ bib | .pdf ]
This technical report describes CHERI ISAv6, the sixth version of the Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA) being developed by SRI International and the University of Cambridge. This design captures seven years of research, development, experimentation, refinement, formal analysis, and validation through hardware and software implementation. CHERI ISAv6 is a substantial enhancement to prior ISA versions: it introduces support for kernel-mode compartmentalization, jump-based rather than exception-based domain transition, architecture-abstracted and efficient tag restoration, and more efficient generated code. A new chapter addresses potential applications of the CHERI model to the RISC-V and x86-64 ISAs, previously described relative only to the 64-bit MIPS ISA. CHERI ISAv6 better explains our design rationale and research methodology.

CHERI is a hybrid capability-system architecture that adds new capability-system primitives to a commodity 64-bit RISC ISA enabling software to efficiently implement fine-grained memory protection and scalable software compartmentalization. Design goals have included incremental adoptability within current ISAs and software stacks, low performance overhead for memory protection, significant performance improvements for software compartmentalization, formal grounding, and programmer-friendly underpinnings. Throughout, we have focused on providing strong and efficient architectural foundations for the principles of least privilege and intentional use in the execution of software at multiple levels of abstraction, preventing and mitigating vulnerabilities.

The CHERI system architecture purposefully addresses known performance and robustness gaps in commodity ISAs that hinder the adoption of more secure programming models centered around the principle of least privilege. To this end, CHERI blends traditional paged virtual memory with an in-address-space capability model that includes capability registers, capability instructions, and tagged memory. CHERI builds on C-language fat-pointer literature: its capabilities describe fine-grained regions of memory and can be substituted for data or code pointers in generated code, protecting data and also improving control-flow robustness. Strong capability integrity and monotonicity properties allow the CHERI model to express a variety of protection properties, from enforcing valid C-language pointer provenance and bounds checking to implementing the isolation and controlled communication structures required for software compartmentalization.

CHERI’s hybrid capability-system approach, inspired by the Capsicum security model, allows incremental adoption of capability-oriented design: software implementations that are more robust and resilient can be deployed where they are most needed, while leaving less critical software largely unmodified, but nevertheless suitably constrained to be incapable of having adverse effects. Potential deployment scenarios include low-level software Trusted Computing Bases (TCBs) such as separation kernels, hypervisors, and operating-system kernels, as well as userspace TCBs such as language runtimes and web browsers. Likewise, we see early-use scenarios (such as data compression, protocol parsing, and image processing) that relate to particularly high-risk software libraries, which are concentrations of both complex and historically vulnerability-prone code exposed to untrustworthy data sources, while leaving containing applications unchanged.

[57] Lars Birkedal, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Guilhem Jaber, Kasper Svendsen, and Nikos Tzevelekos. Trace properties from separation logic specifications. CoRR, abs/1702.02972, February 2017. [ bib | http | http ]
We propose a formal approach for relating abstract separation logic library specifications with the trace properties they enforce on interactions between a client and a library. Separation logic with abstract predicates enforces a resource discipline that constrains when and how calls may be made between a client and a library. Intuitively, this can enforce a protocol on the interaction trace. This intuition is broadly used in the separation logic community but has not previously been formalised. We provide just such a formalisation. Our approach is based on using wrappers which instrument library code to induce execution traces for the properties under examination. By considering a separation logic extended with trace resources, we prove that when a library satisfies its separation logic specification then its wrapped version satisfies the same specification and, moreover, maintains the trace properties as an invariant. Consequently, any client and library implementation that are correct with respect to the separation logic specification will satisfy the trace properties.
[58] Morten Krogh-Jespersen, Kasper Svendsen, and Lars Birkedal. A relational model of types-and-effects in higher-order concurrent separation logic. In POPL 2017: The 44st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Paris, France, pages 218--231, New York, NY, USA, January 2017. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Recently we have seen a renewed interest in programming languages that tame the complexity of state and concurrency through refined type systems with more fine-grained control over effects. In addition to simplifying reasoning and eliminating whole classes of bugs, statically tracking effects opens the door to advanced compiler optimizations.

In this paper we present a relational model of a type-and-effect system for a higher-order, concurrent programming language. The model precisely captures the semantic invariants expressed by the effect annotations. We demonstrate that these invariants are strong enough to prove advanced program transformations, including automatic parallelization of expressions with suitably disjoint effects. The model also supports refinement proofs between abstract data types implementations with different internal data representations, including proofs that fine-grained concurrent algorithms refine their coarse-grained counterparts. This is the first model for such an expressive language that supports both effect-based optimizations and data abstraction.

The logical relation is defined in Iris, a state-of-the-art higher-order concurrent separation logic. This greatly simplifies proving well-definedness of the logical relation and also provides us with a powerful logic for reasoning in the model.

[59] Anthony C. J. Fox, Magnus O. Myreen, Yong Kiam Tan, and Ramana Kumar. Verified compilation of CakeML to multiple machine-code targets. In Yves Bertot and Viktor Vafeiadis, editors, Proc. CPP 2017: Certified Programs and Proofs. ACM, January 2017. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
This paper describes how the latest CakeML compiler supports verified compilation down to multiple realistically modelled target architectures. In particular, we describe how the compiler definition, the various language semantics, and the correctness proofs were organised to minimize target-specific overhead. With our setup we have incorporated compilation to four 64-bit architectures, ARMv8, x86-64, MIPS-62, RISC-V, and one 32-bit architecture, ARMv6. Our correctness theorem allows interference from the environment: the top-level correctness statement takes into account execution of foreign code and per-instruction interference from external processes, such as interrupt handlers in operating systems. The entire CakeML development is formalised in the HOL4 theorem prover.

[60] Shaked Flur, Susmit Sarkar, Christopher Pulte, Kyndylan Nienhuis, Luc Maranget, Kathryn E. Gray, Ali Sezgin, Mark Batty, and Peter Sewell. Mixed-size concurrency: ARM, POWER, C/C++11, and SC. In POPL 2017: The 44st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Paris, France, pages 429--442, January 2017. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Previous work on the semantics of relaxed shared-memory concurrency has only considered the case in which each load reads the data of exactly one store. In practice, however, multiprocessors support mixed-size accesses, and these are used by systems software and (to some degree) exposed at the C/C++ language level. A semantic foundation for software, therefore, has to address them.

We investigate the mixed-size behaviour of ARMv8 and IBM POWER architectures and implementations: by experiment, by developing semantic models, by testing the correspondence between these, and by discussion with ARM and IBM staff. This turns out to be surprisingly subtle, and on the way we have to revisit the fundamental concepts of coherence and sequential consistency, which change in this setting. In particular, we show that adding a memory barrier between each instruction does not restore sequential consistency. We go on to extend the C/C++11 model to support non-atomic mixed-size memory accesses.

This is a necessary step towards semantics for real-world shared-memory concurrent code, beyond litmus tests.

[61] Azalea Raad, José Fragoso Santos, and Philippa Gardner. DOM: specification and client reasoning. In Proc. APLAS 2016: 14th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pages 401--422, November 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We present an axiomatic specification of a key fragment of DOM using structural separation logic. This specfication allows us to develop modular reasoning about client programs that call the DOM.
[62] Azalea Raad, Aquinas Hobor, Jules Villard, and Philippa Gardner. Verifying concurrent graph algorithms. In Proc. APLAS 2016: 14th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pages 314--334, November 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We show how to verify four challenging concurrent finegrained graph-manipulating algorithms, including graph copy, a speculatively parallel Dijkstra, graph marking and spanning tree. We develop a reasoning method for such algorithms that dynamically tracks the contributions and responsibilities of each thread operating on a graph, even in cases of arbitrary recursive thread creation. We demonstrate how to use a logic without abstraction (CoLoSL) to carry out abstract reasoning in the style of iCAP, by building the abstraction into the proof structure rather than incorporating it into the semantic model of the logic.
[63] Victor B. F. Gomes and Georg Struth. Modal Kleene algebra applied to program correctness. In John S. Fitzgerald, Stefania Gnesi, and Constance L. Heitmeyer, editors, FM 2016: Formal Methods -- 21st International Symposium, Limassol, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 310--325. Springer, November 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Modal Kleene algebras are relatives of dynamic logics that support program construction and verification by equational reasoning. We describe their application in implementing versatile program correctness components in interactive theorem provers such as Isabelle/HOL. Starting from a weakest precondition based component with a simple relational store model, we show how variants for Hoare logic, strongest postconditions and program refinement can be built in a principled way. Modularity of the approach is demonstrated by variants that capture program termination and recursion, memory models for programs with pointers, and program trace semantics.
[64] Kyndylan Nienhuis, Kayvan Memarian, and Peter Sewell. An operational semantics for C/C++11 concurrency. In OOPSLA 2016: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, New York, NY, USA, November 2016. ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
The C/C++11 concurrency model balances two goals: it is relaxed enough to be efficiently implementable and (leaving aside the “thin-air” problem) it is strong enough to give useful guarantees to programmers. It is mathematically precise and has been used in verification research and compiler testing. However, the model is expressed in an axiomatic style, as predicates on complete candidate executions. This suffices for computing the set of allowed executions of a small litmus test, but it does not directly support the incremental construction of executions of larger programs. It is also at odds with conventional operational semantics, as used implicitly in the rest of the C/C++ standards.

Our main contribution is the development of an operational model for C/C++11 concurrency. This covers all the features of the previous formalised axiomatic model, and we have a mechanised proof that the two are equivalent, in Isabelle/HOL. We also integrate this semantics with an operational semantics for sequential C (described elsewhere); the combined semantics can incrementally execute programs in a small fragment of C.

Doing this uncovered several new aspects of the C/C++11 model: we show that one cannot build an equivalent operational model that simply follows program order, sequential consistent order, or the synchronises-with order. The first negative result is forced by hardware-observable behaviour, but the latter two are not, and so might be ameliorated by changing C/C++11. More generally, we hope that this work, with its focus on incremental construction of executions, will inform the future design of new concurrency models.

[65] Stephen Kell, Dominic P. Mulligan, and Peter Sewell. The missing link: explaining ELF static linking, semantically. In OOPSLA 2016: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2016, New York, NY, USA, November 2016. ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
Beneath the surface, software usually depends on complex linker behaviour to work as intended. Even linking hello_world.c is surprisingly involved, and systems software such as libc and operating system kernels rely on a host of linker features. But linking is poorly understood by working programmers and has largely been neglected by language researchers.

In this paper we survey the many use-cases that linkers support and the poorly specified linker speak by which they are controlled: metadata in object files, command-line options, and linker-script language. We provide the first validated formalisation of a realistic executable and linkable format (ELF), and capture aspects of the Application Binary Interfaces for four mainstream platforms (AArch64, AMD64, Power64, and IA32). Using these, we develop an executable specification of static linking, covering (among other things) enough to link small C programs (we use the example of bzip2) into a correctly running executable. We provide our specification in Lem and Isabelle/HOL forms. This is the first formal specification of mainstream linking. We have used the Isabelle/HOL version to prove a sample correctness property for one case of AMD64 ABI relocation, demonstrating that the specification supports formal proof, and as a first step towards the much more ambitious goal of verified linking. Our work should enable several novel strands of research, including linker-aware verified compilation and program analysis, and better languages for controlling linking.

Keywords: Linking, formal specification, Executable and Linkable Format (ELF), theorem-proving
[66] Stephen Kell. Dynamically diagnosing type errors in unsafe code. In OOPSLA 2016: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2016, New York, NY, USA, November 2016. ACM. [ bib | .pdf ]
Existing approaches for detecting type errors in unsafe languages are limited. Static analysis methods are imprecise, and often require source-level changes, while most dynamic methods check only memory properties (bounds, liveness, etc.), owing to a lack of run-time type information. This paper describes libcrunch, a system for binary-compatible run-time type checking of unmodified unsafe code, currently focusing on C. Practical experience shows that our prototype implementation is easily applicable to many real codebases without source-level modification, correctly flags programmer errors with a very low rate of false positives, offers a very low run-time overhead, and covers classes of error caught by no previously existing tool.
Keywords: C, unsafe code, pointers, type information
[67] Brian Campbell and Ian Stark. Extracting behaviour from an executable instruction set model. In Ruzica Piskac and Muralidhar Talupur, editors, FMCAD 2016: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, pages 33--40, October 2016. Full proceedings http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/hunt/FMCAD/FMCAD16/proceedings/fmcad-2016-proceedings.pdf. [ bib | .pdf ]
Presenting large formal instruction set models as executable functions makes them accessible to engineers and useful for less formal purposes such as simulation. However, it is more difficult to extract information about the behaviour of individual instructions for reasoning. We present a method which combines symbolic evaluation and symbolic execution techniques to provide a rule-based view of instruction behaviour, with particular application to automatic test generation for large MIPS-like models.
[68] Azalea Raad. Abstraction, Refinement and Concurrent Reasoning. PhD thesis, Imperial College London, September 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
This thesis explores the challenges in abstract library specification, library refinement and reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs.For abstract library specification, this thesis applies structural separation logic (SSL) to formally specify the behaviour of several libraries in an abstract, local and compositional manner. This thesis further generalises the theory of SSL to allow for library specifications that are language independent. Most notably, we specify a fragment of the Document Object Model (DOM) library. This result is compelling as it significantly improves upon existing DOM formalisms in that the specifications produced are local, compositional and language-independent. Concerning library refinement, this thesis explores two existing approaches to library refinement for separation logic, identifying their advantages and limitations in different settings. This thesis then introduces a hybrid approach to refinement, combining the strengths of both techniques for simple scalable library refinement. These ideas are then adapted to refinement for SSL by presenting a JavaScript implementation of the DOM fragment studied and establishing its correctness with respect to its specification using the hybrid refinement approach.As to concurrent reasoning, this thesis introduces concurrent local subjective logic (CoLoSL) for compositional reasoning about fine-grained concurrent programs. CoLoSL introduces subjective views, where each thread is verified with respect to a customised local view of the state, as well as the general composition and framing of interference relations, allowing for better proof reuse.
[69] Pedro da Rocha Pinto. Reasoning with Time and Data Abstractions. PhD thesis, Imperial College London, September 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
In this thesis, we address the problem of verifying the functional correctness of concurrent programs, with emphasis on fine-grained concurrent data structures. Reasoning about such programs is challenging since data can be concurrently accessed by multiple threads: the reasoning must account for the interference between threads, which is often subtle. To reason about interference, concurrent operations should either be at distinct times or on distinct data. We present TaDA, a sound program logic for verifying clients and implementations that use abstract specifications that incorporate both abstract atomicity---the abstraction that operations take effect at a single, discrete instant in time---and abstract disjointness---the abstraction that operations act on distinct data resources. Our key contribution is the introduction of atomic triples, which offer an expressive approach for specifying program modules. We also present Total-TaDA, a sound extension of TaDA with which we can verify total correctness of concurrent programs, i.e. that such programs both produce the correct result and terminate. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread=92s concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for nonblocking algorithms and express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, the abstract specifications can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property that we call non-impedance. Finally, we describe how to extend TaDA for proving abstract atomicity for data structures that make use of helping---where one thread is performing an abstract operation on behalf of another---and speculation---where an abstract operation is determined by future behaviour.
[70] Gian Ntzik. Reasoning About POSIX File Systems. PhD thesis, Imperial College London, September 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
POSIX is a standard for operating systems, with a substantial part devoted to specifying file-system operations. File-system operations exhibit complex concurrent behaviour, comprising multiple actions affecting different parts of the state: typically, multiple atomic reads followed by an atomic update. However, the standard's description of concurrent behaviour is unsatisfactory: it is fragmented; contains ambiguities; and is generally under-specified. We provide a formal concurrent specification of POSIX file systems and demonstrate scalable reasoning for clients. Our speciation is based on a concurrent specification language, which uses a modern concurrent separation logic for reasoning about abstract atomic operations, and an associated refinement calculus. Our reasoning about clients highlights an important difference between reasoning about modules built over a heap, where the interference on the shared state is restricted to the operations of the module, and modules built over a file system, where the interference cannot be restricted as the file system is a public namespace. We introduce specifications conditional on context invariants used to restrict the interference, and apply our reasoning to lock files and named pipes. Program reasoning based on separation logic has been successful at verifying that programs do not crash due to illegal use of resources, such invalid memory accesses. The underlying assumption of separation logics, however, is that machines do not fail. In practice, machines can fail unpredictably for various reasons, such as power loss, corrupting resources or resulting in permanent data loss. Critical software, such as file systems and databases, employ recovery methods to mitigate these effects. We introduce an extension of the Views framework to reason about programs in the presence of such events and their associated recovery methods. We use concurrent separation logic as an instance of the framework to illustrate our reasoning, and explore programs using write-ahead logging, such a stylised ARIES recovery algorithm.
[71] David Kaloper-Meršinjak and Jeremy Yallop. Generic partially-static data (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Type-Driven Development, TyDe 2016, pages 39--40, New York, NY, USA, September 2016. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http | http ]
We describe a generic approach to defining partially-static data and corresponding operations.
Keywords: generic programming, partial evaluation, staging
[72] Enguerrand Decorne, Jeremy Yallop, and David Meršinjak. Ocaml inside: a drop-in replacement for libtls (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the ACM OCaml 2016 Workshop, September 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
The C programming language pervades systems software. An operating system in the Unix tradition consists of a kernel, written in C, and a collection of libraries and executables, also written in C, which communicate in large part via APIs defined as C types and functions. Systems built in C typically suffer from a number of problems, ranging from buffer overflows and other violations that follow inevitably from unrestricted access to memory, to awkward APIs that result from an inexpressive type system and a lack of automatic memory management. The openssl library, which implements the cryptographic protocols TLS and SSL, suffers from both these problems. The lack of bounds checking in C led to the notorious Heartbleed bug in 2014; a study two years earlier found that almost no clients of openssl use the library correctly, apparently due to its unhelpful interface (Georgiev et al. 2012). In response to the Heartbleed bug, the OpenBSD team created libressl, a fork of openssl with the aim of correcting the deficiencies. One early fruit of the libressl project is libtls, a much simpler, more disciplined interface to the TLS protocol implementation in libressl. However, libtls is still built in C, and so is still vulnerable to potential buffer overflows, type errors, and similar defects. In this talk we describe one approach to avoiding these problems, namely replacing libtls with a fully compatible library written in OCaml. Our library, libnqsb-tls1, matches the libtls function-for-function, but the implementation contains no C; instead, it it wraps the pure OCaml TLS implementation ocaml-tls (Kaloper-Meršinjak et al. 2015)
[73] Hannes Mehnert and Louis Gesbert. Conex --- establishing trust into data repositories. In Proceedings of the ACM OCaml 2016 Workshop, September 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
Opam is a software update system, responsible for discovering, downloading, building, and installing packages from community repositories. The data and metadata at each step should be authenticated to originate from a (transitively) trusted author. Opam does not include any mechanism to authenticate any step at the moment. We propose conex, which establishes digital signatures from the package author to the user. Using conex, neither the distribution server nor the transport layer need to be trusted. Clients will install authenticated packages, and notice conex only if signatures cannot be verified. Authors need to adapt their workflow slightly, an updated opam publish will be developed. Janitors (repository maintainers) need to adapt their workflow to emit cryptographic signatures to the repository (in addition to pressing merge PR buttons).
[74] Yong Kiam Tan, Magnus O. Myreen, Ramana Kumar, Anthony Fox, Scott Owens, and Michael Norrish. A new verified compiler backend for CakeML. In Proc. ICFP 2016: International Conference on Functional Programming. ACM Press, September 2016. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
We have developed and mechanically verified a new compiler backend for CakeML. Our new compiler features a sequence of intermediate languages that allows it to incrementally compile away high-level features and enables verification at the right levels of semantic detail. In this way, it resembles mainstream (unverified) compilers for strict functional languages. The compiler supports efficient curried multi-argument functions, configurable data representations, exceptions that unwind the call stack, register allocation, and more. The compiler targets several architectures: x86-64, ARMv6, ARMv8, MIPS-64, and RISC-V.

In this paper, we present the overall structure of the compiler, including its 12 intermediate languages, and explain how everything fits together. We focus particularly on the interaction between the verification of the register allocator and the garbage collector, and memory representations. The entire development has been carried out within the HOL4 theorem prover.

[75] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. Clarifying trap representations (draft defect report or proposal for c2x). ISO SC22 WG14 N2091, September 2016. [ bib ]
[76] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. Clarifying pointer provenance (draft defect report or proposal for c2x). ISO SC22 WG14 N2090, September 2016. [ bib ]
[77] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. Clarifying unspecified values (draft defect report or proposal for c2x). ISO SC22 WG14 N2089, September 2016. [ bib ]
[78] Robert N.M. Watson, Robert M. Norton, Jonathan Woodruff, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, Jonathan Anderson, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Ben Laurie, Michael Roe, Nirav H. Dave, Khilan Gudka, Alexandre Joannou, A. Theodore Markettos, Ed Maste, Steven J. Murdoch, Colin Rothwell, Stacey D. Son, and Munraj Vadera. Fast protection-domain crossing in the CHERI capability-system architecture. IEEE Micro, 36(5):38--49, September 2016. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) supplement the conventional memory management unit (MMU) with instruction-set architecture (ISA) extensions that implement a capability system model in the address space. CHERI can also underpin a hardware-software object-capability model for scalable application compartmentalization that can mitigate broader classes of attack. This article describes ISA additions to CHERI that support fast protection-domain switching, not only in terms of low cycle count, but also efficient memory sharing with mutual distrust. The authors propose ISA support for sealed capabilities, hardware-assisted checking during protection-domain switching, a lightweight capability flow-control model, and fast register clearing, while retaining the flexibility of a software-defined protection-domain transition model. They validate this approach through a full-system experimental design, including ISA extensions, a field-programmable gate array prototype (implemented in Bluespec SystemVerilog), and a software stack including an OS (based on FreeBSD), compiler (based on LLVM), software compartmentalization model, and open-source applications.
[79] M. Naylor, S. W. Moore, and A. Mujumdar. A consistency checker for memory subsystem traces. In FMCAD 2016: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, September 2016. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
Verifying the memory subsystem in a modern shared-memory multiprocessor is a big challenge. Optimized implementations are highly sophisticated, yet must provide subtle consistency and liveness guarantees for the correct execution of concurrent programs. We present a tool that supports efficient specification-based testing of the memory subsystem against a range of formally specified consistency models. Our tool operates directly on the memory subsystem interface, promoting a compositional approach to system-on-chip verification, and can be used to search for simple failure cases – assisting rapid debug. It has recently been incorporated into the development flows of two open-source implementations -- Berkeley’s Rocket Chip (RISCV) and Cambridge’s BERI (MIPS) -- where it has uncovered a number of serious bugs.
[80] Andreas Haas, Thomas A. Henzinger, Andreas Holzer, Christoph M. Kirsch, Michael Lippautz, Hannes Payer, Ali Sezgin, Ana Sokolova, and Helmut Veith. Local Linearizability for Concurrent Container-Type Data Structures. In 27th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2016), volume 59 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 6:1--6:15, Dagstuhl, Germany, August 2016. Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
The semantics of concurrent data structures is usually given by a sequential specification and a consistency condition. Linearizability is the most popular consistency condition due to its simplicity and general applicability. Nevertheless, for applications that do not require all guarantees offered by linearizability, recent research has focused on improving performance and scalability of concurrent data structures by relaxing their semantics. In this paper, we present local linearizability, a relaxed consistency condition that is applicable to container-type concurrent data structures like pools, queues, and stacks. While linearizability requires that the effect of each operation is observed by all threads at the same time, local linearizability only requires that for each thread T, the effects of its local insertion operations and the effects of those removal operations that remove values inserted by T are observed by all threads at the same time. We investigate theoretical and practical properties of local linearizability and its relationship to many existing consistency conditions. We present a generic implementation method for locally linearizable data structures that uses existing linearizable data structures as building blocks. Our implementations show performance and scalability improvements over the original building blocks and outperform the fastest existing container-type implementations.
[81] Victor B. F. Gomes and Georg Struth. Program construction and verification components based on Kleene algebra. Archive of Formal Proofs, 2016, June 2016. [ bib | http ]
Variants of Kleene algebra support program construction and verification by algebraic reasoning. This entry provides a verification component for Hoare logic based on Kleene algebra with tests, verification components for weakest preconditions and strongest postconditions based on Kleene algebra with domain and a component for step-wise refinement based on refinement Kleene algebra with tests. In addition to these components for the partial correctness of while programs, a verification component for total correctness based on divergence Kleene algebras and one for (partial correctness) of recursive programs based on domain quantales are provided. Finally we have integrated memory models for programs with pointers and a program trace semantics into the weakest precondition component.
[82] Kayvan Memarian, Justus Matthiesen, James Lingard, Kyndylan Nienhuis, David Chisnall, Robert N.M. Watson, and Peter Sewell. Into the depths of C: elaborating the de facto standards. In PLDI 2016, June 2016. PLDI 2016 Distinguished Paper award. [ bib | .pdf ]
C remains central to our computing infrastructure. It is notionally defined by ISO standards, but in reality the properties of C assumed by systems code and those implemented by compilers have diverged, both from the ISO standards and from each other, and none of these are clearly understood.

We make two contributions to help improve this error-prone situation. First, we describe an in-depth analysis of the design space for the semantics of pointers and memory in C as it is used in practice. We articulate many specific questions, build a suite of semantic test cases, gather experimental data from multiple implementations, and survey what C experts believe about the de facto standards. We identify questions where there is a consensus (either following ISO or differing) and where there are conflicts. We apply all this to an experimental C implemented above capability hardware. Second, we describe a formal model, Cerberus, for large parts of C. Cerberus is parameterised on its memory model; it is linkable either with a candidate de facto memory object model, under construction, or with an operational C11 concurrency model; it is defined by elaboration to a much simpler Core language for accessibility, and it is executable as a test oracle on small examples.

This should provide a solid basis for discussion of what mainstream C is now: what programmers and analysis tools can assume and what compilers aim to implement. Ultimately we hope it will be a step towards clear, consistent, and accepted semantics for the various use-cases of C.

[83] Victor B. F. Gomes, Walter Guttmann, Peter Höfner, Georg Struth, and Tjark Weber. Kleene algebras with domain. Archive of Formal Proofs, 2016, April 2016. [ bib | http ]
Kleene algebras with domain are Kleene algebras endowed with an operation that maps each element of the algebra to its domain of definition (or its complement) in abstract fashion. They form a simple algebraic basis for Hoare logics, dynamic logics or predicate transformer semantics. We formalise a modular hierarchy of algebras with domain and antidomain (domain complement) operations in Isabelle/HOL that ranges from domain and antidomain semigroups to modal Kleene algebras and divergence Kleene algebras. We link these algebras with models of binary relations and program traces. We include some examples from modal logics, termination and program analysis.
[84] Kasper Svendsen, Filip Sieczkowski, and Lars Birkedal. Transfinite step-indexing: Decoupling concrete and logical steps. In ESOP 2016, pages 727--751, April 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Step-indexing has proven to be a powerful technique for defining logical relations for languages with advanced type systems and models of expressive program logics. In both cases, the model is stratified using natural numbers to solve a recursive equation that has no naive solutions. As a result of this stratification, current models require that each unfolding of the recursive equation -- each logical step -- must coincide with a concrete reduction step. This tight coupling is problematic for applications where the number of logical steps cannot be statically bounded.

In this paper we demonstrate that this tight coupling between logical and concrete steps is artificial and show how to loosen it using transfinite step-indexing. We present a logical relation that supports an arbitrary but finite number of logical steps for each concrete step.

[85] Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Philippa Gardner, and Julian Sutherland. Modular termination verification for non-blocking concurrency. In ESOP 2016: Proceedings of the 25th European Symposium on Programming, pages 176--201, April 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
We present Total-TaDA, a program logic for verifying the total correctness of concurrent programs: that such programs both terminate and produce the correct result. With Total-TaDA, we can specify constraints on a thread's concurrent environment that are necessary to guarantee termination. This allows us to verify total correctness for non-blocking algorithms, e.g. a counter and a stack. Our specifications can express lock- and wait-freedom. More generally, they can express that one operation cannot impede the progress of another, a new non-blocking property we call non-impedance. Moreover, our approach is modular. We can verify the operations of a module independently, and build up modules on top of each other.
[86] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. What is C in practice? (Cerberus survey v2): Analysis of responses -- with comments. ISO SC22 WG14 N2015, March 2016. [ bib | .txt ]
[87] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. What is C in practice? (Cerberus survey v2): Analysis of responses. ISO SC22 WG14 N2014, March 2016. [ bib ]
[88] David Chisnall, Justus Matthiesen, Kayvan Memarian, Kyndylan Nienhuis, Peter Sewell, and Robert N. M. Watson. C memory object and value semantics: the space of de facto and ISO standards. ISO SC22 WG14 N2013, March 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
[89] Kayvan Memarian and Peter Sewell. Clarifying the C memory object model. ISO SC22 WG14 N2012, March 2016. [ bib ]
[90] Brian Campbell and Ian Stark. Randomised testing of a microprocessor model using SMT-solver state generation. Sci. Comput. Program., 118:60--76, March 2016. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
We validate a HOL4 model of the ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller core by testing the model’s behaviour on randomly chosen instructions against real chips from several manufacturers. The model and our intended application involve precise timing information about instruction execution, but the implementations are pipelined, so checking the behaviour of single instructions would not give us sufficient confidence in the model. Thus we test the model using sequences of randomly chosen instructions. The main challenge is to meet the constraints on the initial and intermediate execution states: we must ensure that memory accesses are in range and that we respect restrictions on the instructions. By careful transformation of these constraints an off-the-shelf SMT solver can be used to find suitable states for executing test sequences. We also use additional constraints to test our hypotheses about the timing anomalies encountered.
[91] David Kaloper-Meršinjak and Hannes Mehnert. Not-quite-so-broken TLS 1.3 mechanised conformance checking. In TLSv1.3 -- Ready or Not? (TRON) workshop, February 2016. [ bib | .pdf ]
We present a set of tools to aid TLS 1.3 implementors, all derived from a single TLS implementation/model. These include an automated offline TLS protocol conformance checker, a test oracle validating recorded sessions, a tool replicating recorded sessions with other implementations, and an interactive online handshake visualisation.

The conformance checker repeatedly runs a user-provided TLS implementation, attempting to establish TLS sessions with it; the checker explores the TLS parameter space to determine feature coverage of the provided implementation. The test oracle takes a recorded session between two endpoints and decides whether the session was conformant with the specification. The replication utility re-runs one side of a recorded session against another TLS implementation, and observes its behaviour. The online visualisation accepts connections from clients and presents the TLS session as an interactive sequence diagram.

All of these tools are based on our clean-slate nqsb-TLS implementation/model. It already supports TLS 1.0-1.2, and interoperates with a broad range of other TLS implementations. We are currently extending nqsb-TLS with TLS 1.3 support, and tracking the progress of the TLS 1.3 draft, adapting our implementation/model accordingly.

We invite the community to use our tools while implementing the TLS 1.3 RFC, and provide feedback on deviations in the interpretation thereof. This process enables the community to converge to a single, mechanically checkable TLS 1.3 model, as implemented by nqsb-TLS.

[92] Jean Pichon-Pharabod and Peter Sewell. A concurrency semantics for relaxed atomics that permits optimisation and avoids thin-air executions. In POPL 2016: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, January 20 - 22, 2016, pages 622--633, January 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Despite much research on concurrent programming languages, especially for Java and C/C++, we still do not have a satisfactory definition of their semantics, one that admits all common optimisations without also admitting undesired behaviour. Especially problematic are the “thin-air” examples involving high-performance concurrent accesses, such as C/C++11 relaxed atomics. The C/C++11 model is in a per-candidate-execution style, and previous work has identified a tension between that and the fact that compiler optimisations do not operate over single candidate executions in isolation; rather, they operate over syntactic representations that represent all executions.

In this paper we propose a novel approach that circumvents this difficulty. We define a concurrency semantics for a core calculus, including relaxed-atomic and non-atomic accesses, and locks, that admits a wide range of optimisation while still forbidding the classic thin-air examples. It also addresses other problems relating to undefined behaviour.

The basic idea is to use an event-structure representation of the current state of each thread, capturing all of its potential executions, and to permit interleaving of execution and transformation steps over that to reflect optimisation (possibly dynamic) of the code. These are combined with a non-multi-copy-atomic storage subsystem, to reflect common hardware behaviour.

The semantics is defined in a mechanised and executable form, and designed to be implementable above current relaxed hardware and strong enough to support the programming idioms that C/C++11 does for this fragment. It offers a potential way forward for concurrent programming language semantics, beyond the current C/C++11 and Java models.

[93] Shaked Flur, Kathryn E. Gray, Christopher Pulte, Susmit Sarkar, Ali Sezgin, Luc Maranget, Will Deacon, and Peter Sewell. Modelling the ARMv8 architecture, operationally: concurrency and ISA. In POPL 2016: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, pages 608--621, January 2016. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
In this paper we develop semantics for key aspects of the ARMv8 multiprocessor architecture: the concurrency model and much of the 64-bit application-level instruction set (ISA). Our goal is to clarify what the range of architecturally allowable behaviour is, and thereby to support future work on formal verification, analysis, and testing of concurrent ARM software and hardware.

Establishing such models with high confidence is intrinsically difficult: it involves capturing the vendor's architectural intent, aspects of which (especially for concurrency) have not previously been precisely defined. We therefore first develop a concurrency model with a microarchitectural flavour, abstracting from many hardware implementation concerns but still close to hardware-designer intuition. This means it can be discussed in detail with ARM architects. We then develop a more abstract model, better suited for use as an architectural specification, which we prove sound w.r.t. the first.

The instruction semantics involves further difficulties, handling the mass of detail and the subtle intensional information required to interface to the concurrency model. We have a novel ISA description language, with a lightweight dependent type system, letting us do both with a rather direct representation of the ARM reference manual instruction descriptions.

We build a tool from the combined semantics that lets one explore, either interactively or exhaustively, the full range of architecturally allowed behaviour, for litmus tests and (small) ELF executables. We prove correctness of some optimisations needed for tool performance.

We validate the models by discussion with ARM staff, and by comparison against ARM hardware behaviour, for ISA single- instruction tests and concurrent litmus tests.

[94] Gian Ntzik, Pedro da Rocha Pinto, and Philippa Gardner. Fault-tolerant Resource Reasoning. In APLAS 2015: Proceedings of the 13th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, pages 169--188, December 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Separation logic has been successful at verifying that programs do not crash due to illegal use of resources. The underlying assumption, however, is that machines do not fail. In practice, machines can fail unpredictably for various reasons, e.g. power loss, corrupting resources. Critical software, e.g. file systems, employ recovery methods to mitigate these effects. We introduce an extension of the Views framework to reason about such methods. We use concurrent separation logic as an instance of the framework to illustrate our reasoning, and explore programs using write-ahead logging, e.g. an ARIES recovery algorithm.
[95] Kathryn E. Gray, Gabriel Kerneis, Dominic P. Mulligan, Christopher Pulte, Susmit Sarkar, and Peter Sewell. An integrated concurrency and core-ISA architectural envelope definition, and test oracle, for IBM POWER multiprocessors. In MICRO 2015: Proceedings of the 48th International Symposium on Microarchitecture, , Waikiki, HI, USA, pages 635--646, December 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Weakly consistent multiprocessors such as ARM and IBM POWER have been with us for decades, but their subtle programmer-visible concurrency behaviour remains challenging, both to implement and to use; the traditional architecture documentation, with its mix of prose and pseudocode, leaves much unclear.

In this paper we show how a precise architectural envelope model for such architectures can be defined, taking IBM POWER as our example. Our model specifies, for an arbitrary test program, the set of all its allowable executions, not just those of some particular implementation. The model integrates an operational concurrency model with an ISA model for the fixed-point non-vector user-mode instruction set (largely automatically derived from the vendor pseudocode, and expressed in a new ISA description language). The key question is the interface between these two: allowing all the required concurrency behaviour, without overcommitting to some particular microarchitectural implementation, requires a novel abstract structure.

Our model is expressed in a mathematically rigorous language that can be automatically translated to an executable test-oracle tool; this lets one either interactively explore or exhaustively compute the set of all allowed behaviours of intricate test cases, to provide a reference for hardware and software development.

[96] Gian Ntzik and Philippa Gardner. Reasoning about the POSIX File System: Local Update and Global Pathnames. In OOPSLA 2015: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, October 2015. [ bib ]
We introduce a program logic for specifying a core sequential subset of the POSIX file system and for reasoning abstractly about client programs working with the file system. The challenge is to reason about the combination of local directory update and global pathname traversal (including '..' and symbolic links) which may overlap the directories being updated. Existing reasoning techniques are either based on first-order logic and do not scale, or on separation logic and can only handle linear pathnames (no '..' or symbolic links). We introduce fusion logic for reasoning about local update and global pathname traversal, introducing a novel effect frame rule to propagate the effect of a local update on overlapping pathnames. We apply our reasoning to the standard recursive remove utility (rm -r), discovering bugs in well-known implementations.
[97] Tom Ridge, David Sheets, Thomas Tuerk, Andrea Giugliano, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Peter Sewell. SibylFS: formal specification and oracle-based testing for POSIX and real-world file systems. In SOSP 2015: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, Monterey, CA, USA, pages 38--53, October 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Systems depend critically on the behaviour of file systems, but that behaviour differs in many details, both between implementations and between each implementation and the POSIX (and other) prose specifications. Building robust and portable software requires understanding these details and differences, but there is currently no good way to systematically describe, investigate, or test file system behaviour across this complex multi-platform interface.

In this paper we show how to characterise the envelope of allowed behaviour of file systems in a form that enables practical and highly discriminating testing. We give a mathematically rigorous model of file system behaviour, SibylFS, that specifies the range of allowed behaviours of a file system for any sequence of the system calls within our scope, and that can be used as a test oracle to decide whether an observed trace is allowed by the model, both for validating the model and for testing file systems against it. SibylFS is modular enough to not only describe POSIX, but also specific Linux, OSX and FreeBSD behaviours. We complement the model with an extensive test suite of over 21000 tests; this can be run on a target file system and checked in less than 5 minutes, making it usable in practice. Finally, we report experimental results for around 40 configurations of many file systems, identifying many differences and some serious flaws.

[98] Stephen Kell. Towards a dynamic object model within Unix processes. In Onward! 2015: 2015 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming and Software, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, pages 224--239, October 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Programmers face much complexity from the co-existence of “native” (Unix-like) and virtual machine (VM) “managed” run-time environments. Rather than having VMs replace Unix processes, we investigate whether it makes sense for the latter to “become VMs”, by evolving Unix's user-level services to subsume those of VMs. We survey the (little-understood) VM-like features in modern Unix, noting common shortcomings: a lack of semantic metadata (“type information”) and the inability to bind from objects “back” to their metadata. We describe the design and implementation of a system, liballocs, which adds these capabilities in a highly compatible way, and explore its consequences.
[99] Khilan Gudka, Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Anderson, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Ben Laurie, Ilias Marinos, Peter G. Neumann, and Alex Richardson. Clean Application Compartmentalization with SOAAP. In CCS 2015: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, October 2015. [ bib | .pdf ]
Application compartmentalization, a vulnerability mitigation technique employed in programs such as OpenSSH and the Chromium web browser, decomposes software into isolated components to limit privileges leaked or otherwise available to attackers. However, compartmentalizing applications -- and maintaining that compartmentalization -- is hindered by ad hoc methodologies and significantly increased programming effort. In practice, programmers stumble through (rather than overtly reason about) compartmentalization spaces of possible decompositions, unknowingly trading off correctness, security, complexity, and performance. We present a new conceptual framework embodied in an LLVM-based tool: the Security-Oriented Analysis of Application Programs (SOAAP) that allows programmers to reason about co mpartmentalization using source-code annotations (compartmentalization hypotheses). We demonstrate considerable benefit when creating new compartmentalizations for complex applications, and analyze existing compartmentalized applications to discover design faults and maintenance issues arising from application evolution.
[100] Robert N. M. Watson, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Wojciech Koszek, Simon W. Moore, Steven J. Murdoch, Peter G. Neumann, and Jonathan Woodruff. Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Programmer's Guide. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-877, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, September 2015. [ bib | .pdf ]
The CHERI Programmer's Guide documents the software environment for the Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) prototype developed by SRI International and the University of Cambridge. The Guide is targeted at hardware and software developers working with capability-enhanced software. It describes how to use the CHERI Clang/LLVM compiler suite and CheriBSD operating system -- versions of the off-the-shelf LLVM suite and FreeBSD operating system adapted to use CHERI’s protection features -- as well as implementation details of both.
[101] Robert N. M. Watson, Peter G. Neumann, Jonathan Woodruff, Michael Roe, Jonathan Anderson, David Chisnall, Brooks Davis, Alexandre Joannou, Ben Laurie, Simon W. Moore, Steven J. Murdoch, Robert Norton, and Stacey Son. Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions: CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture. Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-876, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, September 2015. [ bib | .pdf ]
This technical report describes CHERI ISAv4, the fourth version of the Capability Hardware Enhanced RISC Instructions (CHERI) Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA). CHERI is being developed by SRI International and the University of Cambridge. This design captures four years of research, development, refinement, formal analysis, and testing, and is a substantial enhancement to the ISA version described in UCAM-CL-TR-850. Key improvements lie in tighter C-language integration, and more mature support for software object-capability models; these changes result from experience gained in adapting substantial software stacks to run on prototype hardware.

The CHERI instruction set is based on a hybrid capability-system architecture that adds new capability-system primitives to a commodity 64-bit RISC ISA enabling software to efficiently implement fine-grained memory protection and a hardware-software object-capability security model. These extensions support incrementally adoptable, high-performance, formally based, programmer-friendly underpinnings for fine-grained software decomposition and compartmentalization, motivated by and capable of enforcing the principle of least privilege.

The CHERI system architecture purposefully addresses known performance and robustness gaps in commodity ISAs that hinder the adoption of more secure programming models centered around the principle of least privilege. To this end, CHERI blends traditional paged virtual memory with a per-address-space capability model that includes capability registers, capability instructions, and tagged memory that have been added to the 64-bit MIPS ISA via a new capability coprocessor. CHERI also learns from the C-language fat-pointer literature: CHERI capabilities can describe not only regions of memory, but can also capture C pointer semantics allowing capabilities to be substituted for pointers in generated code.

CHERI’s hybrid system approach, inspired by the Capsicum security model, allows incremental adoption of capability-oriented software design: software implementations that are more robust and resilient can be deployed where they are most needed, while leaving less critical software largely unmodified, but nevertheless suitably constrained to be incapable of having adverse effects. For example, we are focusing conversion efforts on low-level TCB components of the system: separation kernels, hypervisors, operating system kernels, language runtimes, and userspace TCBs such as web browsers. Likewise, we see early-use scenarios (such as data compression, protocol parsing, image processing, and video processing) that relate to particularly high-risk software libraries, which are concentrations of both complex and historically vulnerability-prone code combined with untrustworthy data sources, while leaving containing applications unchanged.

This report describes the CHERI Instruction-Set Architecture (ISA) and design, and provides reference documentation and potential memory models, along with their requirements. It also briefly addresses the CHERI system hardware-software architecture, documenting our current thinking on integrating programming languages and operating systems with the CHERI hardware.

[102] Matthew Naylor and Simon W. Moore. A generic synthesisable test bench. In MEMOCODE 2015: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign, Austin, TX, USA, pages 128--137, September 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Writing test benches is one of the most frequently-performed tasks in the hardware development process. The ability to reuse common test bench features is therefore key to productivity. In this paper, we present a generic test bench, parameterised by a specification of correctness, which can be used to test any design. Our test bench provides several important features, including automatic test-sequence generation and shrinking of counter-examples, and is fully synthesisable, allowing rigorous testing on FPGA as well as in simulation. The approach is easy to use, cheap to implement, and encourages the formal specification of hardware components through the reward of automatic testing and simple failure cases.
[103] David Kaloper-Mersinjak, Hannes Mehnert, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Peter Sewell. Not-quite-so-broken TLS: lessons in re-engineering a security protocol specification and implementation. In USENIX Security 2015: 24th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA, pages 223--238, August 2015. [ bib | http | .pdf ]
Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementations have a history of security flaws. The immediate causes of these are often programming errors, e.g. in memory management, but the root causes are more fundamental: the challenges of interpreting the ambiguous prose specification, the complexities inherent in large APIs and code bases, inherently unsafe programming choices, and the impossibility of directly testing conformance between implementations and the specification.

We present nqsb-TLS, the result of our re-engineered approach to security protocol specification and implementation that addresses these root causes. The same code serves dual roles: it is both a specification of TLS, executable as a test oracle to check conformance of traces from arbitrary implementations, and a usable implementation of TLS; a modular and declarative programming style provides clean separation between its components. Many security flaws are thus excluded by construction.

nqsb-TLS can be used in standalone applications, which we demonstrate with a messaging client, and can also be compiled into a Xen unikernel (a specialised virtual machine image) with a TCB that is 4% of a standalone system running a standard Linux/OpenSSL stack, with all network traffic being handled in a memory-safe language; this supports applications including HTTPS, IMAP, Git, and Websocket clients and servers.

[104] Anthony C. J. Fox. Improved tool support for machine-code decompilation in HOL4. In ITP 2015:Interactive Theorem Proving - 6th International Conference, Nanjing, China, pages 187--202, August 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
The HOL4 interactive theorem prover provides a sound logical environment for reasoning about machine-code programs. The rigour of HOL's LCF-style kernel naturally guarantees very high levels of assurance, but it does present challenges when it comes implementing efficient proof tools. This paper presents improvements that have been made to our methodology for soundly decompiling machine-code programs to functions expressed in HOL logic. These advancements have been facilitated by the development of a domain specific language, called L3, for the specification of Instruction Set Architectures (ISAs). As a result of these improvements, decompilation is faster (on average by one to two orders of magnitude), the instruction set specifications are easier to write, and the proof tools are easier to maintain.
[105] Ali Sezgin and Serdar Tasiran. Moving around: Lipton's reduction for TSO - (regular submission). In VSTTE 2015: Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments - 7th International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA. Revised Selected Papers, pages 165--182, July 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We generalize Lipton’s reduction theory, hitherto limited to SC, for TSO programs. We demonstrate the use of our theory by specifying the conditions under which a particular write is SC-like (i.e. placing a fence immediately after the write does not constrain the behavior of the overall program) and a library implementation can be safely used (i.e. compositionality). Our theory is complete: a program has only SC behaviors iff there is a proof that establishes that every write in the program is SC-like. We adapt the notion of program abstraction to TSO analysis via our theory. We define precisely what is meant by abstraction, and propose a methodology by which one can obtain via abstraction SC summaries of a program which may have non-SC behaviors. Finally, we show how checking whether a write instruction is SC-like can be mechanized. We describe a transformation in which the execution of each thread of the original program (under TSO) is simulated by the execution of two tightly coupled threads in the new program (under SC).
[106] Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, and Philippa Gardner. Steps in Modular Specifications for Concurrent Modules (Invited Tutorial Paper). In MFPS 2015: Proceedings of the 31st Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, pages 3--18, June 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
The specification of a concurrent program module is a difficult problem. The specifications must be strong enough to enable reasoning about the intended clients without reference to the underlying module implementation. We survey a range of verification techniques for specifying concurrent modules, in particular highlighting four key concepts: auxiliary state, interference abstraction, resource ownership and atomicity. We show how these concepts combine to provide powerful approaches to specifying concurrent modules.
[107] David Kaloper Meršinjak, Hannes Mehnert, Anil Madhavapeddy, and Peter Sewell. Not-quite-so-broken TLS: lessons in re-engineering a security protocol specification and implementation, May 2015. Presentation at HCSS 2015: the Fifteenth Annual High Confidence Software and Systems Conference. [ bib ]
Transport Layer Security (TLS) implementations have a history of security flaws. The immediate causes of these range from simple programming errors, such as memory management, to subtle violations of the protocol logic. Deeper causes can be seen in the challenges of interpreting the ambiguous prose specification, the complexities inherent in large APIs and code bases, unsafe performance-oriented programming choices, and the impossibility of directly testing conformance between implementations and the specification.

We present nqsb-TLS, the result of our re-engineering approach to improve the quality of security protocol implementations. The same code serves dual roles: it is both a specification of TLS, executable as a test oracle to check conformance of traces from arbitrary implementations, and a secure and usable executable implementation of TLS. nqsb-TLS employs a modular and declarative programming style that also allows it to be compiled into a Xen unikernel (a specialised virtual machine image) with a TCB that is 2.5% of a standalone system running a standard Linux/OpenSSL stack, with all network traffic being handled in a memory-safe language.

nqsb-TLS focuses on protocol-level interoperability, and makes no effort to be compatible with existing (and often poorly designed) library APIs such as OpenSSL. The higher-level API in nqsb-TLS makes it harder to misuse the library, and is demonstrated via several unikernel applications ranging over HTTPS, IMAP, Git, Websocket clients and servers.

[108] Kayvan Memarian, Kyndylan Nienhuis, Justus Matthiesen, James Lingard, and Peter Sewell. Cerberus: towards an executable semantics for sequential and concurrent C11, May 2015. Presentation at HCSS 2015: the Fifteenth Annual High Confidence Software and Systems Conference. [ bib ]
C remains central to our computing infrastructure but still lacks a clear and complete semantics. Programmers lack tools to explore the range of behaviours they should expect; compiler development lacks test oracles; and formal verification and analysis must make (explicitly or implicitly) many choices about the specific C they target.

We describe Cerberus, a semantics for a substantial fragment of C11. Its thread-local semantics is factored via an elaboration into a simpler Core language, to make it conceptually and mathematically tractable. This is integrated with an operational model for C11 concurrency, with a mechanised proof of equivalence to the axiomatic C11 model of Batty et al. The front-end includes a parser that closely follows the C11 standard grammar and a typechecker. Cerberus is executable, to explore all behaviours or single paths of test programs, and it supports proof, as shown by a preliminary experiment in translation validation for the front-end of Clang, for very simple programs. This is a step towards a clear, consistent, and unambiguous semantics for C.

[109] Robert N. M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, Peter G. Neumann, Simon W. Moore, Jonathan Anderson, David Chisnall, Nirav Dave, Brooks Davis, Khilan Gudka, Ben Laurie, Steven J. Murdoch, Robert Norton, Michael Roe, Stacey Son, and Munraj Vadera. CHERI: A hybrid capability-system architecture for scalable software compartmentalization. In Security and Privacy 2015: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (“Oakland”), May 2015. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
CHERI extends a conventional RISC Instruction-Set Architecture, compiler, and operating system to support fine-grained, capability-based memory protection to mitigate memory-related vulnerabilities in C-language TCBs. We describe how CHERI capabilities can also underpin a hardware-software object-capability model for application compartmentalization that can mitigate broader classes of attack. Prototyped as an extension to the open-source 64-bit BERI RISC FPGA softcore processor, FreeBSD operating system, and LLVM compiler, we demonstrate multiple orders-of-magnitude improvement in scalability, simplified programmability, and resulting tangible security benefits as compared to compartmentalization based on pure Memory-Management Unit (MMU) designs. We evaluate incrementally deployable CHERI-based compartmentalization using several real-world UNIX libraries and applications.
[110] S. Flur, K. Gray, G. Kerneis, D. Mulligan, C. Pulte, S. Sarkar, and P. Sewell. Rigorous architectural modelling for production multiprocessors, May 2015. Presentation at HCSS 2015: the Fifteenth Annual High Confidence Software and Systems Conference. [ bib ]
Processor architectures are critical interfaces in computing, but they are typically defined only by prose and pseudocode documentation. This is especially problematic for the subtle concurrency behaviour of weakly consistent multiprocessors such as ARM and IBM POWER: the traditional documentation does not define precisely what programmer-observable behaviour is (and is not) allowed for concurrent code; it is not executable as a test oracle for pre-Silicon or post-Silicon hardware testing; it is not executable as an emulator for software testing; and it is not mathematically rigorous enough to serve as a foundation for software verification.

We present a rigorous architectural envelope model for IBM POWER multiprocessors, and similar work in progress for ARM, that aims to support all of these for small-but-intricate test cases, integrating an operational concurrency model with an ISA model for the sequential behaviour of a substantial fragment of the user-mode instruction set (largely automatically derived from the vendor pseudocode, and expressed in a new ISA description language). The key question is the interface between these two: we have to allow all the required relaxed-memory behaviour, without overcommitting to some particular microarchitectural model. Our models can be automatically translated into executable code, which, combined with front-ends for concurrency litmus tests and ELF executables, can interactively or exhaustively explore all the allowed behaviours of small test cases.

[111] Soham Chakraborty, Thomas A. Henzinger, Ali Sezgin, and Viktor Vafeiadis. Aspect-oriented linearizability proofs. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 11(1):1--33, April 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Linearizability of concurrent data structures is usually proved by monolithic simulation arguments relying on the identification of the so-called linearization points. Regrettably, such proofs, whether manual or automatic, are often complicated and scale poorly to advanced non-blocking concurrency patterns, such as helping and optimistic updates. In response, we propose a more modular way of checking linearizability of concurrent queue algorithms that does not involve identifying linearization points. We reduce the task of proving linearizability with respect to the queue specification to establishing four basic properties, each of which can be proved independently by simpler arguments. As a demonstration of our approach, we verify the Herlihy and Wing queue, an algorithm that is challenging to verify by a simulation proof.
[112] Azalea Raad, Jules Villard, and Philippa Gardner. CoLoSL: Concurrent local subjective logic. In ESOP 2015, April 2015. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
A key difficulty in verifying shared-memory concurrent programs is reasoning compositionally about each thread in isolation. Existing verification techniques for fine-grained concurrency typically require reasoning about either the entire shared state or disjoint parts of the shared state, impeding compositionality. This paper introduces the program logic CoLoSL, where each thread is verified with respect to its subjective view of the global shared state. This subjective view describes only that part of the state accessed by the thread. Subjective views may arbitrarily overlap with each other, and expand and contract depending on the resource required by the thread. This flexibility gives rise to small specifications and, hence, more compositional reasoning for concurrent programs. We demonstrate our reasoning on a range of examples, including a concurrent computation of a spanning tree of a graph.
[113] Filip Sieczkowski, Kasper Svendsen, Lars Birkedal, and Jean Pichon-Pharabod. A separation logic for fictional sequential consistency. In ESOP 2015, April 2015. [ bib | DOI ]
To improve performance, modern multiprocessors and programming languages typically implement relaxed memory models that do not require all processors/threads to observe memory operations in the same order. To relieve programmers from having to reason directly about these relaxed behaviors, languages often provide efficient synchronization primitives and concurrent data structures with stronger high-level guarantees about memory reorderings. For instance, locks usually ensure that when a thread acquires a lock, it can observe all memory operations of the releasing thread, prior to the release. When used correctly, these synchronization primitives and data structures allow clients to recover a fiction of a sequentially consistent memory model.

In this paper we propose a new proof system, iCAP-TSO, that captures this fiction formally, for a language with a TSO memory model. The logic supports reasoning about libraries that directly exploit the relaxed memory model to achieve maximum efficiency. When these libraries provide sufficient guarantees, the logic hides the underlying complexity and admits standard separation logic rules for reasoning about their more high-level clients.

[114] Mark Batty, Kayvan Memarian, Kyndylan Nienhuis, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, and Peter Sewell. The problem of programming language concurrency semantics. In ESOP 2015: Programming Languages and Systems - 24th European Symposium on Programming, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2015, London, UK, April 11-18, 2015., pages 283--307, April 2015. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Despite decades of research, we do not have a satisfactory concurrency semantics for any general-purpose programming language that aims to support concurrent systems code. The Java Memory Model has been shown to be unsound with respect to standard compiler optimisations, while the C/C++11 model is too weak, admitting undesirable thin-air executions. Our goal in this paper is to articulate this major open problem as clearly as is currently possible, showing how it arises from the combination of multiprocessor relaxed-memory behaviour and the desire to accommodate current compiler optimisations. We make several novel contributions that each shed some light on the problem, constraining the possible solutions and identifying new difficulties.
[115] A. M. Pitts, J. Matthiesen, and J. Derikx. A dependent type theory with abstractable names. In I. Mackie and M. Ayala-Rincon, editors, LSFA 2014: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications, volume 312 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 19--50. Elsevier, April 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
This paper describes a version of Martin-Löf's dependent type theory extended with names and constructs for freshness and name-abstraction derived from the theory of nominal sets. We aim for a type theory for computing and proving (via a Curry-Howard correspondence) with syntactic structures which captures familiar, but informal, "nameful" practices when dealing with binders.
[116] David Chisnall, Colin Rothwell, Brooks Davis, Robert N.M. Watson, Jonathan Woodruff, Munraj Vadera, Simon W. Moore, Peter G. Neumann, and Michael Roe. Beyond the PDP-11: Processor support for a memory-safe C abstract machine. In ASPLOS 2015: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Edition of ASPLOS on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, ASPLOS XX, New York, NY, USA, March 2015. ACM. [ bib | DOI ]
We propose a new memory-safe interpretation of the C abstract machine that provides stronger protection to benefit security and debugging. Despite ambiguities in the specification intended to provide implementation flexibility, contemporary implementations of C have converged on a memory model similar to the PDP-11, the original target for C. This model lacks support for memory safety despite well-documented impacts on security and reliability.

Attempts to change this model are often hampered by assumptions embedded in a large body of existing C code, dating back to the memory model exposed by the original C compiler for the PDP-11. Our experience with attempting to implement a memory-safe variant of C on the CHERI experimental microprocessor led us to identify a number of problematic idioms. We describe these as well as their interaction with existing memory safety schemes and the assumptions that they make beyond the requirements of the C specification. Finally, we refine the CHERI ISA and abstract model for C, by combining elements of the CHERI capability model and fat pointers, and present a softcore CPU that implements a C abstract machine that can run legacy C code with strong memory protection guarantees.

[117] Jade Alglave, Mark Batty, Alastair F. Donaldson, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Jeroen Ketema, Daniel Poetzl, Tyler Sorensen, and John Wickerson. GPU concurrency: Weak behaviours and programming assumptions. In ASPLOS 2015: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, pages 577--591, March 2015. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Concurrency is pervasive and perplexing, particularly on graphics processing units (GPUs). Current specifications of languages and hardware are inconclusive; thus programmers often rely on folklore assumptions when writing software.

To remedy this state of affairs, we conducted a large empirical study of the concurrent behaviour of deployed GPUs. Armed with litmus tests (i.e. short concurrent programs), we questioned the assumptions in programming guides and vendor documentation about the guarantees provided by hardware. We developed a tool to generate thousands of litmus tests and run them under stressful workloads. We observed a litany of previously elusive weak behaviours, and exposed folklore beliefs about GPU programming---often supported by official tutorials---as false.

As a way forward, we propose a model of Nvidia GPU hardware, which correctly models every behaviour witnessed in our experiments. The model is a variant of SPARC Relaxed Memory Order (RMO), structured following the GPU concurrency hierarchy.

[118] David Kaloper Meršinjak and Hannes Mehnert. Trustworthy secure modular operating system engineering. Invited talk at 31st Chaos Communication Congress (31C3), January 2015. [ bib ]
We present Mirage OS, a modular library operating system developed from scratch in the functional programming language OCaml. Each service, called unikernel, is an OCaml application using libraries such as a TCP/IP stack, DNS. It is either compiled to a Xen virtual machine image or to a Unix binary (for development). State in 2014 is that it runs on x86 and arm, we implemented a clean-slate TLS (1.0, 1.1, 1.2), X.509, ASN.1 stack, crypto primitives, Off-the-record. We also have TCP/IP, HTTP, a persistent branchable store (similar to git) - all implemented in OCaml. A virtual machine serving data via https is roughly 2MB in size - no libc inside :)
[119] Mark John Batty. The C11 and C++11 Concurrency Model. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, November 2014. Winner of 2015 ACM SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award and 2015 CPHC/BCS Distinguished Dissertation competition. [ bib ]
[120] Stephen Kell. In search of types. In Onward! 2014: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Symposium on New Ideas, New Paradigms, and Reflections on Programming & Software, Onward! 2014, pages 227--241, New York, NY, USA, October 2014. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http ]
The concept of "type" has been used without a consistent, precise definition in discussions about programming languages for 60 years. In this essay I explore various concepts lurking behind distinct uses of this word, highlighting two traditions in which the word came into use largely independently: engineering traditions on the one hand, and those of symbolic logic on the other. These traditions are founded on differing attitudes to the nature and purpose of abstraction, but their distinct uses of "type" have never been explicitly unified. One result is that discourse across these traditions often finds itself at cross purposes, such as overapplying one sense of "type" where another is appropriate, and occasionally proceeding to draw wrong conclusions. I illustrate this with examples from well-known and justly well-regarded literature, and argue that ongoing developments in both the theory and practice of programming make now a good time to resolve these problems.
[121] Hannes Mehnert and David Kaloper Mersinjak. Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml. In Proceedings of the ACM OCaml 2014 Workshop, September 2014. [ bib | .pdf ]
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is probably the most widely deployed security protocol on the Internet. It is used to setup virtual private networks, secure various services such as web and email, etc. In this paper we describe our clean slate TLS implementation developed in OCaml. Our motivating goals are reliability, robustness, and API conciseness. While our implementation is still a work in progress and lacks some of the protocol features (such as client authentication and session resumption), it already interoperates with other existing TLS implementations. Preliminary performance evaluation shows that our library is roughly five times slower compared to OpenSSL, but we expect to improve our performance.
[122] Brian Campbell and Ian Stark. Randomised testing of a microprocessor model using SMT-solver state generation. In Frédéric Lang and Francesco Flammini, editors, FMICS 2014: Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, volume 8718 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 185--199. Springer, September 2014. [ bib | DOI | .pdf ]
We validate a HOL4 model of the ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller core by testing the model's behaviour on randomly chosen instructions against a real chip. The model and our intended application involve precise timing information about instruction execution, but the implementations are pipelined, so checking the behaviour of single instructions would not give us sufficient confidence in the model. Thus we test the model using sequences of randomly chosen instructions. The main challenge is to meet the constraints on the initial and intermediate execution states: we must ensure that memory accesses are in range and that we respect restrictions on the instructions. By careful transformation of these constraints an off-the-shelf SMT solver can be used to find suitable states for executing test sequences.
[123] Dominic P. Mulligan, Scott Owens, Kathryn E. Gray, Tom Ridge, and Peter Sewell. Lem: Reusable engineering of real-world semantics. In ICFP 2014: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming, pages 175--188, New York, NY, USA, September 2014. ACM. [ bib | DOI | http | .pdf ]
Recent years have seen remarkable successes in rigorous engineering: using mathematically rigorous semantic models (not just idealised calculi) of real-world processors, programming languages, protocols, and security mechanisms, for testing, proof, analysis, and design. Building these models is challenging, requiring experimentation, dialogue with vendors or standards bodies, and validation; their scale adds engineering issues akin to those of programming to the task of writing clear and usable mathematics. But language and tool support for specification is lacking. Proof assistants can be used but bring their own difficulties, and a model produced in one, perhaps requiring many person-years effort and maintained over an extended period, cannot be used by those familiar with another.

We introduce Lem, a language for engineering reusable large-scale semantic models. The Lem design takes inspiration both from functional programming languages and from proof assistants, and Lem definitions are translatable into OCaml for testing, Coq, HOL4, and Isabelle/HOL for proof, and LaTeX and HTML for presentation. This requires a delicate balance of expressiveness, careful library design, and implementation of transformations - akin to compilation, but subject to the constraint of producing usable and human-readable code for each target. Lem's effectiveness is demonstrated by its use in practice.

[124] Basile Clement. Running programming language specifications, August 2014. MPRI report. [ bib ]
[125] Pedro da Rocha Pinto, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, and Philippa Gardner. TaDA: A logic for time and data abstraction. In Richard Jones, editor, ECOOP 2014, volume 8586 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 207--231. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, July 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
To avoid data races, concurrent operations should either be at distinct times or on distinct data. Atomicity is the abstraction that an operation takes effect at a single, discrete instant in time, with linearisability being a well-known correctness condition which asserts that concurrent operations appear to behave atomically. Disjointness is the abstraction that operations act on distinct data resource, with concurrent separation logics enabling reasoning about threads that appear to operate independently on disjoint resources.

We present TaDA, a program logic that combines the benefits of abstract atomicity and abstract disjointness. Our key contribution is the introduction of atomic triples, which offer an expressive approach to specifying program modules. By building up examples, we show that TaDA supports elegant modular reasoning in a way that was not previously possible.

[126] Philippa Gardner, Azalea Raad, Mark J. Wheelhouse, and Adam Wright. Abstract local reasoning for concurrent libraries: Mind the gap. MFPS 2014: Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci., 308:147--166, June 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We study abstract local reasoning for concurrent libraries. There are two main approaches: provide a specification of a library by abstracting from concrete reasoning about an implementation; or provide a direct abstract library specification, justified by refining to an implementation. Both approaches have a significant gap in their reasoning, due to a mismatch between the abstract connectivity of the abstract data structures and the concrete connectivity of the concrete heap representations. We demonstrate this gap using structural separation logic (SSL) for specifying a concurrent tree library and concurrent abstract predicates (CAP) for reasoning about a concrete tree implementation. The gap between the abstract and concrete connectivity emerges as a mismatch between the SSL tree predicates and CAP heap predicates. This gap is closed by an interface function I which links the abstract and concrete connectivity. In the accompanying technical report, we generalise our SSL reasoning and results to arbitrary concurrent data libraries.
[127] Tony Hoare, Stephan van Staden, Bernhard Möller, Georg Struth, Jules Villard, Huibiao Zhu, and Peter W. O'Hearn. Developments in concurrent Kleene algebra. In RAMiCS 2014: Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science - 14th International Conference, Marienstatt, Germany, pages 1--18, April 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
This report summarises recent progress in the research of its co-authors towards the construction of links between algebraic presentations of the principles of programming and the exploitation of concurrency in modern programming practice. The research concentrates on the construction of a realistic family of partial order models for Concurrent Kleene Algebra (aka, the Laws of Programming). The main elements of the model are objects and the events in which they engage. Further primitive concepts are traces, errors and failures, and transferrable ownership. In terms of these we can define other concepts which have proved useful in reasoning about concurrent programs, for example causal dependency and independence, sequentiality and concurrency, allocation and disposal, synchrony and asynchrony, sharing and locality, input and output.
[128] Philippa Gardner, Gian Ntzik, and Adam Wright. Local reasoning for the POSIX file system. In ESOP 2014: Programming Languages and Systems - 23rd European Symposium on Programming, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2014, Grenoble, France, pages 169--188, April 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We provide a program logic for specifying a core subset of the sequential POSIX file system, and for reasoning abstractly about client programs working with the file system.
[129] Reinoud Elhorst, Mark Batty, and David Chisnall. Efficient code generation for weakly ordered architectures. Presentation at the 4th European LLVM conference (EuroLLVM), April 2014. Slides and report available at http://llvm.org/devmtg/2014-04/. [ bib ]
This report explores the way LLVM generates the memory barriers needed to support the C11/C++11 atomics for ARM. I measure the influence of memory barriers on performance, and I show that in some cases LLVM generates too many barriers. By leaving these barriers out, performance increases significantly. I introduce two LLVM passes, which will remove these extra barriers, improving performance in my test by 40%. I believe one of these passes is ready to be upstreamed to LLVM, while the other will need more testing.
[130] Reinoud Elhorst. Lowering C11 atomics for ARM in LLVM, March 2014. [ bib | .pdf ]
This report explores the way LLVM generates the memory barriers needed to support the C11/C++11 atomics for ARM. I measure the influence of memory barriers on performance, and I show that in some cases LLVM generates too many barriers. By leaving these barriers out, performance increases significantly. I introduce two LLVM passes, which will remove these extra barriers, improving performance in my test by 40%. I believe one of these passes is ready to be upstreamed to LLVM, while the other will need more testing.
[131] Magnus O. Myreen and Scott Owens. Proof-producing translation of higher-order logic into pure and stateful ML. J. Funct. Program., 24(2-3):284--315, January 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
The higher-order logic found in proof assistants such as Coq and various HOL systems provides a convenient setting for the development and verification of functional programs. However, to efficiently run these programs, they must be converted (or `extracted') to functional programs in a programming language such as ML or Haskell. With current techniques, this step, which must be trusted, relates similar looking objects that have very different semantic definitions, such as the set-theoretic model of a logic and the operational semantics of a programming language. In this paper, we show how to increase the trustworthiness of this step with an automated technique. Given a functional program expressed in higher-order logic, our technique provides the corresponding program for a functional language defined with an operational semantics, and it provides a mechanically checked theorem relating the two. This theorem can then be used to transfer verified properties of the logical function to the program. We have implemented our technique in the HOL4 theorem prover, translating functions to a subset of Standard ML, and have applied the implementation to examples including functional data structures, a parser generator, cryptographic algorithms, a garbage collector and the 500-line kernel of the HOL light theorem prover. This paper extends our previous conference publication with new material that shows how functions defined in terms of a state-and-exception monad can be translated, with proofs, into stateful ML code. The HOL light example is also new.
[132] Ramana Kumar, Magnus O. Myreen, Michael Norrish, and Scott Owens. CakeML: a verified implementation of ML. In POPL 2014: The 41st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, San Diego, CA, USA, pages 179--192, January 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]
We have developed and mechanically verified an ML system called CakeML, which supports a substantial subset of Standard ML. CakeML is implemented as an interactive read-eval-print loop (REPL) in x86-64 machine code. Our correctness theorem ensures that this REPL implementation prints only those results permitted by the semantics of CakeML. Our verification effort touches on a breadth of topics including lexing, parsing, type checking, incremental and dynamic compilation, garbage collection, arbitrary-precision arithmetic, and compiler bootstrapping.

Our contributions are twofold. The first is simply in building a system that is end-to-end verified, demonstrating that each piece of such a verification effort can in practice be composed with the others, and ensuring that none of the pieces rely on any over-simplifying assumptions. The second is developing novel approaches to some of the more challenging aspects of the verification. In particular, our formally verified compiler can bootstrap itself: we apply the verified compiler to itself to produce a verified machine-code implementation of the compiler. Additionally, our compiler proof handles diverging input programs with a lightweight approach based on logical timeout exceptions. The entire development was carried out in the HOL4 theorem prover.

[133] Gabriel Kerneis, Charlie Shepherd, and Stefan Hajnoczi. QEMU/CPC: static analysis and CPS conversion for safe, portable, and efficient coroutines. In PEPM 2014: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 workshop on Partial evaluation and program manipulation, San Diego, California, USA, pages 83--94, January 2014. [ bib | DOI | http ]

Coroutines and events are two common abstractions for writing concurrent programs. Because coroutines are often more convenient, but events more portable and efficient, it is natural to want to translate the former into the latter. CPC is such a source-to-source translator for C programs, based on a partial conversion into continuation-passing style (CPS conversion) of functions annotated as cooperative.

In this article, we study the application of the CPC translator to QEMU, an open-source machine emulator which also uses annotated coroutine functions for concurrency. We first propose a new type of annotations to identify functions which never cooperate, and we introduce CoroCheck, a tool for the static analysis and inference of cooperation annotations. Then, we improve the CPC translator, defining CPS conversion as a calling convention for the C language, with support for indirect calls to CPS-converted function through function pointers. Finally, we apply CoroCheck and CPC to QEMU (750 000 lines of C code), fixing hundreds of missing annotations and comparing performance of the translated code with existing implementations of coroutines in QEMU.

Our work shows the importance of static annotation checking to prevent actual concurrency bugs, and demonstrates that CPS conversion is a flexible, portable, and efficient compilation technique, even for very large programs written in an imperative language.

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