Computer Laboratory > Teaching > Course material 2007–08 > Computation Theory


Computation Theory

Principal lecturer: Dr Ken Moody
Taken by: Part IB, Part II (General), Diploma

Past exam questions

A student's guide for the course together with a Bibliography forms the first section of the lecture notes.  It can be downloaded in .pdf format.   The course material proper is available in hard copy form only.

A supervisor's guide for the course is available (send an e-mail request to me or to Fiona Billingsley)

The additional foils from the first lecture are available as .pdf,
also the estimate of a code for the multiplier register machine, in .pdf

The German auction house of Reiss and Sohn was established in Mainz in 1970.  Here are some pages from one of their catalogues for spring 2008.  Alan Turing's 1937 paper is evidently a modern classic.

Turing machine programming examples:  intro,  prize

Tony Finch's elegant solution to the log function problem

Michael Smith's economical solution to the competition puzzle,
(with a proof of uniqueness of the function f)

Here  is a solution to the exercise on the intersection of recursively enumerable sets

Past exam questions, classified by course section with comments (also in .pdf)