EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW 2011)
Call for Participation
PDF version is here.
Research topics of interest include "systems" work in the broadest sense,
including work on formal foundations, as well as the design, implementation
and evaluation of real systems.
Workshop Format
You applicants are asked to put yourself into one of two groups:
Group A: planners
The members of the group-A are focussed on
research planning. For example, you may be surveying the
literature to identify an important unsolved problem, or
investigating the feasibility of a possible solution.
Application: Submit at most two pages describing your research proposal.
At the workshop:
1. Give an "elevator pitch" presentation of your proposal. This
is a short 5-minute presentation, with only a couple of slides,
identifying the problem that you're tackling, showing why it is
important, and outlining possible solutions or directions.
2. Present a poster on your proposal.
Group B: finishers
The members of the Group-B are close to finishing your thesis and are thinking
about how to write up your research. They may also be considering post-doctoral career options.
Application: Send a pointer to a paper that you have written about the main contribution of your doctoral research. This need not be published under peer review, it might also be a tech report, a paper under submission, or a draft article and it can be any length.
At the workshop:
Give a 15-minute presentation on your research, in the style of a conference presentation. This will typically
describe the problem, say why it matters, and present your solution along with some evaluation.
2. Present a poster on your research.
All applicants can expect critical, but constructive, feedback on the presented research or research proposal. The posters will provide the opportunity to present more technical detail than is possible in a short presentation, and you can expect in-depth feedback on the work you describe. The participants will also have the option of displaying your poster throughout the main conference.
Submission Instructions:
Please submit the following materials together with the required information to with the subject line reading [EuroDW2011].
Group A:
- PhD research proposal (as a PDF file, in 2-column, single-spaced, 10pt format, and should be no longer than 2 pages including title, references, figures and all other content).
- a URL describing the project (optional)
Group B:
- Your paper (PDF file) or a pointer to a paper of your main contribution of your doctoral research (alternatively technical report, under submission paper, or a draft article should be OK - any length)
- a URL describing the project (optional)
Please list the following information in your email body and e-mail to with the subject line reading [EuroDW2011] together with the materials before the deadline.
- your name
- your affiliation
- your email address
- PhD advisor's name and affiliation
- year when you started PhD
Important Dates:
Extended abstract due date: 11:59 pm (PDT), February 15, 2011 - extended!
Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2011
Workshop date: April 10, 2011