The 5th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW 2011)
In conjunction with
EuroSys 2011
Salzburg, Austria, Sunday 10 April 2011
Previous workshops: 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010
PDF version of CFP is here. Twitter #eurodw.
The EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW 2011) will provide a forum for PhD students to present their work and receive constructive feedback from experts in the field as well as from peers. Technical presentations will be augmented with general advice and discussions about getting a PhD, doing research, and post-doctoral careers. We invite applications from PhD students at any stage of their doctoral studies, and plan to have about 30 attendees. Selection of the students for oral presentation is based on usefulness for the student by providing feedback, which can be shared by other students. We are not able to accommodate presentation opportunities to all the participants, but we strongly encourage you to attend the workshop even if you are not selected for the oral presentation. You will have an opportunity to present your poster on more technical details, and the participants can expect in-depth feedback on their work.
We anticipate most participants to be current PhD students
who have selected a clear research topic. Research topics of
interest include "systems" work in the broadest sense, including
work on formal foundations, as well as the design,
implementation and evaluation of real systems.
Call for Participation
The Applicants are asked to select one of two groups: Group A for Planners and Group B for Finishers, with Group A being focussed on research planning, while the Group B being close to finishing the thesis. See Submissions for further details of the workshop format and submission instructions.
Important Dates
Submissions due: 15th February 2011 - extended!
Acceptance notification: 1st March 2011
Workshop: 10th April, 2011
Goal of Workshop
The main goal of the EuroSys Doctoral Workshop is to foster excellence in systems
research throughout Europe by giving PhD students feedback and advice that is
particularly relevant to their doctoral studies and career development.
The purpose of the workshop is providing educational and useful advice to the students,
and therefore no publication for the presented works is planned.
We expect a range of attendees such as the presenter’s peers, as well as senior researchers who will attend to share their expertise. Other positive outcomes may include the opportunity for students to meet with peers outside of their home institution, to get technical feedback from senior researchers in their field, to find out about internship and job opportunities, and to articulate their own work in a public, non-threatening forum. A panel discussion will be organised in the workshop, where the participants and audiences can ask questions. We encourage the participants to stay for the duration of the EuroSys main conference.
The workshop is generously sponsored by EuroSys. Registration to the workshop will
be free of charge. EuroSys will possibly provide some help on travelling costs for the students,
who will present their work at the workshop. Students are encouraged to apply for
EuroSys student travel grants. See
EuroSys11 Travel Grants.
Senior people (faculty and industry researchers): if you are
already planning to attend EuroSys 2011 and could spare a couple
of hours during that week for an in-depth discussion with a
student about their research, please email to
eurosys11-dw@cl.cam.ac.uk (Chairs). Your
participation would be greatly appreciated!
- News
- Presentation slides are up!
- Program is up!
- CFP is up! Submissions due - February 11, 2011.