- Anuj Dawar
- Professor of Logic and Algorithms. Interested in finite model theory
and its connection to the study of computational complexity; the theory of
databases; the complexity of games; and the expressive power of logical
- Marcelo Fiore
Professor of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. Interested in
mathematical models of computation; semantics of programming languages and
concurrent systems; metalanguages, type systems, and program logics; and
applications of category theory to computer science
- Tim
Reader in Computer Science. Interested in developing algebraic structures to
model and design Internet routing protocols
- Mateja Jamnik
Reader in Artificial Intelligence. Interested in computational modelling of
human mathematical reasoning - in particular "informal" human techniques such
as the use of diagrams, analogy, symmetry, etc. - by employing techniques from
artificial intelligence, automated reasoning, diagrammatic reasoning, theorem
proving, proof planning, cognitive science, machine learning, human-computer
interaction, knowledge representation. Also a member of the CL AI group.
- Neel Krishnaswami
University Lecturer. Interested in the applications of proof theory, type
theory, and denotational semantics to programming language design and program
- Jamie Vicary
Royal Society University Research Fellow and Senior
Lecturer. Interested in higher category theory and its applications
across computer science and mathematics, with a particular focus on
proof assistants and quantum structures.
- Jeremy Yallop
University Senior Lecturer, interested in functional programming languages and
- Alan Mycroft
Professor of Computing. Interested in programming languages, type systems,
program analysis and compilation, especially techniques bridging the
theory-systems divide.
- Larry Paulson
Professor of Computational Logic. Interested in automated theorem proving and
verification, cryptographic protocols, and the mechanisation of mathematics.
- Andrew Pitts
Professor of Theoretical Computer Science. Interested in the applications of
logic, type theory and category theory to the foundations of programming
languages and their semantics and to computer-aided proof.
- Martin Richards
University Senior Lecturer (retired). Interested in typeless languages; compact
byte stream interpretive codes; machine independent operating systems for
process control and real time applications; and real time analysis of digital
musical sound for use in an automatic accompanist system.
- Thomas Sauerwald
University Lecturer. Interested in the design and analysis of algorithms,
especially randomized algorithms, Markov chains, streaming algorithms and
distributed computing.
- Peter Sewell
Professor of Computer Science and EPSRC Leadership Fellow. Interested in
programming language semantics, network protocols, semantic mechanisation,
security, and concurrency, especially relaxed-memory concurrency.
- Glynn Winskel
Professor of Computer Science. Interested in theoretical Computer Science and
related mathematics, especially applications of logic and category theory to
computer science, over a variety of areas from the foundations of semantics to
systems biology.