Module Allocation

Register allocation.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Errors.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Lattice.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Op.
Require Import Registers.
Require Import RTL.
Require Import RTLtyping.
Require Import Kildall.
Require Import Locations.
Require Import Conventions.
Require Import Coloring.

Liveness analysis over RTL

A register r is live at a point p if there exists a path from p to some instruction that uses r as argument, and r is not redefined along this path. Liveness can be computed by a backward dataflow analysis. The analysis operates over sets of (live) pseudo-registers.

Notation reg_live := Regset.add.
Notation reg_dead := Regset.remove.

Definition reg_option_live (or: option reg) (lv: Regset.t) :=
  match or with None => lv | Some r => reg_live r lv end.

Definition reg_sum_live (ros: reg + ident) (lv: Regset.t) :=
  match ros with inl r => reg_live r lv | inr s => lv end.

Fixpoint reg_list_live
             (rl: list reg) (lv: Regset.t) {struct rl} : Regset.t :=
  match rl with
  | nil => lv
  | r1 :: rs => reg_list_live rs (reg_live r1 lv)

Fixpoint reg_list_dead
             (rl: list reg) (lv: Regset.t) {struct rl} : Regset.t :=
  match rl with
  | nil => lv
  | r1 :: rs => reg_list_dead rs (reg_dead r1 lv)

Here is the transfer function for the dataflow analysis. Since this is a backward dataflow analysis, it takes as argument the abstract register set ``after'' the given instruction, i.e. the registers that are live after; and it returns as result the abstract register set ``before'' the given instruction, i.e. the registers that must be live before. The general relation between ``live before'' and ``live after'' an instruction is that a register is live before if either it is one of the arguments of the instruction, or it is not the result of the instruction and it is live after. However, if the result of a side-effect-free instruction is not live ``after'', the whole instruction will be removed later (since it computes a useless result), thus its arguments need not be live ``before''.

Definition transfer
            (f: RTL.function) (pc: node) (after: Regset.t) : Regset.t :=
  match f.(fn_code)!pc with
  | None =>
  | Some i =>
      match i with
      | Inop s =>
      | Iop op args res s =>
          if Regset.mem res after then
            reg_list_live args (reg_dead res after)
      | Iload chunk addr args dst s =>
          if Regset.mem dst after then
            reg_list_live args (reg_dead dst after)
      | Istore chunk addr args src s =>
          reg_list_live args (reg_live src after)
      | Icall sig ros args res s =>
          reg_list_live args
           (reg_sum_live ros (reg_dead res after))
      | Icond cond args ifso ifnot =>
          reg_list_live args after
      | Ireturn optarg =>
          reg_option_live optarg Regset.empty
      | Iatomic aop args res s =>
          reg_list_live args (reg_dead res after)
      | Ifence s =>
      | Ithreadcreate fn arg s =>
          reg_list_live (fn :: arg :: nil) after

The liveness analysis is then obtained by instantiating the general framework for backward dataflow analysis provided by module Kildall.

Module RegsetLat := LFSet(Regset).
Module DS := Backward_Dataflow_Solver(RegsetLat)(NodeSetBackward).

Definition analyze (f: RTL.function): option (PMap.t Regset.t) :=
  DS.fixpoint (successors f) (transfer f) nil.

Translation from RTL to LTL

Require Import LTL.

Each RTL instruction translates to an LTL instruction. The register assignment assign returned by register allocation is applied to the arguments and results of the RTL instruction. Moreover, dead instructions and redundant moves are eliminated (turned into a Lnop instruction). Dead instructions are instructions without side-effects (Iop and Iload) whose result register is dead, i.e. whose result value is never used. Redundant moves are moves whose source and destination are assigned the same location.

Definition is_redundant_move
    (op: operation) (args: list reg) (res: reg) (assign: reg -> loc) : bool :=
  match is_move_operation op args with
  | None => false
  | Some src => if Loc.eq (assign src) (assign res) then true else false

Definition transf_instr
         (f: RTL.function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t) (assign: reg -> loc)
         (pc: node) (instr: RTL.instruction) : LTL.instruction :=
  match instr with
  | Inop s =>
      Lnop s
  | Iop op args res s =>
      if Regset.mem res live!!pc then
        if is_redundant_move op args res assign then
          Lnop s
          Lop op ( assign args) (assign res) s
        Lnop s
  | Iload chunk addr args dst s =>
      if Regset.mem dst live!!pc then
        Lload chunk addr ( assign args) (assign dst) s
        Lnop s
  | Istore chunk addr args src s =>
      Lstore chunk addr ( assign args) (assign src) s
  | Icall sig ros args res s =>
      Lcall sig (sum_left_map assign ros) ( assign args)
                (assign res) s
  | Icond cond args ifso ifnot =>
      Lcond cond ( assign args) ifso ifnot
  | Ireturn optarg =>
      Lreturn (option_map assign optarg)
  | Iatomic aop args res s =>
      Latomic aop ( assign args) (assign res) s
  | Ifence s =>
      Lfence s
  | Ithreadcreate fn arg s =>
      Lthreadcreate (assign fn) (assign arg) s

Definition transf_fun (f: RTL.function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t)
                      (assign: reg -> loc) : LTL.function :=
     (RTL.fn_sig f)
     ( assign (RTL.fn_params f))
     (RTL.fn_stacksize f)
     ( (transf_instr f live assign) (RTL.fn_code f))
     (RTL.fn_entrypoint f).

The translation of a function performs liveness analysis, construction and coloring of the inference graph, and per-instruction transformation as described above.

Definition live0 (f: RTL.function) (live: PMap.t Regset.t) :=
  transfer f f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint) live!!(f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint)).

Open Scope string_scope.

Definition transf_function (f: RTL.function) : res LTL.function :=
  match type_function f with
  | Error msg => Error msg
  | OK env =>
    match analyze f with
    | None => Error (msg "Liveness analysis failure")
    | Some live =>
        match regalloc f live (live0 f live) env with
        | None => Error (msg "Incorrect graph coloring")
        | Some assign => OK (transf_fun f live assign)

Definition transf_fundef (fd: RTL.fundef) : res LTL.fundef :=
  Ast.transf_partial_fundef transf_function fd.

Definition transf_program (p: RTL.program) : res LTL.program :=
  transform_partial_program transf_fundef p.