Module Op

Operators and addressing modes. The abstract syntax and dynamic semantics for the CminorSel, RTL, LTL and Mach languages depend on the following types, defined in this library: These types are x86-specific and correspond roughly to what the processor can compute in one instruction. In other terms, these types reflect the state of the program after instruction selection. For a processor-independent set of operations, see the abstract syntax and dynamic semantics of the Cminor language.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Floats.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Events.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Inductive atomic_statement : Type :=
  | AScas: atomic_statement (* compare and swap *)
  | ASlkinc: atomic_statement. (* locked increment *)

Conditions (boolean-valued operators).

Inductive condition : Type :=
  | Ccomp: comparison -> condition (* signed integer comparison *)
  | Ccompu: comparison -> condition (* unsigned integer comparison *)
  | Ccompimm: comparison -> int -> condition (* signed integer comparison with a constant *)
  | Ccompuimm: comparison -> int -> condition (* unsigned integer comparison with a constant *)
  | Ccompf: comparison -> condition (* floating-point comparison *)
  | Cnotcompf: comparison -> condition (* negation of a floating-point comparison *)
  | Cmaskzero: int -> condition (* test (arg & constant) == 0 *)
  | Cmasknotzero: int -> condition. (* test (arg & constant) != 0 *)

Addressing modes. r1, r2, etc, are the arguments to the addressing.

Inductive addressing: Type :=
  | Aindexed: int -> addressing (* Address is r1 + offset *)
  | Aindexed2: int -> addressing (* Address is r1 + r2 + offset *)
  | Ascaled: int -> int -> addressing (* Address is r1 * scale + offset *)
  | Aindexed2scaled: int -> int -> addressing
  | Aindexed2scaledrev: int -> int -> addressing
  | Aglobal: ident -> int -> addressing (* Address is symbol + offset *)
  | Abased: ident -> int -> addressing (* Address is symbol + offset + r1 *)
  | Abasedscaled: int -> ident -> int -> addressing (* Address is symbol + offset + r1 * scale *)
  | Ainstack: int -> addressing. (* Address is stack_pointer + offset *)

Arithmetic and logical operations. In the descriptions, rd is the result of the operation and r1, r2, etc, are the arguments.

Inductive operation : Type :=
  | Omove: operation (* rd = r1 *)
  | Ointconst: int -> operation (* rd is set to the given integer constant *)
  | Ofloatconst: float -> operation (* rd is set to the given float constant *)
  | Ocast8signed: operation (* rd is 8-bit sign extension of r1 *)
  | Ocast8unsigned: operation (* rd is 8-bit zero extension of r1 *)
  | Ocast16signed: operation (* rd is 16-bit sign extension of r1 *)
  | Ocast16unsigned: operation (* rd is 16-bit zero extension of r1 *)
  | Oneg: operation (* rd = - r1 *)
  | Osub: operation (* rd = r1 - r2 *)
  | Omul: operation (* rd = r1 * r2 *)
  | Omulimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 * n *)
  | Odiv: operation (* rd = r1 / r2 (signed) *)
  | Odivu: operation (* rd = r1 / r2 (unsigned) *)
  | Omod: operation (* rd = r1 % r2 (signed) *)
  | Omodu: operation (* rd = r1 % r2 (unsigned) *)
  | Oand: operation (* rd = r1 & r2 *)
  | Oandimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 & n *)
  | Oor: operation (* rd = r1 | r2 *)
  | Oorimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 | n *)
  | Oxor: operation (* rd = r1 ^ r2 *)
  | Oxorimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 ^ n *)
  | Oshl: operation (* rd = r1 << r2 *)
  | Oshlimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 << n *)
  | Oshr: operation (* rd = r1 >> r2 (signed) *)
  | Oshrimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 >> n (signed) *)
  | Oshrximm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 / 2^n (signed) *)
  | Oshru: operation (* rd = r1 >> r2 (unsigned) *)
  | Oshruimm: int -> operation (* rd = r1 >> n (unsigned) *)
  | Ororimm: int -> operation (* rotate right immediate *)
  | Olea: addressing -> operation (* effective address *)
  | Onegf: operation (* rd = - r1 *)
  | Oaddf: operation (* rd = r1 + r2 *)
  | Osubf: operation (* rd = r1 - r2 *)
  | Omulf: operation (* rd = r1 * r2 *)
  | Odivf: operation (* rd = r1 / r2 *)
  | Osingleoffloat: operation (* rd is r1 truncated to single-precision float *)
  | Ointoffloat: operation (* rd = signed_int_of_float(r1) *)
  | Ofloatofint: operation (* rd = float_of_signed_int(r1) *)
  | Ointuoffloat: operation (* rd = unsigned_int_of_float(r1) *)
  | Ofloatofintu: operation (* rd = float_of_unsigned_int(r1) *)
  | Ocmp: condition -> operation. (* rd = 1 if condition holds, rd = 0 otherwise. *)

Derived operators.

Definition Oaddrsymbol (id: ident) (ofs: int) : operation := Olea (Aglobal id ofs).
Definition Oaddimm (n: int) : operation := Olea (Aindexed n).

Comparison functions (used in module CSE).

Definition eq_addressing (x y: addressing) : {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
  assert (forall (x y: ident), {x=y}+{x<>y}). exact peq.
  decide equality.

Definition eq_operation (x y: operation): {x=y} + {x<>y}.
  generalize Int.eq_dec; intro.
  generalize Float.eq_dec; intro.
  assert (forall (x y: ident), {x=y}+{x<>y}). exact peq.
  assert (forall (x y: comparison), {x=y}+{x<>y}). decide equality.
  assert (forall (x y: condition), {x=y}+{x<>y}). decide equality.
  decide equality.
  apply eq_addressing.

Evaluation of conditions, operators and addressing modes applied to lists of values. Return None when the computation is undefined: wrong number of arguments, arguments of the wrong types, undefined operations such as division by zero. eval_condition returns a boolean, eval_operation and eval_addressing return a value.

Definition eval_compare_mismatch (c: comparison) : option bool :=
  match c with Ceq => Some false | Cne => Some true | _ => None end.

Definition eval_compare_null (c: comparison) (n: int) : option bool :=
  if Int.eq n then eval_compare_mismatch c else None.

Definition eval_condition (cond: condition) (vl: list val):
               option bool :=
  match cond, vl with
  | Ccomp c, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Int.cmp c n1 n2)
   | Ccomp c, Vptr p1 :: Vptr p2 :: nil =>
    Val.option_bool_of_bool3 (Ptr.cmp c p1 p2)
  | Ccomp c, Vptr _ :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      eval_compare_null c n2
  | Ccomp c, Vint n1 :: Vptr _ :: nil =>
      eval_compare_null c n1
  | Ccompu c, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Int.cmpu c n1 n2)
  | Ccompu c, Vptr p1 :: Vptr p2 :: nil =>
      Val.option_bool_of_bool3 (Ptr.cmpu c p1 p2)
  | Ccompimm c n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Int.cmp c n1 n)
  | Ccompimm c n, Vptr _ :: nil =>
      eval_compare_null c n
  | Ccompuimm c n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Int.cmpu c n1 n)
  | Ccompf c, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil =>
      Some (Float.cmp c f1 f2)
  | Cnotcompf c, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil =>
      Some (negb (Float.cmp c f1 f2))
  | Cmaskzero n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Int.eq (Int.and n1 n)
  | Cmasknotzero n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (negb (Int.eq (Int.and n1 n)
  | _, _ =>

Definition offset_sp (sp: option pointer) (delta: int) : option val :=
  match sp with
  | Some ptr => Some (Vptr (Ptr.add ptr delta))
  | _ => None

Definition eval_addressing
    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: option pointer)
    (addr: addressing) (vl: list val) : option val :=
  match addr, vl with
  | Aindexed n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Int.add n1 n))
  | Aindexed n, Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: nil =>
      Some (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.add n1 n)))
  | Aindexed2 n, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Int.add (Int.add n1 n2) n))
  | Aindexed2 n, Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.add (Int.add n1 n2) n)))
  | Aindexed2 n, Vint n1 :: Vptr (Ptr b2 n2) :: nil =>
      Some (Vptr (Ptr b2 (Int.add (Int.add n2 n1) n)))
  | Ascaled sc ofs, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Int.add (Int.mul n1 sc) ofs))
  | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Int.add n1 (Int.add (Int.mul n2 sc) ofs)))
  | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      Some (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.add n1 (Int.add (Int.mul n2 sc) ofs))))
  | Aindexed2scaledrev sc ofs, Vint n2 :: Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Int.add n1 (Int.add (Int.mul n2 sc) ofs)))
  | Aindexed2scaledrev sc ofs, Vint n2 :: Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: nil =>
      Some (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.add n1 (Int.add (Int.mul n2 sc) ofs))))
  | Aglobal s ofs, nil =>
      match Genv.find_symbol genv s with
      | None => None
      | Some p => Some (Vptr (Ptr.add p ofs))
  | Abased s ofs, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      match Genv.find_symbol genv s with
      | None => None
      | Some p => Some (Vptr (Ptr.add p (Int.add ofs n1)))
  | Abasedscaled sc s ofs, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      match Genv.find_symbol genv s with
      | None => None
      | Some p => Some (Vptr (Ptr.add p (Int.add ofs (Int.mul n1 sc))))
  | Ainstack ofs, nil =>
      offset_sp sp ofs
  | _, _ => None

Definition eval_operation
    (F: Type) (genv: Genv.t F) (sp: option pointer)
    (op: operation) (vl: list val): option val :=
  match op, vl with
  | Omove, v1::nil => Some v1
  | Ointconst n, nil => Some (Vint n)
  | Ofloatconst n, nil => Some (Vfloat n)
  | Ocast8signed, v1 :: nil => Some (Val.sign_ext 8 v1)
  | Ocast8unsigned, v1 :: nil => Some (Val.zero_ext 8 v1)
  | Ocast16signed, v1 :: nil => Some (Val.sign_ext 16 v1)
  | Ocast16unsigned, v1 :: nil => Some (Val.zero_ext 16 v1)
  | Oneg, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.neg n1))
  | Osub, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2))
  | Osub, Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vptr (Ptr b1 (Int.sub n1 n2)))
  | Osub, Vptr (Ptr b1 n1) :: Vptr (Ptr b2 n2) :: nil =>
      if Z_eq_dec b1 b2 then Some (Vint (Int.sub n1 n2)) else None
  | Omul, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.mul n1 n2))
  | Omulimm n, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.mul n1 n))
  | Odiv, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.eq n2 then None else Some (Vint (Int.divs n1 n2))
  | Odivu, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.eq n2 then None else Some (Vint (Int.divu n1 n2))
  | Omod, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.eq n2 then None else Some (Vint (Int.mods n1 n2))
  | Omodu, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.eq n2 then None else Some (Vint (Int.modu n1 n2))
  | Oand, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.and n1 n2))
  | Oandimm n, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.and n1 n))
  | Oor, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.or n1 n2))
  | Oorimm n, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.or n1 n))
  | Oxor, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.xor n1 n2))
  | Oxorimm n, Vint n1 :: nil => Some (Vint (Int.xor n1 n))
  | Oshl, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shl n1 n2)) else None
  | Oshlimm n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shl n1 n)) else None
  | Oshr, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shr n1 n2)) else None
  | Oshrimm n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shr n1 n)) else None
  | Oshrximm n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n (Int.repr 31) then Some (Vint (Int.shrx n1 n)) else None
  | Oshru, Vint n1 :: Vint n2 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n2 (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shru n1 n2)) else None
  | Oshruimm n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.shru n1 n)) else None
  | Ororimm n, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      if Int.ltu n (Int.repr 32) then Some (Vint (Int.ror n1 n)) else None
  | Olea addr, _ =>
      eval_addressing genv sp addr vl
  | Onegf, Vfloat f1 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.neg f1))
  | Oaddf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.add f1 f2))
  | Osubf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.sub f1 f2))
  | Omulf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.mul f1 f2))
  | Odivf, Vfloat f1 :: Vfloat f2 :: nil => Some (Vfloat (Float.div f1 f2))
  | Osingleoffloat, v1 :: nil =>
      Some (Val.singleoffloat v1)
  | Ointoffloat, Vfloat f1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Float.intoffloat f1))
  | Ofloatofint, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vfloat (Float.floatofint n1))
  | Ointuoffloat, Vfloat f1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vint (Float.intuoffloat f1))
  | Ofloatofintu, Vint n1 :: nil =>
      Some (Vfloat (Float.floatofintu n1))
  | Ocmp c, _ =>
      match eval_condition c vl with
      | None => None
      | Some false => Some Vfalse
      | Some true => Some Vtrue
  | _, _ => None

Definition negate_condition (cond: condition): condition :=
  match cond with
  | Ccomp c => Ccomp(negate_comparison c)
  | Ccompu c => Ccompu(negate_comparison c)
  | Ccompimm c n => Ccompimm (negate_comparison c) n
  | Ccompuimm c n => Ccompuimm (negate_comparison c) n
  | Ccompf c => Cnotcompf c
  | Cnotcompf c => Ccompf c
  | Cmaskzero n => Cmasknotzero n
  | Cmasknotzero n => Cmaskzero n

Inductive atomic_statement_mem_event :
  atomic_statement -> list val -> val -> mem_event -> Prop:=
  | atomic_statement_mem_event_cas: forall p v o n
    (NUo : o <> Vundef)
    (NUn : n <> Vundef)
    (HTo : Val.has_type o Tint)
    (HTn : Val.has_type n Tint),
    atomic_statement_mem_event AScas (Vptr p :: n :: o :: nil) v
                               (MErmw p Mint32 v (rmw_CAS o n))
  | atomic_statement_mem_event_lkinc: forall p v,
    atomic_statement_mem_event ASlkinc (Vptr p :: nil) v
                               (MErmw p Mint32 v (rmw_ADD (Vint

Ltac FuncInv := clarify;
  match goal with
  | H: (match ?x with nil => _ | _ :: _ => _ end = Some _) |- _ =>
      destruct x; simpl in H; FuncInv
  | H: (match ?v with Vundef => _ | Vint _ => _ | Vfloat _ => _ | Vptr _ => _ end = Some _) |- _ =>
      destruct v as [| | | []]; simpl in H; FuncInv
  | _ => idtac

Remark eval_negate_compare_mismatch:
  forall c b,
  eval_compare_mismatch c = Some b ->
  eval_compare_mismatch (negate_comparison c) = Some (negb b).
  intros until b. unfold eval_compare_mismatch.
  destruct c; intro EQ; inv EQ; auto.

Remark eval_negate_compare_null:
  forall c i b,
  eval_compare_null c i = Some b ->
  eval_compare_null (negate_comparison c) i = Some (negb b).
  unfold eval_compare_null; intros.
  destruct (Int.eq i apply eval_negate_compare_mismatch; auto. congruence.

Lemma eval_negate_condition:
  forall (cond: condition) (vl: list val) (b: bool),
  eval_condition cond vl = Some b ->
  eval_condition (negate_condition cond) vl = Some (negb b).
  destruct cond; simpl; intros; FuncInv; try subst b; simpl;
    rewrite ?negb_elim, ?Int.negate_cmp, ?Int.negate_cmpu,
            ?Ptr.negate_cmp, ?Ptr.negate_cmpu;
    auto using eval_negate_compare_null.
  - by destruct Ptr.cmp; simpl in *; clarify.
  - by destruct Ptr.cmpu; simpl in *; clarify.

eval_operation and eval_addressing depend on a global environment for resolving references to global symbols. We show that they give the same results if a global environment is replaced by another that assigns the same addresses to the same symbols.


Variable F1 F2: Type.
Variable ge1: Genv.t F1.
Variable ge2: Genv.t F2.
Hypothesis agree_on_symbols:
  forall (s: ident), Genv.find_symbol ge2 s = Genv.find_symbol ge1 s.

Lemma eval_addressing_preserved:
  forall sp addr vl,
  eval_addressing ge2 sp addr vl = eval_addressing ge1 sp addr vl.
  unfold eval_addressing; destruct addr; try rewrite agree_on_symbols;

Lemma eval_operation_preserved:
  forall sp op vl,
  eval_operation ge2 sp op vl = eval_operation ge1 sp op vl.
  unfold eval_operation; destruct op; try rewrite agree_on_symbols; auto.
  apply eval_addressing_preserved.


Recognition of move operations.

Definition is_move_operation
    (A: Type) (op: operation) (args: list A) : option A :=
  match op, args with
  | Omove, arg :: nil => Some arg
  | _, _ => None

Lemma is_move_operation_correct:
  forall (A: Type) (op: operation) (args: list A) (a: A),
  is_move_operation op args = Some a ->
  op = Omove /\ args = a :: nil.
  intros until a. unfold is_move_operation; destruct op;
  try (intros; discriminate).
  destruct args. intros; discriminate.
  destruct args. intros. intuition congruence.
  intros; discriminate.

Static typing of conditions, operators and addressing modes.

Definition type_of_condition (c: condition) : list typ :=
  match c with
  | Ccomp _ => Tint :: Tint :: nil
  | Ccompu _ => Tint :: Tint :: nil
  | Ccompimm _ _ => Tint :: nil
  | Ccompuimm _ _ => Tint :: nil
  | Ccompf _ => Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil
  | Cnotcompf _ => Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil
  | Cmaskzero _ => Tint :: nil
  | Cmasknotzero _ => Tint :: nil

Definition type_of_addressing (addr: addressing) : list typ :=
  match addr with
  | Aindexed _ => Tint :: nil
  | Aindexed2 _ => Tint :: Tint :: nil
  | Ascaled _ _ => Tint :: nil
  | Aindexed2scaled _ _ => Tint :: Tint :: nil
  | Aindexed2scaledrev _ _ => Tint :: Tint :: nil
  | Aglobal _ _ => nil
  | Abased _ _ => Tint :: nil
  | Abasedscaled _ _ _ => Tint :: nil
  | Ainstack _ => nil

Definition type_of_operation (op: operation) : list typ * typ :=
  match op with
  | Omove => (nil, Tint)
  | Ointconst _ => (nil, Tint)
  | Ofloatconst _ => (nil, Tfloat)
  | Ocast8signed => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Ocast8unsigned => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Ocast16signed => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Ocast16unsigned => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oneg => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Osub => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Omul => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Omulimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Odiv => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Odivu => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Omod => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Omodu => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oand => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oandimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oor => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oorimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oxor => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oxorimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshl => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshlimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshr => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshrimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshrximm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshru => (Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Oshruimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Ororimm _ => (Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | Olea addr => (type_of_addressing addr, Tint)
  | Onegf => (Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Oaddf => (Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Osubf => (Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Omulf => (Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Odivf => (Tfloat :: Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Osingleoffloat => (Tfloat :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Ointoffloat => (Tfloat :: nil, Tint)
  | Ofloatofint => (Tint :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Ointuoffloat => (Tfloat :: nil, Tint)
  | Ofloatofintu => (Tint :: nil, Tfloat)
  | Ocmp c => (type_of_condition c, Tint)

Definition type_of_atomic_statement (aop: atomic_statement) : list typ * typ :=
  match aop with
  | AScas => (Tint :: Tint :: Tint :: nil, Tint)
  | ASlkinc => (Tint :: nil, Tint)

Weak type soundness results for eval_operation: the result values, when defined, are always of the type predicted by type_of_operation.


Variable A: Type.
Variable genv: Genv.t A.

Lemma type_of_addressing_sound:
  forall addr vl sp v,
  eval_addressing genv sp addr vl = Some v ->
  Val.has_type v Tint.
  intros. destruct addr; simpl in H; FuncInv; try subst v; try exact I.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol genv i); inv H; auto.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol genv i); inv H; auto.
  destruct (Genv.find_symbol genv i0). inv H; auto. discriminate.
  unfold offset_sp in H. destruct sp; inv H; auto.

Lemma type_of_operation_sound:
  forall op vl sp v,
  op <> Omove ->
  eval_operation genv sp op vl = Some v ->
  Val.has_type v (snd (type_of_operation op)).
  destruct op; simpl in H0; FuncInv; subst; try done; try by destruct v0.
  by destruct (Z_eq_dec z z0); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.eq i0; clarify.
  by destruct (Int.eq i0; clarify.
  by destruct (Int.eq i0; clarify.
  by destruct (Int.eq i0; clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i0 (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i0 (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i0 (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by destruct (Int.ltu i (Int.repr 32)); clarify.
  by simpl; eapply type_of_addressing_sound; eauto.
  by destruct (eval_condition c vl); clarify; destruct b; clarify.


Alternate definition of eval_condition, eval_op, eval_addressing as total functions that return Vundef when not applicable (instead of None). Used in the proof of PPCgen.


Variable F: Type.
Variable genv: Genv.t F.

Definition find_symbol_offset (id: ident) (ofs: int) : val :=
  match Genv.find_symbol genv id with
  | Some b => Vptr (Ptr.add b ofs)
  | None => Vundef

Definition eval_condition_total (cond: condition) (vl: list val) : val :=
  match cond, vl with
  | Ccomp c, v1::v2::nil => Val.cmp c v1 v2
  | Ccompu c, v1::v2::nil => Val.cmpu c v1 v2
  | Ccompimm c n, v1::nil => Val.cmp c v1 (Vint n)
  | Ccompuimm c n, v1::nil => Val.cmpu c v1 (Vint n)
  | Ccompf c, v1::v2::nil => Val.cmpf c v1 v2
  | Cnotcompf c, v1::v2::nil => Val.notbool(Val.cmpf c v1 v2)
  | Cmaskzero n, v1::nil => Val.notbool (Val.and v1 (Vint n))
  | Cmasknotzero n, v1::nil => Val.notbool(Val.notbool (Val.and v1 (Vint n)))
  | _, _ => Vundef

Definition eval_addressing_total
    (sp: val) (addr: addressing) (vl: list val) : val :=
  match addr, vl with
  | Aindexed n, v1::nil => Val.add v1 (Vint n)
  | Aindexed2 n, v1::v2::nil => Val.add (Val.add v1 v2) (Vint n)
  | Ascaled sc ofs, v1::nil => Val.add (Val.mul v1 (Vint sc)) (Vint ofs)
  | Aindexed2scaled sc ofs, v1::v2::nil =>
      Val.add v1 (Val.add (Val.mul v2 (Vint sc)) (Vint ofs))
  | Aindexed2scaledrev sc ofs, v2::v1::nil =>
      Val.add v1 (Val.add (Val.mul v2 (Vint sc)) (Vint ofs))
  | Aglobal s ofs, nil => find_symbol_offset s ofs
  | Abased s ofs, v1::nil => Val.add (find_symbol_offset s ofs) v1
  | Abasedscaled sc s ofs, v1::nil => Val.add (find_symbol_offset s ofs) (Val.mul v1 (Vint sc))
  | Ainstack ofs, nil => Val.add sp (Vint ofs)
  | _, _ => Vundef

Definition eval_operation_total (sp: val) (op: operation) (vl: list val) : val :=
  match op, vl with
  | Omove, v1::nil => v1
  | Ointconst n, nil => Vint n
  | Ofloatconst n, nil => Vfloat n
  | Ocast8signed, v1::nil => Val.sign_ext 8 v1
  | Ocast8unsigned, v1::nil => Val.zero_ext 8 v1
  | Ocast16signed, v1::nil => Val.sign_ext 16 v1
  | Ocast16unsigned, v1::nil => Val.zero_ext 16 v1
  | Oneg, v1::nil => Val.neg v1
  | Osub, v1::v2::nil => Val.sub v1 v2
  | Omul, v1::v2::nil => Val.mul v1 v2
  | Omulimm n, v1::nil => Val.mul v1 (Vint n)
  | Odiv, v1::v2::nil => Val.divs v1 v2
  | Odivu, v1::v2::nil => Val.divu v1 v2
  | Omod, v1::v2::nil => Val.mods v1 v2
  | Omodu, v1::v2::nil => Val.modu v1 v2
  | Oand, v1::v2::nil => Val.and v1 v2
  | Oandimm n, v1::nil => Val.and v1 (Vint n)
  | Oor, v1::v2::nil => Val.or v1 v2
  | Oorimm n, v1::nil => Val.or v1 (Vint n)
  | Oxor, v1::v2::nil => Val.xor v1 v2
  | Oxorimm n, v1::nil => Val.xor v1 (Vint n)
  | Oshl, v1::v2::nil => Val.shl v1 v2
  | Oshlimm n, v1::nil => Val.shl v1 (Vint n)
  | Oshr, v1::v2::nil => Val.shr v1 v2
  | Oshrimm n, v1::nil => Val.shr v1 (Vint n)
  | Oshrximm n, v1::nil => Val.shrx v1 (Vint n)
  | Oshru, v1::v2::nil => Val.shru v1 v2
  | Oshruimm n, v1::nil => Val.shru v1 (Vint n)
  | Ororimm n, v1::nil => Val.ror v1 (Vint n)
  | Olea addr, _ => eval_addressing_total sp addr vl
  | Onegf, v1::nil => Val.negf v1
  | Oaddf, v1::v2::nil => Val.addf v1 v2
  | Osubf, v1::v2::nil => Val.subf v1 v2
  | Omulf, v1::v2::nil => Val.mulf v1 v2
  | Odivf, v1::v2::nil => Val.divf v1 v2
  | Osingleoffloat, v1::nil => Val.singleoffloat v1
  | Ointoffloat, v1::nil => Val.intoffloat v1
  | Ofloatofint, v1::nil => Val.floatofint v1
  | Ointuoffloat, v1::nil => Val.intuoffloat v1
  | Ofloatofintu, v1::nil => Val.floatofintu v1
  | Ocmp c, _ => eval_condition_total c vl
  | _, _ => Vundef

Lemma eval_compare_mismatch_weaken:
  forall c b,
  eval_compare_mismatch c = Some b ->
  Val.cmp_mismatch c = Val.of_bool b.
  unfold eval_compare_mismatch; intros; destruct c; inv H; auto.

Lemma eval_compare_null_weaken:
  forall n c b,
  eval_compare_null c n = Some b ->
  (if Int.eq n then Val.cmp_mismatch c else Vundef) = Val.of_bool b.
  unfold eval_compare_null.
  intros; destruct Int.eq; try done.
  by apply eval_compare_mismatch_weaken.


Compatibility of the evaluation functions with the ``is less defined'' relation over values.


Variable F: Type.
Variable genv: Genv.t F.

Ltac InvLessdef :=
  try done; match goal with
  | [ H: Val.lessdef (Vint _) _ |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvLessdef
  | [ H: Val.lessdef (Vfloat _) _ |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvLessdef
  | [ H: Val.lessdef (Vptr _) _ |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvLessdef
  | [ H: Val.lessdef_list nil _ |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvLessdef
  | [ H: Val.lessdef_list (_ :: _) _ |- _ ] =>
      inv H; InvLessdef
  | [ H: (match ?p with Ptr _ _ => _ end) = _ |- _ ] =>
      destruct p; clarify
  | _ => idtac

Lemma eval_condition_lessdef:
  forall cond vl1 vl2 b,
  Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 ->
  eval_condition cond vl1 = Some b ->
  eval_condition cond vl2 = Some b.
  intros; destruct cond; simpl in *;
  destruct vl1 as [|[]]; InvLessdef;
  destruct vl1 as [|[][]]; InvLessdef.

Lemma eval_condition_lessdef2:
  forall cond vl1 vl2,
  Val.lessdef_list vl2 vl1 ->
  eval_condition cond vl1 = None ->
  eval_condition cond vl2 = None.
  intros; destruct cond; simpl in *;
  destruct vl2 as [|[]]; InvLessdef;
  destruct vl2 as [|[][]]; InvLessdef.

Lemma eval_condition_lessdef3:
  forall cond vl1 vl2 b,
  Val.lessdef_list vl2 vl1 ->
  eval_condition cond vl1 = Some b ->
  eval_condition cond vl2 = None \/
  eval_condition cond vl2 = Some b.
  intros; destruct (eval_condition cond vl2) as [] _eqn: EQ; vauto.
  eby right; erewrite eval_condition_lessdef in H0.

Ltac TrivialExists :=
  match goal with
  | [ |- exists v2, Some ?v1 = Some v2 /\ _ ] =>
      exists v1; split; [apply refl_equal | try done ]
  | [ |- exists v2, _ /\ _ ] =>
      eexists; split; [eassumption | try done ]

Lemma eval_addressing_lessdef:
  forall sp addr vl1 vl2 v1,
  Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 ->
  eval_addressing genv sp addr vl1 = Some v1 ->
  eval_addressing genv sp addr vl2 = Some v1.
  by intros; destruct addr; simpl in *; FuncInv; InvLessdef.

Lemma eval_addressing_lessdef2:
  forall sp addr vl1 vl2,
  Val.lessdef_list vl2 vl1 ->
  eval_addressing genv sp addr vl1 = None ->
  eval_addressing genv sp addr vl2 = None.
  intros; destruct addr; simpl in *;
  destruct vl2 as [|[]]; InvLessdef;
  destruct vl2 as [|[][]]; InvLessdef.

Lemma eval_addressing_lessdef3:
  forall sp op vl1 vl2 v1,
  Val.lessdef_list vl2 vl1 ->
  eval_addressing genv sp op vl1 = Some v1 ->
  eval_addressing genv sp op vl2 = None
  \/ exists v2, eval_addressing genv sp op vl2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v2 v1.
  intros; destruct (eval_addressing genv sp op vl2) as [] _eqn: EQ; vauto.
  right; eapply eval_addressing_lessdef in EQ; try eassumption.
  destruct EQ as (? & ? & ?); clarify'; vauto.

Lemma eval_operation_lessdef:
  forall sp op vl1 vl2 v1,
  Val.lessdef_list vl1 vl2 ->
  eval_operation genv sp op vl1 = Some v1 ->
  exists v2, eval_operation genv sp op vl2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v1 v2.
  intros; destruct op; simpl in *; FuncInv; InvLessdef; try TrivialExists.
  - by apply Val.sign_ext_lessdef.
  - by apply Val.zero_ext_lessdef.
  - by apply Val.sign_ext_lessdef.
  - by apply Val.zero_ext_lessdef.
  - eby eexists; split; [eapply eval_addressing_lessdef|].
  - by apply Val.singleoffloat_lessdef.
  destruct (eval_condition c vl1) as [] _eqn: EQ; try done.
  by rewrite (eval_condition_lessdef c H EQ); TrivialExists.

Lemma eval_operation_lessdef3:
  forall sp op vl1 vl2 v1,
  Val.lessdef_list vl2 vl1 ->
  eval_operation genv sp op vl1 = Some v1 ->
  eval_operation genv sp op vl2 = None
  \/ exists v2, eval_operation genv sp op vl2 = Some v2 /\ Val.lessdef v2 v1.
  intros; destruct (eval_operation genv sp op vl2) as [] _eqn: EQ; vauto.
  right; eapply eval_operation_lessdef in EQ; try eassumption.
  destruct EQ as (? & ? & ?); clarify'; vauto.


Transformation of addressing modes with two operands or more into an equivalent arithmetic operation. This is used in the Reload pass when a store instruction cannot be reloaded directly because it runs out of temporary registers.

Definition op_for_binary_addressing (addr: addressing) : operation := Olea addr.

Lemma eval_op_for_binary_addressing:
  forall (F: Type) (ge: Genv.t F) sp addr args v,
  (length args >= 2)%nat ->
  eval_addressing ge sp addr args = Some v ->
  eval_operation ge sp (op_for_binary_addressing addr) args = Some v.
  intros. simpl. auto.

Lemma type_op_for_binary_addressing:
  forall addr,
  (length (type_of_addressing addr) >= 2)%nat ->
  type_of_operation (op_for_binary_addressing addr) = (type_of_addressing addr, Tint).
  intros. simpl. auto.

Determinacy helpers for atomic statements.
Lemma atomic_statement_determinate:
  forall op args v v' lab lab'
  (ASME : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v lab)
  (HTv : Val.has_type v Tint)
  (ASME' : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v' lab')
  (HTv' : Val.has_type v' Tint),
   te_samekind (TEmem lab) (TEmem lab').
intros. by inv ASME; inv ASME'. Qed.

Lemma atomic_statement_determinate_eq:
  forall {op args v v' lab}
  (ASME : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v lab)
  (ASME' : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v' lab),
  v' = v.
intros. by inv ASME; inv ASME'. Qed.

Atomic statements and lessdef.
Lemma atomic_statement_lessdef_arg:
  forall op args v lab args'
  (ASME : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v lab)
  (LD : Val.lessdef_list args args'),
    args' = args.
  inv ASME; inv LD.
  - inv H1. inv H3. inv H1. inv H4. inv H1. inv H3. done. done. done.
  - inv H1. inv H3. done.

Lemma atomic_statement_lessdef_res:
  forall op args v p rmwop v'
  (ASME : atomic_statement_mem_event op args v (MErmw p Mint32 v rmwop))
  (LD : Val.lessdef v' v),
  atomic_statement_mem_event op args v' (MErmw p Mint32 v' rmwop).
  inv ASME; inv LD; eby econstructor.

Two-address operations. Return true if the first argument and the result must be in the same location.

Definition two_address_op (op: operation) : bool :=
  match op with
  | Omove => false
  | Ointconst _ => false
  | Ofloatconst _ => false
  | Ocast8signed => false
  | Ocast8unsigned => false
  | Ocast16signed => false
  | Ocast16unsigned => false
  | Oneg => true
  | Osub => true
  | Omul => true
  | Omulimm _ => true
  | Odiv => true
  | Odivu => true
  | Omod => true
  | Omodu => true
  | Oand => true
  | Oandimm _ => true
  | Oor => true
  | Oorimm _ => true
  | Oxor => true
  | Oxorimm _ => true
  | Oshl => true
  | Oshlimm _ => true
  | Oshr => true
  | Oshrimm _ => true
  | Oshrximm _ => true
  | Oshru => true
  | Oshruimm _ => true
  | Ororimm _ => true
  | Olea addr => false
  | Onegf => true
  | Oaddf => true
  | Osubf => true
  | Omulf => true
  | Odivf => true
  | Osingleoffloat => false
  | Ointoffloat => false
  | Ofloatofint => false
  | Ointuoffloat => false
  | Ofloatofintu => false
  | Ocmp c => false

Operations that are so cheap to recompute that CSE should not factor them out.

Definition is_trivial_op (op: operation) : bool :=
  match op with
  | Omove => true
  | Ointconst _ => true
  | Olea (Aglobal _ _) => true
  | Olea (Ainstack _) => true
  | _ => false

Shifting stack-relative references. This is used in Stacking.

Definition shift_stack_addressing (delta: int) (addr: addressing) :=
  match addr with
  | Ainstack ofs => Ainstack (Int.add delta ofs)
  | _ => addr

Definition shift_stack_operation (delta: int) (op: operation) :=
  match op with
  | Olea addr => Olea (shift_stack_addressing delta addr)
  | _ => op

Lemma type_shift_stack_addressing:
  forall delta addr, type_of_addressing (shift_stack_addressing delta addr) = type_of_addressing addr.
  intros. destruct addr; auto.

Lemma type_shift_stack_operation:
  forall delta op, type_of_operation (shift_stack_operation delta op) = type_of_operation op.
  intros. destruct op; auto. simpl. decEq. apply type_shift_stack_addressing.