Tao of the NetOS Protocols
The group follows the following protocols. In the best tradition, be
conservative in the application of the rules, and liberal in their
acceptance. Also, please do note that group membership is non-exclusive --
being a member of more than one group is a fine thing! However, to be
considered a member of the group, you really should, on arrival, add
yourself to the group's People Page (contact Richard
Mortier rmm1002 if you don't know how).
And finally, in the best Web1.0 traditions, this site is always under
Maillists -- netos (and netos-internal) to find out
what's happening in a timely way. Many others exist -- see
the lists website. Some are hidden
-- one that has been noted as potentially of interest to NetOS is
cl-electronics thanks to Markus Kuhn mgk25.
Meetings -- Weekly, mostly. Tuesdays 13.15-14.00, FW11. Where to find out
who does what, and generally what's happening.
Seminars -- Thursdays, see lab seminar lists or talks.cam (thanks to Marco Caballero Gutierrez, mac214).
See also the Lab's
Wednesday seminars.
Note that attendance at both group and Lab seminars is expected by
all Ph.D. students, and strongly recommended for everyone else! Finally,
see the University Talks page for more.
Talklets -- Held at Tuesday meetings (contact Andrés Arcia-More, aa873; John Moore, jm2170; or Allison Randal, anr38).
Conference talk practices -- Giving one (or two) is best practice.
Chat -- We have an IRC channel on the SRCF -- point your favourite client
at irc.srcf.net or i
if connecting from a web browser, use
Then join #syslog.
Syslog blogging -- Trip reports
v. live blogs -- please do them -- they help get travel funds! (thanks to Diana
Popescu, dap53).
Systems resource sharing (computers, testbeds, data sets) -- Needs work
even more than website...
Coffee -- If you take the last cup, AND it isn't end of day, make another
pot. If you don't know how, see
this visual aid or find a colleague and ask! If it has run out of
consumables, find the Coffer Tsar (Marco Caballero Gutierrez, mac214)
and ask!
Pub -- Advertise where and when you are going -- some post work discussion
or celebration is fun.
Meeting room -- FN05 is available for booking for meetings via a Google
Calendar. Ask someone for the URL it's via the
University Google Apps calendar which needs some setting up!
Undergrad and Masters student project proposals -- Everyone is strongly
encourage to propose interesting projects, and to supervise them where
possible! Many past examples are available. It is a good idea to make
suggestions at the end of the previous academic year (ca. June) to
maximise chances of being selected by the most organised (and often
better) undergraduates.
Paper drafts -- Please send drafts to (internal) list - can be
surprisingly helpful.
Paper acceptances -- Acquire fine cakes, and bring to next NetOS meeting.
Wiki -- The SRG Wiki
contains a range of useful and often up-to-date information.
Datacenter -- The group has a small but perfectly formed experimental
datacenter run by Malcolm Scott, mas90. See
for more details.
Reading group -- Meets every Monday at noon in FN05 (thanks to Zahra Tarkhani).
Visitors -- Get the visitor on the maillist, send a message to introduce
them, bring them to next meeting.
People and places -- See the
Computer Lab's People page for contact details if you don't know where
to find someone.
Wikis -- The Computer Lab has several
wikis, which live here.
Computer Lab -- More useful lab-wide information
can be found here.
Headed notepaper -- If you need this, then see e.g.,