Computer Laboratory

Alice Hutchings

This page is to highlight some academic researchers who do excellent cybercrime (or cybercrime-related) research but who I think are under-appreciated. As well as becoming more familiar with their work, this list may be useful if you're looking for speakers, editors, program committee members, or other ways of acknowledging expertise (but not for asking people to do more work without recognition).

This is not a list of women, it's a list that only has women and non-binary academic researchers on it. Just like some citation lists, editor lists, program committee membership lists, and conference agendas are not lists of (but only include) men.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive, and has been ordered alphabetically. Please email me if you would like me to add others.

If I've missed you off the list, please do not take it personally. You can drop me an email, or tweet me at @message4bob.