Course pages 2018–19
Cloud Computing
Lectures Notes
Topics 2 and 3: Virtualization I and II pptx pdf (A. Madhavapeddy, LT1)
Topic 5: Data Center Networking (Dr Paolo Costa, MSRC, LT1)
Topic 7: Large-scale Resource Management pptx pdf (A. Madhavapeddy, LT1)
Topic 8: Resource Management, VM CPU Schedulers pptx pdf (E. Kalyvianaki, LT1)
Tutorial 1 pdf (Dr J. Zarrin, LT1)
Tutorials 2 and 3 pdf Required files: file1, file2, file3, words.txt (Dr J. Zarrin, (Tutorial 2 at LT2), (Tutorial 3 at LT1))
Topic 9: Cloud Storage Systems pptx pdf (A. Madhavapeddy, LT1)
Topic 10: Data Stream Processing in the Cloud pptx pdf (E. Kalyvianaki, LT1)