Module Traces

This file defines traces of a program, as well as measured and weak-tau whole-system upward simulations, proving that they imply trace inclusion.

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Relations.Relation_Operators.
Require Import Classical. (* axiom of excluded middle *)
Require Import Coq.Logic.ClassicalEpsilon. (* axiom of choice *)
Require Import Wellfounded.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Simulations.
Require Import Memcomp.
Require Import Libtactics.

Set Implicit Arguments.

First, we define possibly-infinite traces of events:

Section TraceDef.

Variable A : Type.

CoInductive trace: Type :=
  | Send
  | Sinftau
  | Soom
  | Scons (x: A) (t: trace).

Inductive tfin : trace -> Prop :=
  | tfin_end: tfin Send
  | tfin_inftau: tfin Sinftau
  | tfin_oom: tfin Soom
  | tfin_cons: forall x t, tfin t -> tfin (Scons x t).

CoInductive tinf : trace -> Prop :=
  | tinf_cons: forall x t, tinf t -> tinf (Scons x t).

Lemma finite_not_infinite:
  forall t, tfin t -> ~ tinf t.
  by red; induction 1; inversion 1.

Lemma not_finite_infinite:
  forall t, ~ tfin t -> tinf t.
  cofix X; destruct t; try (by destruct 1; constructor).
  by intros Y; constructor; apply X; intro; destruct Y; constructor.

Lemma finite_V_infinite:
  forall t, tfin t \/ tinf t.
  intros; destruct (Classical_Prop.classic (tfin t)); [by left|].
  by right; apply not_finite_infinite.

Concatenation of a finite sequence of events to a trace.

Fixpoint appt (l : list A) (t: trace) :=
  match l with
    | nil => t
    | x :: l => Scons x (appt l t)

Lemma appt_app:
  forall l1 l2 t, appt (l1 ++ l2) t = appt l1 (appt l2 t).
by intros; induction l1; simpl; f_equal. Qed.

Trace expansion to enable Coq simplification.

Definition trace_expanded (t: trace) :=
  match t with
  | Send => Send
  | Sinftau => Sinftau
  | Soom => Soom
  | Scons x t => Scons x t

Lemma trace_expand :
  forall (t: trace), t = trace_expanded t.
by destruct t. Qed.

Implicit Types p : trace -> Prop.

CoInductive always p: trace -> Prop :=
  | always_end: p Send -> always p Send
  | always_oom: p Soom -> always p Soom
  | always_inftau: p Sinftau -> always p Sinftau
  | always_cons:
    forall s tr,
      p (Scons s tr) ->
      always p tr ->
      always p (Scons s tr).

Inductive eventual p: trace -> Prop :=
  | eventual_sat:
    forall tr,
      p tr ->
      eventual p tr
  | eventual_cons:
    forall s tr,
      eventual p tr ->
      eventual p (Scons s tr).

Lemma always_mon:
  forall p p' (EQ: forall t, p t -> p' t) t (A: always p t),
    always p' t.
intros until 1; cofix X; destruct 1; econstructor; eauto. Qed.

Lemma eventual_mon:
  forall p p' (EQ: forall t, p t -> p' t) t (A: eventual p t),
    eventual p' t.
induction 2; econstructor (by eauto). Qed.

Lemma eventual_not_always:
  forall p t,
    eventual p t ->
    ~ always (fun x => ~ p x) t.
by induction 1; red; inversion 1; clarify. Qed.

Lemma not_always_eventual:
  forall p t,
    ~ always p t ->
    eventual (fun x => ~ p x) t.
  intros; apply NNPP; intro; destruct H.
  revert t H0; cofix X; intros.
  destruct (classic (p t)).
  - destruct t; vauto.
    by constructor; try eassumption; eapply X; clear X; intro; destruct H0; vauto.
  - destruct H0; vauto.

Lemma not_eventual_always:
  forall p t,
    ~ eventual p t ->
    always (fun x => ~ p x) t.
  intros; eapply NNPP; intro M; destruct H; eapply not_always_eventual in M.
  by eapply eventual_mon; try eassumption; intros; apply NNPP.

Lemma always_not_eventual:
  forall p t,
    always p t ->
    ~ eventual (fun x => ~ p x) t.
  intros p t ALL EV; destruct (eventual_not_always EV); eapply always_mon; eauto.

Lemma eventual_des:
  forall p t, eventual p t ->
    exists l, exists t', t = appt l t' /\ p t'.
  induction 1; des; clarify; [exists nil|exists(s::l)]; vauto.

Lemma always_tail:
  forall p x t, always p (Scons x t) -> always p t.
by inversion 1; eauto. Qed.

Lemma always_fut:
  forall p l t, always p (appt l t) -> always p t.
by induction l; simpl; eauto using always_tail. Qed.

Definition satf (f: A -> A -> Prop) t :=
  match t with
    | Scons x (Scons y t) => f x y
    | _ => False

End TraceDef.

Implicit Arguments Send [A].
Implicit Arguments Sinftau [A].
Implicit Arguments Soom [A].

Section TracesDef.

Variable lts : lts event_labels.

Below, we define the following state properties: - inftau s: the state s can perform an infinite traces of tau actions. - infnontau s trace: the state s can perform the infinite trace of events excluding Efail and Eoutofmemory. - fintrace s l s': the state s can perform the finite sequence l of events and reach state s'. - traces s trace: the state s can perform the trace trace.

CoInductive inftau s: Prop :=
  | inftau_cons: forall s',
      stepr lts s Etau s' ->
      inftau s' ->
      inftau s.

CoInductive infnontau s : trace event -> Prop :=
  | infnontau_cons: forall s' ev t,
      taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s' ->
      (ev <> Efail) ->
      infnontau s' t ->
      infnontau s (Scons ev t).

Inductive fintrace s (l : list event) s' : Prop :=
  | fintrace_refl:
      (taustar lts s s') -> l = nil -> fintrace s l s'
  | fintrace_trans: forall ev s'' l'
      (TS: taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s'')
      (EV: ev <> Efail)
      (FIN: fintrace s'' l' s')
      (EQ: l = ev :: l'),
      fintrace s l s'.

Inductive traces s t : Prop :=
  | traces_end: forall l s'
      (PREF: fintrace s l s')
      (STUCK: forall l' s'', ~ stepr lts s' l' s'')
      (TEQ: appt l Send = t),
      traces s t
  | traces_fail: forall l s' s'' t'
      (PREF: fintrace s l s')
      (FAIL: stepr lts s' (Evisible Efail) s'')
      (TEQ: appt l t' = t),
      traces s t
  | traces_inftau: forall l s'
      (PREF: fintrace s l s')
      (INF: inftau s')
      (TEQ: appt l Sinftau = t),
      traces s t
  | traces_oom: forall l s'
      (PREF: fintrace s l s')
      (TEQ: appt l Soom = t),
      traces s t
  | traces_infnontau: forall
      (INF: infnontau s t),
      traces s t.

Infinite trace of tau actions perhaps terminated by an error.

CoInductive inftau_or_err s : Prop :=
  | inftau_or_err_tau: forall s'
      (STEP: taustep lts s Etau s')
      (INF: inftau_or_err s'),
      inftau_or_err s
  | inftau_or_err_fail: forall s'
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      inftau_or_err s.

Same, except it's in Type

CoInductive tinftau_or_err s : Type :=
  | tinftau_or_err_tau: forall s'
      (STEP: taustep lts s Etau s')
      (INF: tinftau_or_err s'),
      tinftau_or_err s
  | tinftau_or_err_fail: forall s'
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      tinftau_or_err s.

Witness version of the above.

CoInductive inftau_or_err_witness s: trace (St lts) -> Prop :=
  | inftau_or_err_witness_tau: forall s' t
      (STEP: taustep lts s Etau s')
      (INF: inftau_or_err_witness s' t),
      inftau_or_err_witness s (Scons s' t)
  | inftau_or_err_witness_fail: forall s'
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      inftau_or_err_witness s (Scons s' Send).

Hint Constructors inftau_or_err_witness.

Lemma inftau_or_err_upgrade:
  forall s (H: inftau_or_err s), tinftau_or_err s.
  cofix X; intros.
  destruct (excluded_middle_informative (exists s', taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s')) as [M|M].
    by destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ M) as (? & ?); vauto.
  destruct (excluded_middle_informative (exists s', taustep lts s Etau s' /\ inftau_or_err s')) as [N|N].
    by destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ N) as (? & ? & ?); econstructor (by eauto).
  destruct N; destruct H; eauto; destruct M; eauto.

Lemma inftau_or_err_exists_witness:
  forall s (H: inftau_or_err s), exists t, inftau_or_err_witness s t.
  intros; eapply inftau_or_err_upgrade in H.
  exists ((cofix Y s (H: tinftau_or_err s) :=
    match H with
      | tinftau_or_err_tau s' STEP INF => Scons s' (Y _ INF)
      | tinftau_or_err_fail s' TAUS => Scons s' Send
    end) _ H).
  revert s H; cofix X; destruct H; simpl; rewrite (trace_expand _); simpl; eauto.

Same as inftau, except it's in Type

CoInductive tinftau s : Type :=
  | tinftau_cons: forall s'
      (STEP: stepr lts s Etau s')
      (INF: tinftau s'),
      tinftau s.

Witness version of the above.

CoInductive inftau_witness: trace (St lts) -> Prop :=
  | inftau_witness_cons: forall s s' t
      (STEP: stepr lts s Etau s')
      (INF: inftau_witness (Scons s' t)),
      inftau_witness (Scons s (Scons s' t)).

Hint Resolve inftau_witness_cons.

Lemma inftau_upgrade:
  forall s (H: inftau s), tinftau s.
  cofix X; intros.
  destruct (excluded_middle_informative (exists s', stepr lts s Etau s' /\ inftau s')) as [N|[]].
    by destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ N) as (? & ? & ?); econstructor; eauto.
  destruct H; eauto.

Lemma inftau_exists_witness:
  forall s (H: inftau s), exists t, inftau_witness (Scons s t).
  intros; eapply inftau_upgrade in H.
  exists ((cofix Y s (H: tinftau s) :=
    match H with
      | tinftau_cons s' STEP INF => Scons s' (Y s' INF)
    end) _ H).
  revert s H; cofix X; destruct H; simpl.
  rewrite (trace_expand (_ s (tinftau_cons s STEP H))); simpl; eauto.

Infinite trace of non-tau actions, perhaps terminated by an error.

CoInductive infnontau_or_err s : trace event -> Prop :=
  | infnontau_or_err_cons: forall s' ev t,
      taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s' ->
      (ev <> Efail) ->
      infnontau_or_err s' t ->
      infnontau_or_err s (Scons ev t)
  | infnontau_or_err_fail: forall s' t
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      infnontau_or_err s t.

Same, except it's in Type

CoInductive tinfnontau_or_err s : trace event -> Type :=
  | tinfnontau_or_err_cons: forall s' ev t,
      taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s' ->
      (ev <> Efail) ->
      tinfnontau_or_err s' t ->
      tinfnontau_or_err s (Scons ev t)
  | tinfnontau_or_err_fail: forall s' t
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      tinfnontau_or_err s t.

Witness version of the above.

CoInductive infnontau_or_err_witness s : trace event -> trace (St lts) -> Prop :=
  | infnontau_or_err_witness_cons: forall s' ev t t',
      taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s' ->
      (ev <> Efail) ->
      infnontau_or_err_witness s' t t' ->
      infnontau_or_err_witness s (Scons ev t) (Scons s' t')
  | infnontau_or_err_witness_fail: forall s' t
      (FAIL: taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s'),
      infnontau_or_err_witness s t (Scons s' Send).

CoFixpoint infnontau_or_err_w s t (H: tinfnontau_or_err s t) : trace (St lts) :=
  match H with
  | tinfnontau_or_err_cons s' _ _ _ _ INF => Scons s' (infnontau_or_err_w INF)
  | tinfnontau_or_err_fail s' _ _ => Scons s' Send

Correspondence between the two.

Hint Constructors infnontau_or_err_witness.

Lemma infnontau_or_err_upgrade:
  forall s t (H: infnontau_or_err s t), tinfnontau_or_err s t.
  cofix X; intros.
  destruct (excluded_middle_informative (exists s', taustep lts s (Evisible Efail) s')) as [M|M].
    by destruct (constructive_indefinite_description _ M) as (? & ?); vauto.
  destruct (excluded_middle_informative (exists ev, exists s', exists t', taustep lts s (Evisible ev) s'
                /\ ev <> Efail /\ infnontau_or_err s' t' /\ t = Scons ev t')) as [N|N].
    do 3 (eapply constructive_indefinite_description in N; destruct N as (? & N)).
    by decompose [Logic.and] N; clear N; clarify; econstructor (by eauto).
  by destruct N; inv H; [do 3 econstructor; eauto| destruct M; eauto].

Lemma infnontau_or_err_exists_witness:
  forall s t (H: infnontau_or_err s t), exists t', infnontau_or_err_witness s t t'.
  intros; apply infnontau_or_err_upgrade in H; exists (infnontau_or_err_w H); revert s t H.
  cofix X; intros; case H; intros; simpl; rewrite trace_expand; simpl; econstructor; eauto.

The following definition is semantically identical to inftau, but is quite convenient for proofs.
CoInductive inftau' s: Prop :=
  | inftau'_cons: forall s',
      taustep lts s Etau s' ->
      inftau' s' ->
      inftau' s.

Lemma inftau_inftau':
  forall s, inftau s -> inftau' s.
  cofix X; destruct 1; econstructor; eauto; econstructor; vauto.

Lemma inftau'_inftau:
  forall s, inftau' s -> inftau s.
  assert (X: forall s s', taustar lts s s' -> inftau' s' -> inftau s).
    cofix X; intros s s' [|m n l STEP TAU] [x M INF].
    - by destruct (tausteptau_decomp M) as (y & STEP & TAU); econstructor; eauto.
    eby econstructor; eauto; eapply X, INF; eapply taustar_trans, tausteptau_taustar.
  by intros; eapply X; vauto.

Lemma fintrace_tauapp:
  forall s s' s'' l,
    taustar lts s s' ->
    fintrace s' l s'' ->
    fintrace s l s''.
  destruct 2; clarify;
  eauto using fintrace_trans, fintrace_refl, taustar_trans, taustar_taustep.

Lemma fintrace_app:
  forall s s' s'' l l',
    fintrace s l s' ->
    fintrace s' l' s'' ->
    fintrace s (l ++ l') s''.
  induction 1; intros; clarify; simpl; eauto using fintrace_trans, fintrace_tauapp.

Lemma fintrace_apptau:
  forall s s' s'' l,
    fintrace s l s' ->
    taustar lts s' s'' ->
    fintrace s l s''.
  induction 1; intros; clarify; eauto using fintrace_trans, fintrace_refl, taustar_trans.

Lemma traces_app:
  forall s l s' t,
    fintrace s l s' ->
    traces s' t ->
    traces s (appt l t).
  destruct 2; clarify; rewrite <- ?appt_app.
  eauto using traces_end, fintrace_app.
  eauto using traces_fail, fintrace_app.
  eauto using traces_inftau, fintrace_app.
  eauto using traces_oom, fintrace_app.
  eapply traces_infnontau.
  revert s H; induction l; intros; simpl in *;
    by (inv H; clarify; destruct INF;
        eauto using infnontau_cons, taustar_taustep).

Lemma traces_inftau_or_err:
  forall s (INF: inftau_or_err s), traces s Sinftau.
  intros. eapply inftau_or_err_exists_witness in INF; destruct INF as (t & INF).
  destruct (finite_V_infinite t) as [H|H].

  Case "finite".
  revert s INF; induction H; intros; inv INF;
    try (by destruct FAIL as (? & TAU & ERR);
            eapply traces_fail with (l := nil); simpl; try edone; vauto).
  eapply traces_app with (l := nil); eauto.
  by econstructor; try eapply tausteptau_taustar.

  Case "infinite".
  eapply traces_inftau with (s' := s); vauto.
  eapply inftau'_inftau.
  revert s t INF H.
  cofix X.
  inversion 2; clarify.
  inv INF; clarify.
    econstructor; eauto.
  inv H0.

Lemma traces_infnontau_or_err:
  forall s t (INF: infnontau_or_err s t), traces s t.
  intros; eapply infnontau_or_err_exists_witness in INF; destruct INF as (t' & INF).
  destruct (finite_V_infinite t') as [H|H].

  Case "finite".
  revert s t INF; induction H; intros; inv INF;
    try (by destruct FAIL as (? & TAU & ERR);
            eapply traces_fail with (l := nil); simpl; try edone; vauto).
  change (Scons ev t1) with (appt (ev::nil) t1).
  by eapply traces_app; eauto; eapply fintrace_trans; try edone; vauto.

  Case "infinite".
  eapply traces_infnontau.
  revert s t t' INF H.
  cofix X.
  inversion 2; clarify.
  inv INF; clarify.
    econstructor; eauto.
  inv H0.

Lemma inftau_witness_app:
  forall l s t,
    inftau_witness (Scons s (appt l t)) ->
    exists s', exists t', t = Scons s' t' /\
      taustep lts s Etau s' /\ inftau_witness t.
  induction l; simpl; intros; inv H.
  eexists; eexists; split; [|split;[eexists|]]; vauto.
  exploit IHl; try eassumption; intro; des; clarify.
  eexists; eexists; split; split; try done.
  eapply taustar_taustep; try edone; vauto.

End TracesDef.

Tactic Notation "traces_cases" tactic(first) tactic(c) :=
    first; [
      c "traces_end" |
      c "traces_fail" |
      c "traces_inftau" |
      c "traces_oom" |
      c "traces_infnontau"].

Basic upward simulations

Valid arguments for the main function
Definition valid_arg (v : val) :=
  match v with
    | Vint _ => True
    | Vfloat _ => True
    | _ => False

Definition valid_args (vs : list val) :=
  forall v, In v vs -> valid_arg v.

Definition prog_traces (Mm: MM) (Sem: SEM) (p: SEM_PRG Sem) args t :=
  exists ge, exists s, Comp.init Mm Sem p args ge s /\
    traces (mklts event_labels (Comp.step Mm Sem ge)) s t.

Module Bsim. Section Bsim.

  Variables (SrcMM TgtMM: MM).
  Variables (Src Tgt: SEM).
  Variable (match_prg : Src.(SEM_PRG) -> Tgt.(SEM_PRG) -> Prop).

Record sim is a witness for an upward TSO-machine simulation.
  Record sim := make {
    rel : Src.(SEM_GE) -> Tgt.(SEM_GE) -> Comp.state SrcMM Src -> Comp.state TgtMM Tgt -> Prop ;
    order : Src.(SEM_GE) -> Tgt.(SEM_GE) -> Comp.state TgtMM Tgt -> Comp.state TgtMM Tgt -> Prop ;

    empty :
      forall {sge tge s t}
        (REL: rel sge tge s t)
        (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
        (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t)
        (EMPTY: snd t = @PTree.empty _),
        snd s = @PTree.empty _ ;

      forall {sprg tprg tge args tinit}
        (MP: match_prg sprg tprg)
        (VARGS: valid_args args)
        (INIT: Comp.init TgtMM Tgt tprg args tge tinit),
        exists sge, exists sinit,
          Comp.init SrcMM Src sprg args sge sinit /\
          rel sge tge sinit tinit ;

    step :
      forall {sge tge s t t' e}
        (STEP: Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge t e t')
        (REL: rel sge tge s t)
        (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
        (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t)
        (NOOM: e <> Eoutofmemory),
        (exists s',
          taustar (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)) s s' /\
          can_do_error _ s') \/
        (exists s',
          taustep (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)) s e s' /\
          rel sge tge s' t') \/
        (e = Etau /\ order sge tge t t' /\ rel sge tge s t')

  Variable (SimST: sim).

  Let src_lts sge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)).
  Let tgt_lts tge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge)).

  Hint Resolve Comp.step_preserves_consistency

  Lemma fintrace_preserves_consistency :
    forall (Mm: MM) (Sem : SEM) (ge : SEM_GE Sem)
      l (s s' : St (mklts event_labels (Comp.step Mm Sem ge))),
      fintrace (mklts event_labels (Comp.step Mm Sem ge)) s l s' ->
      Comp.consistent Mm Sem s -> Comp.consistent Mm Sem s'.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.

  Hint Resolve fintrace_preserves_consistency.

  Lemma tau_simulation:
    forall {sge tge s t t'}
      (ST : taustar (tgt_lts tge) t t')
      (REL : rel SimST sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t),
    (exists s', taustar (src_lts sge) s s' /\ can_do_error _ s') \/
    (exists s', taustar (src_lts sge) s s' /\ rel SimST sge tge s' t').
    intros until 1; revert s.
    induction ST as [|t t'' t' STEP]; intros; [by right; eexists; vauto|].
    destruct (step _ STEP REL sCONS tCONS)
      as [ERR|[(s'' & TAU & REL'')|(_ & ORD & REL'')]]; try done.
    - by left.
    Case "step".
    destruct (IHST _ REL''); des; clarify; simpl in *; eauto.
    - left; eexists; split; try edone; eapply taustar_trans; try edone.
      eby eapply tausteptau_taustar.
    - right; do 2 eexists; [|edone].
      eby eapply taustar_trans; [eapply tausteptau_taustar|].
    Case "stutter".
    destruct (IHST _ REL''); des; clarify; simpl in *; eauto.

  Lemma taustep_simulation:
    forall {sge tge s t e t'}
      (ST : taustep (tgt_lts tge) t e t')
      (REL : rel SimST sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t)
      (NOOM: e <> Eoutofmemory),
    (exists s', taustar (src_lts sge) s s' /\ can_do_error _ s') \/
    (exists s', taustep (src_lts sge) s e s' /\ rel SimST sge tge s' t') \/
    (e = Etau /\ rel SimST sge tge s t').
    intros; destruct ST as (t'' & TAU & STEP).
    destruct (tau_simulation TAU REL); des; clarify; eauto.
    exploit step; try eapply STEP; eauto; intro; des; clarify; eauto.
    - eby left; eexists; split; [eapply taustar_trans|].
    - eby right; left; do 2 eexists; [eapply taustar_taustep|].
    inv H; eauto.
    eby right; left; do 2 eexists; [eapply steptau_taustar_taustep|].

  Lemma fintrace_simulation:
    forall {sge tge s t l t'}
      (FT : fintrace (tgt_lts tge) t l t')
      (REL : rel SimST sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t),
    (exists s', exists s'', exists l1, exists l2, l = l1 ++ l2 /\ fintrace (src_lts sge) s l1 s'
      /\ taustar (src_lts sge) s' s'' /\ can_do_error _ s'') \/
    (exists s',
      fintrace (src_lts sge) s l s' /\ rel SimST sge tge s' t') \/
    (l = nil /\ order SimST sge tge t t' /\ rel SimST sge tge s t').
    intros; revert s REL sCONS tCONS.
    induction FT; clarify; intros.
    - eapply tau_simulation in H; try eassumption; try congruence.
      destruct H; des; clarify.
      + by left; do 2 eexists; do 2 exists nil; do 2 eexists; vauto.
      by right; left; do 2 eexists; try eassumption; vauto.
    generalize TS; intro TS'; eapply taustep_simulation in TS; try eassumption; try congruence.
    destruct TS as [(? & TAU'' & ERR)|[(? & TAU'' & REL'')|(eNONE & _)]]; clarify.
    - left; eexists; eexists; exists nil; eexists; split; [done|]; split; [|split]; try edone.
      by vauto.
    - simpl in *; specialize (IHFT _ REL'').
      destruct IHFT as [(xx & ? & l1 & l2 & EQ & FT2 & TS2 & ERR)
                       |[(? & FT2 & REL2)|(eNONE & ORD & REL')]]; simpl in *; try done; eauto.
      + by left; eexists; eexists; exists (ev :: l1); eexists l2; simpl;
           split; [congruence|]; split; [|split]; try edone; vauto.
      + by right; left; do 2 eexists; try eassumption; vauto.
      + subst; right; left; do 2 eexists; try eassumption; vauto.
        eauto using fintrace_trans, fintrace_refl, taustar_refl.

  Lemma steperror_sim:
    forall {sge tge s t t'}
      (STEP: Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge t (Evisible Efail) t')
      (REL: rel SimST sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t),
    exists s', taustep (src_lts sge) s (Evisible Efail) s'.
    intros; exploit step; try eassumption; try done.
    intros [(s' & TAU & ? & [[]| |] & ? & ERR)|?]; des; vauto.

  Hint Resolve Comp.no_threads_stuck.

Except for the infinite-tau case, basic simulation implies trace inclusion.
  Theorem traces_incl:
    forall {sprg tprg args t}
      (MP: match_prg sprg tprg)
      (VARG: valid_args args)
      (T: prog_traces TgtMM Tgt tprg args t)
      (INF: forall sge tge s t
        (INF : inftau (tgt_lts tge) t)
        (tCONS : Comp.consistent TgtMM Tgt t)
        (REL : rel SimST sge tge s t)
        (sCONS : Comp.consistent SrcMM Src s),
         inftau_or_err (src_lts sge) s),
      prog_traces SrcMM Src sprg args t.
    intros; destruct T as (tge & tinit & INIT & T).
    destruct (init SimST MP VARG INIT) as (sge & sinit & INIT' & REL).
    assert (tCONS := Comp.init_consistent _ _ INIT).
    assert (sCONS := Comp.init_consistent _ _ INIT').

    eexists; eexists; split; try eassumption.
    clear - INF T REL tCONS sCONS; revert sinit t tinit T REL tCONS sCONS.
    intros; (traces_cases (case T) Case); clarify.

  Case "traces_end".
    intros l t'; intros; clarify.
    assert (t''CONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t') by eauto.
    eapply fintrace_simulation in PREF; try eassumption.
    destruct PREF as [(s' & s'' & l1 & l2 & EQ & FIN & TAU' & s''' & ev & ? & ERR)|
                     [(s' & FIN & REL')|(EQ & ORD & REL')]]; simpl in *; clarify.
    - destruct ev as [[]| |]; clarify; rewrite appt_app.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := appt l2 Send); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eapply fintrace_apptau; eauto.
    - eapply traces_end with (s' := s'); try edone; vauto.
      eapply Comp.stuck_imp_no_threads in STUCK; try done.
      assert (s'CONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s') by eauto.
      by pose proof (empty _ REL' s'CONS t''CONS STUCK); simpl; eauto.
    - eapply traces_end with (s' := sinit); try edone; vauto.
      eapply Comp.stuck_imp_no_threads in STUCK; try done.
      by pose proof (empty _ REL' sCONS t''CONS STUCK); simpl; eauto.

  Case "traces_fail".
    intros l t' t'' tt; intros; clarify.
    assert (t''CONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t') by eauto.
    eapply fintrace_simulation in PREF; try eassumption.
    destruct PREF as [(s' & s'' & l1 & l2 & EQ & FIN & TAU' & s''' & ev & ? & ERR)|
                     [(s' & FIN & REL')|(EQ & ORD & REL')]]; simpl in *; clarify.
    - destruct ev as [[]| |]; clarify; rewrite appt_app.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := appt l2 tt); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eapply fintrace_apptau; eauto.
    - destruct (steperror_sim FAIL REL') as (? & ? & TAU & ERR); eauto.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := tt); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eauto using fintrace_apptau.
    - destruct (steperror_sim FAIL REL') as (? & ? & TAU & ERR); eauto.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := tt); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eauto using fintrace_refl.

  Case "traces_inftau".
    intros l t'; intros; clarify.
    assert (t'CONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t') by eauto.
    eapply fintrace_simulation in PREF; try eassumption.
    destruct PREF as [(s' & s'' & l1 & l2 & EQ & FIN & TAU' & s''' & ev & ? & ERR)|
                     [(s' & FIN & REL')|(EQ & ORD & REL')]]; simpl in *; clarify.
    - destruct ev as [[]| |]; clarify; rewrite appt_app.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := appt l2 Sinftau); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eapply fintrace_apptau; eauto.
    - by eapply traces_app; try eassumption; eapply traces_inftau_or_err, INF; eauto.
    - by eapply traces_inftau_or_err, INF; eauto.

  Case "traces_oom".
    intros l t'; intros; clarify.
    eapply fintrace_simulation in PREF; try eassumption.
    destruct PREF as [(s' & s'' & l1 & l2 & EQ & FIN & TAU' & s''' & ev & ? & ERR)|
                     [(s' & FIN & REL')|(EQ & ORD & REL')]]; simpl in *; clarify.
    - destruct ev as [[]| |]; clarify; rewrite appt_app.
      eapply traces_fail with (t' := appt l2 _); try apply ERR; try edone.
      by eapply fintrace_apptau; eauto.
    - by eauto using traces_oom, taustar_refl, fintrace_refl.
    - by eauto using traces_oom, taustar_refl, fintrace_refl.

  Case "traces_infnontau".
    clear INF; intros; eapply traces_infnontau_or_err.
    revert REL INF tCONS sCONS; clear - src_lts tgt_lts; revert sinit tinit t; cofix X; intros.
    destruct INF.
    generalize H; intro; eapply taustep_simulation in H; try eassumption; try congruence.
    des; clarify.
    clear X; unfold can_do_error in *; des; clarify; destruct l as [[]| |]; vauto.
    econstructor 1; try edone; eapply X; clear X; eauto.

End Bsim. End Bsim.

Upward measured simulations

Module Sim. Section Sim.

  Variables (SrcMM TgtMM: MM).
  Variables (Src Tgt: SEM).
  Variable (match_prg : Src.(SEM_PRG) -> Tgt.(SEM_PRG) -> Prop).

Definition of a measured simulation: it is a basic simulation whose order is well-founded.
  Record sim := make {
    bsim : Bsim.sim SrcMM TgtMM Src Tgt match_prg ;
    order_wf : forall sge tge, well_founded (fun t t' => Bsim.order bsim sge tge t' t)

  Variable (SimST: sim).

  Let src_lts sge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)).
  Let tgt_lts tge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge)).

  Lemma inftau_sim_steps:
    forall {sge tge s t}
      (INF: inftau (tgt_lts tge) t)
      (REL: Bsim.rel (bsim SimST) sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent SrcMM Src s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent TgtMM Tgt t),
    (exists s', taustep (src_lts sge) s (Evisible Efail) s')
    \/ (exists s', exists t',
         taustep (tgt_lts tge) t Etau t'
         /\ taustep (src_lts sge) s Etau s'
         /\ Bsim.rel (bsim SimST) sge tge s' t'
         /\ inftau (tgt_lts tge) t').
    intros; revert INF REL; induction (Sim.order_wf SimST sge tge t) as [t _ IH]; simpl.
    intros; destruct INF as [t' STEP INF]; simpl in *.
    edestruct (Bsim.step (bsim SimST) STEP REL)
      as [(s3 & TAU & s''' & [[]| |] & ? & ERR)|[(s3 & TAUS & REL')|(EQ & ORD & REL')]];
        simpl in *; clarify.
    - by left; vauto.
    - by right; do 3 eexists; vauto; eexists; vauto.
    exploit IH; try eassumption; [eby eapply Comp.step_preserves_consistency|].
    intros [?|(? & ? & TAUt & TAUs & REL'' & INF')]; [by left|right].
    do 3 eexists; vauto.
    by eapply taustar_taustep; try eassumption; vauto.

  Lemma inftau1:
    forall sge tge s t
      (INF : inftau (tgt_lts tge) t)
      (REL : Bsim.rel (bsim SimST) sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent SrcMM Src s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent TgtMM Tgt t),
      inftau_or_err (src_lts sge) s.
    cofix X; intros.
    eapply inftau_sim_steps in INF; try eassumption.
    destruct INF as [(? & ERR)|(? & ? & TAUt & TAUs & REL' & INF)].
    - eby eapply inftau_or_err_fail.
    by eapply inftau_or_err_tau; try eapply X; clear X;
       eauto using Comp.taustep_preserves_consistency.

Main theorem: Our whole-system measured upward simulation implies trace inclusion.
  Theorem traces_incl:
    forall {sprg tprg args t}
      (MP: match_prg sprg tprg)
      (VARG: valid_args args)
      (T: prog_traces TgtMM Tgt tprg args t),
      prog_traces SrcMM Src sprg args t.
    intros; eapply Bsim.traces_incl; try edone.
    eby intros; eapply inftau1.

End Sim. End Sim.

Weak-tau simulations

Module WTsim. Section WTsim.

  Variables (SrcMM TgtMM: MM).
  Variables (Src Tgt: SEM).
  Variable (match_prg : Src.(SEM_PRG) -> Tgt.(SEM_PRG) -> Prop).

Definition of a weak-tau simulation: it consists of a basic simulation, and a weaker relation wrel that is preserved by tau-steps satisfying the order relation.
  Record sim := make {
    bsim : Bsim.sim SrcMM TgtMM Src Tgt match_prg ;
    wrel : Src.(SEM_GE) -> Tgt.(SEM_GE) -> Comp.state SrcMM Src -> Comp.state TgtMM Tgt -> Prop ;
    weaken :
      forall {sge tge s t} (R: Bsim.rel bsim sge tge s t), wrel sge tge s t ;
    wstep :
      forall {sge tge s t t'}
        (STEP: Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge t Etau t')
        (REL: wrel sge tge s t)
        (ORD: Bsim.order bsim sge tge t t')
        (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
        (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t),
        (exists s',
          taustar (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)) s s' /\
          can_do_error _ s') \/
        (exists s',
          taustep (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)) s Etau s' /\
          wrel sge tge s' t')

  Variable (SimST: sim).

  Let src_lts sge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step SrcMM Src sge)).
  Let tgt_lts tge := (mklts event_labels (Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge)).

  Ltac des_err :=
    repeat match goal with
             | H: can_do_error _ _ |- _ =>
               let X := fresh in
                 destruct H as (? & [[]| |] & X & H); clarify; clear X

  Hint Resolve Comp.step_preserves_consistency

  CoInductive not_EA_order tge order t : Prop :=
  | not_EA_order_cons: forall t' t''
      (TS: taustar (tgt_lts tge) t t')
      (STEP: stepr (tgt_lts tge) t' Etau t'')
      (ORD: ~ order t' t'')
      (U: not_EA_order tge order t''),
      not_EA_order tge order t.

  Lemma not_EA_intro:
    forall tge order t tr,
      ~ eventual (always (satf order)) tr ->
      inftau_witness (tgt_lts tge) (Scons t tr) ->
      not_EA_order (tge:= tge) order t.
    intros; eapply not_eventual_always, always_mon in H; [|by apply not_always_eventual].
    revert t tr H H0; clear; cofix X.
    destruct 1; (try by inversion 1).
    eapply eventual_des in H; des.
    rewrite H; intro M.
    eapply inftau_witness_app in M; des; clarify.
    unfold taustep in *; des.
    inversion H4; subst.
    econstructor; try (apply H1); try eassumption.
    eapply taustar_trans; try edone; vauto.
    eapply X; clear X; try eapply INF.
    destruct l; simpl in *; clarify; eauto using always_fut, always_tail.

  Lemma inftau1:
    forall sge tge s t
      (INF : inftau (tgt_lts tge) t)
      (REL : Bsim.rel (bsim SimST) sge tge s t)
      (sCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ s)
      (tCONS: Comp.consistent _ _ t),
      inftau_or_err (src_lts sge) s.
    pose (ults := mklts event_labels
             (fun t e t' => e=Etau /\ Comp.step TgtMM Tgt tge t Etau t'
                            /\ Bsim.order (bsim SimST) sge tge t t')).
    destruct (inftau_exists_witness INF) as (tr & INF').
    destruct (classic (eventual (always (satf (Bsim.order (bsim SimST) sge tge))) tr)).

  Case "eventually_always_ordered".
    eapply eventual_des in H; des; clarify.
    eapply (inftau_witness_app (lts:=tgt_lts tge)) in INF'.

    destruct INF' as (t'' & t'0 & ? & TAU & INF'); clarify.
    eapply (tausteptau_taustar (ts:=tgt_lts tge)) in TAU.
    assert (tCONS': Comp.consistent TgtMM Tgt t'') by eauto.
    eapply Bsim.tau_simulation in TAU; try eassumption.
    clear REL INF. destruct TAU as [ERR|(s'' & TAU & REL)]; des; clarify; des_err; vauto.

    cut (inftau_or_err (src_lts sge) s'').
      inv TAU; [done|]; econstructor 1; try eassumption.
      by eapply tausteptau_taustar_taustep; try eassumption; eexists; vauto.

    cut (Comp.consistent SrcMM Src s''); [|by eauto].
    eapply weaken in REL.
    revert H0 INF' REL tCONS'; clear; revert s'' t'' t'0; cofix X.
    intros s t ll ALW INF REL tCONS sCONS; inv INF.
    inversion ALW; simpl in *; clarify.
    generalize STEP; eapply wstep in STEP; try eassumption; des; clarify; des_err; vauto.
    by econstructor 1; [eassumption|eapply X; clear X; eauto].

  Case "not_eventually_always_ordered".
    pose proof (not_EA_intro H INF') as NO.
    clear INF INF'.
    revert s t NO REL tCONS sCONS; clear; cofix X; destruct 1; intros; clarify.
    assert (tCONS': Comp.consistent TgtMM Tgt t') by eauto.
    eapply Bsim.tau_simulation in TS; try eassumption; eauto.
    des; clarify; des_err; simpl in *; vauto.

    assert (Comp.consistent _ _ s') by eauto.

    generalize STEP; intro; eapply (Bsim.step (bsim SimST)) in STEP; try eassumption; clarify.
    des; clarify; des_err; simpl in *.
    - by econstructor 2; eapply taustar_taustep; try eassumption; vauto.
    by econstructor 1; [eby eapply taustar_taustep|eapply X; clear X; eauto].

Main theorem: Weak-tau simulation implies trace inclusion.
  Theorem traces_incl:
    forall {sprg tprg args t}
      (MP: match_prg sprg tprg)
      (VARG: valid_args args)
      (T: prog_traces TgtMM Tgt tprg args t),
      prog_traces SrcMM Src sprg args t.
    intros; eapply Bsim.traces_incl; try edone.
    eby intros; eapply inftau1.

End WTsim. End WTsim.