Module Memcomp

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Memaux.
Require Import Memeq.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Simulations.
Require Import Classical.
Require Import Libtactics.

Interface for thread semantics

Structure SEM := mkSEM
    SEM_ST : Type ;
    SEM_GE : Type ;
    SEM_PRG : Type ;
    SEM_ge_init : SEM_PRG -> SEM_GE -> mem -> Prop ;
    SEM_main_fn_id : SEM_PRG -> ident ;
    SEM_find_symbol : SEM_GE -> ident -> option pointer ;
    SEM_step : SEM_GE -> SEM_ST -> thread_event -> SEM_ST -> Prop ;
    SEM_init : SEM_GE -> pointer -> list val -> option SEM_ST ;
    SEM_progress_dec :
      forall ge s, (forall s' l', ~ SEM_step ge s l' s') \/
        (exists l', exists s', SEM_step ge s l' s') ;
    SEM_receptive :
      forall ge, receptive (mklts thread_labels (SEM_step ge));
    SEM_determinate :
      forall ge, determinate (mklts thread_labels (SEM_step ge))

Interface for memory model semantics

Structure MM := mkMM
    MM_ST : Type ;
    MM_step : MM_ST -> mm_event -> MM_ST -> Prop ;
    MM_init : mem -> MM_ST ;
    MM_inv : PTree.t unit -> MM_ST -> Prop ;
    MM_inv_init :
      forall m tid,
        MM_inv ((PTree.empty _) ! tid <- tt) (MM_init m) ;
    MM_inv_step :
      forall s ev s'
        (STEP: MM_step s ev s') a
        (INV: MM_inv a s) a'
        (OTH: match ev with
              | MMmem tid' _
              | MMreadfail tid' _ _
              | MMfreefail tid' _ _
              | MMoutofmem tid' _ _ => a' = a /\ a ! tid' = Some tt
              | MMtau => a' = a
              | MMstart t1 t2 => a' = a ! t2 <- tt /\ a ! t1 = Some tt
              | MMexit tid' => a' = PTree.remove tid' a /\ a ! tid' = Some tt
        MM_inv a' s' ;
    MM_no_threads_stuck :
      forall s
        (INV: MM_inv (PTree.empty _) s) s'
        (STEP: MM_step s MMtau s'),
        False ;
      forall a s
        (INV: MM_inv a s) e,
        match e with
          | MMmem tid (MEread p c v) =>
            exists s',
              (exists v', taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMmem tid (MEread p c v')) s' /\
                 samekind thread_labels (TEmem (MEread p c v')) (TEmem (MEread p c v))) \/
               taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMreadfail tid p c) s'
          | MMmem tid (MEwrite p c v) =>
            exists s',
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMmem tid (MEwrite p c v)) s' \/
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMreadfail tid p c) s'
          | MMmem tid (MErmw p c v f) =>
            exists s',
              (exists v', taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMmem tid (MErmw p c v' f)) s' /\
                 samekind thread_labels (TEmem (MErmw p c v' f)) (TEmem (MErmw p c v f))) \/
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMreadfail tid p c) s'
          | MMmem tid (MEfree p k) =>
            exists s',
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s e s' \/
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMfreefail tid p k) s'
          | MMmem tid (MEalloc p i k) =>
            exists s',
              (exists p', taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMmem tid (MEalloc p' i k)) s') \/
              taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s (MMoutofmem tid i k) s'
          | MMmem _ MEfence
          | MMstart _ _
          | MMexit _ => exists s', taustep (mklts mm_event_labels MM_step) s e s'
          | _ => True
        end ;
    MM_fence_tau :
      forall s tid s'
        (STEP: MM_step s (MMmem tid MEfence) s'),
        s' = s

Definition MM_pure_load_condition (Mm: MM) :=
  forall a s (INV: MM_inv Mm a s) tid p c,
    (exists v, MM_step Mm s (MMmem tid (MEread p c v)) s
              /\ Val.has_type v (type_of_chunk c)) \/
    (exists s', taustep (mklts mm_event_labels (MM_step Mm)) s (MMreadfail tid p c) s').

Composition semantics

Module Comp.

Definition consistent (Mm: MM) (Sem: SEM) (s : MM_ST Mm * PTree.t (SEM_ST Sem)) : Prop :=
  match tt with tt => MM_inv Mm ( (fun _ _ => tt) (snd s)) (fst s) end.

Section MMsemantics.

NB: The composition semantics is parametric w.r.t. the memory model and the thread semantics.
Variables (Mm : MM) (Sem : SEM).

Notation mm_state := (MM_ST Mm).
Notation mm_step := (MM_step Mm).

Notation ST := (SEM_ST Sem).
Notation Sem_step := (SEM_step Sem).
Notation consistent := (consistent Mm Sem).

State of the overall system consists of a state of the TSO machine and states of individual threads.
Definition state : Type := (mm_state * PTree.t ST) % type.

Predicate init p args ge lts is satisfied if lts is the initial state of the parallel composition for the program p with args being the arguments to its main function, and ge is the global environment for the program.
Definition init (p : Sem.(SEM_PRG)) (main_args : list val)
(ge : Sem.(SEM_GE)) (lts : state) : Prop :=
  exists mainst, exists maintid, exists initmem, exists main_ptr,
    Sem.(SEM_ge_init) p ge initmem /\
    Sem.(SEM_find_symbol) ge (Sem.(SEM_main_fn_id) p) = Some main_ptr /\
    Sem.(SEM_init) ge main_ptr main_args = Some mainst /\
    lts = (Mm.(MM_init) initmem, (PTree.empty _) ! maintid <- mainst).

Section MMstep.

Variable (ge : Sem.(SEM_GE)).

mm_arglist tso t locs vals tso' holds if in state tso, reading values vals from locations locs in thread t results in state tso'.
Inductive mm_arglist (tso: mm_state) (t: thread_id) :
    list (pointer * memory_chunk + val) -> list val -> mm_state -> Prop :=
| mm_arglist_refl:
    mm_arglist tso t nil nil tso
| mm_arglist_val: forall locs vals tso' v
    (MA: mm_arglist tso t locs vals tso'),
    mm_arglist tso t (inr (pointer * memory_chunk) v :: locs) (v :: vals) tso'
| mm_arglist_read: forall p c v tso' locs vals tso''
    (RD : mm_step tso (MMmem t (MEread p c v)) tso')
    (MA: mm_arglist tso' t locs vals tso''),
    mm_arglist tso t (inl val (p, c) :: locs) (v :: vals) tso''.

Inductive mm_ext_arglist (tso: mm_state) (t: thread_id) :
    list (pointer * memory_chunk + eventval) -> list eventval -> mm_state -> Prop :=
| mm_ext_arglist_refl:
    mm_ext_arglist tso t nil nil tso
| mm_ext_arglist_val: forall locs vals tso' v
    (MA: mm_ext_arglist tso t locs vals tso'),
    mm_ext_arglist tso t (inr (pointer * memory_chunk) v :: locs) (v :: vals) tso'
| mm_ext_arglist_read: forall p c v tso' locs vals tso'' ev
    (RD : mm_step tso (MMmem t (MEread p c v)) tso')
    (EV : val_of_eval ev = v)
    (MA: mm_ext_arglist tso' t locs vals tso''),
    mm_ext_arglist tso t (inl eventval (p, c) :: locs) (ev :: vals) tso''.

mm_arglist_fail tso t locs holds if in state tso, reading values from locations loc in thread t can lead to an error (reading from unallocated or unaligned memory).
Inductive mm_arglist_fail (tso: mm_state) (t: thread_id) :
    list (pointer * memory_chunk + val) -> Prop :=
| mm_arglist_fail_err: forall tso' p c rest
    (TST: mm_step tso (MMreadfail t p c) tso'),
    mm_arglist_fail tso t (inl val (p, c) :: rest)
| mm_arglist_fail_val: forall locs v
    (MA: mm_arglist_fail tso t locs),
    mm_arglist_fail tso t (inr (pointer * memory_chunk) v :: locs)
| mm_arglist_fail_read: forall p c v tso' locs
    (RD : mm_step tso (MMmem t (MEread p c v)) tso')
    (MA: mm_arglist_fail tso' t locs),
    mm_arglist_fail tso t (inl val (p, c) :: locs).

Inductive mm_ext_arglist_fail (tso: mm_state) (t: thread_id) :
    list (pointer * memory_chunk + eventval) -> Prop :=
| mm_ext_arglist_fail_rerr: forall tso' p c rest
    (TST : mm_step tso (MMreadfail t p c) tso'),
    mm_ext_arglist_fail tso t (inl eventval (p, c) :: rest)
| mm_ext_arglist_fail_everr: forall tso' p c rest v
    (TST : mm_step tso (MMmem t (MEread p c v)) tso')
    (NVOE : forall ev, val_of_eval ev <> v),
    mm_ext_arglist_fail tso t (inl eventval (p, c) :: rest)
| mm_ext_arglist_fail_val: forall locs v
    (MA: mm_ext_arglist_fail tso t locs),
    mm_ext_arglist_fail tso t (inr (pointer * memory_chunk) v :: locs)
| mm_ext_arglist_fail_read: forall p c v tso' locs
    (RD : mm_step tso (MMmem t (MEread p c v)) tso')
    (MA: mm_ext_arglist_fail tso' t locs),
    mm_ext_arglist_fail tso t (inl eventval (p, c) :: locs).

step is a step relation for the entire process (parallel composition of the TSO machine with threads. Note that the silent transition is represented by None.

Inductive step : state -> fullevent -> state -> Prop :=
  | step_ord:
    forall s s' ev tid tso tso' st st'
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem ev) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMmem tid ev) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso', st')
  | step_ext:
    forall s s' ev tso st st' tid
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEext ev) s')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible ev) (tso, st')
  | step_unbuf:
    forall tso tso' st
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso MMtau tso'),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso', st)
  | step_tau:
    forall s s' tid tso st st'
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s TEtau s')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso, st')
  | step_start:
    forall s s' newtid p v tid tso tso' st st' sinit
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEstart p v) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMstart tid newtid) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (Gnewtid: st ! newtid = None)
      (EQst': st' = (st ! tid <- s') ! newtid <- sinit)
      (INIT: Sem.(SEM_init) ge p v = Some sinit),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso', st')
  | step_start_fail: forall s s' p v tid tso st
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEstart p v) s')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (INIT: Sem.(SEM_init) ge p v = None),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st ! tid <- s')
  | step_exit:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s TEexit s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMexit tid) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso', PTree.remove tid st)
  | step_read_fail:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st st' p c v
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem (MEread p c v)) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMreadfail tid p c) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso', st')
  | step_write_fail:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st st' p c v
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem (MEwrite p c v)) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMreadfail tid p c) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso', st')
  | step_free_fail:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st st' p k
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem (MEfree p k)) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMfreefail tid p k) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st)
  | step_rmw_fail:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st st' p c v instr
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem (MErmw p c v instr)) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMreadfail tid p c) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso', st')
  | step_thread_stuck:
    forall s tid tso st
      (NOtidSTEP: forall s' l', ~ Sem_step ge s l' s')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st)
  | step_alloc_out_of_memory:
    forall s s' tid tso tso' st st' p n k
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEmem (MEalloc p n k)) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_step tso (MMoutofmem tid n k) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Eoutofmemory) (tso', st')
  | step_thread_out_of_memory:
    forall s s' tid tso st st'
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s TEoutofmem s')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Eoutofmemory) (tso, st')
  | step_extcallmem:
    forall s s' largs args tid tso tso' st st' id
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEexternalcallmem id largs) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_ext_arglist tso tid largs args tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible (Ecall id args)) (tso', st')
  | step_extcallmem_fail:
    forall s s' largs tid tso st st' id
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEexternalcallmem id largs) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_ext_arglist_fail tso tid largs)
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = st ! tid <- s'),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st')
  | step_startmem:
    forall s s' args tid tso tso' tso'' st st' v sinit newtid fn p
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEstartmem fn args) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_arglist tso tid (fn::args) ((Vptr p)::v) tso')
      (tsoSTEP2: mm_step tso' (MMstart tid newtid) tso'')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (Gnewtid: st ! newtid = None)
      (EQst': st' = (st ! tid <- s') ! newtid <- sinit)
      (INIT: Sem.(SEM_init) ge p v = Some sinit),
    step (tso, st) Etau (tso'', st')
  | step_startmem_read_fail:
    forall s s' args tid tso st st' fn
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEstartmem fn args) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_arglist_fail tso tid (fn::args))
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (EQst': st' = (st ! tid <- s')),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st')
  | step_startmem_spawn_fail:
    forall s s' tid tso st st' lfn largs fn args tso'
      (tidSTEP: Sem_step ge s (TEstartmem lfn largs) s')
      (tsoSTEP: mm_arglist tso tid (lfn::largs) (fn::args) tso')
      (Gtid: st ! tid = Some s)
      (INIT: match fn with Vptr p => Sem.(SEM_init) ge p args = None
                         | _ => True end)
      (EQst': st' = (st ! tid <- s')),
    step (tso, st) (Evisible Efail) (tso, st').

Definition step' := step.

Hint Resolve MM_inv_init MM_inv_step.

Lemma mapempty :
  forall A B f, f (PTree.empty A) = PTree.empty B.
  by intros; apply PTree.ext; intros; rewrite PTree.gmap, !PTree.gempty.

Lemma maps :
  forall A B (f : positive -> A -> B) (m: PTree.t A) k v, f (m ! k <- v) = ( f m) ! k <- (f k v).
  intros; apply PTree.ext; intro x.
  rewrite PTree.gmap, !PTree.gsspec, PTree.gmap; destruct peq; clarify.

Lemma ext_same:
  forall A m k (v: A), m ! k = Some v -> m ! k <- v = m.
  intros; apply PTree.ext; intros; rewrite PTree.gsspec.
  destruct peq; clarify.

Lemma init_consistent:
  forall {prg args ge t} (INIT: init prg args ge t),
    consistent t.
destruct 1; des; clarify; red; simpl; rewrite maps, mapempty; auto. Qed.

Lemma thread_update_preserves_consistency:
  forall m thr
    (CONS: consistent (m, thr)) tid s
    (T: thr ! tid = Some s) s',
    consistent (m, thr ! tid <- s').
  red; intros; red in CONS; simpl in *. rewrite maps, ext_same; try done.
  by rewrite PTree.gmap, T.

Lemma step_preserves_consistency:
  forall s e s'
    (STEP: step s e s')
    (CONS: consistent s),
    consistent s'.
  red; intros; red in CONS; inv STEP; simpl in *; eauto; rewrite ?maps; simpl;
    try (by rewrite ext_same; [|rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid]);
    try (by eapply MM_inv_step; eauto);
    try by eapply MM_inv_step; eauto; instantiate; simpl;
           rewrite (ext_same _ _ tid); rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.

    - eapply MM_inv_step; eauto; instantiate; simpl.
      rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid; split; auto.
      apply PTree.ext; intros; rewrite PTree.gmap, !PTree.grspec, PTree.gmap.
      by destruct PTree.elt_eq; clarify.

    - rewrite (ext_same _ _ tid); try by rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.
      clear tidSTEP; induction tsoSTEP; eauto.
      by eapply IHtsoSTEP; eauto; instantiate;
         eapply MM_inv_step; eauto; simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.

    - rewrite (ext_same _ _ tid); try by rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.
      eapply MM_inv_step; eauto; try split; eauto; simpl;
        try by rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.
      clear tidSTEP; induction tsoSTEP; eauto.
      by eapply IHtsoSTEP; eauto; instantiate;
         eapply MM_inv_step; eauto; simpl; rewrite PTree.gmap, Gtid.

Hint Resolve step_preserves_consistency.

Lemma taustar_preserves_consistency:
  forall s s',
    taustar (mklts event_labels step) s s' ->
    consistent s ->
    consistent s'.
induction 1; eauto. Qed.

Hint Resolve taustar_preserves_consistency.

Lemma taustep_preserves_consistency:
  forall s e s',
    taustep (mklts event_labels step) s e s' ->
    consistent s ->
    consistent s'.
destruct 1; des; eauto. Qed.

Lemma weakstep_preserves_consistency:
  forall s e s',
    weakstep (mklts event_labels step) s e s' ->
    consistent s ->
    consistent s'.
destruct 1; des; eauto. Qed.

  Lemma ptr_or_not:
    forall v, {p | v = Vptr p} + {match v with Vptr _ => False | _ => True end}.
by intros []; vauto. Qed.

    Fixpoint sumlistp (l : list positive) : positive :=
      match l with
        | nil => 1%positive
        | h::t => Pplus h (sumlistp t)
    Lemma sumlistp_greater_than_elems:
      forall l e (H: In e l), exists x, (e + x = sumlistp l)% positive.
      induction l as [|h t IH]; intros; [by inv H|].
      apply in_inv in H. destruct H as [H|H]. subst.
      by exists (sumlistp t).
      destruct (IH e H) as [x X].
      exists (Pplus h x). simpl.
      by rewrite <- X, Pplus_assoc, (Pplus_comm e h), <- Pplus_assoc.
    Lemma fresh_slot_in_map:
      forall (A : Type) (m : @PTree.t A),
        exists e, PTree.get e m = None.
      set (w := sumlistp (map (@fst positive A) (PTree.elements m))).
      exists w.
      destruct (PTree.get w m) as [e|] _eqn : E; try done.
      apply PTree.elements_correct, (in_map (@fst positive A)) in E.
      destruct (sumlistp_greater_than_elems _ _ E) as [x H].
      by pose proof (Pplus_no_neutral w x) as H'; rewrite Pplus_comm in H'.


Lemma no_threads_stuck:
  forall l s s'
    (CONS: consistent s)
    (STEP: step s l s'),
    snd s = PTree.empty _ ->
  intros; red in CONS; inv STEP; simpl in *; clarify; simpl in *;
    rewrite ?PTree.gempty, ?mapempty in *; clarify.
  eby eapply MM_no_threads_stuck.

Lemma stuck_imp_no_threads:
  forall s
    (CONS: consistent s)
    (STUCK: forall l' s', ~ step s l' s'),
    snd s = PTree.empty _.
  intros; apply PTree.ext; intro t; rewrite PTree.gempty.
  destruct ((snd s) ! t) as [ts|] _eqn: X; clarify.
  destruct s as [s thr].
    destruct (SEM_progress_dec _ ge ts) as [TTSTUCK | [l' [ts' STEP]]].
      eby eelim STUCK; eapply step_thread_stuck.

  (thread_event_cases (destruct l' as [e| m| | |sp sa| | |]) Case);
    try (by eelim STUCK; vauto).
  Case "TEmem".
    eapply MM_can_move with (e := MMmem t m) in CONS.
    destruct m; des;
    try (match goal with
         H: taustep _ _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H as [? [XXX ?]]; inv XXX; try by eelim STUCK; vauto
    try (by edestruct (SEM_receptive Sem ge); try apply STEP; try (by eelim STUCK; vauto)).

  Case "TEexit".
    eapply MM_can_move with (e := MMexit t) in CONS; eauto.
    des; (match goal with
         H: taustep _ _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H as [? [XXX ?]]; inv XXX; try by eelim STUCK; vauto

  Case "TEstart".
    destruct (fresh_slot_in_map _ thr) as [newtid TIDF].
    destruct (SEM_init _ ge sp sa) as [ns|] _eqn : INI.
      eapply MM_can_move with (e := MMstart t newtid) in CONS; eauto.
      by des; (match goal with
         H: taustep _ _ _ _ |- _ => destruct H as [? [XXX ?]]; inv XXX; try by eelim STUCK; vauto
    by eelim STUCK; vauto.

  Case "TEexternalcallmem". admit.

  Case "TEstartmem". admit.

End MMstep.
End MMsemantics.
End Comp.

Tactic Notation "comp_step_cases" tactic(f) tactic(c) :=
    f; [
      c "step_ord" |
      c "step_ext" |
      c "step_unbuf" |
      c "step_tau" |
      c "step_start" |
      c "step_start_fail" |
      c "step_exit" |
      c "step_read_fail" |
      c "step_write_fail" |
      c "step_free_fail" |
      c "step_rmw_fail" |
      c "step_thread_stuck" |
      c "step_alloc_out_of_memory" |
      c "step_thread_out_of_memory" |
      c "step_extcallmem" |
      c "step_extcallmem_fail" |
      c "step_startmem" |
      c "step_startmem_read_fail" |
      c "step_startmem_spawn_fail"].