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University of Cambridge Home Computer Laboratory
Semantics of Programming Languages
Computer Laboratory > Course material 2002-03 > Semantics of Programming Languages

Semantics of Programming Languages

Principal lecturer: Dr Peter Sewell (
Taken by: Part IB

Past exam questions (but note that the course has changed significantly from 2001-02)

12 lectures, MWF 12-1 in Lecture Theatre 1, Friday 25th April - Wednesday 21 May.

Lecture 9, on Wednesday 14th May, was a guest lecture by Professor Greg Morrisett from Cornell University.

Lecture 12, on Wednesday 21st May, is an Examples Class.

Here are the notes (ps), (pdf) for lectures 1-8 and 10-12 (and in monochrome (ps), (pdf)). These are updated as the course proceeds. Notes for Lecture 9 are a separate handout, on paper only.

Here also are some errata for the printed notes (fixed in the updated versions above), in ps and pdf.

Model implementations (in Moscow ML) of the languages

Moscow ML is installed on the Intel Lab machines. If you want to work with the implementations on your own machine instead, there are Linux, Windows, and Mac versions of Moscow ML available here.

Here is an extra mock Tripos question, in ps and pdf.