Course pages 2013–14
Principal lecturer: Dr Robert Harle
Taken by: Part IA CST, Part IA NST, Part I PBS
Timing and Location
The registration session is compulsory for all students taking Computer Science in IA (this includes CST, NST and PBST students). It is run at 14.00 in Lecture Theatre 1 of the Computer Laboratory in the William Gates Building
Slides from the Registration Talk
- Introduction by Professor Ann Copestake
- Course details by Dr Robert Harle
- Student Admin slides
- MCS slides
- CourseSRCF slides
Practical Group Allocations
- Group A has ML/Java practicals 4-6pm on Thursdays starting 17 October
- Group B has ML/Java practicals 2-4pm on Thursdays starting 17 October
CST students also have hardware practicals every second week, starting in week 3 (October 24). These are arranged in subgroups of A and B base don whether the week number is odd or even:
- Group AO (A, odd) Hardware practicals 1.30-4pm on Thursdays of weeks 3,5,7
- Group AE (A, even) Hardware practicals 1.30-4pm on Thursdays of weeks 4,6,8
- Group BO (B, odd) Hardware practicals 10.30-1pm on Thursdays of weeks 3,5,7
- Group BE (B, even) Hardware practicals 10.30-1pm on Thursdays of weeks 4,6,8
For absolute clarity, here are the dates:
- Week 1: October 10
- Week 2: October 17 [ML practicals start]
- Week 3: October 24 [Hardware practicals start]
- Week 4: October 31
- Week 5: November 7
- Week 6: November 14
- Week 7: November 21
- Week 8: November 28
Useful links
- Course web pages for CST
- Course web pages for NST or PBST
- Cambridge Computing: The First 75 Years by Haroon Ahmed
Professional Bodies
You are eligible to join one or both of the UK's professional bodies covering Computer Science. These are the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the British Computing Society (BCS). Both of these entities have provided brief slides to introduce themselves, and both offer highly reduced fees for students
- Download the IET presentation or join online (£20 p.a. or £50 entire course)
- Download the BCS presentation or join online (£32 p.a. or £52 entire course)