Computer Laboratory > Teaching > Course material 2009–10 > Building an Internet Router > Source Code



Base Code For Last Updated Where
Software Starter Kit 12-Oct-2009 BIR-sw-20091012.tgz
Hardware Starter Kit 09-Oct-2009 BIR-hw-20091009.tgz

Other files

File Last Updated Where
Reference software system of complete router 22-May-2009 sr_dgu-2009-05-22
Reference hardware system of complete router 4-May-2009 reference_router.090504.bit
Register update/reference router regression tests 8-May-2009 reg_update_ref_router_tests.tgz
Register dump utility 22-May-2009 regdump
Router throughput measurement 03-Jun-2009 router_perf.tgz
Handout 1 (slides from introductory lecture) 12-Oct-2009 PPT PDF
Reference software router implementing PWOSPF 24-Oct-2009 sr_reference_linux
Tiny VNS 30-Oct-2009 tvns v0.1
Week 5 integration test setup 12-Nov-2009 PPT PDF
Week 8 interop test setup 1-Dec-2009 PDF

Version control

We strongly encourage you to use a version control system to manage your files. Version control systems keep track of the changes you make to a project over time. This allows you to retrieve older versions of files and identify why you changed files in a particular way.

Two commonly used version control systems are subversion (svn) and git. We encourage you to use one of these two systems. An intro to git can be found here. An intro to svn can be found here.

Version-control repositories can be set up at google's hosting service and at the student-run computing facility, (as well as in your computer lab home directory, etc.) Do note that Google's facility is world-readable and you need to take on board the implications of this.

We would observe that hardware may fail at ANY time, but usually it fails within 24 hours of submission.