Mariano Felice

I am a Senior Researcher and Data Scientist for Language Assessment and Learning at the British Council, where I'm part of the Assessment Research Group. My work involves looking at how artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) can be used to improve computer-mediated learning and testing, from mining datasets and building models to supporting colleagues in the adoption of new technology.

I am also a visiting researcher in the Natural Language and Information Processing group (Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge), where I spent many years as a research associate for the ALTA Institute. My research interests are mainly in NLP for language learning and assessment, including automated content/test generation, item calibration, CEFR-level estimation and grammatical error correction. I am also interested in evaluation methods.

I also did my PhD at Cambridge, where I worked on grammatical error detection and correction for learners of English as a second language. My thesis focused on generating artificial errors to augment error-annotated corpora and improving evaluation methods. I was supervised by Prof. Ted Briscoe.

Before that, I completed an Erasmus Mundus International Masters in Natural Language Processing and Human Language Technologies, earning individual degrees from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and the University of Wolverhampton (UK). My master's thesis explored the use of linguistic information for estimating the quality of machine translations and was primarily supervised by Prof. Lucia Specia.

I have a first degree in Information Systems from Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentina) and an equivalent engineering degree in Spain.


07/2022: Started a new position as a Senior Researcher and Data Scientist at the British Council.
12/2020: I was one of the instructors of A Crash Course in Automatic Grammatical Error Correction at COLING 2020.
08/2019: I was one of the organisers of the BEA-2019 Shared Task on Grammatical Error Correction.


Contact details

Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
William Gates Building
15 JJ Thomson Avenue
Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK
+44 (0)1223 763727