Computer Laboratory

ECAD and Architecture Practical Classes

Simulation in Modelsim

Open a terminal use the following command to set up the paths and environment variables:

source /ux/clteach/swm11/setup.bash

Start Modelsim by typing:

vsim &

As well having a graphical interface, Modelsim also has a scriptable command interface. Commands can either be typed line by line at the prompts Modelsim> and VSIM N> or saved to a ".do" script and run. We've provided you with which will simulate the TTC running the add.rmb machine code that the assembler created.

Just type do into the Modelsim command prompt. It is possible that you'll need to cd into the directory where you downloaded the script. Modelsim will then simulate the design as if it had been running for 30ns.

The simulation outputs results and an instruction execution trace (via $display statements in the SystemVerilog). Waveform traces will also be produced, though you will probably not need to look at these.

Take a look at The script contains the line: vsim -Gprogpath_rmb=add.rmb -Gdebug_trace=1 TestTinyComp

Refers to the test harness module inside, which will provide test input vectors.
The program run by the test harness. Change add.rmb to change which machine code is loaded before the simulation starts.
Test harness parameter. Change from 0 to 1 to produce a full instruction execution trace.
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