Department of Computer Science and Technology

Show and Tell Event 2008

Show and Tell, 29/30 September 2008, Computer Lab, Cambridge

2008 saw the inaugural Show and Tell event at the Computer Laboratory. We invited technical people from industry to come to the Laboratory in September and experience first hand the contributions being made by our research students.

Event attendees had direct access to the best technical students in the country and will gain a unique insight into what they do. We hope the event will foster strong links between students and industry, helping to ground our research. It also provides a unique opportunity for companies to recruit the best researchers.

Who should attend

The event is aimed at anyone with both a technical background and an interest in establishing relationships with research students, perhaps with a view to collaborating, sponsoring, providing feedback or recruiting.


Agenda The agenda can be downloaded here.

During the event socialising and informal discussion will be actively encouraged.

About the talks

The format of the event centres around short talks given by research students themselves. We have selected our best speakers from each research group to ensure a wide variety of research topics:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Automated Reasoning Group
  • Natural Language and Information Processing
  • Cambridge Programming Research
  • Graphics & Interaction
  • Computer Architecture
  • Security
  • Systems Research
  • Digital Technology
  • Theory and Semantics


Show and Tell 2008 is not a public event, and is by invitation only. If you feel that you would be a good fit for this event and have not already received an invitation, please email us.