
C remains central to our computing infrastructure but still lacks a clear and complete semantics. Programmers lack tools to explore the range of behaviours they should expect; compiler development lacks test oracles; and formal verification and analysis must make (explicitly or implicitly) many choices about the specific C they target. The ISO standards for C have been developed over many years but they remain unclear in some important respects, and in some areas there are differences between the properties of C that are relied on by the corpus of systems code in production, the properties that compiler implementers aim to provide, and the properties of C as it is specified in ISO C11.

The Cerberus project is developing semantic models for a substantial fragment of C. It has several distinctive features:

This is a step towards a clear, consistent, and unambiguous semantics for C.

Cerberus Web Interface

The Cerberus web interface lets one interactively, randomly, or exhaustively explore the behaviour of small sequential C test programs in the Cerberus semantics.

Cerberus BMC Web Interface

The Cerberus BMC web interface lets one explore the behaviour of small concurrent C test programs with respect to an arbitrary axiomatic concurrency model.

Github repo

PhD Thesis


C Memory Object Model Study Group

The C/C++ Memory Object Models: ISO WG21 papers

WG21 Cologne meeting, July 2019

The C Memory Object Model: ISO WG14 papers

WG14 virtual meeting, 2022-07

WG14 virtual meeting, 2021-03

WG14 virtual meeting, 2020-10

WG14 London meeting, 2019-04


WG14 Pittsburgh meeting 2018-10

WG14 Brno meeting working drafts 2018-04

WG14 Brno pre-meeting mailing, 2018-04

WG14 Pittsburgh meeting, 2016-10

WG14 London meeting, 2016-04

Here is a tarball of our test programs, including a tool to run them and log the compile- and run-time output:


In 2013, we disseminated a web form made of 42 questions, ranging over the semantics of pointers, the representation of objects, and the interaction of the two with other values (e.g. through the use of cast operators). Each question consisted of a prose description of a programming idiom, followed by a concrete C program. We targeted this to a small number of experts, but this survey demanded a lot offrom the respondents; it was best done by discussion in person over several hours - so this was limited to 16 participants. A (no longer active) snapshot of the questions is here.

In April-September 2015 we distributed a survey of 15 questions about C (What is C in practice? (Cerberus survey v2)). We were asking what C is in current mainstream practice: the behaviour that programmers assume they can rely on, the behaviour provided by mainstream compilers, and the idioms used in existing code, especially systems code. We were explicitly not asking what the ISO C standard permits, which is often more restrictive, or about obsolete or obscure hardware or compilers. We focussed on the behaviour of memory and pointers. We had responses from 323 people, including many compiler and OS developers. Here is a summary of the results and the (anonymised) detailed comments:


Main contributors: The main Cerberus developer is Kayvan Memarian. Victor Gomes made substantial contributions across the system, and Stella Lau was the main developer of Cerberus BMC. Kyndylan Nienhuis worked on the operational semantics for C11 concurrency. Cerberus originated with Justus Matthiesen's 2010-11 Part II project dissertation and his 2011-12 MPhil dissertation. James Lingard's 2013-14 MPhil dissertation developed a certifying translation validator for simple C programs for the Clang front-end, w.r.t. the Cerberus and Vellvm semantics. David Chisnall and Robert N. M. Watson contributed to the discussion of CHERI semantics. The experimental RefinedC verification system, which uses the Cerberus front-end, is by Michael Sammler, Rodolphe Lepigre, Robbert Krebbers, Kayvan Memarian, Derek Dreyer, and Deepak Garg. The experimental CN verification system, which uses the Cerberus front-end and elaboration into Core (adapted), is by Christopher Pulte, Dhruv C. Makwana, Thomas Sewell, Kayvan Memarian, Peter Sewell, and Neel Krishnaswami.


This software was developed largely within the Rigorous Engineering of Mainstream Systems (REMS) group at the University of Cambridge. It has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 789108, ELVER); the EPSRC Programme Grant REMS: Rigorous Engineering of Mainstream Systems (EP/K008528/1); an EPSRC Leadership Fellowship EP/H005633 (Sewell); a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Nienhuis); an MIT EECS Graduate Alumni Fellowship (Lau); and Google. The work is also part of the CTSRD projects sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), under contract FA8750-10-C-0237. The views, opinions, and/or findings contained in the papers are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies, either expressed or implied, of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.