Module MMperthreadsimdef

Require Import Coqlib.
Require Import Maps.
Require Import Ast.
Require Import Integers.
Require Import Pointers.
Require Import Values.
Require Import Mem.
Require Import Memeq.
Require Import Simulations.
Require Import Events.
Require Import Globalenvs.
Require Import Libtactics.

Section Localsimdef.


Variables (SrcS TgtS : Type).

Variable src_step : SrcS -> thread_event -> SrcS -> Prop.
Variable tgt_step : TgtS -> thread_event -> TgtS -> Prop.

State relation is parametrized on partitions and target memory, in addition to the usual source and target states. The idea is that the target memory can be related to environments. For example, in Machabstr, local variables live in thread-local environments, but in Machconcr they are laid out in memory, so to relate their values, one has to relate Machconcr memory to Machabstr state. The memory partitions are ranges of memory that are 'owned' by the thread. This is typically the stack region used by stack frames of the state. Note that local variables can only be stored in memory that is owned by the target state, but not by the related source state.

Variable rel : TgtS ->
                     list arange ->
                     mem ->
                     SrcS ->
                     list arange ->

Order for stuttering
Variable ord : TgtS -> TgtS -> Prop.

Notation slts := (mklts thread_labels src_step).
Notation src_taustep := (taustep slts).

Simulation rules for individual target transitions

If the target does tau transition, then the source can:
Definition tau_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp :=
  stuck_or_error _ ss \/
  (exists ss', src_taustep ss TEtau ss' /\
               rel ts' tp tm ss' sp) \/
  (rel ts' tp tm ss sp /\
   ord ts' ts) \/
  (exists p, exists n,
               valid_alloc_range (p, n) /\
               (exists r, range_inside (p, n) r /\ In r tp /\ range_not_in (p, n) sp) /\
             exists ss',
               src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEalloc p n MObjStack)) ss' /\
               rel ts' tp tm ss' ((p, n) :: sp)) \/
  (exists p, exists n, exists sp', sp = (p, n) :: sp' /\
              exists ss',
              src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEfree p MObjStack)) ss' /\
              rel ts' tp tm ss' sp').

If the target does a read then the source can:

Definition read_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p c v :=
  stuck_or_error _ ss \/
  (chunk_inside_range_list p c tp /\
   range_not_in (range_of_chunk p c) sp /\
   load_ptr c tm p <> None /\
   (load_ptr c tm p = Some v ->
    (exists ss', src_taustep ss TEtau ss' /\
                rel ts' tp tm ss' sp) \/
    (rel ts' tp tm ss sp /\ ord ts' ts) \/
    stuck_or_error _ ss)) \/
  (forall v' (LD : Val.lessdef v' v),
    exists ss', src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEread p c v')) ss' /\
                rel ts' tp tm ss' sp).

If the target does a write then the source can:
Definition write_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p c v :=
  stuck_or_error _ ss \/
  (chunk_inside_range_list p c tp /\
   range_not_in (range_of_chunk p c) sp /\
   exists tm',
    store_ptr c tm p v = Some tm' /\
    ((exists ss', src_taustep ss TEtau ss' /\
                rel ts' tp tm' ss' sp) \/
     (rel ts' tp tm' ss sp /\ ord ts' ts))) \/
  (exists v', Val.lessdef v' v /\
              exists ss',
              src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEwrite p c v')) ss' /\
              rel ts' tp tm ss' sp).

If the target does an alloc then the source can:
Definition alloc_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p n k :=
  stuck_or_error _ ss \/
  match k with
    | MObjStack =>
       forall tm' (A: alloc_ptr (p, n) k tm = Some tm'),
       (exists ss', src_taustep ss TEtau ss' /\
                    rel ts' ((p, n)::tp) tm' ss' sp) \/
       (rel ts' ((p, n) :: tp) tm' ss sp /\
        ord ts' ts)
    | _ =>
       (exists ss', src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEalloc p n k)) ss' /\
                    rel ts' tp tm ss' sp)

If the target does an alloc then the source can:
  • do an error, or
  • can simulate the free depending on object kind:
    • for stack object kind it can just do tau or stutter,
    • for any other it must do the same free.
  • Definition free_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p k :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      match k with
        | MObjStack =>
           exists n, exists tp', tp = (p, n) :: tp' /\
           forall tm' (A: free_ptr p k tm = Some tm'),
           range_not_in (p, n) sp /\
           ((exists ss', src_taustep ss TEtau ss' /\
                        rel ts' tp' tm' ss' sp) \/
           (rel ts' tp' tm' ss sp /\
            ord ts' ts))
        | _ =>
           (exists ss', src_taustep ss (TEmem (MEfree p k)) ss' /\
                        rel ts' tp tm ss' sp)

    If the target does a read-modify-write then the source can do:
  • an error, or
  • a RMW with a less-defined value.
  • Definition rmw_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp p c v instr :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      (forall v' (LD : Val.lessdef v' v),
        exists ss', src_taustep ss (TEmem (MErmw p c v' instr)) ss' /\
                    rel ts' tp tm ss' sp).

    Auxiliary definitions for thread-start and external-action simulations.
    Fixpoint map_olist {A B} (f : A -> option B) (l : list A) : option (list B) :=
      match l with
        | h :: t => optbind (fun h' => option_map (cons h') (map_olist f t))
                            (f h)
        | nil => Some nil

    Lemma map_map_olist:
      forall A B C (f : A -> option B) (g : B -> option C) (l : list A),
        optbind (map_olist g) (map_olist f l) =
        map_olist (fun x => optbind g (f x)) l.
      induction l as [|h l IH]; [done|].
      simpl; destruct (f h); [|done]; simpl.
      rewrite <- IH.
      destruct (map_olist f l); simpl. done.
      by destruct (g b).

    Definition mem_arg (m : mem) (loc : pointer * memory_chunk + val) :=
      match loc with
        | inl (p, c) => load_ptr c m p
        | inr v => Some v

    Definition mem_arglist (m : mem) (locs : list (pointer * memory_chunk + val)) :=
      map_olist (mem_arg m) locs.
    Definition arglist_local {A} (l : list (pointer * memory_chunk + A))
               (tp sp : list arange) : Prop :=
      forall p c (IN : In (inl A (p, c)) l),
        chunk_inside_range_list p c tp /\
        range_not_in (range_of_chunk p c) sp.

    Definition map_sum_r {A B C} (f : B -> C) (a : A + B) :=
      match a with
        | inl x => inl _ x
        | inr x => inr _ (f x)

    If the target does a thread-start from memory arguments then the source can do:
    Definition startmem_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp mfn margs :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      exists vfnargs, exists fn, exists args,
        arglist_local (mfn :: margs) tp sp /\
        mem_arglist tm (mfn :: margs) = Some vfnargs /\
        Val.lessdef_list (Vptr fn :: args) vfnargs /\
        exists ss',
          src_taustep ss (TEstart fn args) ss' /\
          rel ts' tp tm ss' sp.

    If the target does a ext-call from memory arguments then the source can do:
    Definition extcallmem_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp id margs :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      exists vargs, exists evargs,
        arglist_local margs tp sp /\
        mem_arglist tm (map val_of_eval_memarg margs) = Some vargs /\
        map val_of_eval evargs = vargs /\
        exists ss',
          src_taustep ss (TEext (Ecall id evargs)) ss' /\
          rel ts' tp tm ss' sp.

    If the target does an exit then the source can do:
    Definition exit_simulation ss (sp tp : list arange) :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      exists ss', src_taustep ss TEexit ss' /\ tp = nil /\ sp = nil.

    Generic simulation where the source can either do an error or match the transition exactly.

    Definition same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp te :=
      stuck_or_error _ ss \/
      exists ss', src_taustep ss te ss' /\
                  rel ts' tp tm ss' sp.

    Now we assemble the simulation definition from the pieces above.
    Definition local_intro_simulation :=
      forall ss ts ts' tm sp tp l,
        tgt_step ts l ts' ->
        rel ts tp tm ss sp ->
        match l with
          | TEtau => tau_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp
          | TEmem (MEread p c v) => read_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p c v
          | TEmem (MEwrite p c v) => write_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p c v
          | TEmem (MErmw p c v i) => rmw_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp p c v i
          | TEmem (MEalloc p n k) => alloc_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p n k
          | TEmem (MEfree p k) => free_simulation ss ts ts' tm sp tp p k
          | TEmem MEfence => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEext (Ecall id args) => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEext (Ereturn ty ev) => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEext Efail => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEext (Eexit _) => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEexit => exit_simulation ss sp tp
          | TEstart _ _ => same_ev_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp l
          | TEexternalcallmem id args =>
              extcallmem_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp id args
          | TEstartmem fn args => startmem_simulation ss ts' tm sp tp fn args
          | TEoutofmem => True

    Simulation of stuck states.
    Definition stuck_simulation :=
      forall ss ts ss' tm sp tp l,
        src_step ss l ss' ->
        rel ts tp tm ss sp ->
        exists ts', exists l'', tgt_step ts l'' ts'.

    mem_agrees_on_local m m' tp sp says that (target) memories m and m' agree on all the local locations, i.e., locations that are in partition tp but not in sp.
    Definition mem_agrees_on_local (m : mem) (m' : mem)
                                   (tp : list arange) (sp : list arange) : Prop :=
      forall p c (CI : chunk_inside_range_list p c tp),
        match load_ptr c m p, load_ptr c m' p with
          | Some sv, Some tv =>
              range_not_in (range_of_chunk p c) sp -> sv = tv
          | None, None => True
          | _, _ => False

    We will require that a simulation relation only depends on the thread-local part of memory (this is needed to show non-interference).
    Definition simulation_local_invariant :=
      forall ts tp tm tm' ss sp
        (MA: mem_agrees_on_local tm tm' tp sp)
        (MS: rel ts tp tm ss sp),
          rel ts tp tm' ss sp.
    End Localsimdef.