This second-order equational theory was created from the following second-order syntax description:

syntax STLC | Λ

  N   : 0-ary
  _↣_ : 2-ary | r30

  app : α ↣ β  α  ->  β | _$_ l20
  lam : α.β  ->  α ↣ β | ƛ_ r10

  (ƛβ) b : α.β  a : α |> app (lam(x.b[x]), a) = b[a]
  (ƛη) f : α ↣ β      |> lam (x. app(f, x))   = f

module STLC.Equality where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Families.Core
open import SOAS.Families.Build
open import SOAS.ContextMaps.Inductive

open import STLC.Signature
open import STLC.Syntax

open import SOAS.Metatheory.SecondOrder.Metasubstitution Λ:Syn
open import SOAS.Metatheory.SecondOrder.Equality Λ:Syn

    α β γ τ : ΛT
    Γ Δ Π : Ctx

infix 1 _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_

-- Axioms of equality
data _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_ :  𝔐 Γ {α}  (𝔐  Λ) α Γ  (𝔐  Λ) α Γ  Set where
  ƛβ :  α  β   α ⁆̣    (ƛ 𝔞⟨ x₀ ) $ 𝔟 ≋ₐ 𝔞⟨ 𝔟 
  ƛη :  α  β ⁆̣               ƛ (𝔞 $ x₀) ≋ₐ 𝔞

open EqLogic _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_
open ≋-Reasoning