-- Common imports and other auxiliary operations used in the library
module SOAS.Common where

open import Categories.Category.Instance.Sets public
open import Axiom.Extensionality.Propositional
  using (Extensionality; ExtensionalityImplicit)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality public
  hiding (Extensionality)
  renaming (subst to ≡subst; [_] to ≡[_])

open import Categories.Category public
open import Categories.Category.Helper public
open import Categories.Functor public
  renaming (id to idF)

open import Categories.NaturalTransformation public
  using (ntHelper)
  renaming (NaturalTransformation to NT; id to idN; _∘ᵥ_ to _∘N_)
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Equivalence using (_≃_) public
open import Categories.Morphism using (Iso) public

open import Level as L hiding (lift) renaming (suc to lsuc) public
open import Function using (flip; case_of_; _∋_) public renaming (_$_ to _$ᶠ_)
open import Data.Product public using (_×_; proj₁; proj₂; _,_; Σ; module Σ; Σ-syntax; swap)
open import Data.Sum public using (_⊎_ ; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Unit public using (tt)

-- Unit type
data *T : Set where
  * : *T

-- Shorthand for first universe level
1ℓ : Level
1ℓ = lsuc 0ℓ

-- Basic function extensionality postulates
  -- Extensionality with one explicit or implicit argument
  ext  : Extensionality 0ℓ 0ℓ
  iext : ExtensionalityImplicit 0ℓ 0ℓ

-- Functions with two explicit arguments
ext² : {A : Set} {B : A  Set}{C : (x : A)  B x  Set}
       {f g : (x : A)  (y : B x)  C x y} 
       (∀ x y  f x y  g x y) 
        x y  f x y)   x y  g x y)
ext² p = ext  x  ext  y  p x y))

-- Functions with one implicit and one explicit argument
dext : {A : Set} {B : A  Set}{C : (x : A)  B x  Set}
       {f g : {x : A}  (y : B x)  C x y} 
       (∀ {x} y  f {x} y  g {x} y) 
        {x} y  f {x} y)   {x} y  g {x} y)
dext p = iext (ext p)

-- Functions with two pairs of implicit-explicit arguments
dext² : {A : Set}{B : A  Set}{C : A  A  Set}
       {D : (x : A)  B x  (y : A)  C x y  Set}
       {f g : {x : A}  (b : B x)  {y : A}  (c : C x y)  D x b y c} 
       (∀ {x} b {y} c  f {x} b {y} c  g {x} b {y} c) 
        {x} b {y} c  f {x} b {y} c) 
        {x} b {y} c  g {x} b {y} c)
dext² p = dext  {x} y  dext (p {x} y))

-- Functions with one implicit and one explicit argument where the
-- pointwise equality proof does not use the explicit argument
dext′ : {A : Set} {B : A  Set}{C : (x : A)  B x  Set}
       {f g : {x : A}  (y : B x)  C x y} 
       (∀ {x} {y}  f {x} y  g {x} y) 
        {x} y  f {x} y)   {x} y  g {x} y)
dext′ p = dext  {x} y  p {x}{y})

-- Use the naming convention for categories
𝕊ets : Category 1ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
𝕊ets = Sets 0ℓ
module 𝕊et = Category 𝕊ets

-- Make composition and the identity globally accessible
open Category (Sets 0ℓ) public using (_∘_; id)

-- Set isomorphism shorthands
open import Categories.Morphism 𝕊ets public using ()
        renaming ( _≅_ to _≅ₛ_ ; moduleto ≅ₛ ; ≅-setoid to ≅ₛ-setoid)

-- Congruence with the arguments reversed -- easier to focus on the equalities
-- if the congruence environment is very large
congr : ∀{}{A B : Set }{x y : A}  x  y  (f : A  B)  f x  f y
congr refl f = refl