{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

-- Concrete definition of contexts over a sort T
module SOAS.Context {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common

open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite

-- Context: a list of types
data Ctx : Set where
     : Ctx
  _∙_ : (α : T)  (Γ : Ctx)  Ctx
infixr 50 _∙_

-- Singleton context
pattern _⌋ τ = τ  
pattern ⌈_⌋ α = α  
pattern ⌊_ α = α
infixr 60 _⌋
infix 70 ⌈_⌋
infix 70 ⌊_

-- Context concatenation
_∔_ : Ctx  Ctx  Ctx
        Δ = Δ
(α  Γ)  Δ = α  (Γ  Δ)
infixl 20 _∔_

-- Context concatenation is associative
∔-assoc : (Γ Δ Θ : Ctx)  ((Γ  Δ)  Θ)  (Γ  (Δ  Θ))
∔-assoc  Δ Θ = refl
∔-assoc (α  Γ) Δ Θ = cong (α ∙_) (∔-assoc Γ Δ Θ)

-- Empty context is right unit of context concatenation
∔-unitʳ : (Γ : Ctx)  Γ    Γ
∔-unitʳ  = refl
∔-unitʳ (α  Γ) = cong (α ∙_) (∔-unitʳ Γ)

-- Fairly innocuous extension of Agda's rewrite rules to equate Γ ∔ ∅ with Γ
-- and associativity -- avoids lots of awkward rewrites or transports
{-# REWRITE ∔-unitʳ #-}
{-# REWRITE ∔-assoc #-}