-- Internal hom in families
module SOAS.Abstract.Hom {T : Set} where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Construction.Structure
open import SOAS.Context
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Families.Core {T}
open import SOAS.Families.Isomorphism
open import SOAS.Families.BCCC

open import SOAS.Construction.Skew.SkewClosed

open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor
open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural using (dtHelper)

-- Heterogeneous action of a sorted family on a family
⟨_,_⟩ : Familyₛ  Family  Family
 𝒳 , Y  Γ = (Γ ~[ 𝒳 ]↝_)  Y

⟨-,-⟩F : Bifunctor 𝔽amₛ.op 𝔽amilies 𝔽amilies
⟨-,-⟩F = record
  { F₀ = λ{ (𝒳 , Y)   𝒳 , Y  }
  ; F₁ = λ{ (f , g) o {Δ} σ  g (o (f  σ))  }
  ; identity = refl
  ; homomorphism = refl
  ; F-resp-≈ = λ{ {f = f , g} (p , p′) {Γ} {o}  dext′ (trans (cong (g  o) (dext′ p)) p′) }

-- Arrow mapping
⟨_,_⟩₁ : {𝒳 𝒳′ : Familyₛ} {Y Y′ : Family}  𝒳′ ⇾̣ 𝒳  Y  Y′  ( 𝒳 , Y    𝒳′ , Y′ )
 f , g ⟩₁ = Functor.₁ ⟨-,-⟩F (f , g)

-- Internal hom of sorted families
〖_,_〗 : Familyₛ  Familyₛ  Familyₛ
 X , Y  τ =  X , Y τ 

〖-,-〗F  : Bifunctor 𝔽amₛ.op 𝔽amiliesₛ 𝔽amiliesₛ
〖-,-〗F = record
  { F₀ = λ{ (X , Y)   X , Y  }
  ; F₁ = λ{ (f , g) o {Δ} σ  g (o (f  σ))  }
  ; identity = refl
  ; homomorphism = refl
  ; F-resp-≈ = λ{ {f = f , g} (p , p′) {x = h}  dext′ (trans (cong (g  h) (dext′ p)) p′) }

-- Arrow mapping
〖_,_〗₁ : {𝒳 𝒳′ 𝒴 𝒴′ : Familyₛ}  𝒳′ ⇾̣ 𝒳  𝒴 ⇾̣ 𝒴′  ( 𝒳 , 𝒴  ⇾̣  𝒳′ , 𝒴′ )
 f , g 〗₁ h σ = g (h (f  σ))

〖_,_〗ₗ : {𝒳 𝒳′ : Familyₛ}  𝒳′ ⇾̣ 𝒳  (𝒴 : Familyₛ)  ( 𝒳 , 𝒴  ⇾̣  𝒳′ , 𝒴 )
 f , Z 〗ₗ h σ = h (f  σ)

〖_,_〗ᵣ : {𝒴 𝒴′ : Familyₛ}  (𝒳 : Familyₛ)  𝒴 ⇾̣ 𝒴′  ( 𝒳 , 𝒴  ⇾̣  𝒳 , 𝒴′ )
 X , g 〗ᵣ h σ = g (h σ)

-- | Structure morphisms

i : (𝒳 : Familyₛ)    , 𝒳  ⇾̣ 𝒳
i 𝒳 o = o id

i′ : (X : Family)    , X   X
i′ X o = o id

j : (𝒳 : Familyₛ)   ⇾̣  𝒳 , 𝒳 
j 𝒳 v σ = σ v

L : (𝒳 𝒴 𝒵 : Familyₛ)   𝒴 , 𝒵  ⇾̣   𝒳 , 𝒴  ,  𝒳 , 𝒵  
L 𝒳 Y Z o ς σ = o  v  ς v σ)

L′ : (𝒳 𝒴 : Familyₛ)(Z : Family)   𝒴 , Z     𝒳 , 𝒴  ,  𝒳 , Z  
L′ 𝒳 𝒴 Z o ς σ = o  v  ς v σ)

-- Category of sorted families is skew-closed under the internal hom
𝔽amₛ:SkewClosed : SkewClosed 𝔽amiliesₛ
𝔽amₛ:SkewClosed = record
  { [-,-] = 〖-,-〗F
  ; unit = 
  ; identity = ntHelper record { η = i  ; commute = λ f  refl }
  ; diagonal = dtHelper record { α = j ; commute = λ f  refl }
  ; L = L
  ; L-commute = refl
  ; Lj≈j = refl
  ; ijL≈id = refl
  ; iL≈i = refl
  ; ij≈id = refl
  ; pentagon = refl

    𝒳 𝒴 𝒵 : Familyₛ
    Y Z : Family

-- ⟨X,-⟩ distributes over and factors out of products
⟨𝒳,Y×Z⟩≅⟨𝒳,Y⟩×⟨𝒳,Z⟩ :  𝒳 , (Y ×ₘ Z)  ≅ₘ  𝒳 , Y  ×ₘ  𝒳 , Z 
⟨𝒳,Y×Z⟩≅⟨𝒳,Y⟩×⟨𝒳,Z⟩  = record
  { from = λ h   ρ  proj₁ (h ρ)) , λ ϱ  proj₂ (h ϱ)
  ; to = λ{ (bx , by) ρ  bx ρ , by ρ}
  ; iso = record { isoˡ = refl ; isoʳ = refl }

-- ⟨X,-⟩ factors out of coproducts
⟨𝒳,Y⟩+⟨𝒳,Z⟩⇾⟨𝒳,Y+Z⟩ :  𝒳 , Y  +ₘ  𝒳 , Z    𝒳 , (Y +ₘ Z) 
⟨𝒳,Y⟩+⟨𝒳,Z⟩⇾⟨𝒳,Y+Z⟩ (inj₁ ox) σ = inj₁ (ox σ)
⟨𝒳,Y⟩+⟨𝒳,Z⟩⇾⟨𝒳,Y+Z⟩ (inj₂ oy) ς = inj₂ (oy ς)

-- Same properties for the hom
〖𝒳,𝒴×̣𝒵〗≅̣〖𝒳,𝒴〗×̣〖𝒳,𝒵〗 :  𝒳 , 𝒴 ×̣ₘ 𝒵  ≅̣ₘ  𝒳 , 𝒴  ×̣ₘ  𝒳 , 𝒵 
〖𝒳,𝒴×̣𝒵〗≅̣〖𝒳,𝒴〗×̣〖𝒳,𝒵〗 = ≅ₘ→≅̣ₘ ⟨𝒳,Y×Z⟩≅⟨𝒳,Y⟩×⟨𝒳,Z⟩

〖𝒳,𝒴〗+̣〖𝒳,𝒵〗⇾̣〖𝒳,𝒴+̣𝒵〗 :  𝒳 , 𝒴  +̣ₘ  𝒳 , 𝒵  ⇾̣  𝒳 , (𝒴 +̣ₘ 𝒵) 
〖𝒳,𝒴〗+̣〖𝒳,𝒵〗⇾̣〖𝒳,𝒴+̣𝒵〗 = ⟨𝒳,Y⟩+⟨𝒳,Z⟩⇾⟨𝒳,Y+Z⟩