This second-order equational theory was created from the following second-order syntax description:

syntax Group | G

  * : 0-ary

  unit : * | ε
  add  : *  *  ->  * | _⊕_ l20
  neg  : *  ->  * | ⊖_ r40

  (εU⊕ᴸ) a |> add (unit, a) = a
  (εU⊕ᴿ) a |> add (a, unit) = a
  (⊕A) a b c |> add (add(a, b), c) = add (a, add(b, c))
  (⊖N⊕ᴸ) a |> add (neg (a), a) = unit
  (⊖N⊕ᴿ) a |> add (a, neg (a)) = unit

module Group.Equality where

open import SOAS.Common
open import SOAS.Context
open import SOAS.Variable
open import SOAS.Families.Core
open import SOAS.Families.Build
open import SOAS.ContextMaps.Inductive

open import Group.Signature
open import Group.Syntax

open import SOAS.Metatheory.SecondOrder.Metasubstitution G:Syn
open import SOAS.Metatheory.SecondOrder.Equality G:Syn

    α β γ τ : *T
    Γ Δ Π : Ctx

infix 1 _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_

-- Axioms of equality
data _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_ :  𝔐 Γ {α}  (𝔐  G) α Γ  (𝔐  G) α Γ  Set where
  εU⊕ᴸ :  * ⁆̣                      ε  𝔞 ≋ₐ 𝔞
  εU⊕ᴿ :  * ⁆̣                      𝔞  ε ≋ₐ 𝔞
  ⊕A   :  *   *   * ⁆̣    (𝔞  𝔟)  𝔠 ≋ₐ 𝔞  (𝔟  𝔠)
  ⊖N⊕ᴸ :  * ⁆̣                  ( 𝔞)  𝔞 ≋ₐ ε
  ⊖N⊕ᴿ :  * ⁆̣                  𝔞  ( 𝔞) ≋ₐ ε

open EqLogic _▹_⊢_≋ₐ_
open ≋-Reasoning